Are all gods egocentric?


Colostomy-its not my bag
Registered Senior Member
I`m not religious, but it seems that the bible,koran etc , all most of them seem to say is "praise me" "love me" all the time ad nauseam.
It seems to me that all the countrys of the world , that are third world, are the ones where religion takes up so much of their time, that their is no time left to make something productive. Why does allah demand that he needs to be told he is great five times a day? That is a serious question. Why?
Is it because life is so crappy that they are better off dead, and they are hedging their bets?. Why do muslims just shout allah akbar all the time? What for? Is it any wonder that all of these countrys look like an ashtray with lights.
Christians don`t seem to be quite as bad, they only pander to an egomanic once a week , What about the rest of religion. How often do religions gods have to have their ego`s massaged?
If you created a robot to worship you, wouldn't you be irritated if it did otherwise, of worse yet, worshiped your enemy?
slotty said:
I`m not religious, but it seems that the bible,koran etc , all most of them seem to say is "praise me" "love me" all the time ad nauseam.
It seems to me that all the countrys of the world , that are third world, are the ones where religion takes up so much of their time, that their is no time left to make something productive. Why does allah demand that he needs to be told he is great five times a day? That is a serious question. Why?
Is it because life is so crappy that they are better off dead, and they are hedging their bets?. Why do muslims just shout allah akbar all the time? What for? Is it any wonder that all of these countrys look like an ashtray with lights.
Christians don`t seem to be quite as bad, they only pander to an egomanic once a week , What about the rest of religion. How often do religions gods have to have their ego`s massaged?

You must be kidding if your saying muslims contributed little or nothing to society....Mathematical vocabulary such as "algebra" and "algorithm" are actually borrowings from Arabic words, that were later translated into Latin. It was a Muslim mathematician who formulated the trigonometric function explicitly. The word "sine" was actually the direct translation of the arabic word "jayb". An English mathematician Robert of Chester, who flourished in the middle of the twelfth century, was the first to use sinus equivalent to this Arabic jayb in its trigonometrical acception (Hitti 573). Al-Khwarizmi composed the oldest book on mathematics, known only in translation. He presented more than 800 examples of the calculation of integration and equation, later anticipated by Neo-Babylonians (Hitti 379)."As in trigonometry so in Algebra Muslims must be considered as the founders of this science whose very name reflects its origin... al-Khwarizmi... firmly established this branch of mathematics" (qtd. King 214). They introduced it with the Arabic numerals into Europe and taught Westerners the most convenient convention of arithmetic concept. "The zero and Arabic numerals lie behind the science of calculation as we know it today" (Hitti 573-574). Arab astronomers left the sky immortal traces of their findings. Not only are most of the star-names in European languages are of Arabic origin (The Worlds Almanac and fact Book p199 c2), but a number of technical term such as "azimuth" (al- sumut), "nadir" (nazir), "zenith" (al-samt) are of Arabic etymology. This testifies the rich legacy of Islam to Christian Europe (Hitti 573).
I am always delighted when one of my servant robots gets the nuts to give me the middle finger. ...of course, I end up smashing the ungrateful thing to bits.

I'm inclined to think he was referring to more recent history, possibly even (gasp!) the present.
I am always delighted when one of my servant robots gets the nuts to give me the middle finger. ...of course, I end up smashing the ungrateful thing to bits

You should be thankfull God doesn't do that. We'd all be dead.
Enigma'07 said:
You should be thankfull God doesn't do that. We'd all be dead.

Lol :D ok fair enough then......Well the Last Nobel Peace Prize winner is a muslim woman..... :eek: ....peace

p.s. was suppose to be reponding to fading captain
If you created a robot to worship you, wouldn't you be irritated if it did otherwise, of worse yet, worshiped your enemy?

The question is: who's to blame?

If you make a robot and give it the ability to worship your enemies, you're the one at fault. I know, I know... free will yada yada, but then you should be wondering what you're doing wrong to make your robots worship someone else.

Let's be honest here, god couldn't even manage to keep all his angels subservient to him. They'll know more about everything than humans do, and yet decided to leave god. From day 1 until present time in biblical terms, seemingly everything and everyone has gone against god. We must ask why.

