Any information on UFO’s !!

Jessie trouble let Ophiolite trouble not your heart. If your opinion differs with hers sufficiently, she would have put you on her ever growing ignore list. Maybe one day soon you will be able to make it to her ignore list and then you will not have to be bothered with her inane commentary.
First off, who is Joe? Secondly, no, I do not PROBABLY think that are an equal number of people who believe in demon possession. Statistics have shown that the numbers of people who believe in the demonic and/or possession by said force are steadily declining, and the belief in such has shown that it falls with people who are usually less educated or very religious. On the contrary, the percent of the poplulation that believes in aliens, UFO's, abductions etc. are actually higher then ever and they are people who are of average to above-average intelligence. Another difference that can be noted is that Gallup polls have shown that people who are religious or believe in demonic possession tend to DISBELIEVE in aliens or UFO's. There is quite a notable distinction between religious beliefs in the paranormal and non-religious beliefs in the paranormal. Demonic possession and UFO phenomena are not related in any sort of way.

In fact, many people who have reported abduction experiences HAVE gone under rigorous mental testing and many have been found to be quite sane and sound, the exception being that they believe something very scary and traumatic has happened to them that they cannot explain. Gallup polls have also shown that religious paranormal believers tend to fall to the less educated, while non-religious paranormal believers show no notable difference between those who believe in nothing. If the abduction or UFO phenomena, in itself, is some kind of psychosomatic manifestation, it is still one that is not yet recognized by the scientific's just completely dismissed, which I think is wrong.

That WAS clearly NOT addressed to you, since your name isn't Joe. Joe is MUCH more level-headed than you and my comments were directed to him.

I don't find you to be particulary intelligent nor as well as informed as Joe or Oph - therefore I've no interest in discussing anything at all with you. So, if you don't mind too much please refrain from BUTTING in on converstions I'm having with other individuals!!!!!!!!!!
That WAS clearly NOT addressed to you, since your name isn't Joe. Joe is MUCH more level-headed than you and my comments were directed to him.

I don't find you to be particulary intelligent nor as well as informed as Joe or Oph - therefore I've no interest in discussing anything at all with you. So, if you don't mind too much please refrain from BUTTING in on converstions I'm having with other individuals!!!!!!!!!!

Wow. I'm sorry, my mistake, seeing as you quoted MY post, I assumed that you were responding to what I wrote...but apparently YOU are as unintelligent as you are rude. I don't see how anything I've said to you could have offended you or instigated such awful comments from you. You are truly one nasty individual and you are the one who is CLEARLY NOT level-headed. Christ, you didn't have to be such a goddamned dick about it.
Jessie trouble let Ophiolite trouble not your heart. If your opinion differs with hers sufficiently, she would have put you on her ever growing ignore list. Maybe one day soon you will be able to make it to her ignore list and then you will not have to be bothered with her inane commentary.

Maybe if I'm really lucky Read-Only will put me on his ignore list! Jesus, what a dick! :cool:
Hmmm...I sense hostility for no apparent reason.
The hostility is there. Let me explain the reason.

Humans have (arguably) advanced in two ways: in knowledge of how the universe works; in technological advances based upon this knowledge. The two branches of human endeavour that have been most productive in generating and supporting these advances we know as science and engineering.

One set of knowledge we have gained through science includes the observations/conclusions that human perception is a complex and subject to error; that the human brain is a pattern recognition device that sees patterns even when they are not there; that the human psyche is fascinated by novelty, by the strange and the mysterious; that there are neurological conditions that can generate false memories; that different as we are as indiividuals there are some common archetypes/experiences many of us share.

Put those things together and you have a situation where uninformed persons will form opinions that in an unscientific manner. This method of gaining an understanding of the universe is rarely accurate, typically generates faulty ideas and obfuscates the data from which the truth might be extracted.

