Apollo 11 press confrence*** I smell a hoax***!

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I'm not talking about doctoring photos, this is the 60's and even our government didn't have the tech saavy or artistic capability to render believable photos of the earth and moon. Not even hollywood was up to the task quite yet. There is no explainable way that in 1969 they could have gotten photos like the did of the moon if they had not actually gone there.

Ok, so we can't doctor a photo, but we can send a man 250,000 miles to the moon, with a pocket calculator computer, using only aliminum foil to protect them? Dude, save a hit for me:m:

And if you seriously want to believe we landed on the moon, stop looking at only articles and pictures that other people use to show that we didn't. Someone who wants to believe we landed on the moon should have a more diverse selection of evidence.

I admit, I'm biased, and so are you.

this is on such a smaller scale it isn't worthy of comparison. this is the planning of false attacks that were not even carried out. there would have been a much smaller amount of people working on a mere plan.

Yea, but they sure were carried out on 911.

imagine the crew needed to hoax a moon landing and the people who would know it was a hoax. mission control might be oblivious, but the people building the set wouldn't, the astronauts wouldn't, the cameramen wouldn't, the team that would put together and edit the film wouldn't, the people in charge wouldn't. How are you going to keep all these people silent for over 30 years? How are you going to keep them from telling the world that the most astounding feat ever accomplished by man was really a hoax perpetrated by our government?

Ok, so our Military and Government is completey transparent? I think not, if it was, then everyone would of had a Nuclear Bomb the minute we learned how to do it, based on your logic. Because thousands of people worked on the program.

when a skeptic asks an astronaut if we really landed on the moon, and the astronaut storms off, what you see as a man running from the truth, i see as a man furious at the ignorance and callousness of his fellow american.

I would swore on the Bible and told him to shut the fuck up. I'm sure you would of did the same.
Isn't that another topic altogether?

What do you have to say about the use of film cameras versus the use of the television camera?
And what of the blatant difference in size of the mini-earth and the porthole after the lights come on?

Care to comment on this Roy?
I don't really want to stray off topic, but i had to say something. Military officials are very picky on the terms they use because they know they can't say everything, but they want to be very clear about what they are not saying. UFO means Unidentified Flying Object, as i am unsure you know. It does not mean Alien Spacecraft. A UFO is anything that we cannot identify. When he admits they found a UFO, it means he admits they did not find a weather balloon, but they also do not know what it is that they found.

But the fact is, this proves that our Government doesn't tell us the truth about everything. And people like you assume they do. That's why things never change because to many gullable people like you won't hold them accountable for anything.
Care to comment on this Roy?

Why should Roy comment on it? I was asking you.

Specifically as regards the questions I brought up in my post after you posted the link to that idiotic video where they purport to show the astronauts faking the view of the earth through the porthole.
Ok, so we can't doctor a photo, but we can send a man 250,000 miles to the moon, with a pocket calculator computer, using only aliminum foil to protect them? Dude, save a hit for me:m:
we can also split atoms and view galaxies millions of lightyears away but we can't cure a simple cold. the egyptians could build a giant pyramid, but they could not take even a black and white photo of it. abilities are developed out of necessity and motivation. show me any evidence that shows we could have created false images of the moon such that they accurately portray celestial bodies without our knowledge of how those bodies actually look like in reality (we did not know how our own earth looked from the moon yet). you still aren't getting how easy(relatively) it was to send a man to the moon.

I admit, I'm biased, and so are you.
its good that you know that at least.

Yea, but they sure were carried out on 911.
right.... now back to the topic....

