Anybody a Muslim?

Mythbuster said:
I'll say: Enough is enough, just ban Woody. He should join a christien board not here in sciforums.

Why don't you just put me on your ignore list and just go away? Ban me --please do. Please ban me. thank you.

You are on my ignore list.

Could you please respond to the original question asked in this thread (at the beginning), about the pilgrimage to Mecca, and the sin-purging rituals?

Does a Muslim believe this ritual purges them from sin? If so, then where does the Koran make exceptions for everyone else? If the Koran makes exceptions, then the ritual really isn't necessary for the forgiveness of sins (is it?) -- something else meets the same requirement besides this ritual.

thanks and have a great day.
My what a lot of accusations and hateful things said!

Ok, let's take this from the top. The Pilgrimmage is one of the 5 Pillars of Islam. It's like a Christian sacrament. All Muslims are obligated to go at least once in their lifetime if they are able (healthwise and money-wise). There is a tremendous amount of significance to this pilgrimmage, also known in Arabic as "Hajj;" you are visiting the house originally built by Abraham and Ishmael, peace be upon them both. (although maybe Adam, peace be upon him, originally built it and then it was rebuilt). You are going to the city of Mecca, where the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, lived and prayed, and where Islam was revealed. You along with Muslims from all over the world walk in the same streets that he walked in, and pray in the same way that he did. People who go say it's a beautiful and spiritual experience, and puts you in awe of how large and great the religion is. As a reward for making such an effort to go, God said that he will forgive all your sins up to that point if you make the pilgrimage correctly and with the right intention and sincerity. To answer your question, there are many other ways that sin is forgiven, like fasting the during the month of Ramadan. It's not just for forgiveness of sin, although it's a great perk, but it's also because our Lord asked us to and we want to earn His Pleasure and Mercy.

Now, as to the stampede, what a horrible tragedy. The Saudi government put a limit on how many pilgrims can go a year, something around 2 million during the pilgrimage season, but many sneak in illegally. People are all rushing to get one stage of the pilgrimage done, and there's massive crowds of people. I have 5 friends who all just got back from the pilgrimage about 3 weeks ago and they all heard about it, and probably missed this incident by a half hour. They all told me that the place was unbelievably crowded, and everyone trying to get to the pillars of Mina stage at the same time, causing a rough flow of human traffic that jammed. The Saudi government spends millions on renovating the city, making several-story walkways to help prevent such incidents. Still, things like this happen every year, a stampede, a fire, a building collapse, etc.

Muslims all over the world were upset, and I prayed for my friends as they were there. God promises us that anyone who dies while on the pilgrimage will be considered a martyr and go to heaven directly.
Sulayman Ar-Rumi said:
My what a lot of accusations and hateful things said!

Ok, let's take this from the top. The Pilgrimmage is one of the 5 Pillars of Islam. It's like a Christian sacrament. All Muslims are obligated to go at least once in their lifetime if they are able (healthwise and money-wise). There is a tremendous amount of significance to this pilgrimmage, also known in Arabic as "Hajj;" you are visiting the house originally built by Abraham and Ishmael, peace be upon them both. (although maybe Adam, peace be upon him, originally built it and then it was rebuilt). You are going to the city of Mecca, where the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, lived and prayed, and where Islam was revealed. You along with Muslims from all over the world walk in the same streets that he walked in, and pray in the same way that he did. People who go say it's a beautiful and spiritual experience, and puts you in awe of how large and great the religion is. As a reward for making such an effort to go, God said that he will forgive all your sins up to that point if you make the pilgrimage correctly and with the right intention and sincerity. To answer your question, there are many other ways that sin is forgiven, like fasting the during the month of Ramadan. It's not just for forgiveness of sin, although it's a great perk, but it's also because our Lord asked us to and we want to earn His Pleasure and Mercy.

Now, as to the stampede, what a horrible tragedy. The Saudi government put a limit on how many pilgrims can go a year, something around 2 million during the pilgrimage season, but many sneak in illegally. People are all rushing to get one stage of the pilgrimage done, and there's massive crowds of people. I have 5 friends who all just got back from the pilgrimage about 3 weeks ago and they all heard about it, and probably missed this incident by a half hour. They all told me that the place was unbelievably crowded, and everyone trying to get to the pillars of Mina stage at the same time, causing a rough flow of human traffic that jammed. The Saudi government spends millions on renovating the city, making several-story walkways to help prevent such incidents. Still, things like this happen every year, a stampede, a fire, a building collapse, etc.