As someone who believes the acquisition of knowledge by the individual and by humanity is of central importance I abhor any approach that generates faulty ideas and ofuscates data.When I observe the sloppy thinking, the absence of scientific methodology, the mind set of those whom SkinWalker calls significance junkies, then I do indeed become hostile. Something critical to humanity is threatened by those actions.
You have no idea what I believe, but thanks for jumping to judgemental conclusions, that's always a clear-cut sign of someone who is intelligent and not ignorant :rolleyes:. .
I have a pretty good idea of what you find hard to believe, for you spoke of it in the post I replied to. Were you lying? Were you expressing yourself unclearly? I jumped to the judgemental conclusions that you meant what you said and that you were not lying. Was I mistaken?
Firstly, I never said my incredulity had anything to do with good science....
You will see, based upon my opening remarks, that this makes your incredulity irrelevant from my point of view.
notice how I said "I find it hard to believe"...that's called an opinion. .
And therefore I find your opinion - on a matter where we seek to extend our knowledge - to be damaging to that goal.
Secondly, my speculating on a topic for the sake of conversation is not what I would call indulgence,.
comes across as much more definitive than speculation. More importantly it is speculation in the absence of scientific rigour - and you now know what I think about that.
Thirdly, why don't you name two careful, fair, unbiased studies .......
I shall be happy to do so. However, since I asked you first please be good enough to comply first.
The hostility is there. Let me explain the reason.

Humans have (arguably) advanced in two ways: in knowledge of how the universe works; in technological advances based upon this knowledge. The two branches of human endeavour that have been most productive in generating and supporting these advances we know as science and engineering.

One set of knowledge we have gained through science includes the observations/conclusions that human perception is a complex and subject to error; that the human brain is a pattern recognition device that sees patterns even when they are not there; that the human psyche is fascinated by novelty, by the strange and the mysterious; that there are neurological conditions that can generate false memories; that different as we are as indiividuals there are some common archetypes/experiences many of us share.

Put those things together and you have a situation where uninformed persons will form opinions that in an unscientific manner. This method of gaining an understanding of the universe is rarely accurate, typically generates faulty ideas and obfuscates the data from which the truth might be extracted.

As someone who believes the acquisition of knowledge by the individual and by humanity is of central importance I abhor any approach that generates faulty ideas and ofuscates data.When I observe the sloppy thinking, the absence of scientific methodology, the mind set of those whom SkinWalker calls significance junkies, then I do indeed become hostile. Something critical to humanity is threatened by those actions.
I have a pretty good idea of what you find hard to believe, for you spoke of it in the post I replied to. Were you lying? Were you expressing yourself unclearly? I jumped to the judgemental conclusions that you meant what you said and that you were not lying. Was I mistaken?
You will see, based upon my opening remarks, that this makes your incredulity irrelevant from my point of view.
And therefore I find your opinion - on a matter where we seek to extend our knowledge - to be damaging to that goal.
comes across as much more definitive than speculation. More importantly it is speculation in the absence of scientific rigour - and you now know what I think about that.
I shall be happy to do so. However, since I asked you first please be good enough to comply first.

If you had read any of my other posts clearly you would see that I mentioned multiple times that I know that there is no physical proof of the existence of UFO's or visitors etc. besides eye-witness accounts, which, like I said before, we all know to be unreliable and are not scientific evidence at all. Seeing as that NO ONE can offer physical proof (if they could then we wouldn't be having this conversation) all that is left, in DISCUSSION forums like this, is speculation as to what is or could be potentially happening. Obviously, we are not all going to agree.

All I can do is offer my opinion on the matter, seeing as I am neither an expert on UFO's/'aliens' and never claimed to be nor do I have some secret knowledge of the actual existence of 'aliens' or the means to conduct a "rigourous" scientific experiment that I could present to you in order to back up my...thoughts on the matter??? It really does not matter whether my opinion is relevant to you or not, it is what it is, and if you find it to be offensive or substandard then that really is your problem and not mine and nothing I say or do will change that, but I do not see why there is need for hostility. If you think I'm unintelligent then don't talk to's a pretty simple matter.

