Apollo 11 press confrence*** I smell a hoax***!

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The ISS was largely based on the MIR spacestation correct? Like I said, the Russians civilian space program was far ahead of ours. If debating Science is torture, welcome to America. We debate everything here.
Wrong. The ISS consists of modules designed by different nations and coordinated cooperatively. There is no predecessor design template. It is a practical approach based on the lift capability (mass and dimension) of the shuttle.

undisputable facts

the USA did not go the moon

It may be the case that three American men went BUT the USA itself did not and for all those using the 'we' word when discussing going to the moon. YOU DID NOT go to the moon. So less of the we........k
This sort of semantic nitpicking contributes nothing and is disruptive. Please stop.
Radiation..NASA LIED, Apollonots would have fried.

I went to the NGDC. Guess what? NASA lied about no major solar particle events occuring during Apollo missions. LIED.

I would link you but I still have 19 more posts before I can do so.

So, go to my site. Go to all videos. Click on second page. And watch NASA's Radiation Problem III

Or watch Jarrah White's Radioactive Anomoly video series for a much more in-depth view of the radiation issue.

Go to the NGDC. Check out the CFI list for major solar flares by date at the bottom.

That's right...There were major solar flares during Apollo mission dates, and NASA lied in their reports by denying this fact.
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