Muslims all over the world were upset, and I prayed for my friends as they were there. God promises us that anyone who dies while on the pilgrimage will be considered a martyr and go to heaven directly.

Thank you for answering the question. That's all I ever asked for was an answer and you provided it.

As for the nasty flies buzzing around, they come from the dung heap -- just ignore them.
QURAAN was never edited by any human and its only one in all islamic world and there are over 10000 proves that QURAAN is the last book that contains words of ALLAH and they have never beeen edited or changed via time

just read from trusted resources and stop masking the truth and trying to take people to HELL with you .. you are a real satan .. that is what satan does already he confuses people and wants all people to burn in hell because he has no chance to enter heavens !

dont be like him coz you are a human and you have a chance to ask ALLAH for forgiveness and surrender for him.

you are making counterfeiting for the truth coz many people didnt read about islam and quraan from a trusted resource , and many of them dont know anything about it.

dont be unjust coz you will die someday

dont u fear and scare from death ?

can you guarantee you will not face ALLAH after death ?

close your eyes now and imagine its the moment of your death now now .

imagine what will you do .....

what if there is ALLAH and its the day of judge

read thispart of QURAAN it will answer you :


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

[39] But the Unbelievers, their deeds are like a mirage in sandy deserts, which the man parched with thirst mistakes for water; until when he comes up to it, he finds it to be nothing: but he finds Allah (ever) with him, and Allah will pay him his account: and Allah is swift in taking account.
Imagine it is the day of your death. What if there is the one true god - Bill. Bill hates islam. You will suffer eternal torture at the hands of Bill's chief torturer - Ted. I pity you.
muhammad said:
QURAAN was never edited by any human and its only one in all islamic world and there are over 10000 proves that QURAAN is the last book that contains words of ALLAH and they have never beeen edited or changed via time

There are no proofs anywhere in the Quran.

The Quran was edited by Third Caliph to avoid "embarassing Mohammed".

Not you. The other one.

just read from trusted resources and stop masking the truth and trying to take people to HELL with you .. you are a real satan ..

Me too? I do read from trusted resources - I read the Quran and I don't like what I read.

dont be like him coz you are a human and you have a chance to ask ALLAH for forgiveness and surrender for him.

There isn't any Allah. "What if" is not an acceptable answer. What if the Christians are right? What if the Jews are right?

Woody said:
You sound so much like Him [Satan]. You and Him make a team.

Right. And the two of us plus the Flying Spaghetti Monster make a Trinity. More hocus-pocus bullshit from the superstitious.


Woody said:
Don't bother responding to me. You have nothing to say that I'm interested in.

Of course not, what I say debunks all you stand for.

Woody said:
Why don't you just put me on your ignore list? PLEASE

Nope. Won't do it. Proselytizing religious nutters need a dissenting voice. Whenever you spout some bullshit, I'm going to try and be there to shovel it back in your pen.

Woody said:
You are on mine.

Cool. Makes my job easier. I never wanted you bothering me directly anyway. Now I'm free to refute your drivel without you interrupting. But since you've demonstrated yourself to be a liar without credibility, you've undoubtedly not put me on "ignore" and will eventually respond. You'll probably give some lame excuse that you got the email notification and saw my post anyway or forgot to set the "ignore" after all or something. But you'll respond again.

Then again, maybe I was just goading with the paragraph above so you wouldn't respond and I can refute your nonsense in peace after all.

Or, maybe it was that paragraph that was the actual goad to post....

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superluminal said:
Imagine it is the day of your death. What if there is the one true god - Bill. Bill hates islam. You will suffer eternal torture at the hands of Bill's chief torturer - Ted. I pity you.