In keeping with fadingCaptain's sentence, god also 'smashed the ungrateful to bits'. It got so bad at one time, he even destroyed every living thing on the planet, except for a few lucky individuals and some cows for sacrifical purposes.

My advice to god right now is that he shouldn't be so eager to smite us- after all, we're just humans- but instead should be looking at what he is doing wrong for so many many people, (and even angels), to turn away from him.

In this day and age I really feel god should appear on a tv show to gain some much needed publicity. I guess it's not so bad nowadays though, because he has seemingly given up on annihilating us- or more to the point - has left that in the hands of nature. Maybe he did learn after all.

But then again.. who's to say he has learnt? I mean, just because something isn't written down as being actioned by god, doesn't mean he has no hand in it. For instance look at the 10 plagues. As we are all taught from a young age, god got angry at the Egyptians, and caused 10 rather nasty plagues to deal with them. When we're a bit older we learn about the bubonic plague, but we're taught that was caused by rats, (disease carrying insects on the rats). Who are we to say it was rats? Why is that plague not also an action of god? Because nobody has written it down as being so?

The same can be said of floods, tornados, earthquakes, meteor strikes, mudslides, lightning and so on and so forth.

How does anyone here define an action of god versus an action of nature? Perhaps the next time there's a tragedy and lots of people die, we can be peaceful in the knowledge that they were just sinning scum anyway, and god dealt with them swiftly.

Of course, there is evidence to show god doesn't play a hand in things anymore - and that is "contest". You see, there's so many other gods, and yet despite his words, he doesn't strike down all those who worship those other [false] gods. Has he handed the gloves in?

The thing is personally, I have no call to just assume truth in middle eastern text. I am as pure an Englishman as any Englishman can get and have my own set of mythologies - such as George and the dragon, crop circles and mothmen. The hobgoblin is also British :D I have no need for mythologies that were created for a whole different culture. god said it himself that his people were the israelites- not once did he state his care for europeans.

He is as much a 'foreign' god as allah, odin, abellio and zeus- and there is no sane reason for an Englishman to believe in any of them.
What God is doing "wrong" is giving people a free will. Take a couple, a husband and wife. they decide they are going to have a kid. Soon after, the wife gives birth to twins. years pass on, until both twins are teenagers. Say in theory they were both treated the same way by their parents, but the two are extreamly differant. One is a rebel that hates his parents and wants to run away from home. the other appriciates his parents and loves them, and show it to them by helping out around the house doing chores and stuff. What causes the differance in the two? THey have free will- a choice to chose. One chose to submit to authority, while the other chose to fight it.
I mean present day. Can anyone name a product from the middle east that is exported ? (not oil and terroists) Do they make anything in the mid east today? If so, what?

My question was about ANY gods egotism,egomania, egoism, and egocentric demands of its follerwers. Why do muslims have to pray FIVE times a day!! just how insecure is allah? what happens if you can only massage allahs ego three times a day ?
I'm not a Muslim, but I believe that for them, it is a way a showing their love to Allah. Like saying I want to show you how devoted I am to you.

Muslims, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Can anyone name a product from the middle east that is exported ?

What about Frankincense and Myrhh? Actually, they were probably from the orient weren't they? The middle east was just the path that it took on the spice route.

On the subject of God's egotism, that's one of the main issues that I have with him myself. It seems that his main requirement is not even to be loved. If you don't love him, you better at least fear him. Because you fear him you better obey him.

Wouldn't it be funny if there is a god and his real purpose with religion was to weed the sheep from the men? All those who blindly follow tradition are sent to hell and all of us who question the world get heaven as a reward? :D
Are you serious? Or are you being sarcastic? I'm guessing sarcastic. If so, read the old testament. Of course, Jesus changed all that. But, I find changing the rules halfway through highly suspect.
Im with enigma and plus i dont think it was their god saying pray to me 5 times a day i think it was a prophet who belived this was the best way to pray and it was just passed down.
Who? the intelligensia. just control of the masses i think. How the hell did they ever get anything done? ever. How many hours a day do muslims spend praying?
Are you serious? Or are you being sarcastic? I'm guessing sarcastic. If so, read the old testament. Of course, Jesus changed all that. But, I find changing the rules halfway through highly suspect.

