Anyone ever seen a UFO?

I mean , who , what country , comes out to say they , UFO , are real ?

None, but this doesn't help your case one bit. In fact it's rather damaging to the UFO conspiracy theory.

World govts do not agree on much. This is why there is war, why there was NATO and the Warsaw pact, why some joined neither, why some are pro-nuclear, and others anti.

Why then, would they all agree to cover up the existence of UFOs/ETIs?

During the cold war for example, it would have been an incredible propaganda advantage for one side to state they had captured alien technology and were reverse engineering it to create a super weapon. The other side would have been desperate to capture their own, and been wasting time and resources as there was actually none to be had. Disinformation, you understand this, right?

But anyway, there's a problem with such a conspiracy even if world govts did agree,... since when did they have good communications,... good enough to make such an agreement? The Victorians laid telegraph cables under the sea, and across land, to enable Morse code transmissions to the colonies, and that was just the bits us Brits owned at the time. We are talking ~150 years ago, to get a Morse message across the Atlantic. Transatlantic radio commenced ~100 years ago. These communications methods were 'hub and spoke', central hubs had messages relayed to them, which were transmitted, and relayed again, so there were various steps, not all using the technology, so some comms would end up being post. So say, 120 years ago an alien craft crash lands in America,... the local Marshall saddles up and goes to see his boss, and rides, his boss may have access to a Telegraph, so sends a message to the State governor, who relays it to Washington, who relays it to other states to warn them, and other countries. How long does this take? Locals will pass the story by word of mouth, photography was possible back then newspapers printed pictures, and there wasn't really any way to stifle such publications, as control was devolved. It would take weeks to get this organised.

So then later on, communications becomes radio, or telephone, there are better roads, then the govt have aircraft, and can communicate, and travel much faster. Say post WWII, with jet aircraft. ~60 years ago, they perhaps had the capability of stifling such activity. But then, the public started getting better communications too, first cellphones, then the Internet, and then better yet, cellphones with cameras, and the Internet! I can take a picture, and upload it in seconds,... how could the Govt now stifle the public from disclosing what they see? They can't. So the window for conspiracy was short, even if all world Govts agreed on this one thing, which, given differences in religion, and political ideologies, that seems farcical.

You need to propose a sound mechanism via which such a worldwide conspiracy could work. Oh, and don't try the 'One World Govt' angle, if that were true, we'd all be wearing little uniforms, and working in factories and coal mines. Progress is slow when large numbers of people are involved.
None, but this doesn't help your case one bit. In fact it's rather damaging to the UFO conspiracy theory.

Yes, well you can't even work out why the aliens would even be interested in us, so I can see easily why you would have these thoughts above.

The reason is simple, and I explained this to CPTBork when he she? asked the same question.

The reason is for the development of what would be the superior technology on Earth. Even if a crashed UFO had been retrieved in Roswell, for instance, any reverse engineering wouldn't be too fruitful. If they are as advanced as many ''leeked'' scientists like to make out, then it seems evident that we would extract little information from such a thing. It is akin to asking an egyptian to work out a hand watch.

Thus, you can only imagine that the first country that does successfully create flying saucers with the kind of aerodynamical abilities as we see in certain authentic video's would literally, rule the world. It is a shadow government of sorts, the guys in the back room who are all struggling to get their first.

If it was made public, then those countries that had been niave to the phenomenon would almost certainly have a new chance to get their first. Worse yet, if any country admitted it, no longer is it a secret and the attempts of officials to understand UFO's would surely become public... defeating all the covert operations which so far have worked in their favour in this great coverup.
Yes, well you can't even work out why the aliens would even be interested in us, so I can see easily why you would have these thoughts above.

The reason is simple, and I explained this to CPTBork when he she? asked the same question.

The reason is for the development of what would be the superior technology on Earth. Even if a crashed UFO had been retrieved in Roswell, for instance, any reverse engineering wouldn't be too fruitful. If they are as advanced as many ''leeked'' scientists like to make out, then it seems evident that we would extract little information from such a thing. It is akin to asking an egyptian to work out a hand watch.

Thus, you can only imagine that the first country that does successfully create flying saucers with the kind of aerodynamical abilities as we see in certain authentic video's would literally, rule the world. It is a shadow government of sorts, the guys in the back room who are all struggling to get their first.

If it was made public, then those countries that had been niave to the phenomenon would almost certainly have a new chance to get their first. Worse yet, if any country admitted it, no longer is it a secret and the attempts of officials to understand UFO's would surely become public... defeating all the covert operations which so far have worked in their favour in this great coverup.

The reasons you have given are essentially the plot of a grade B made for TV science fiction movie. This is childish conspiracy nonsense based on nothing but your imagination...
Based on nothing but my imagination? So thousands of sightings are reported a every year from each country, yet it is all my imagination?

All I have done is take the jigsaw and piece the bits together as they seem most likely; of course I am biased to the idea we are being visited, but this is based on not only a personal sighting of myself, but also including years of research into UFO cases. This is not based on my imagination alone, but hard facts of the case.
Btw, I am 27 years old. I am not a child. I have independantly came to these conclusion were others like you fear to even mention.
Sorry Reiku, but you still make no sense. Such advanced civilisations have no reason to visit us in person. They'd have such advanced probes we'd never know they were here.

As to your 'shadow government' again, all you have done is regressed the problem. Why would separate shadow govts agree on anything, and communications are still an issue wrt the formation and conspiring of such a hypothetical organisation WHICH YOU HAVE NOT DEMONSTRATED TO EXIST.

And you miss the point about the value of propaganda. It flew right over your head.
Sorry Reiku, but you still make no sense. Such advanced civilisations have no reason to visit us in person. They'd have such advanced probes we'd never know they were here.