Who is Bill? :confused:
Great Satan said:
"Modern Liberals, With Some Exceptions, Are Fascists. They Preach Peace At The Expense Of Liberty, Diversity At The Expense Of Common Sense, Equality At The Expense Of Fairness And Choice At The Expense Of Life. They Are The First To Speak About Rights, Yet They Seek To Deny You Yours If You Disagree With Them. They Vociferate The Importance Of Free Speech, Yet Do Everything In Their Power To Stifle Yours. They Demonize The Very System Which Allows Them The Freedom To Criticize In The First Place, And They Are The Last People In Line When It Comes To Defending The One Country On Earth That Would Ever Tolerate Their Hypocrisy. They Are Divisive, Immoral And Utterly Incapable Of Understanding Why Everything I Just Wrote Is The Truth." - Edward L. Daley
Would you care to start a different thread to discuss this? Perhaps in the, you know, Politics section...

Great Satan said:
"Activism is a way for useless people to feel important, even if the consequences of their activism are counterproductive for those they claim to be helping and damaging to the fabric of society as a whole." - Thomas Sowell
Do you suppose that was that directed at Civil Rights activists also? Rather ironic, if so.

Great Satan said:
“Some of the most vocal critics of the way things are being done are people who have done nothing themselves, and whose only contributions to society are their complaints and moral exhibitionism.” – Thomas Sowell
That applies equally well between Neo-Cons and Wahabbiists.

Great Satan said:
“A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money.” – G. Gordon Liddy
In context that was more of a rub at taxes, not leftists. Besides, if that were so then Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush would have to be considered liberals. There are a few charts around the net which summarize the national debt since 1985, even adjusted for inflation- it's not very flattering to either party in the US, particularly former conservatives like myself.

Otherwise enjoy your posts and many of your links. Thanks.

All the best.
Columbus, Ohio, USA
"We rig Elections and kill Rock Stars, YO"
GeoffP said:
There are no proofs anywhere in the Quran.

No proofs eh? Not a single one? Quite a bold statement. So if I told you that the Quran described in detail 1400 years ago about embryonic development , the Big Bang , or even estuaries, wouldn't those be proofs? Furthermore, wouldn't those proofs be signifigant considering they date from 1400 years ago?

GeoffP said:
The Quran was edited by Third Caliph to avoid "embarassing Mohammed".

That's untrue, and of all the myths and falsehoods I hear from people, that's a new one to me. The third Calih, 'Uthman, may God be pleased with him, didn't and couldn't edit the Quran. By that point, copies existed all over the Arabian peninsula, every Muslim had memorized at least a few chapters, and the Community of Sahabas never disagreed on the issue. Even the Shias, many of whom HATE Uthman and even curse him, use the same Quran and believe the Quran is unchanged. Even the minority Khwarijites, who don't agree with Sunnis or Shias on so much and hate Uthman and Ali (peace be upon them both), use the same Quran and don't have any doubts as to its authenticity. That's a powerful arguement for the preservation of the Quran. Rest assured, if there was a change, the community would have known of it and there is no record of any sort of uprising or civil war or even a disagreement on the subject of Quran. If the Shias, many of whom in places like Iran ritually curse Uthman, believe he didn't change the Quran in spite of everything else they accuse him of, you have to accept it as legit.

If you have any lingering doubts, two of the Uthmani (or Usmani) Qurans still are around today, in Turkey and Tashkent. You accuse Uthman of changing them, so go see for yourself. They're word for word Identical to the Arabic text we have of today.

GeoffP said:
Me too? I do read from trusted resources - I read the Quran and I don't like what I read.

This is a scientific forum, as a previous poster said. Why don't you tell us some of your "sources"?

GeoffP said:
There isn't any Allah.

Muslims believe in the same One God as the Christians and Jews. If you want to try convincing everyone that there's no God, start a new thread and let everyone discuss it with you.
If you want to try convincing everyone that there's no God, start a new thread and let everyone discuss it with you.

The thread would die because there is nothing to talk about -- that's why atheists come to a religion forum, because they are unhappy with nothingness and they want everyone else to be unhappy with them. This forum is their support group where they join hands together in denial. It makes them feel safe. :(
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Good one Woody. We're all unhappy with life, just like all christians are Inquisitors just waiting for their chance.

superluminal said:
Good one Woody. We're all unhappy with life, just like all christians are Inquisitors just waiting for their chance.


And what hope do you have when you die?