Are all cultures worthy of equal respect?

My point is that I guessed you were asian because you let your cultural background seep into your identity and it is affecting your beliefs. The real reason that you took offense at my comments in the 2 year old girl thread is because you thought I was attacking a group that you perceive an affiliation with based purely on your geographic location, physical appearance, and shared customs. That is probably not the most intellectual way to go about things.

the problem is your own stupidity stumps you up. i took 'offense' because you were disparaging a whole group and it wasn't intelligent. you "gave" me a reason and a legitimate opening. do you not get that? if you don't like it, then don't give a reason. now can you add that up?

did you notice that others who are not 'asian' also lambasted you? can you figure out why even though they aren't asian? whether i'm asian or not isn't the issue. i had a legitimate reason to be offended because i'm asian "as well" but i also take issue with many things that have nothing to do with race but justice. that said, their are asians who wouldn't be offended because maybe they don't like the chinese or what have you. you assume that i'm "only" motivated by racial bias because that is the way YOU think. basically, you are projecting but think you are clever. do you think that because i'm "asian" i'm not allowed to be offended or that if i am, that automatically means it's not right? for instance, if one disparages black people and a black person is offended, somehow that's not intelligent or they are supposed to pretend they aren't? somehow that's supposed to mean what? they are biased? then don't give biased reasons in the first place so that they can come back at you. your mind is so devious and cowardly it's disgusting.

god, you really are dense. what i really don't get is why you focus solely on one person's opinion but ignore the rest who have similar opinions regarding some of your views, regardless of race. i can only conclude it is to confirm your own preconceived delusion that any criticism toward your views is motivated by racial or cultural bias when it obviously is not. you totally ignore the rest and focus only on what fits your own bias, because that is what you are really about. lol

did you say something about intelligence? is that how you operate in the world by sticking your head in the sand and selectively choosing what you deem to be reality to fit your views??

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A person's culture manifests precisely in how they "act and think."

what? are you kidding? absolutely not "precisely". it also depends on degree and varies between individuals and subcultures within a culture too as well as just one's own personal makeup. um, unfortunately or fortunately, people don't all 'act and think' alike in any culture. if that were true, there would never be even trivial things like disagreements or arguments.
Where on earth is a culture supposed to manifest, if not in the way people think and act?
Where on earth is a culture supposed to manifest, if not in the way people think and act?

because people don't all act and think "precisely" due to "thier" culture. there are people in "other" cultures who may think or act exactly or similarly to someone in "another" culture. is that hard to fathom or is everyone a complete and neat automaton? lol

what i'm getting at is people adjust to the demands or rules of a certain culture but that doesn't mean they all actually agree with or endorse the system or values. so to say that people act and think due to their culture is a bit misleading when one's real thoughts or opinions may vary greatly from the status quo.

think about it. how many people do things they don't want to do everyday in america? how many gripe about the system or a number of things they disagree with but still do what they have to do?
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You know how white people can sometimes . They think they are superior. Mainly cause they take and think they are entitled to take . They don't realize some cultures cut off hands for taking . I call that getting a helping Hand the hard way .
Fuck you think we will ever wise up as a culture . White Man culture that is .

O.K. whiteys Question : Are Asians superior

They save more
they work harder
They do better in school

Are Asians superior to Whitey ?

Oh they are not as big and strong as a big old white fuck from the north ?

The Black Man is
Is the black Man superior to Whitey then .
Go watch some foot ball

What in your mind makes Whitey any more special than anyone else ?

Good deceivers perhaps . Deceive there own cause the other races sure don't believe it .
There is a reason all he other races gang up on Whitey . We deserve it . We took it and sold it in little partials. The Man that sold the world . First we took it by killing and pillaging then we sold it . Actually we gave it away to other white folks .

Thanksgivings coming up fuckers .
It is my favorite Holiday . My sister is dating a Black Foot man that lives in Alaska . He was gonna come down and have thanksgiving with us at my sisters house . I was so looking forward to meeting him for many reasons . One he could tell Me about my place of birth . So much I crave first hand reports about that .
He is not coming at the last minute . I don't know why . My sister will tell Me when we get together next Thursday . I am pretty sure it has to do with cost as he is a Concrete Man and you know how the market is.

