Anybody a Muslim?

Sulayman Ar-Rumi said:
No proofs eh? Not a single one? Quite a bold statement. So if I told you that the Quran described in detail 1400 years ago about embryonic development , the Big Bang , or even estuaries, wouldn't those be proofs? Furthermore, wouldn't those proofs be signifigant considering they date from 1400 years ago?

I have a question, what does these links as to do with your god ? I dont see your evidence on this. Also, the big bang never appened. And those pictures are early nebulas ! there's many of them in different shape !

spidergoat said:
Where does a fist go when you open your hand? Same place we go when we die.

So in other words, you have no hope when you die.
Woody said:
So in other words, you have no hope when you die.

Hope for what? Death is a complete lack of awareness. Hope is for the living. When you die, there is no more you, no more hope. Nothing. It's really very easy. What's all the fuss about?

My sister once said to me "dying is nothing to be afraid of, it's the process that's a bitch."
Death is like then you where never born.
Your brain would be like a complete shut down computer.

No dreams, No sensor, No feelings... like a broken computer !
Early men get that idea just because we dream when we sleep, and that is because the brain still functioning.
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Woody said:
that's why atheists come to a religion forum, because they are unhappy with nothingness and they want everyone else to be unhappy with them. This forum is their support group where they join hands together in denial. It makes them feel safe. :(

But this isn't a "religion forum," its a science forum. I would think people come to this particular sub-forum of the science forum to discuss the science of religion. By that I mean the sociological, psychological, and anthropological aspects of it. Maybe even the history of religion as well as its origin (but this might be anthropology & sociology).

But atheists are "unhappy with nothingness?" I think you might hope they are, but the truth be told, its probably you that is unhappy with the possibility that they might be right. It makes you very uncomfortable that they present arguments that logically refute your points. You want the atheists to be an unhappy crowd, but the ones I know are quite content. In fact, they are the most easy-going, warm, and friendly people I know. Being an aethist myself, I'm very happy knowing that this is the life I have and if I want to 'live' past my death, I need to do something worth remembering by others.

woody said:
And what hope do you have when you die?

What use has anyone with "hope" after they are gone. My brain will no longer function, and my synapses will no longer fire. Therefore thoughts like "hope" won't exist. But it is "hope" and "fear" and the like that drive people while they live. It drives them to believe in anthropomorphic gods, afterlifes, heavens, hells, souls, etc. These are all constructs of the human mind, not real things.

From the beginning, man has probably wondered what happens to their mind when they die. In the grief of early man, loved ones appear in dreams and the belief arises that they are still alive somewhere in some non-corporeal form. In a sense, they did continue to live or exist, but only in the minds of those that remembered them.

No, Mr. Woody, it is clearly you that is unhappy. You're unhappy that those that refuse to buy into your beliefs are content and have no need for your gods.
Mythbuster said:
I have a question, what does these links as to do with your god ? I dont see your evidence on this.

I was responding to an accusation that the Quran has no proofs in it. By showing some of the miracles contained within, I was showing that yes, the Quran does have some proofs. I look at it scientifically, I am certifying to you that there is no way a man in 600CE could have known about the galaxy and stars being made of the same elements as found on earth, or that salt water and freshwater don't mix at an estuary. Also, there are prophecies in the Quran, like whether the Romans or Persians would win the future war decades after it was revealed. The only plausible explanation is that Muhammad, peace be upon him, had been notified of this by God. I ruled out other paranormal phenomena and even UFOs.

I can't find a credible worldly explanation as an alternative to the revelation of the Quran. The Quran even says it cannot be forged, and for centuries people tried to write a fake chapter in its Arabic rhythm and style, but failed every time. The shortest chapter is 10 words, and nobody has managed to write anything in that flow. If someone managed to do so, they would have proved the Quran wrong, but it hasn't happened yet.

Also, the big bang never appened. And those pictures are early nebulas ! there's many of them in different shape !


I'm not a science major, so I can't tell you how the universe formed. Nice pictures by the way. Can you tell me how the universe formed, or can you give me a link to an alternative theory than the Big Bang? I'm interested in reading.
Woody said:
The thread would die because there is nothing to talk about -- that's why atheists come to a religion forum, because they are unhappy with nothingness and they want everyone else to be unhappy with them. This forum is their support group where they join hands together in denial. It makes them feel safe. :(

There's nothing that YOU want to talk about. This nonsense about atheists coming to a religion forum is crap. THIS IS A SCIENCE FORUM WOODY. The only unhappy atheists in this forum are the ones pissed because bible-thumpers like you keep interrupting us with your evangalistic propaganda, always trying to proselytize us by starting threads in attempt to bait into your little arguments.

Then you get pissed off because we toss it back in your face and debunk it all, whine about it, then lie to us and claim you are "done with sciforums." Go away already. You're like herpes.
No, Mr. Woody, it is clearly you that is unhappy. You're unhappy that those that refuse to buy into your beliefs are content and have no need for your gods.

