apparently im the anti christ


i was in a mosque in finsbury park the other day, and they said i fit the description of the antichrist. they were not joking though, they said they can sense the evil in my heart and i also fit the physical description. because one eye is wounded.

to be honest, i do kind of have the feeling deep down that i want to take over the world and destroy religion.


i was in a mosque in finsbury park the other day, and they said i fit the description of the antichrist. they were not joking though, they said they can sense the evil in my heart and i also fit the physical description. because one eye is wounded.

to be honest, i do kind of have the feeling deep down that i want to take over the world and destroy religion.



I realize that Muslims do in fact revere Jesus, but I find it odd they would use the term 'anti-christ' or 'anti-muhammed' for that matter. Are you sure it wasn't a christian sect with a poor handle on its symbols and traditions.
I realize that Muslims do in fact revere Jesus, but I find it odd they would use the term 'anti-christ' or 'anti-muhammed' for that matter. Are you sure it wasn't a christian sect with a poor handle on its symbols and traditions.

no its one of the most famous mosques in london, its been int he news alot aswell, because its linked to alot of terrorism.

i was in a mosque in finsbury park the other day, and they said i fit the description of the antichrist. they were not joking though, they said they can sense the evil in my heart and i also fit the physical description. because one eye is wounded.

to be honest, i do kind of have the feeling deep down that i want to take over the world and destroy religion.



That will teach you to go to a Mosque. Why not go back with a hidden camera and capture everything on video and then slam Islam publicly?
I thought it would be defending...

You need to stalk them now of course...really you need to freak em' out...please?
That will teach you to go to a Mosque. Why not go back with a hidden camera and capture everything on video and then slam Islam publicly?

there is not much to capture, apart from a few of the leaders calling me antichrist lol. i dont think thats slamming material, its not like religion of all types in not full of this nonesense all over the world. i have been called a devil child by catholics aswell. just because i went into a church and started telling everybody not to give the church money. and i called the priest a corrupt asshole who gets paid out of peoples fear of death.

Since their Christ is a mere caricature, being the anti-Christ paradoxially means you are like Christ. Consider it a compliment.
I thought it would be defending...

You need to stalk them now of course...really you need to freak em' out...please?

they didnt seem scared or worried, they were more confrontational than anything. some of the children looked at me with fear in the eyes though. and i dont like the idea of making children scared.

but im sure there is some kind of fun i can get out of this. i just have to work out a safe way of exploiting the fun.

Why would i care what someone who calls themselfe - Look here: - thinks?

I do look for certain posters,one in particular -he he...SAM. But even still i assume 90% are more of a caricature of their true selves. Mostly exaggerated, but there is little reason to believe what we see is total honesty and when does that even happen in real life?

i dont understand this post. is it in the right thread?

he he...yeah.

oh, i get it now. i was kind of hoping it was BS, and i am sure they called you many other things besides AntiChrist. What else did they call you?

that was all, they didnt call me anything else. all they did was tell me that i fit the discription of the antichrist. they were not shouting insults at me or anything like that.

i left when my spider senses were telling me things might not stay peacefull for much longer.

What a silly name to call anyone. Even Hitler wasn't literally the anti-Christ. Did the world end or did Hitler? My guess is you aren't anywhere close to being as bad as Hitler.