Well if they get Married I will get to meet him eventually or maybe I can go stay with em and fish for the King Salmon . Better yet Sockeye, or to some known as " The Reds
Reply to my question.

i just answered your question and i was correcting your very flippant and short-sighted sweeping of how you define people and how they 'act and think'. they don't all 'act and especially think' the same. that was just the point i was making.

this reply was in regard to esoterist's point that people should be judged on how they 'act and think' to which you replied is a result of culture.

and your point being what? that all act and think the same because of their culture? so a murderer in the uk and a murderer in darfur or a murderer in america act and thinks the same because of their culture? evidently not.

people's 'morality' and some of their tastes, thinking and individual makeup/temperament is not all due to one's specific culture or country.
@Pineal --

Yes, that would be a problem, but the mere act of allowing anyone a say(regardless of what we might think of them as people) means that these omissions, whether deliberate or innocent, can be called out.
I agree. Better to air it all.

We can criticize people, to a point, for such hypocrisies. However, even if they are being hypocritical and ignoring the abuses of their chosen group, it still doesn't invalidate anything they might have said,
No, of course, but the act can be counterproductive. In fact what the act appears to be on the surface can, in that case, be something else.

that can only truly be done with evidence(either a lack of evidence that should be there or evidence to the contrary). We can't just dismiss an argument because the person who made it is a hypocrite, it could still turn out to be true.
I'm not focused on it as an epistemic issue, but rather as an act with consequences. In personal relationships such acts can actually be about power plays rather than concerns. The concern guise makes it harder for the other person to respond to what is actually happening. I think, for example, that racism slides into these kinds of 'concerns' and criticism under the guise of something else. And that silence about the behavior of one's own group is a sign this may be the case. Note: I do still agree with you that it gets voiced, but I do not take this voicing as always about what it claims to be and, I think, sometimes the effects are negative.

As for something not being easy for people to accept, well that's their problem, not mine.
Not necessarily. If it shuts down communication, creates enmity, it may very well end up being your problem also. And hypocritical noticing may also be part of 'your' problem.

I know that there are a sizable number of things that I hate to be told(I hate it when I'm wrong, for example), but that doesn't prevent me from being able to accept and admit the truth when it's presented to me.
Just to stress my point: I don't take such speech acts at face value all the time. I think sometimes they are really something else.

I may not like it, but my love of intellectual honesty prevents me from denying it. I also know that most people aren't like that and that it took a good deal of hard work for me to get to the point that I could do that, however the fact that I(with my large number of faults and the fact that I'm not the most extraordinary of individuals, certainly not on this site) could do so leaves very little room for excuses in my mind.
And to also be clear, I am not thinking of you or subtly insulting you and what you would be doing.

I didn't really think that you were suggesting silence as the appropriate course of action, and there are very few outside of the religious circles who would(the whole "blasphemy" thing is such a huge issue for them for no apparent reason).
Actually I think secular society has a lot of taboos also. Patriotism puts pressure on people. Think of what happens when people suggest having a no shopping day - generally people on the left. It's like they said, let's have pedophile day. And the reactions are from both religious and secular people. Criticisms of anything the group things of as a self-evident good, brings out these basically shut up reactions.

I mean even by high school a serious faction is ready to shut down all kinds of speech and they didn't seem particularly religious - unless we take the term rather broadly.
this reply was in regard to esoterist's point that people should be judged on how they 'act and think' to which you replied is a result of culture.

and your point being what? that all act and think the same because of their culture? so a murderer in the uk and a murderer in darfur or a murderer in america act and thinks the same because of their culture? evidently not.

people's 'morality' and some of their tastes, thinking and individual makeup/temperament is not all due to one's specific culture or country.

Where does culture manifest, if not in the way people think and act?
Where does culture manifest, if not in the way people think and act?

and again, people don't all 'act and think' due to "culture." i was highlighting your narrow point to esoterist's post by 'omission.' clever to some but not to me. your post implied that people's thoughts and actions are only due to culture when it's more than that. otherwise, why would you have made that reply? answer my question. why do murderers exist in every culture? maybe because all people's thoughts and actions it's not just about or due to culture. after all, murder is illegal and not considered culturally acceptable in many places but it still occurs. lol

please do try to get the point.
America is a mixed culture in the way it thinks . The American Language is evidence of that . People think we speak English . This wrong to the core . It is mixture of almost all languages. Ideas come from the word . So yet it is still some what divided by culture but you know the more understand the ideas behind the words of the American Language the more that shit brakes down .
We learn from each other in America and if you not well your a stagnate piece of shit going know were fast.