But they have a need to come to a religion forum. Odd isn't it?

By the way, I am quite happy with my life in the Lord. On a religion forum I should have the freedom to say that.

You want the atheists to be an unhappy crowd, but the ones I know are quite content.

Heaven isn't a place for those that are content with this world. This world is going to pass away.

What use has anyone with "hope" after they are gone. My brain will no longer function, and my synapses will no longer fire.

So it is impossible for you to be reconstructed? How sad.
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superluminal said:
Poor, poor, Woody.

What do you have to lose?

I have hope; you have none. I feel sorry for you as well.
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Woody said:
But they have a need to come to a religion forum. Odd isn't it?

It would be odd if this were a religious forum, but it isn't. Its a science forum. Hence the name: sciforums.

In the religious sub-forum, one should expect (as I pointed out above) that we discuss the science of religion: the pathology, psychology, anthropology, sociology, and maybe even the history.

So when the believers in religious mythology think they're welcome to preach the way you do, we chose to debunk it.

i dont really want to join in on the argument, but i just want to say one thing,
i dont like organised religion, but leave the philosophy of god out of discussions about religious books and cultists who follow the books to every detail.

the theory/philosophy of an eternal energy/force, shouldent always be directly linked witht he ramblings of certain holybooks written by man,

philosophy & religion is all about peoples imagination you know, those imaginary things as nothing to do with the real world.
One create false answers, the other create questions impossible to answer.

The clown of religion is god.
God is just a personal thing.

Peoples dont undestand that physics are gods. (forces)
We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further !

There is plenty of proof against the God of the philosphers.
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I have a question to ask for all the theist out there:

The universe is infinite. Whatever direction we look in, it continues forever. Since it is infinite, it has no middle, or a center. So, where the hell is this heaven?

In the mind of course ;)

Also ...Sin is allowed in heaven?!?

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Sulayman Ar-Rumi said:
By showing some of the miracles contained within, I was showing that yes, the Quran does have some proofs. I look at it scientifically, I am certifying to you that there is no way a man in 600CE could have known about the galaxy and stars being made of the same elements as found on earth, or that salt water and freshwater don't mix at an estuary.

Actually, they do mix in an estuary. Estuaries contain various gradients of salinity, as your graph shows. It may not be visible, but anyone sticking a finger in and tasting the water is going to be able to say there's a sharp transitional cline. This is basic knowledge. It reminds me of a guy who argued that the Quran had somehow "predicted" that fire burns wood. Not exactly a revelation.

The "embryonic" thing represents a grasp at resemblance after a hundred years of desperate search for any kind of correlation. By response, one could claim that storks bring babies based on similar annual fluctuations in the stork and human populations of Florida. Correlation does not equal causation.

Moreover, they're not even very good correlations. An embryo does not look like a "chewed thing" any more than it looks like a rock. Why didn't this allah describe it in more detail? It certainly doesn't feed like a leech; it absorbs nutrients not by force, but by active donation from the maternal parent. And it's nothing like a blood clot - a blood clot is a mass of impotent (and usually dried) tissue. This is reaching in the extreme.

I can't find a credible worldly explanation as an alternative to the revelation of the Quran. The Quran even says it cannot be forged, and for centuries people tried to write a fake chapter in its Arabic rhythm and style, but failed every time.

If you have any lingering doubts, two of the Uthmani (or Usmani) Qurans still are around today, in Turkey and Tashkent. You accuse Uthman of changing them, so go see for yourself. They're word for word Identical to the Arabic text we have of today.

So if the QUran says it can't be forged, it can't? It's its own proof? Uthman could have easily forged vast chunks of it. In fact, as posted here recently, a German group found that there appeared to be substantial alterations in the text from pre-Uthman Qurans.

Sulayman Ar-Rumi said:
No proofs eh? Not a single one? Quite a bold statement. So if I told you that the Quran described in detail 1400 years ago about embryonic development , the Big Bang , or even estuaries, wouldn't those be proofs? Furthermore, wouldn't those proofs be signifigant considering they date from 1400 years ago?
you religious fundis will believe anything.
come on give us a break, if a woman had a miscarriage (which happened an awful lot of the time back then.) the uneducated people would/could quite easierly, liken the miscarriage to a blood clot, leech.

and the next one again give us a break, in a vacuum like space theres no oxygen, therefore no fire, no explosion, no smoke, your likening a gaseous cloud spreading for millions of mile, to smoke?
this solar system probably looks like that, looking from there. are you going to change the wording to say gaseous cloud now.

I nearly wet myself with laughter, everybody know whats good water and whats bad, just watch an animal there can tell the difference from the smell alone, we take a sip and spit it out if it's saline, it's called survival.
and as for the two seas: rain fell,then filtered through the ground and ran down mountains, becoming purer and then hits the sea any man who hearded sheep or cattle would know they wont drink salt water, they new that when man first started to walk the earth, so it would be quite sensible to thing there was a barrier between the two, especially the uneducated people of that time, but no god wrote this book, it was men.
wow get a life.