Any people with real psychic/paraphysical abilities here?

I made a promise to someone the other day. I kept that promise. How did I know enough to first make the promise and then follow through to see it happen? My promises are premonitions of things to be. I must be psychic.
I knew you were going to say that.
(Damn, and you probably knew I was going to say that. You win).
I knew you were going to say that.
(Damn, and you probably knew I was going to say that. You win).

Just thinking, those guys who make predictions of the world's end based on some divine promise, am I as psychic as they are?
I refuse to answer that on the grounds that you already know what I'm going to say.
That was my (avoidance of explicitly giving an) answer to your "Just thinking, those guys who make predictions of the world's end based on some divine promise, am I as psychic as they are?"

So you don't know if my actual answer is "yes" or "no"?
If I knew what you were going to say then I would have predicted this:
I refuse to answer that on the grounds that you already know what I'm going to say

Would I have not? Hey:eek: I can predict what I would have said. It's like mind reading.
No, because that sentence wasn't my answer to your question.
It was a reply commenting on my possible answer.
No, because that sentence wasn't my answer to your question.
It was a reply commenting on my possible answer.

Whew! Then I'm still psychic. Besides, technically you didn't say anything, you typed it. When communicating with psychics, one must be specific;)
Hi, guys!
For the record, I haven't had any dreams of my ex-classmate in over 2-3 years.
No, I can't remember any specific details about her looking to the ground. Yes, I just presumed that. Although, I do remember her showing up a sad face, as I do remember sensing a sad mood.
Clarifying: She wasn't my lover. I sort of was her secret admirer.
Also, for the record, I'm trying hard these days to find her, on her old phone numbers ('cause we haven't heard each other in ages), I'm trying on intuitive Y! Messenger ID's, but nothing.
I guess I'll try calling other classmates, to find her.
And, oh, I only put this up here, 'cause I find it damn interesting :D, and I wanted to share it with you.
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I can't say that it is an illusion of mind nor can I say that it is what you think it is.

Well im open to it bein a false memory OR a alien-spacecraft... but id put my money on it bein somptin natural an from rite here on earf.!!!

The four circles in the animation shown on the side of the thing as it passes? I get the impression there should only be three circles and not four.
what do they mean to you and why did you specifically remember them do you think??

Well... the 2 bigest criticisims i have of the gif i made is... i thank ther was mor than 4 circles but thats how it workded out as i was makin the gif so i jus left it that way... plus the gif jus dont capture how huge i remenber it bein... an it was so sharp an clear its as if i was lookin at a train from about a hundred feet away.!!!

I remenber seein the vertical row of darker circles cause they was so obvous to see... an in about the 3 seconds i saw the ufo the circles had moved from right to left (west to east) in the open space between the clouds... but the circles have no special meanin to me... other than they made it even mor obvous that the thang was movin.!!!
well after giving it some thought I arrive at the following possibilities:
If what you have shown in the animation is reasonably correct the object would be so large that it would be impossible for it to have been present with out causing huge problems to the atmosphere and space general.
The year is 1954. The height of alien paranoia sweeping the world . UFO sightings on a daily basis, Marvel type Comic books making a fortune. Holly wood is filming in color....the cold war between USSR and USA is heating up.....etc etc get the picture...

I tend to think it was the older girls way of spooking you as part of playing a trick.
"look a UFO?"
Young clulusshusband says "where?"
"behind the clouds" she says
CLH yells as most 5 year olds would do "run lets hide"
older girl enjoys this sort of game with CLH.
CLH has created the image in his mind as part of playing the game. Vivid visualisation.
The reason it stands out in your memory as special is it was probably the first time you noticed that you could visualise something so real. And the reaosn for it being appropriately alien is that the image was inspired internally by an alien [ the older girl ] This is referred to as "Empressing" where by a visual image is inspired internally by the recipient [ a form of communication ] However this is not a necessary requirement as normal psychology will show the pheno of one person inspiring florid visulisations in another with out the need for psychic or paranormal to be a part of the causation.
Bottom line:
The older girl spooked you and you remember it because you "saw" how you allowed her to. A part of growing up Clulusshusband in a world crazy with alien invasion paranoia. [ mostly caused by the very strong fear/threat of USSR first strike. People were actually searching the skies for incoming aircraft and missiles ]

Do you have a history of problems with visualisations through out your middle to senior school years? Because having such a frank self conscious experience can basicaly inhibit visualsiations almost permanently. [ like how a post trauma "flash back" situation can slowly degrade a persons ability to remember other things.]
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If what you have shown in the animation is reasonably correct the object would be so large that it would be impossible for it to have been present with out causing huge problems to the atmosphere and space general.
Sheer nonsense.
So when the poster posted his dream it came as no real surprise to find that MJ had a "dream lover" in fact he probably had many including the other celeb, that passed away just before he did FF. In fact it could be speculated that it was FF passing that precipitated MJ's heart attack. [ two hearts beating as one, and one heart dies sort of thing...]
Meh, okay I just worked it out. FF is Farrah Fawcett.
It was the wording "just before he did FF" that threw me.

So let me get this straight.
You're positing that
1) "dream lovers" (whatever the hell they are) are real
2) Jackson and Fawcett-Majors were both capable of doing this
3) they were doing it with each other
4) that the death of someone can cause the death of another (that quickly)

I admire your "ability" to pile speculation on top of speculation with no evidence (in fact contradicting reality) and arrive at a nonsense conclusion.
I tend to think it was the older girls way of spooking you as part of playing a trick.
"look a UFO?"
Young clulusshusband says "where?"
"behind the clouds" she says
CLH yells as most 5 year olds would do "run lets hide"
older girl enjoys this sort of game with CLH.
CLH has created the image in his mind as part of playing the game. Vivid visualisation.

Yes thats a reasonable scenerio... but it all took place in about 5 seconds:::

The 13 year hollered "LOOK"... i looked at her an then looked at whare she was pontin an it apears thet the 11 year old girl did the sam thang... the 11 year old screamed an then me an the 13 year old joined in an we all 3 ran for the house... the only word spoken was "LOOK".!!!

But for all i know its jus a dream that im remenberin but i thank it realy did hapen,!!!

Do you have a history of problems with visualisations through out your middle to senior school years?

In what way do you mean that???... give an esample.!!!
In what way do you mean that???... give an esample.!!!
well from what have found from a large number of discussions and personal experience is that when a person experiences frank "empressions" that is to say they become conscious of image insertion, or thought insertion etc the persons ability to naturally utilise this mormal function becomes impaired. So that after such an event the person suffers appropriate loss of innate function [ subconcious functionality]

IMO So you may have suffered learning difficulties, relationship issues and the like as a result. [ this is not evidence btw as many people suiffer such things] In extreme cases it can lead to socially generated problems typically referred to as Schizophrenia and other psychotic type disorders.