apparently im the anti christ

It does if they are a Muslim leader in a 'Western' country singling out some joe on the street on candid camera.

i was inside the mosque, is calling me an antichrist really more crazy than anything else in the holy books that people believe?.

i mean if you can go around saying everything else in the bible/quran, surely this is not much different.

no its one of the most famous mosques in london, its been int he news alot aswell, because its linked to alot of terrorism.


Don't you find it strange they thought you were the 'anti-christ' or were you using this as a metaphor. This is a Christian concept.
We have something in common.
For me it wasn't a whole mosque thought, I am impressed.
It was a fellow student at school who I was friends with and tutored all through school.
He became convinced I was an evil embodiment of Satan who was going to kill him and rape his wife (I think she had a crush on me).
He went to teh administration at the school and told them all about it.
He also told them that I was stabbing him in the halls (though there were no wounds).
He elected to leave school until I finished, then start over.

Odd people.
...He went to the administration at the school and told them all about it.
He also told them that I was stabbing him in the halls (though there were no wounds).
He elected to leave school until I finished, then start over.

Odd people.

nobody in admin thought to send him to a counselor?
i was in a mosque in finsbury park the other day, and they said i fit the description of the antichrist. they were not joking though, they said they can sense the evil in my heart and i also fit the physical description. because one eye is wounded.

to be honest, i do kind of have the feeling deep down that i want to take over the world and destroy religion.



So why didn't they kill you ? Were they wussies ? (substitute w for p ;))
nobody in admin thought to send him to a counselor?


I know he went through the school after I did.
I don't know if he ever finished.
My guess is that since he wasn't displaying violent tendencies, they didn't want him to be their problem.
i was in a mosque in finsbury park the other day, and they said i fit the description of the antichrist. they were not joking though, they said they can sense the evil in my heart and i also fit the physical description. because one eye is wounded.

to be honest, i do kind of have the feeling deep down that i want to take over the world and destroy religion.



This is from Wiki:

While the Antichrist is not mentioned by any name or title in the Qur'an[8], Muslims believe that the false messiah or "Maseeh Dajjal" in Arabic (also called) " Awar Dajjal" and "The One Eyed Liar") will come to earth with great power and that true and faithful Muslims will stand up against him and will be the false messiah's sole enemy, until the return of Jesus Christ (which is the last sign mentioned in the Qur'an.

If they believe you are the antichrist, your life is in grave danger.
Or they may just be joking.
This is from Wiki:

If they believe you are the antichrist, your life is in grave danger.
Or they may just be joking.

Yeah, it's hard to imagine someone being serious. Let's put ourselves in their shoes. You think the anti-messiah is a real and obviously hysterically dangerous being. Evil incarnate, as dangerous as the devil and any other counter pole to God.

You think someone is this being.

You walk up and tell them?


Hell, I wouldn't walk up to a much more mundane creature like a hit man or a terrorist and say 'I think you are a _____________'
Sounds like BS.
has bullshit got a sound, next time I'm in a field I'll listen.
however back on topic, most londoners carry a persuader with them now days, dont you EmptyForceOfChi.
anyhow, anybody who ain't asian is the antiichrist to them, in finsbury park mosque.
He said I was going to steal his wife and kill him.
Like I said, I think his wife likely had a crush on me, and he couldn't fathom that, so in his little mind, the only way to deal with that was to decide I was pure evil, and had bewitched her.
what the hell where you doing in a mosk anyway they proberly yus wanted you to leave so they could continue their beer party while there wifes tought they where praying to <insert name>
...Muslims believe that the false messiah or "Maseeh Dajjal" in Arabic (also called) " Awar Dajjal" and "The One Eyed Liar") will come to earth with great power and that true and faithful Muslims will stand up against him and will be the false messiah's sole enemy,....

Moshe Dyan must have driven them crazy. :D
i was inside the mosque, is calling me an antichrist really more crazy than anything else in the holy books that people believe?.

It's not more crazy; however, it puts it into a tangible social context that other people will judge Islam on. If they see Islamic 'leaders' being mean to you and are put on camera then people will judge Islam to be mean and harmful. Just about everything those people learn about Islam from that moment forth will only reinforce that judgment.
It's not more crazy; however, it puts it into a tangible social context that other people will judge Islam on. If they see Islamic 'leaders' being mean to you and are put on camera then people will judge Islam to be mean and harmful. Just about everything those people learn about Islam from that moment forth will only reinforce that judgment.

im not sure i would like to do that, because islam as a whole is not horrible. i wouldent want to turn people against moderate muslims, but muslim extreamists on the other hand are very violent and nasty in my eyes. i just dont like the idea of trying to expose islam as a religion of war and hatred.

im just not comfortable with sneaking around catching people out. trying to bring down the good and include them with the bad. i mean it would be ok for me to expose extreamists and people that try to bring harm to innocents. but it would mean also giving the moderat muslims a bad name along with the bad apples.

part of me agrees part of me doesent, i know what you are saying though.

Used to happen to me all the time: seriously.

Then they didn't really believe it. The actual intention is something else. It is an attack on you, a way of trying to make you feel embarrassed or self conscious or something else. There are only a very few people who would 1) believe it and then 2) go up and tell the person their belief.

Watch how they'd behave in the room with the real thing. They'd piss their pants and keep quiet, not that I blame them for that part.