Anyone can read the Bible. - Really?

@Rob --

I'm not rejecting your "revelation" because I want to, you've left me literally no other choice. You won't provide supporting evidence, you won't even describe what you experienced. What choice other than rejection of your claim is there?
You could have PM me, what was hard about that?
@Rob --

No reason to doubt it.

Quite a few reasons to doubt it actually. There's the complete lack of evidence for the existence of anything but the material, and since this is a spirit we're obviously talking about something immaterial(which would raise the question of how it interacts with the universe when it has no energy). That's just the beginning, I really don't have enough space to get into it all, or enough time. But that reason alone is enough to reject your claim unless you can provide evidence for it.

You could have PM me, what was hard about that?

Here's the thing though. I'm a science buff and one of the central facets of science is the free and open exchange of information. Your desire for secrecy isn't sitting well with me and that's reason enough to ask that you present it for all to see rather than just me. Not only does this cut down on a lot of the lying that can take place(you can't exactly say "I never said that" when it's in print) but it puts all of us on the same level as we all have the same information to work with.

And while I could have PM'd you and gotten the information, I almost certainly would have immediately shared it here for all to see(see the above paragraph). That would have been deceitful towards you, so this is the best course I can take for my own intellectual honesty.
What was this about? Some one said there was no thing called Religious Truth. But I was willing to share with you the concept of the Spirit of Truth, which even a person who had been to seminary did not know about.
Each of you do you own investigation into the Spirit of Truth. OK.
@Rob --

That's because we were taught that Jesus was speaking metaphorically, not literally. I still think that's the best available interpretation.

The point has shifted away from that and towards your unwillingness to discuss this topic out in the open for all to see. That desire for secrecy doesn't exactly help your claims.
@Rob --

That's because we were taught that Jesus was speaking metaphorically, not literally. I still think that's the best available interpretation.

The point has shifted away from that and towards your unwillingness to discuss this topic out in the open for all to see. That desire for secrecy doesn't exactly help your claims.
If I put it here the next thing that would happen I would be banned. I know when I'm being set up.
I've been banned permanently from 5 forums as it is.
All I can say is: I have my fingers crossed.*
If you post within the rules then you won't get banned.

* That it will also happen soon on this forum.
But that's simply because you're a deluded crank.
All I can say is: I have my fingers crossed.*
If you post within the rules then you won't get banned.

* That it will also happen soon on this forum.
But that's simply because you're a deluded crank.
See you would have been the first to run to the moderators.
See you would have been the first to run to the moderators.
I'd like to amend my previous comment.
You're a deluded crank given to unsupported (and insupportable) assumptions.
Why would I "run to the moderators"?
Would you ever reject something on the grounds of "I don't know, I don't understand"?
I would try not to...

Or is it that for you, it is possible to reject something only if you are convinced it is wrong/false/bad?
In theory...

Basically, I understand the mythology enough to see that the whole reason "Jesus came to save us" hinges on Genesis being literally true. (Romans Chapter 5) Without that, the entire "logic" of needing a sacrificial lamb to wash away our sins falls apart. Science has done a pretty good job of showing that Genesis cannot be the literal truth.
I would try not to...

In theory...

Basically, I understood the mythology enough to see that the whole reason "Jesus came to save us" hinges on Genesis being literally true. (Romans Chapter 5) Without that, then the entire "logic" of needing a sacrificial lamb to wash away our sins falls apart. Science has done a pretty good job of showing that Genesis cannot be the literal truth.
You can come to the slaughter house where I work and you can have as many sacrificial lambs as you like and I bet you don't come out of there clean, no matter what you do with their blood.
You can come to the slaughter house where I work and you can have as many sacrificial lambs as you like and I bet you don't come out of there clean, no matter what you do with their blood.
Hey, I didn't come up with the gory symbolism... Blame some bronze age shepherds for that one.
How can anyone beat you up, if you have a personal revelation from the Spirit of Truth??

Isn't the personal revelation from the Spirit of Truth supposed to make you invincible??

Yeah I got that . Nakedness will prevail . Naked Man on the mountain .

A new Lori 7 . Geeze I wonder if they are a 3,5,7 like Lori7

I was beginning to think Lori was a figment of my imagination . She disappeared . Anybody seen her . I miss her . The old Lori was a gas . My personal Mirror Mirror on the wall

Slaughter House ? Iowa? You know what that stands for . Better not say . An Iowan might get made . O.K. you stwist my arm . Idiots Out Walking Around .

We got us a killer
Yeah I got that . Nakedness will prevail . Naked Man on the mountain .

A new Lori 7 . Geeze I wonder if they are a 3,5,7 like Lori7

I was beginning to think Lori was a figment of my imagination . She disappeared . Anybody seen her . I miss her . The old Lori was a gas . My personal Mirror Mirror on the wall
It is not often that I get stumped, but this time you win.:shrug: