Any information on UFO’s !!


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Hi everyone, most of us have heard about UFO’s and all the stuff about the reports on them. There have been research on them and many things said and done, but it is still not clear if they really do exist or not. What do you people say on this?
Hi everyone, most of us have heard about UFO’s and all the stuff about the reports on them. There have been research on them and many things said and done, but it is still not clear if they really do exist or not. What do you people say on this?

This is an all time discussion. I just wonder that this may go on for a long time, as you said, there are many researches been undertaken to discover the truth about them but many have been without any verified results. Some do believe that the results have not been fully disclosed and yet there have been some interesting findings about them. For better information, you can check out visited ufo-sightings-evidence for more insight into this matter.
...but it is still not clear if they really do exist or not.

There's zilch, nada, zero convincing evidence that alien spaceships have ever visited Earth.
Metallic saucer shaped crafts with apparent anti gravity type actions....absolutely.
From another planet?...can't say for sure.
Metallic saucer shaped crafts with apparent anti gravity type actions....absolutely.
From another planet?...can't say for sure.

moementum7! It's GREAT to see you on here again. I know you are super busy but please don't be a stranger. Thanks for all the previous insight.

I am fascinated with the subject for certain, it's just that I found the original question to be stated with such emphatic and sincere innocence, almost to the point of complete naivety, I figured it must be bait.

If you (the OP) are honestly being sincere, I apologize for laughing. It's just that I find myself in the company of extreme learned intelligence "here" and the question you asked, in the way it was put, is more so appropriate for a campfire gathering.

Bottom line is this: There is so much evidence suggesting that a HIGHLY unusual phenomenon is taking place, you simply have to remain objective. By objective I mean that you have to really dig in and accept nothing, but at the same time remain aloof of predisposition. It's VERY tough to do coming from either side of the fence.

The best filmed evidence that I have seen to date is a result of Anthony Wood. That stuff is just incredible. Does anyone know if there has been any reliable debunking of that case.
you might want to check out "behold a pale horse" by william cooper.
he was in US naval intelligence.
he published the first draft of his book and was stalked and murdered shortly thereafter.
Bottom line is this: There is so much evidence suggesting that a HIGHLY unusual phenomenon is taking place, you simply have to remain objective.
If you believe that there is so much evidence that a highly unusual phenomenom is taking place, then you have already ceased to be objective.

(unusual spelling by the way) here are my thoughts.

1. Of course UFOs exist. I have seen several of them. A UFO is an unidentified flying object. Anything we see moving throught the air (and thus assumed to be 'flying') that we cannot identify is, by definition, a UFO.
2. Nearly every UFO I have seen I have subsequently - typically within seconds - been able to identify. This should be true of the vast majority of instances if people have good eyesight, observation over a sufficiently long time period, experience of what can be seen in the sky, and are not gullible.
3. In practice many inexperienced, or gullible observers mistake everyday objects for something strange.
4. It is probable that all sightings can be explained away by this poor quality of observation and, of course, deliberate fraud, or in some cases self delusion.
5. There is an outside chance that some UFOs may be a hitherto unknown phenomena such as ball ligthning.
6. The possibility that any are alien spacecraft is so vanishlingly small as to be a waste of time to consider. (If we wish to explore the possiblity of alien visitations we should better ask what kind of devices would aliens leave to observe the planet and where would they leave them?. That would stand a much better chance of turning up evidence - hard evidence - for alien visitations.)
7. The most interesting aspect about UFOs is the amount of self delusion apparently sane people are willing to indulge in, in order to avoid accepting mundane, but logical explanations.
1. Of course UFOs exist. I have seen several of them. A UFO is an unidentified flying object. Anything we see moving throught the air (and thus assumed to be 'flying') that we cannot identify is, by definition, a UFO.
i remember seeing an object recently that looked exactly like a drawing of a saucer shaped UFO. turned out to be a twin engine jet.
i was amazed at the similarities of what i saw when compared to the drawing.
6. The possibility that any are alien spacecraft is so vanishlingly small as to be a waste of time to consider.
i would expect exactly the opposite given the size and age of the universe.
the only way i would expect a vanishingly small occurance is if a creator played a role in the creation of life.
i would expect exactly the opposite given the size and age of the universe.
the only way i would expect a vanishingly small occurance is if a creator played a role in the creation of life.
Only the most ebullient of interpretations of the Drake equation place many civilisations within the galaxy, and very vew of them co-exist at the same time.
We have not yet developed inter-stellar transportation and we are in danger of destroying our own biosphere. How old is civilisation? If we are typical - and if we wish to propose there have been many other civilisations - then it only takes 10,000 years to go from hunter-gatherer to biosphere destroyer.