As to your 'shadow government' again, all you have done is regressed the problem. Why would separate shadow govts agree on anything, and communications are still an issue wrt the formation and conspiring of such a hypothetical organisation WHICH YOU HAVE NOT DEMONSTRATED TO EXIST.

And you miss the point about the value of propaganda. It flew right over your head.

I have explained this tho Phlog.

They will have more or less the same curiosity for the science of life. Just like how a family takes a trip to the local zoo, or how a scientist attentively watches the production of biological viruses or bacteria on their test plates. The find of a lifeform on earth in regards to this would be much more extreme and important.
Based on nothing but my imagination?

Yes that is correct.

So thousands of sightings are reported a every year from each country, yet it is all my imagination?

There are objects people cannot identify, big dea! The imagination part is this:

Originally Posted by Reiku
Thus, you can only imagine that the first country that does successfully create flying saucers with the kind of aerodynamical abilities as we see in certain authentic video's would literally, rule the world. It is a shadow government of sorts, the guys in the back room who are all struggling to get their first.

If it was made public, then those countries that had been niave to the phenomenon would almost certainly have a new chance to get their first. Worse yet, if any country admitted it, no longer is it a secret and the attempts of officials to understand UFO's would surely become public... defeating all the covert operations which so far have worked in their favour in this great coverup.

All I have done is take the jigsaw and piece the bits together as they seem most likely; of course I am biased to the idea we are being visited, but this is based on not only a personal sighting of myself, but also including years of research into UFO cases. This is not based on my imagination alone, but hard facts of the case.

You took the jigsaw puzzle and pounded the pieces that don't fit together based on your preconcieved ideas and came up with a childish, silly conspiracy theory that is based on nothing.
Yes that is correct.

There are objects people cannot identify, big dea! The imagination part is this:

Originally Posted by Reiku
Thus, you can only imagine that the first country that does successfully create flying saucers with the kind of aerodynamical abilities as we see in certain authentic video's would literally, rule the world. It is a shadow government of sorts, the guys in the back room who are all struggling to get their first.

If it was made public, then those countries that had been niave to the phenomenon would almost certainly have a new chance to get their first. Worse yet, if any country admitted it, no longer is it a secret and the attempts of officials to understand UFO's would surely become public... defeating all the covert operations which so far have worked in their favour in this great coverup.
All I have done is take the jigsaw and piece the bits together as they seem most likely; of course I am biased to the idea we are being visited, but this is based on not only a personal sighting of myself, but also including years of research into UFO cases. This is not based on my imagination alone, but hard facts of the case.[/QUOTE]

You took the jigsaw puzzle and pounded the pieces that don't fit together based on your preconcieved ideas and came up with a childish, silly conspiracy theory that is based on nothing.[/QUOTE]

I am not ignorant based on an over-amplified imagination, you are ignorant of the physics. There are no basic explanations of proper, authentic UFO's. No scientific one anyway. I can give loads of examples of UFO's which defy normal rules of propulsion. This is not about objects simply ''being unidentified'' they are suspect objects because ''they move unlike any conventional phenomenon.''

Go figure.
And the US have tried to simulate UFO technology in declassified papers by the way. Maybe the evidence makes my imagination run wild? Arguably, the evidence speaks for itself.
I remember read only, within the first few weeks of being here said to someone else no one, no country has ever tried to build a UFO, classic saucer shaped craft, which I proved wrong in one quick swift stroke.
I have explained this tho Phlog.

They will have more or less the same curiosity for the science of life. Just like how a family takes a trip to the local zoo, or how a scientist attentively watches the production of biological viruses or bacteria on their test plates. The find of a lifeform on earth in regards to this would be much more extreme and important.

But you won't know they are there, so you have no evidence this is happening.

All you have is ifs buts and maybes, and not even a solid theoretical model for how they could get here.
But you won't know they are there, so you have no evidence this is happening.

All you have is ifs buts and maybes, and not even a solid theoretical model for how they could get here.

Greetings Phlogistician:
If I may be so bold as to offer something here have you ever read about any Orion Project propulsion research that was conducted back in the late 50's (I believe)? We currently have the technology that could be used to accelerate an enormous amount of mass to a substantial percentage of the speed of light. Also, it was announced yesterday that the Kepler space probe has yielded data that shows that there are at least 100 BILLION planets in the Milky Way, 1500 of which are within 50 Light Years of Earth. With all that in consideration interstellar travel is far from impossible.
But you won't know they are there, so you have no evidence this is happening.

All you have is ifs buts and maybes, and not even a solid theoretical model for how they could get here.

I compare what we can't to what can, or who can.

work that out and then ask why I come to that decision.
To believe in Alien UFO's you need to see some evidence. All I ever find on the internet is fake videos.

I don't purport to false statements. I have seen three UFO's in one night. I have no video evidence, you will have to trust my own good judgement.
If you will?
Greetings Phlogistician:
If I may be so bold as to offer something here have you ever read about any Orion Project propulsion research that was conducted back in the late 50's (I believe)? We currently have the technology that could be used to accelerate an enormous amount of mass to a substantial percentage of the speed of light. Also, it was announced yesterday that the Kepler space probe has yielded data that shows that there are at least 100 BILLION planets in the Milky Way, 1500 of which are within 50 Light Years of Earth. With all that in consideration interstellar travel is far from impossible.

Interesting if true. I will disect this and put power into research of this claim.
Funny you said through the window... I did afterall, see the UFO's through the front living room window before my entire family hoarded us to the front poarch to see the UFO's directly above our house.

It was indeed amazing.