Are all discussions of God speculative nonsense?

Heres my argument. People over time, and Earth have always had faith in a higher power.. why? Unless faith is wired into us.
God is not meant to be proven to others, a individual can only prove God to one self, this is faith. This will always give man a reason to live. We will always wonder WHY, and we will always strive further to advance our mind. I present the question, why do you care? If you don't believe in a higher power, fine, thats your choice, but why try to turn the faithful into nonbelievers? That is the working of evil, dont worry, you don't question God by your own free will, but the will of people we don't see.
why try to turn the faithful into nonbelievers?

Why do believers run around proselytizing?

Competing worldviews; they refuse to just accept the fact that everyone's insane to a greater or lesser degree...
And are trying to make the world make sense by promoting their version of reality everywhere.
At least that's what I think.

Why ask why? choose Bud Dry :cheers:
Unless faith is wired into us.
As I have noted before, that is consistent with Jung's theory of archetypes. The same motifs arise in nearly all societies in nearly all eras. With what we've learned about genetics since his death, we would now say that belief in the supernatural is an instinct programmed into our synapses by our DNA. Perhaps this particular irrationality happened to serve as a survival trait in a prehistoric era whose dangers we can't imagine. Or maybe it was passed down by accident through a genetic bottleneck.
With what we've learned about genetics since his death, we would now say that belief in the supernatural is an instinct programmed into our synapses by our DNA.

I think it's a by-product of our ability to see cause and effect, and draw conclusions. It's like our ability to discern gender and mood from subtle facial variations also gives us pareidolia, and gives rise to us seeing faces that aren't there.
Heres my argument. People over time, and Earth have always had faith in a higher power.. why? Unless faith is wired into us.

That is not a very good argument. I wouldn't say faith is wired into us however we are a species with the capacity to acknowledge and question the world around us. That in of itself is amazing. Ancient man used to attribute the rising and falling of the sun to a Sun God. The breeze to a Wind God, fire to a Fire God and so on. Now we have the knowledge and science to understand and define these natural events.

Religious Faith is a completely different animal and I do agree that humanity puts religion in a class of its own - above all other standards for some reason. For most, it's a sensitive subject and can not be questioned. Perhaps it is sensitive only for the fact that when one tries to explain their position logically, it fails the test and sounds utterly absurd when describing their own faith. So they tend to fall back on - Oh this is a "sensitive subject for me"....or "you can't question my faith," or "God can't be explained".
God is not meant to be proven to others, a individual can only prove God to one self, this is faith.

IOW, God can't be proven so flip a coin, draw sticks or pick from a hat.

This will always give man a reason to live. We will always wonder WHY, and we will always strive further to advance our mind.

We always have and will but this is not determined by Faith.

I present the question, why do you care? If you don't believe in a higher power, fine, thats your choice, but why try to turn the faithful into nonbelievers?

Because I believe in humanity and religious faith is a direct threat against it.

That is the working of evil, dont worry, you don't question God by your own free will, but the will of people we don't see.

Having rational, logical and reasonable conversations to perhaps open one's mind to ideology, bigotry and suffering in the world seems evil how?

I do not question God for the same reason that I do not question Zeus.
Heres my argument. People over time, and Earth have always had faith in a higher power.. why? Unless faith is wired into us.

Why? We knew there were many things we did not understand and looked for the agents. We now know what most of them are, bacteria, viruses, electromagnetism, photons, atoms, nuclear forces, plate tectonics, etc... Faith didn't lead to their discovery but lack of faith- it is doubt and uncertainty we should value.
Are all discussions of God speculative nonsense?
don't be too quick to devalue speculation,

Many quote God’s WORD as coming from God’s own mind somehow yet that same WORD says that God is unknowable, unfathomable and mysterious. That same WORD is full of contradictions which may help demonstrate that God truly does work in mysterious, illogical ways.
the bible and religion being the only sources of contemplation?
what gives them the monopoly to speculate on God?
Who gives the church the authority to speak for God?

Those who say they know the mind of God, lie, if the Bible is to be believed. According to it, God is un-knowable.
to a point..those who say they know, may only see a tiny piece of God,(what God has chosen to show us) and think that the piece they see is the only piece. who are they to tell you your piece is not the right piece? God gave you that piece, it is your piece.

Many claim a personal relationship to their God yet few will admit apotheosis.
(had to look that word up)
are you asking about the deification of humans?
(who determines their divinity?)

Are you/they lying if no actual personal contact has occurred?
um..that limits God's interaction with us to only personal contact.
i can know what electricity is without it ever having to touch me..(um..i'm a carpenter, i've gotten shocked many get the point.)

Are all discussions, of any God, just speculative nonsense, or can a man actually know something of God’s thinking?
it is inferred in the bible, that we will be 'like Gods', so there is a possible correlation between how we think and how God thinks..

Are we all just spinning our wheels in discussions
on the contrary..its never a good thing to have a Definitive definition of who/what God is, Man has tried (see Spanish inquisition), it doesn't work.
It Immobilizes God,(its not God doing it,its man<see note below>) God needs room to work,he created us to be free thinkers, what better place to do this but on a science discussion board.