What I said I found 'hard to believe' was that every single claim of abduction scenarios has been debunked and that every single person who has experienced such a phenomena is simply deluded because they refuse to accept the results, which, from what I gleaned from your response, is that it is simply not happening. I, on the other hand, believe that something is happening, but, like I said BEFORE, I do not know what. I do not know if people are truly being abducted or if this is some type of mental phenomena. I guess my whole point from the beginning, besides just offering my thoughts on the OP (which was "Any info on UFO's") is that many people all over the world are experiencing something that is traumatic and scary to them and whether it is physical or mental, I don't know, but that doesn't make it any less significant.
What I said I found 'hard to believe' was that every single claim of abduction scenarios has been debunked and that every single person who has experienced such a phenomena is simply deluded because they refuse to accept the results, which, from what I gleaned from your response, is that it is simply not happening. I, on the other hand, believe that something is happening, but, like I said BEFORE, I do not know what. I do not know if people are truly being abducted or if this is some type of mental phenomena. I guess my whole point from the beginning, besides just offering my thoughts on the OP (which was "Any info on UFO's") is that many people all over the world are experiencing something that is traumatic and scary to them and whether it is physical or mental, I don't know, but that doesn't make it any less significant.
And I have never denied that something is going on. I have stated that there is plenty of information out there on what this is. If I had the time I would go find some of this for you. If you are serious about finding out the truth you should be willing to go find this yourself. I've already studied it in the past and decided that until and unless further information is forthcoming, that the explanations provided are likely valid.
And I have never denied that something is going on. I have stated that there is plenty of information out there on what this is. If I had the time I would go find some of this for you. If you are serious about finding out the truth you should be willing to go find this yourself. I've already studied it in the past and decided that until and unless further information is forthcoming, that the explanations provided are likely valid.

And like I said before, I agreed with you on many of your points. I don't claim to believe in one side or the other nor do I claim that something exists unless I have scientific evidence to back it up...which in this case I don't...nobody does. I've read a variety of material on the subject, but remain unconvinced of the reality of otherworldly visitors and such, but that doesn't mean my mind isn't open to entertaining the idea if compelling evidence should arise. I just find it interesting that so many people from all different backgrounds and cultures share similar experiences and truly believe that something has happened to them. It is curious to me, that is all. I enjoy speculating on the subject, but unfortunately for me, that is all I am qualified to do :) Like I said before, I wonder how many people who claim to experience said phenomena are ultimately influenced, unconsciously, by cultural views on the matter.
Wow. I'm sorry, my mistake, seeing as you quoted MY post, I assumed that you were responding to what I wrote...but apparently YOU are as unintelligent as you are rude. I don't see how anything I've said to you could have offended you or instigated such awful comments from you. You are truly one nasty individual and you are the one who is CLEARLY NOT level-headed. Christ, you didn't have to be such a goddamned dick about it.

Yes, I did make the mistake of clicking on the wrong post to which I intended to reply. And I honestly apologize for that.

However, if your brain was at least half-functional, you would have realized from the fact that that I addressed it to "Joe" - and there IS a Joe active in this thread - that my response was not directed at you. It was your rather stupid and unthinking reply to me that brought the deserved response you got.

End of story. Now leave me alone, I don't need your silly PMs, either. I thought I made it clear that I have NO interest in conversing with you!
Maybe if I'm really lucky Read-Only will put me on his ignore list! Jesus, what a dick! :cool:

Keep your fingers crossed.

As someone who believes the acquisition of knowledge by the individual and by humanity is of central importance I abhor any approach that generates faulty ideas and ofuscates data.When I observe the sloppy thinking, the absence of scientific methodology, the mind set of those whom SkinWalker calls significance junkies, then I do indeed become hostile. Something critical to humanity is threatened by those actions.