I'm being dead serious. How do you, Invert Nexus define fear.
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Well, how would you read a god that works in the following manner. The hebrews are getting out of line again. Worship on the high places and the like. Time to send in a foreign army to massacre them until they turn once more to sole worship of myself. Once again, they're out of hand (when will they learn?), ok, Babylonian captivity. Ok, out of hand again. Time to send in Rome. Remember, all these events are attributed to god punishing his people by sending terror into their lives.

Edit: Just saw your last post, Enigma. Something like the above. Fear is being afraid of foreign armies coming in and wiping out your family. Fear is being afraid of being put into slavery for disobeying god's will. Also, fear was not eradicated in the new christian way, it was merely transferred to punishment after death. Fear in this sense is of burning in the fires of hell for not obeying god's will.
Fear? Ah, the long lost feeling...
I think fear is a pretty primal emotion and it has a long definition.
Here you go:

Definition fear [Show phonetics] noun [C or U]
an unpleasant emotion or thought that you have when you are frightened or worried by something dangerous, painful or bad that is happening or might happen: Trembling with fear, she handed over the money to the gunman. Even when the waves grew big, the boy showed no (signs of) fear. I have a fear of heights.
The low profit figures simply confirmed my worst fears. [+ that]
There are fears that the disease will spread to other countries.

fear [Show phonetics] verb 1 [T not continuous] to be frightened of something or someone unpleasant: Most older employees fear unemployment. What do you fear most?
2 [not continuous] FORMAL to be worried or frightened that something bad might happen or might have happened: [+ (that)] Police fear (that) the couple may have drowned. FORMAL It is feared (that) as many as two hundred passengers may have died in the crash. We huddled together, fearing we might be killed. [+ to infinitive] Fearing to go herself, she sent her son to find out the news.
3 FORMAL I fear used to give someone news of something bad that has happened or might happen: [+ (that)] I fear (that) she's already left. fearful [Show phonetics] adjective 1 SLIGHTLY FORMAL frightened or worried about something: He hesitated before ringing her, fearful of what she might say. She's fearful (that) she may lose custody of her children.

2 UK OLD-FASHIONED very bad: a fearful argument a fearful temper
fearfully [Show phonetics] adverb

1 with fear: Fearfully, he walked closer to the edge.

2 UK OLD-FASHIONED extremely: These cakes are fearfully good. fearfulness [Show phonetics] noun fearless [Show phonetics] adjective having no fear: a fearless fighter fearlessly [Show phonetics] adverb They fought fearlessly against the invading armies. fearlessness [Show phonetics] noun fearsome [Show phonetics] adjective

FORMAL frightening: a fearsome reputation a fearsome display of violence fearsomely [Show phonetics] adverb

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
The term fear, when it is used in the Bible in a situation where it's describing you should fear God doesn't actually mean scared of the consequences of doing otherwise. If you study it, it actually means to show respect towards, hold in high emteem.

God punishing the Jews by haveing other nations defeate them showed how important it was to Him that they love Him. You got a toddler and he's out playing by the street. He's told not to play in the street. Why? Yeah, it may be fun for a short time there can be nasty consequinces, such as a flat head. If the kid goes out into the street, a good parent would punish him for doing so. Is it because he wants to see the child cry because he's in time out? No, it's because He knows what can and eventually will happen if the kid stays in the street. the parent loves the kid and doesn't want anything bad to happen to him.
Yes, a good parent would have many children and them slaughter some (limb from limb) to teach the survivors that they should love him. Yes, this is very much in teaching with Dr. Spock.

Heard the story of Elijah (Elisha.. something like that there were a couple prophets by this name)? Elijah had a problem. Elijah was bald. Elijah went to a village. The village children made fun of Elijah, saying "Go up thou, baldhead. Go up thou." Guess what happened to these children... Go on guess. Did you guess that they were torn into little bits and pieces by bears. If you did you guessed right. I bet no one in that village called Elijah baldy again.