<wait a minute..isn't that what BOTH sides are working towards? (a world where God is not needed?)>
It depends on how you approach it. The way I approached it many years ago was I worked under the assumption that the symbolism of religion is a projection from the unconscious mind. This would explain the associated compulsion that is not uncommon to some religous sects, when they dwell to long and too deep; in the unconscious. But the bible also says, man was created in the image of God, so the unconscious image of God should also be there.

If this premise was true, spontaneous and traditional speculation about God, would include projectiosn from the unconscious mind. If you know how to read symbols, from this output, one can infer the stacking of the personality firmware onto which human nature is based. God is the center of the stack.

Maybe an analogy would be having an intelligent computer who is not aware of the hardware and software composition within the computer from which his unique intelligence eminates. It can think, talk and imagine but is still a child in many ways only doing simple things. His imagination, since it is closer to the software within the unconscious machine, may begin to project bit and piece of its inner workings, but in an indirect way; symbolism. AI will also have its gods in the machine until it can separate and then go back with tools to help with the excavation.

The psycholgists Carl Jung did a good job mapping the human firmware. He inferred structure not just from patients, but also from collective human symbolism, with the many religions the riches source of data. From that he could infer the layers of the collective unconscious.

This approach was too advanced for its time. The atheists were insecure about anything they couldn't control and preferred to remain unconscious. Religion didn't like it either since it turned their mystery into a logical argument for mind structure. I liked it because it was the portal into a new great frontier of science; deepest parts of the mind.
The unconscious mind doesn't necessarily know what is true. To think so is to worship the unknown as a god.
As I have noted before, that is consistent with Jung's theory of archetypes. The same motifs arise in nearly all societies in nearly all eras. With what we've learned about genetics since his death, we would now say that belief in the supernatural is an instinct programmed into our synapses by our DNA. Perhaps this particular irrationality happened to serve as a survival trait in a prehistoric era whose dangers we can't imagine. Or maybe it was passed down by accident through a genetic bottleneck.

Or maybe since the time of the cave men we have naturally had a belief and wonder into the super natural. Maybe cave men knew things we didn't about the unworldly.
we only know of God what God shares with us. Never lose faith in the holly, if faith in your fellow man is lost it is the obligation of all to restore that faith. We only win if we all win. Not to get all preachy or anything, but I believe every man, woman, and child has to come to there own conclusion of what lies beyond. When choosing your belief only search inward. Don't turn to anyone, not the church, not your mother, and not your teacher.
The unconscious mind doesn't necessarily know what is true. To think so is to worship the unknown as a god.

That is what God is called in the bible . " The UNKOWN GOD . It was scribed on something in one of the books . Can't remember which one , but that is what the scripted said
God is not meant to be proven to others, a individual can only prove God to one self, this is faith. This will always give man a reason to live.
Faith does give many people a reason to live for but that does not apply to humanity as a whole.

why do you care? If you don't believe in a higher power, fine, thats your choice, but why try to turn the faithful into nonbelievers?

I will not speak for all atheists but personally my main reasons for caring would be (suspenseful drum-roll please)

1. Religion promotes discrimination
2. Religion slows the progress of science
3. Religion strives to restrict the free will and freedoms of other individuals
4. Religion teaches people that scriptures are enough knowledge and since all the answers are in that book there is no need to expand out in search for alternatives

you don't question God by your own free will, but the will of people we don't see.
Woah I did not know this, please tell me whom I am to blame for my skepticism. :p
If we ever want to truly learn about God the first thing we need to do is to get rid of this God=Religion non sense. If nothing else, God is all that is good on this Earth, and in the universe, and in its self that should be praised, but I personally believe in higher workings, a greater concious if you will. I can't prove this to you, so I will not try. I will not try and make you follow my beliefs, then I will be turned into a prophet by those who believe me. All I want is for people to keep a open mind.

Some one ansewer this question. WHY doubt God? There is absolutely nothing to disprove the existence of God, and there never will be, God will always be greater.

I offer this, from the Eagles.
"don't even try to understand
Just find a place to make your stand
and take it easy "
Some one ansewer this question. WHY doubt God?

Because God is not a necessary requirement for the universe to exist and function, and there is no evidence that such a supernatural entity exists.
The unconscious mind doesn't necessarily know what is true. To think so is to worship the unknown as a god.
if it was known,we would not worship it.

I will not speak for all atheists but personally my main reasons for caring would be (suspenseful drum-roll please)

1. Religion promotes discrimination
2. Religion slows the progress of science
3. Religion strives to restrict the free will and freedoms of other individuals
4. Religion teaches people that scriptures are enough knowledge and since all the answers are in that book there is no need to expand out in search for alternatives
um..see below (religion does not equal God)

If we ever want to truly learn about God the first thing we need to do is to get rid of this God=Religion non sense.

WHY doubt God?
because he created us with the ability to choose..