Any people with real psychic/paraphysical abilities here?

I didn't mean monitored in a conscious sense but in a deep subconscious sense, the sort of sense that helps form first impressions about things and people etc etc...

Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
But im still qurious... have you had comunicaton wit extraterestials.???
Have you had communicaton wit extraterestials.???
not in a way that can be substantiated with is there any point talking about the 5 races that I am currently aware of...of course that wouldn't be fair would it to ignore the literally millions of races [all humanoid of some type] out there...Oops! Did I say something about ET's...dang I wasn't going to now was I.
oK... but below is a antimated gif i made of a ufo me an 2 nabor girls saw when i was 5 year old (about 55 years ago)... know anythang about such stuff.???
and how long do you estimate the object to have been? 1 mile long 1/2 mile long or put it this way how long did the entire experience take to pass?
1st impressions are null.
Meaning I feel no relationship with what you have drawn. But it must have been absolutely massive if those clouds are any indication and the fact that I feel no relationship to it is telling in itself....probably what I call "hard" blocked from insight etc etc....
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and how long do you estimate the object to have been? 1 mile long 1/2 mile long or put it this way how long did the entire experience take to pass?

Well i never tryed to compute the size of it but it had to be huge compared to the clouds it was movin behind.!!!

The sky was almos filled wit big white puffy clouds an the only part of the ufo i saw was behind the clouds as in the gif.!!!

In my gif the movment is "jerky" but the actual movment i saw was smooth but moved at about the speed it apears to be movin in the gif.!!!

The oldest girl hollered "LOOK"... an me an the other girl looked whare she was pontin an she screamed an then me an the oldest girl instently screamed as we all 3 immediatly ran to the house... so i only saw the ufo for about 3 seconds.!!!
Well i never tryed to compute the size of it but it had to be huge compared to the clouds it was movin behind.!!!

The sky was almos filled wit big white puffy clouds an the only part of the ufo i saw was behind the clouds as in the gif.!!!

In my gif the movment is "jerky" but the actual movment i saw was smooth but moved at about the speed it apears to be movin in the gif.!!!

The oldest girl hollered "LOOK"... an me an the other girl looked whare she was pontin an she screamed an then me an the oldest girl instently screamed as we all 3 immediatly ran to the house... so i only saw the ufo for about 3 seconds.!!!

so since the age of 5 and for nearly 55 years you've been carrying a 3 second memory of an event/object you have no idea of what it is?
eh! what ever....who do you think FF was or is?
That would be why I used the "confused" smiley. I have no idea what "FF" means.

boy! you have no idea...just how monitored they are....
I know exactly how monitored they are: zero.

I didn't mean monitored in a conscious sense but in a deep subconscious sense, the sort of sense that helps form first impressions about things and people etc etc...
Monitored? By whom?

not in a way that can be substantiated with is there any point talking about the 5 races that I am currently aware of...of course that wouldn't be fair would it to ignore the literally millions of races [all humanoid of some type] out there...Oops! Did I say something about ET's...dang I wasn't going to now was I.
All nonsense.
so since the age of 5 and for nearly 55 years you've been carrying a 3 second memory of an event/object you have no idea of what it is?

Yes an i remenber seein the 2 older girls in front of me as we was runnin to the house but i dont remenber anythang about it after that.!!!
Yes an i remenber seein the 2 older girls in front of me as we was runnin to the house but i dont remenber anythang about it after that.!!!
sorry Cluelusshusbund, there is nothing I can tell you about it. It is thoroughly blocked.
I can't say that it is an illusion of mind nor can I say that it is what you think it is.


The four circles in the animation shown on the side of the thing as it passes? I get the impression there should only be three circles and not four.
what do they mean to you and why did you specifically remember them do you think??
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I will say this though:
The art of "psy blocking" is really a tough one.
As it forms a part of our minds automatic self denial protection systems.
What I do know about certain ET's that are commonly discussed but mainly the subject of paranoia is that they are psych masters in that they have tremendous psychic capacity. They as part of that capacity have the ability to cloak or distort any perception they choose to.
I personally have had the experience of spending a complete day at a shopping centre walking around and not once did any one actually see me. [ unless I broke silence and touched or talked to someone.] Atthe time it was incredibly frustrating as I had no apparent control over the perception blocking that was going on. [ of course I have since learned a certain control.]

Psy blocking can be quite profound if the operant knows how to control it.

My guess and it is a guess is that for reasons yet to be determined the event s that your image are referring to are blocked, whether that be because of ET need for cloaking and subterfuge or I have blocked it myself to protect my own space.

At the moment I am inclined to think the later.....
I will say this though:
The art of "psy blocking" is really a tough one.
Nope: blocking nothing is incredibly easy.

What I do know about certain ET's that are commonly discussed but mainly the subject of paranoia is that they are psych masters in that they have tremendous psychic capacity.
No, you don't know that. Try to separate believing from knowing.

I personally have had the experience of spending a complete day at a shopping centre walking around and not once did any one actually see me.
Just the one day?
I've lost count of the number of times I haven't been seen by an alien. :rolleyes:
I didn't say they would, did I?
I simply stated a fact: I wasn't seen by any.