Anybody a Muslim?

ylooshi said:
It would be odd if this were a religious forum, but it isn't. Its a science forum. Hence the name: sciforums.

In the religious sub-forum, one should expect (as I pointed out above) that we discuss the science of religion: the pathology, psychology, anthropology, sociology, and maybe even the history.

So when the believers in religious mythology think they're welcome to preach the way you do, we chose to debunk it.


So, I keep hearing that religion is not an appropriate subject here on the religion "sub-forum" (sounds like an oxymoron ). Rather it is a place for so-called scientists to preach their condescending views on the supernatural, as though science can explain everything (thus making science their religion).

I Tim 6:20
keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

II Tim 3:7
Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

They feel safety in their numbers:

Proverbs 16:5 Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.
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Woody said:
So, I keep hearing
Get your hearing "looked at"

Woody said:
that religion is not an appropriate subject here on the religion "sub-forum" (sounds like an oxymoron).
Participating in the Religion (sub)forum isn't a license to proselytize...

Woody said:
Rather it is a place for so-called scientists to preach their condescending views on the supernatural, as though science can explain everything (thus making science their religion).
You run no risk of being taken seriously, you know.

Have a nice day.
Woody said:
So, I keep hearing that religion is not an appropriate subject here on the religion "sub-forum" (sounds like an oxymoron ). Rather it is a place for so-called scientists to preach their condescending views on the supernatural, as though science can explain everything (thus making science their religion).

Again, you fail to understand what is being said. Or, more likely, you refuse to acknowledge truth. The truth is: this is a science forum. In the religion sub-forum, we would expect to look at the science of religion. Their is a pathology. There is a sociological aspect. There is certainly an anthropological aspect. There's even an historical aspect.

The rules of the forum specifically state that "preaching" is not allowed. You are preaching.

If religious fanatics/zealots/fundamentalists/etc. expect to enter a science forum and proselytize, they must expect criticism and even ridicule. That point of view doesn't appear welcome here by the majority or the authority (the forum rules).

Quoting meaningless passages from mythology does not provide you with any meaningful credibility. It does demonstrate you to be a fanatic without critical thinking, however.

So I find myself agreeing with SkinWalker, whom you say you have on "ignore" (though I disagree with him on other points in other sub-forums), when he implies you are on some crusade to "witness to the godless heathens." In looking over some of the threads he linked to, it seems clear that your expectation was that most of the members here are atheist and that you would encounter criticism. It also seems clear that you are aware that sciforums is *not* a religion forum.

It also seems clear that your threads are designed to bait the atheists and those that believe differently than you.

What are you really doing here, Mr. Woody? There are many religion forums where you can go and discuss your views, but you choose this one. The reason: preaching. The very thing that is against the rules.
Yslooshi says:

Again, you fail to understand what is being said. Or, more likely, you refuse to acknowledge truth. The truth is: this is a science forum. In the religion sub-forum, we would expect to look at the science of religion. Their is a pathology. There is a sociological aspect. There is certainly an anthropological aspect. There's even an historical aspect.

Geez, give me a break. Could you show me where this is stated as a requirement for the religion sub-forum?

There is also the ethnics and morality sub-forum, art and culture, business and economics, etc.

What is the science of art? I say it's another oxymoron. Why can't you take things at face value?

I noticed there is no atheism forum. Shouldn't that be down in the philosophy section or something?

The rules of the forum specifically state that "preaching" is not allowed. You are preaching.

Who plays by the rules on this forum? Like this rule:

Examples of unacceptable posts include:
You are a stupid hater of Muslims, because you say Islam is violent.
You're just another idiot who doesn't know anything about Christianity.
Anybody who'd write what you wrote must have severe psychological problems.

Would you like me to provide you with names and numerous examples from some chronic violaters that are on my ignore list?

medicine woman is the vilest offender -- so I ignore her
also: qwerty mob, devil inside, skinwalker, mythbuster, and hapsburg (the juvenile)

How does someone quote the bible without preaching? I didn't ask you to believe it. I'm stating what the bible says -- I know it's hard for you to accept, but you really don't have to.

Quoting meaningless passages from mythology does not provide you with any meaningful credibility. It does demonstrate you to be a fanatic without critical thinking, however.

You are simply in denial. Jesus came to earth, and there will never be enough evidence for you. NEVER. You are really hoping Jesus didn't come aren't you?

What are you really doing here, Mr. Woody? There are many religion forums where you can go and discuss your views, but you choose this one. The reason: preaching. The very thing that is against the rules.

Yes, I have been to some of those. If all I ever did was go to church and listen to what was said there, then I would not hear the real world view from people like yourself. I can say likewise for our liberal-minded news media that has little if any credibility -- that is why I shared a news article to see if it was being reported correctly. I asked a Muslim to tell me.

You are not a Muslim, yet here you are, jabbering about what I can and can not say.

I suppose we could do it your way and have one big cozy love-in -- is that what you would prefer?

So I find myself agreeing with SkinWalker

Like any other athiest would.

He is on my ignore list, and I can put you there likewise. I find atheists have little if nothing to add to a religion discussion anyway.
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spidergoat said:
Hope that death isn't really death? Nope. Death is death. I'm pretty sure about that.

I suppose you mean death is the end of all things. You better be more than "pretty sure."
It doesn't matter. Christianity is a cult of death, that's why you care so much. When I'm unconscious I don't feel anything, when I'm dead, I'll feel less.