Ok, so our Military and Government is completey transparent? I think not, if it was, then everyone would of had a Nuclear Bomb the minute we learned how to do it, based on your logic. Because thousands of people worked on the program.
you know, you have a way of almost completely misunderstanding a post and using that misunderstanding as a way of making you right. you're still not getting it.

i was saying that this kind of cover up would include quite a bit more people than Operation Northwoods or even 9/11 (if it had actually been a government conspiracy). because of the number of people involved, and because the mission in question was such a grand achievement of humankind, then there would be a very, very high probability that someone, somewhere would talk. people change values, move to different countries (where the US cannot necessarily get to them). I very much doubt even the US to be able to keep these people quiet. And yes, i know of many US atrocities kept quiet and the constant lying of officials and whatnot. believe me, i am no advocator of current US policy. i do not trust the government, that is not why i believe we went to the moon. i believe we went to the moon because of all the data we got back, and all the pictures, and all the excitement of those working on the project. i believe it because of the spirit of the project, from the day kennedy told us we would go to the moon before the end of the decade to today.

keeping the atom bomb a secret was a matter of national security and the people working on it knew that. lying and making it look like we went to the moon when we did not is definately not a matter of national security. so many people would be outraged at such an idea that i don't think you could find enough people to do the job, let alone keep it a secret.

I would swore on the Bible and told him to shut the fuck up. I'm sure you would of did the same.
i might've punched him in the face and shoved a moon rock down his throat.
But the fact is, this proves that our Government doesn't tell us the truth about everything. And people like you assume they do. That's why things never change because to many gullable people like you won't hold them accountable for anything.

Hell, i never trust what the government says. Like i said before, i don't trust government officials to tell me that we landed on the moon. i trust the people who devoted their lives to the accomplishment. and telling someone that worked on it that we didn't make it there is like telling a polish jew that the holocaust never happened. all they're going to do is get pissed off and not want to talk to you.
we can also split atoms and view galaxies millions of lightyears away but we can't cure a simple cold.

We can cure the simple cold if we wanted to. It's not in the fanancial interest of drug companies to make a cure for the common cold. If they did, they would lose Billions. How does a drug dealer make money? From repeat customers!

the egyptians could build a giant pyramid, but they could not take even a black and white photo of it.

Photo technology wasn't invented yet. So that's not a valid comparission. But their Heiroglyphs did illustrate them building pyramids.

abilities are developed out of necessity and motivation. show me any evidence that shows we could have created false images of the moon such that they accurately portray celestial bodies without our knowledge of how those bodies actually look like in reality

Stanley Kubrick could! 2001 A space Odyssey was filmed in 1965. It made it's Theactrical debut in 1968. One year before the Moon landing.




i was saying that this kind of cover up would include quite a bit more people than Operation Northwoods or even 9/11 (if it had actually been a government conspiracy). because of the number of people involved, and because the mission in question was such a grand achievement of humankind, then there would be a very, very high probability that someone, somewhere would talk.

People have talked. The Senior Technical Writer for North American Aviation(The company where the Saturn V Rockets were built.)

Kaysing also claims that NASA staged both the Apollo 1 fire and the Challenger accident, deliberately murdering the astronauts on board. His suggestion is that NASA might have learned that these astronauts were about to expose the conspiracy and needed to guarantee their silence. A vocal advocate of conspiracy theories, Kaysing believed that there is a high level conspiracy involving the CIA, Federal Reserve, IRS and other government agencies to brain wash the American public, and control the media. [1] He also implies that the death of NASA safety inspector Thomas Ronald Baron in a traffic accident with a train a week after he testified before Congress, and the disappearance of his 500-page report, was not an accident. He was also a participant in the Fox documentary Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon?, which aired on February 15, 2001.

You said no-one involved has came out. This man certainly has.

keeping the atom bomb a secret was a matter of national security and the people working on it knew that.

Ok, so you're admittnig that it's not impossible to keep a large secert! (Thank you for atleast throwing me one bone)

lying and making it look like we went to the moon when we did not is definately not a matter of national security.

The American people were terrorfied that during the Nuclear Age Russia had the capabilty to launch a satalite into space. The Americans thought that eventually they'll be able to launch Nuclear Weapons from outter space. Eventhough this was highly unlikely, the people were still scared.
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Although I don't personally subscribe to this theory, never the less some of the things mentioned are interesting.

