apparently im the anti christ

What a silly name to call anyone. Even Hitler wasn't literally the anti-Christ. Did the world end or did Hitler? My guess is you aren't anywhere close to being as bad as Hitler.

im nothing like hitler, im a nice guy, if anything im the reborn jesus. they didnt just call me the antichrist, they started quoting scriptures in detail, explaining why im some kind of devil man.

it was funny and at the same time very wierd and creepy.

Wait, was this after you asked them what was the best chemical for dissolving bone?
Beware, this may be a trick to get you to join. Beat you down and then build you up in their image. Brainwashing cults love to do this sort of thing.
so basically it was grown men engaging in name-calling?
Hairpulling and biting at the next visit? lol
so basically it was grown men engaging in name-calling?
That's not much different than some of the threads here on Sciforums.

Hairpulling and biting at the next visit? lol
Oh, so the women are going to join the hatin' next time?

I guess they wouldn't have been too happy if you were to have strolled in there wearing a tshirt with Mohammed on it wearing a turban with one of those spherical fuse bombs in it?
M*W: The astro-theological take on this is that anything that darkens the sun (christ) is the anti-christ. For example, in ancient times when darkness comes, it replaces the light of the sun (god). Darkness was considered evil, well let's face it, they couldn't see a damn thing in the dark, so the moon became known as the Prince of Darkness and was called of all things 'Sin!'

Another example of the anti-christ would be an eclipse of the sun when a planet would oppose the sun as it was seen from Earth. It can all be scientifically (or astro-theologically) explained.

If you really want to learn who the anti-christ is, just wait for the next solar eclipse.
I think we´ve been over this subject M*W; the moon has nothing to do with the word "sin". Not even in your wildest dreams...
Beware, this may be a trick to get you to join. Beat you down and then build you up in their image. Brainwashing cults love to do this sort of thing.

why didnt they just offer me the virgins and eternal life deal?, calling me an antichrist is not good sales marketing. i got the impression that i was not welcome after i was called the antichrist.

Well, thats enough to make those leaders look REALLY REALLY stupid.

they believe that god sends people to eternal hell fire, that virgins await people in heaven, and everything else in the quran.

and you think calling somebody the antichrist makes them look stupid :).

they believe that god sends people to eternal hell fire, that virgins await people in heaven, and everything else in the quran.

and you think calling somebody the antichrist makes them look stupid :).


It does if they are a Muslim leader in a 'Western' country singling out some joe on the street on candid camera.