Anyway I know Willnevers heart very well . Our first encounter. Wow !! You were there Birch . I don't know if you remember . She said I was nothing . Pretty much called Me a piece of shit . Well to say it plainly " am Not a piece of shit . A horse ass maybe . A talking Horses Ass like Jim Carey's movie were he takes his hands and flaps his butt like his ass is talking . Yeah . So Willnever Talk out her Ass . Yeah she does . A lot . I am a victim of Wills bigotry .

She hurt my feelings . Did I get over it ? Not yet . Not tell finish seeking My revenge . It hurts so good . Sometimes love don't feel like it should . Hurts so good
and again, people don't all 'act and think' due to "culture." i was highlighting your narrow point to esoterist's post by 'omission.' clever to some but not to me. your post implied that people's thoughts and actions are only due to culture when it's more than that. otherwise, why would you have made that reply? answer my question. why do murderers exist in every culture? maybe because all people's thoughts and actions it's not just about or due to culture. after all, murder is illegal and not considered culturally acceptable in many places but it still occurs. lol

please do try to get the point.

Your an American Birch . A good American . Kisses my dear . I love you . If more could be like you life would improve for all of us .
your post implied that people's thoughts and actions are only due to culture

It implied no such thing. You implied it.

otherwise, why would you have made that reply?

Because it is a legitimate question: Is there such a thing as "culture" at all?

If all we focus on is the actual behavior of individuals, then we cannot speak of culture at all, as each act of each individual can be explained as motivated by that individual's personal motivation, circumstances etc., while there is no need to refer to culture.

But if we do speak of culture: Then where is it that it manifests?
Traditional culture should be viewed for what it is: tedious affairs that could only be endearing to the locals. But the newer and more global cultures that express contemporary living, are a lot more interesting to observe in different peoples. Like, I'm always shocked when I see photos of the inhabitants of the Congo or the Amazon or the Himalayas wearing these fabulously worn-out blue-denim jeans.
Traditional culture should be viewed for what it is: tedious affairs that could only be endearing to the locals. But the newer and more global cultures that express contemporary living, are a lot more interesting to observe in different peoples. Like, I'm always shocked when I see photos of the inhabitants of the Congo or the Amazon or the Himalayas wearing these fabulously worn-out blue-denim jeans.

Levis . They are the musicians in the world
I've got an extraordinary pair that are like twenty years old—tattered in all the right places. I only wear them now for special occasions.
It implied no such thing. You implied it.

Because it is a legitimate question: Is there such a thing as "culture" at all?

If all we focus on is the actual behavior of individuals, then we cannot speak of culture at all, as each act of each individual can be explained as motivated by that individual's personal motivation, circumstances etc., while there is no need to refer to culture.

But if we do speak of culture: Then where is it that it manifests?

I think I understand what you are trying to say about culture . D.N.A. plays a big roll in the grand scheme of things . The Hand Me downs of the past . The thing is it is carried forward yet we strike out for new lands ( Lands of the mind , new Thought . The exchange of culture happens . It has for thousands and thousands of years . I know this to well being that the Me's of Sumer were well handed down to Me . Now that was strange . The people in the beginning when we were still one instead of 4 ? How did they know I would be here to receive the Me's ? That is a the real mystery. How did they know ? Even more freaky is all the people that handed down the Me's ? Why they didn't keep them for them selves . Maybe they tried and there greed made it so they could not hang onto them ? I don't know but I tell you what it is a very strange thing . Who knew what when and how did they know it ?
Originally Posted by Pineal
I agree. Better to air it all. let's have pedophile day. .

You make me nervous bro

Um, you pasted together parts of my post that were not together. And the out of context use of the latter quote is extremely misleading. Did you not understand the context when I wrote that?

If you didn't let me explain. I was saying that for some people saying, for example, the US had a fucked up foreign policy in the 80s in Latin America is like

let's have pedophile day.


I am not suggesting we have pedophile day.

I think it was clear, but hey, who knows?

Edit: I realized my original post was even clearer than this. I was saying that Buy Nothing days are reacted to by many as if they were as horrible as Pedophile day.

I really can't see how what I wrote should have scared you
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Um, you pasted together parts of my post that were not together. And the out of context use of the latter quote is extremely misleading. Did you not understand the context when I wrote that?

what are you doing?
that is totally unacceptable
i'll ascribe it to a formatting error while asking you to be more careful in the future