According to researcher Bill Wood, NASA heavily subsidized Stanley Kubrick when he produced the movie "2001". Wood claims 2001 was used to develop the special effects needed to fake a lunar landing and its purpose, when it premiered in 1968, was to show the public what a real lunar landing was supposed to look like.

- Kubrick worked on 2001 with the help of NASA experts Fred Ordway and Harry Lange.

- Ordway had contacts within the aerospace community (including IBM, Honeywell, Boeing, General Dynamics, Grumman, Bell Telephone, and General Electric.) Many of these companies provided documentation and hardware prototypes free of charge in return for "product placements" in the film 2001.

- During a remastering of the film 2001, Senior NASA Apollo administrator George Mueller and astronaut Deke Slayton nicknamed "2001's" Borehamwood, England production facilities "NASA East" after seeing all of the hardware and documentation lying around the studio.

- Ken Adam, production designer on "Dr. Strangelove" and "Barry Lyndon", said he was not asked to work on 2001 because Kubrick had already worked for a year with experts from NASA and had done a lot of research; Adam said he would have been "too far behind." (Note: Ken Adam did production design for the 1971 movie "Diamonds are Forever" that includes a moonscape.)

- In Kubrick's movie "The Shining" there's a scene where the little boy is seen wearing a shirt with the word "Apollo" on the front.

- In Kubrick's movie "Eyes Wide Shut," the main character (and witness to an event) is told that it was "staged, a charade, fake" and he receives a warning to "stop asking questions." There is a theme of secrecy in that movie.

- One of the lines in Kubrick's "Eyes Wide Shut" is as follows:

"Did you never consider the possibility that the whole thing might have been nothing more than a charade?"

- Kubrick wanted his movie "Eyes Wide Shut" released on the 30th anniversary of the launch of Apollo 11 (July 16, 1999) and the North American release of "Eyes Wide Shut" was July 16, 1999.

- Dustin Hoffman plays a character named Stanley in the movie "Wag the Dog." That movie is about a director who is called upon to do a secret film project for the government. In "Wag the Dog," the director wants -- but is told he cannot have -- "credit" for his work in the secret production. The character named Stanley might be a reference to Stanley Kubrick. The Stanley character in "Wag the Dog" completes a secret film project for the government.

- According to a reviewer, the movie "AI" (Artificial Intelligence), developed by Kubrick but directed by Spielberg, is a sci-fi rendition of Pinocchio with a few "out of place" references to the moon.

- There's a trip to the moon in Kubrick's 2001.

- The dialog in 2001 includes such things as "complete security," a "cover story," and "formal security oaths." In the movie, someone asks how long the "cover story" must be maintained.

- Kubrick's 1968 blockbuster "2001" proved that special effects technology certainly existed prior to the alleged 1969 moon landing.

- Actor Ed Bishop played the part of a Lunar shuttle captain in Kubrick's 1968 movie "2001: A Space Odyssey." Interestingly, Ed Bishop also played the part of Klaus Hergersheimer in the 1971 movie "Diamonds are Forever" (and his part was uncredited in that movie.) Ed Bishop is the actor who hands Sean Connery a dosimeter after Sean Connery (as James Bond) breaks into a secret facility in Nevada where fake moonwalking is being filmed. Some people believe Apollo moonwalking could have been filmed at the Nevada Test Site or inside a hangar at nearby Area 51.

- Douglas Trumbull, head of Trumball Film Effects, and creator of many of the effects for the film "2001: A Space Odyssey" also worked on CBS coverage of the Apollo 11 presentation. Trumball worked in Studio City, California for six weeks to prepare for the Apollo 11 broadcast. Trumbull developed a "graphic display projection system" that composed sentences, created moving diagrams, and simulated events for CBS television news coverage of the Apollo 11 mission. (Source: October 1969 issue of "American Cinematographer" magazine, page 984.) Trumbull's involvement in the Apollo broadcasts means that some of the same talent was involved in 2001 and Apollo.
White House press conference*** I smell a hoax***!

Me too, remember the White House press Confrence! ****I didn't have sex with that Woman******?

Or remember this one*********Iraq has weapons of mass destruction and they're 9 months away from having a nuclear bomb*********

Both Hoaxes so whatever Smart ass;)
I think too many people are watching this video with our current culture in mind. A sensationalism, TV-centric culture. These men weren't even a product of the 60's culture. These were men of the 40's. A serious, hard-working, non-braggard group. What were Neil's famous words? Exactly. You couldn't ask for a more brilliant cast to represent our species on another planet.

They were not acting for the cameras, they were conducting a press conference for reporters. They are talking with the knowledge that what they say will be quoted in newspapers and heavily edited. When someone tells them beforehand that the conference will be "televised", those words did not mean then what they mean now.

What do the conspiracy theorists expect, a bunch of grinning dolts flexing their muscles and high-fiving each other? Theists are smarter than the absolute morons that can't think these things through.

The most damning evidence against them is the fact that we went back several times. You would never, ever, ever in a billion years involve more people in a hoax of this sort if you can help it. There was no reason to go back for a hoax, but if you already have the money and infrastructure, and you are doing real research, it pays to go back if you are for real.

God has a greater chance of existing than any of this nonsense, and if you are a part of this crap, you should hang your head in shame. You are one in a billion, the single lucky sperm, and you are blowing the gift of life. Shame on you.

Edit: Ganymede, you are not making any sense in the above post. Clinton's press conference was a man lying to save his ass, which is not a hoax. A hoax would imply that he got a blowjob on purpose so that he could later lie on camera, fooling everyone. And Bush's press conference wasn't a hoax either, it was people trusting the evidence that they wanted to believe, and ignoring any evidence that countered their beliefs. They were just being wrong. (this last case should sound familiar to you)
Ganymede is this your way of tourturing astronauts that went on the moon?

What exactly are you trying to accomplish with this nonsense?

Do you want justice? Do you really think Soviet Union would have accepted moon landing if it was indeed fake? Do you really think America would have ISS (Internation Space Station) ... the beautifull thing... in space?
If we could send unmanned probes to the moon and successfully deploy retroreflectors, why is it impossible that we sent humans?
People have talked. The Senior Technical Writer for North American Aviation(The company where the Saturn V Rockets were built.)
You said no-one involved has came out. This man certainly has.
a few things about this:
the saturn is "built" at cape kennedy.
kaysing was a cataloger of tech material.
kaysing left his job in '63, before they started building apollo.
he has a BA in english.
all of this mans theories have been debunked.

about the a-bomb secret:
this device was built in the middle of the desert.
EVERYONE and i mean everyone that had first hand knowledge was in on town, the same town the bomb was built in. this town had its own post office with its own zip code. ALL mail was censored. this project WAS NOT spread all across the country. these people lived in one small area.
Ganymede is this your way of tourturing astronauts that went on the moon?

What exactly are you trying to accomplish with this nonsense?

Do you want justice? Do you really think Soviet Union would have accepted moon landing if it was indeed fake? Do you really think America would have ISS (Internation Space Station) ... the beautifull thing... in space?

The ISS was largely based on the MIR spacestation correct? Like I said, the Russians civilian space program was far ahead of ours. If debating Science is torture, welcome to America. We debate everything here.
Like I said, the Russians civilian space program was far ahead of ours.
the russian space program had numerous firsts.
first artificial satillite
first man in space
first earth orbi
first space walk
first woman
first pictures of the far side of the moon.
This thread is 178 posts too long. I apologize for contributing...

The first post was good for a laugh, the rest is just waste, except for a few good photographs...

undisputable facts

the USA did not go the moon

It may be the case that three American men went BUT the USA itself did not and for all those using the 'we' word when discussing going to the moon. YOU DID NOT go to the moon. So less of the we........k
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