apparently im the anti christ

Then they didn't really believe it.
Nope, keep reading.

The actual intention is something else. It is an attack on you, a way of trying to make you feel embarrassed or self conscious or something else.

There are only a very few people who would 1) believe it and then 2) go up and tell the person their belief.
Semi-drunk teenagers, f'rinstance?

Watch how they'd behave in the room with the real thing. They'd piss their pants and keep quiet, not that I blame them for that part.
They did, constantly, until a couple got drunk enough to ask.
hello Mr CHi

hows it going?

Sorry i have com ein here a bit late.

how come s you wree in the mosque, were trying to learn about stuff or were you invited to attend.

i think it is great that you were there and shit, but just wondering what the purpsoes was.

And there is no way you are the anti-christ, to much quality in you for that

i was in a mosque in finsbury park the other day, and they said i fit the description of the antichrist. they were not joking though, they said they can sense the evil in my heart and i also fit the physical description. because one eye is wounded.

to be honest, i do kind of have the feeling deep down that i want to take over the world and destroy religion.



NOTE: According to the Bible there is more than one anti-christ....therefore it is entirely possible that you could be one of them.
hello Mr CHi

hows it going?

Sorry i have com ein here a bit late.

how come s you wree in the mosque, were trying to learn about stuff or were you invited to attend.

i think it is great that you were there and shit, but just wondering what the purpsoes was.

And there is no way you are the anti-christ, to much quality in you for that


i have been good lately, no need to say sorry for anything. hope you have been good too.

i attend many religious places on a regular basis, i go to churches, mosques, temples and many other places. i read the holy books of as many cultures as possible, i like to learn about all aspects of philosophy and ancient teachings. plus i like to debate with people about the universe and see everybodies different take on existence.

religion, philosophy and science are important to me, because i want to understand existence as a whole. im interested in what everybody has got to say about the universe and how they try to understand it.

...i just dont like the idea of trying to expose islam as a religion of war and hatred.

Were the Islamic leaders whom called you the antichrist being peaceful and loving?

im just not comfortable with sneaking around catching people out. trying to bring down the good and include them with the bad.

What 'good'?

i mean it would be ok for me to expose extreamists and people that try to bring harm to innocents. but it would mean also giving the moderat muslims a bad name along with the bad apples.

You do realize that the extremeists are given power by the moderates?
Were the Islamic leaders whom called you the antichrist being peaceful and loving??

no they were not, but i dont consider them as moderates, they are borderline extreamists. but if i expose them, the regular populous will use this as ammunition to condemn moderate muslims and extreamists alike.

What 'good'?
the good muslims who practice and preach peace and love. like our resisdent moderate muslim mod, S.A.M, she would not accept the extreamist actions that the bad muslims preach. there are many muslims like her in the world.

You do realize that the extremeists are given power by the moderates

no, i wouldent generalize in such a way. the extreamists manipulate the young and weak minded to follow a corrupt path of islam. many moderates do not condone the extream acts in islam.

i have been good lately, no need to say sorry for anything. hope you have been good too.

i attend many religious places on a regular basis, i go to churches, mosques, temples and many other places. i read the holy books of as many cultures as possible, i like to learn about all aspects of philosophy and ancient teachings. plus i like to debate with people about the universe and see everybodies different take on existence.

religion, philosophy and science are important to me, because i want to understand existence as a whole. im interested in what everybody has got to say about the universe and how they try to understand it.


Hats off too you Mr Chi
I feel privileged to have met the antichrist on an internet forum. Although to be honest I had expected him to be on /b/.
Dingdingding, ancient superstitious bullshit for 200, alex...

actually the bible is devoid of superstitions. Unlike other religious texts. Such as it's babylonian counter part. It's what the bible is known for, but you know...sorry you think so....

You'll be hard pressed to find any superstitions in the bible.
actually the bible is devoid of superstitions. Unlike other religious texts. Such as it's babylonian counter part. It's what the bible is known for, but you know...sorry you think so....

You'll be hard pressed to find any superstitions in the bible.

Your point of view is biased.
People who do not believe in the bible think that there are many superstitions in it, the notion of an Antichrist being one of them.
no they were not, but i dont consider them as moderates, they are borderline extreamists. but if i expose them, the regular populous will use this as ammunition to condemn moderate muslims and extreamists alike.

It would place the moderates at a point where they have to take action against their extremists in order to socially survive.

the good muslims who practice and preach peace and love. like our resisdent moderate muslim mod, S.A.M, she would not accept the extreamist actions that the bad muslims preach. there are many muslims like her in the world.

I've never met a Muslim whom practiced and preached peace and love beyond what normal human biology behaviorally results in. I also don't consider Sam a 'Good' person.

no, i wouldent generalize in such a way. the extreamists manipulate the young and weak minded to follow a corrupt path of islam. many moderates do not condone the extream acts in islam.

Without moderate funding, extremists wont have endless supplies of money and resources.
Have you visited the Woking Mosque?
I have seen it on TV and it looks beautiful inside
with cool green geometrical designs.

I can't find a picture of the interior to link to.
The founder of the mosque was actually a Jewish Orientalist.
Dr Leitner.
M*W: I had suspicions that you were the antichrist. Now, I know.

Man, you're evil!