Anyone ever seen a UFO?

Man, not only has this train been derailed, it turns it out it was carrying hazmat and 2 nearby towns had to be evacuated. Lots of people died.

Can we stop berating one another and get back to the subject now, please?
I saw some blinking lights in the sky when I was Kid. They seem to be going in circles. But since I was a kid, I lost interest so fast. So I don't really know what happened to those blinking lights. Maybe some alien was taking pictures of me from afar cause I was just too cute? LOL
Yes. I've seen three at the one time. Classic orb-like structures.

Along with my family, and three other people from the neighbourhood. I live in quite a remote area :)
yeah i once saw a shining object in the sky just a couple years back. it was moving too fast i tried to videograph it through a portable digicam but with its full focal length it was impossible to capture that thing on it. i told my dad bout it but he didn't kinda believed it.
haha it was weird :D
Not at all

I've never seen a UFO. You would think that in my life time I would witness something that could've been a UFO, but nope. I believe in the notion that there are other beings out there.

Have seen unusual objects in the sky on two occasions, in both cases I was accompanied by my wife.

First, not sure of exact date but it was during December back in the late '80's (if anyone is interested I can find the exact date by digging up the report we submitted to NIDS). As we were leaving a friend's Christmas party around 2am (completely sober) a sound best described as high pressure steam escaping (sort of a roar / hiss) drew our attention to directly above us. We witnessed a perfect equilateral triangle shaped craft traveling with one point "first" while emitting a contrail equal in width to its entire trailing edge. To give you a comparative size reference consider a baseball held at arms length. There are many more details, however I would much rather review my report to refresh my memory rather then trying to fill them in now and having to edit later......I would also like to add that I believe that what we saw was very man made.

Please find as follows the details of our second sighting (as submitted to National UFO Reporting Center:

Occurred : 11/27/2008 18:20 (Entered as : 11/27/08 18:20)
Reported: 12/2/2008 7:43:40 AM 07:43
Posted: 1/10/2009
Location: Bethlehem, PA
Shape: Light
Duration:1 Minute
My wife and I were walking our dog. As we came around a corner that offered an unobstructed view of the SE sky we saw three bright (magnitude -1 or so) equally spaced (if I had to guess I would say they were about 10 to 20 object diameters distant from each other) orange lights moving slowly north.

The objects were approximately the same diameter as an iridium flare would appear (we have seen and can easily identify iridium flares). As we watched the objects sputtered and faded out. We are 99% sure what we observed were flares. They appeared very similar to the "Arizona Lights" that caused such a stir a few years ago and were subsequently identified as flares dropped from A-10’s during a military exercise. It is possible that if they were indeed flares they may have been part of some sort of military exercise at the Willow Grove Naval Airbase which lies in the general direction of the observation......but military exercises on Thanksgiving night over a populated area?

We are hoping someone else in the area spotted this as well and will submit a collaborating report.

......anyway there you go folks and I hope you enjoyed my first post.
Maybe it was the Flying Sub.


I know what that sounds like and it wasn't that.

Lieutenant Kowalski thought he saw something like it once and claimed it made a ringing sound, but that proved simply to be an artifact of getting knocked out by your episodal Russkie, alien, or sea weed encrusted monster week in and week out.

I know what that sounds like and it wasn't that.

Lieutenant Kowalski thought he saw something like it once and claimed it made a ringing sound, but that proved simply to be an artifact of getting knocked out by your episodal Russkie, alien, or sea weed encrusted monster week in and week out.

Noted Captain.;)
I would think that by now , we know that there are ligitimate UFO sightings

What exactly is a legitimate UFO sighting? If you mean people have legitimately seen objects that they could not identify - I am on board. If on the other hand you mean ET's, you are completely wrong. There is no possible way you could know that, you can only believe that.
That was an obscure inside joke based on the name Richard Basehart.

Richard Basehart was the object of an inside joke on this forum? That's wonderful! Just to let you know I adopted that handle because the character Gypsy on MST3K often made references to him (I think she had a bit of a crush).

Also regarding your previous post both of our sightings were more than likely man made. Still they were flying and remain unidentified, HOWEVER subsequent research leads me to believe that what we saw on Thanksgiving were probably variants of "Chinese lanterns". How someone could tie them together and still keep the whole contraption lighter than air kinda confounds me (why put the effort into something like that? Unless they were looking to puzzle a middle age couple and their German Shepherd, if so mission accomplished.

The other thing we saw? Who knows? It DID have an air breathing engine(s?). I think what we saw may have been some sort of military craft that was having some form of mechanical difficulty. It was spectacular.