You do realize science is a continual transition of knowledge right? Looking back in history all we see is Science being WRONG. Science corrects itself daily. You cannot claim omniscience and decree which ideas YOU think are "faulty". The facts of today are the errors of tomorrow, so quit acting like you know everything because clearly you dont.

Indeed something critical to humanity is being threatened, our ability to think and act freely without being the subjected to derogatory actions. Its the same three or four people that harass the UFO believers.
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Looking back in history all we see is Science being WRONG.
the most basic premise of science is to explain the unknown.
to that end science has done a fairly remarkable job.
you do realize that we have science to thank for the discovery of the atom right?
the most basic premise of science is to explain the unknown.
to that end science has done a fairly remarkable job.
you do realize that we have science to thank for the discovery of the atom right?

Along with about a million other things/inventions.
Keep your fingers crossed.

You do realize science is a continual transition of knowledge right? Looking back in history all we see is Science being WRONG. Science corrects itself daily. You cannot claim omniscience and decree which ideas YOU think are "faulty". The facts of today are the errors of tomorrow, so quit acting like you know everything because clearly you dont.

Indeed something critical to humanity is being threatened, our ability to think and act freely without being the subjected to derogatory actions. Its the same three or four people that harass the UFO believers.

Honestly, it would be impossible to put it any better! :)

PLEASE, lets dispense with the "holier than thou" attitudes and insults. No matter what anyone states to the contrary, UFOs CANNOT be explained via mundane gibberish or temporary hallucinogenic fits.

If you can't seem to offer anything inspiring or thought provoking, what not just participate in a different thread?

This is a GREAT forum consisting of many intelligent members. There is just simply no reason to run any of them away because of narrow mindedness.
the most basic premise of science is to explain the unknown.
to that end science has done a fairly remarkable job.
you do realize that we have science to thank for the discovery of the atom right?

And exactly how many revisions have been made to science within the atomic age itself? I'll give you a clue. The revisions couldn't be counted on all the appendages you personally have, whether male or female.
And exactly how many revisions have been made to science within the atomic age itself? I'll give you a clue. The revisions couldn't be counted on all the appendages you personally have, whether male or female.
i would say there are at least 100 million revisions to science since 1900.
i would also say 95% of those revisions were in the accuracy of measurements.
-in my opinion.
You do realize science is a continual transition of knowledge right? ..........You cannot claim omniscience and decree which ideas YOU think are "faulty".
Don't be such a stupid jerk. I do not claim omniscience. I tap into the rich vein of research and knowledge acquired through the application of the scientific method and thereby identify the ideas that are so faulty they don't even get to be considered wrong.
Will Newton's Laws of Gravity be overturned one day as an approximation for objects moving in a low gravity field at low velocity? They might be, but the odds against it are so enormous that no sane person would even give it a second thought. Would I bet my life on this? I do, every time I get out of bed, or take a step on the sidewalk.
The facts of today are the errors of tomorrow,[/U] so quit acting like you know everything because clearly you dont..
There are no facts, you dumb shit. There are theories so well validated that we consider them to be facts for all practical purposes. The nonsense you and you cronies spew forth is not fact, it is not theory, it is not hypothesis, it is rarely even speculation, it is most commonly a species of noxious mental exhalation that seems to associated with misfiring neurons.
Indeed something critical to humanity is being threatened, our ability to think and act freely without being the subjected to derogatory actions. Its the same three or four people that harass the UFO believers.
You can't think and as long as you indulge in fanciful imaginings and pretend they have substance you will be remain far from freedom.
If you think you are being harassed think again. I'm just brushing an annoying buzzing insect away.
Is this how you define your "intelligence"?
I'm not defining intelligence, I'm simply observing its absence in you and your kin.

Ophiolite, you are a trouble maker
electra, try to make contact with reality. The trouble arises from your intransigence in refusing to adhere to the principles of science on a science forum, then following that up with sophomoric bleating when you are called to account for that.