And then there is the small matter of inter-stellar travel. We should manage it, but if we do we will not initally have the resources to go puttering around other civilisations. Not to mention the fact that any aliens advanced enough to reach us from the stars will have craft that make our stealth planes look like bright beacons playing SugaBabes at 140 dB.
7. The most interesting aspect about UFOs is the amount of self delusion apparently sane people are willing to indulge in, in order to avoid accepting mundane, but logical explanations.

I find the psychology among many so called skeptics on this subject fascinating/interesting as well...the amount of effort made by apparently sane people that is put into attempting to restrict real extra-ordinary phenomena to the confines of the mundane.

Myself and another witnessed 20-30 metallic saucer shaped crafts in broad daylight...there were no ifs, buts, or maybes about it.
Not it could "possibly be this", or it could "possibly be that"...simply metallic saucer shaped crafts exhibiting extremely interconnected synergistic movements within relationship to each other.

In retrospect the way they moved with such absolute synchronicity as to project the illusion that they were all connected by some invisible mechanical mechanism really was the most phenomenal and disturbing to my established context for physical objects to move within....still brings me to a wierd and as of yet unexplainable place when I think about the event clearly....just fascinating on so many levels.

The more effort I see any so called skeptic attempt to convince any particular audience that such crafts are an impossiblity the more it is clear that particular skeptic is flawed and imbalanced with regards to his premise on the subject.

Whether they are man-made or E.T., either way the meaning behind such activities occurs to me to have inherrent and extremely significant repercussions for us as the general public...good or bad, man or E.T.

And a big "hi, how are ya" to you Electra:)
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momentum-7 I have read of your experiences in another thread. I don't doubt your sincerity, or your seriousness. I do however doubt your eyewitness account, for I have ample evidence of my own ability to misinterpret what I am seeing. And, regretably, I shall not allow you a greater skill in this area than I allow myself.
momentum-7 I have read of your experiences in another thread. I don't doubt your sincerity, or your seriousness. I do however doubt your eyewitness account, for I have ample evidence of my own ability to misinterpret what I am seeing. And, regretably, I shall not allow you a greater skill in this area than I allow myself.

No problem...I understand.
I'm just some guy on the internet to you.
However, you will have to work on the assumption that I am simply insane rather than just "mistaken" in my eyewitness account and I'm fine with that...again I understand the dynamics within which we are limited to communicating.
There is simply no room for misinterpretation in my particular account.
Big O, it was a "right in your face" sighting.
Not specks in the sky, not lights in the dark, I'm talking about vehicle sized crafts in broad daylight.
So yeah, I'm open to being insane or a liar, but not "mistaken" in being able to clearly identify the physical characteristics of these crafts.
Again, I completely understand your skepticism.
Not specks in the sky, not lights in the dark, I'm talking about vehicle sized crafts in broad daylight.
so was i in post 9.
if i had not heard the sound of the engines i could have easily mistaken what i saw for a UFO.
atmospheric effects had distorted the shape of that plane to the point of unreality.
so was i in post 9.
if i had not heard the sound of the engines i could have easily mistaken what i saw for a UFO.
atmospheric effects had distorted the shape of that plane to the point of unreality.

Lol,'s really not that complicated guys.
I understand how some objects in certain situations can be misinterpreted by distance lighting or even distraction...but these metallic saucers, 20 to 30 of them were right there surrounded by some type of field (looked like they were in a bubble) no less.

I'll see if I can find a pic of a saucer to give you an approximation of just how big they were in relationship to distance.
Hard if not impossible to believe...I know, lol.
If you believe that there is so much evidence that a highly unusual phenomenom is taking place, then you have already ceased to be objective.

but that's not what I stated was it?

This is what I did state:

Bottom line is this: There is so much evidence suggesting that a HIGHLY unusual phenomenon is taking place, you simply have to remain objective. By objective I mean that you have to really dig in and accept nothing, but at the same time remain aloof of predisposition. It's VERY tough to do coming from either side of the fence.

You see, I do not believe that you and many other's like yourself give this subject the respect that it deserves. The truth is that MANY other scientists, people that are light years beyond myself, some quite far beyond yourself, do BELIEVE that ET or extra dimensional beings are coming here. They have pretty damn sound reasons why too.

I BELIEVE that you and others like yourself are predisposed to mundane explanations for this phenomenon. Yet, the truth is, you have no more evidence supporting these mundane explanations than those do that choose to explain them via different hypothesis.
I think UFO's exist...I'm just not sure if they're from another planet. Many sightings could just be secret military aircraft not yet revealed to the public or it could be simple things like weather balloons and such. Yet, I like to keep an open mind and I think it is extremely conceited of us to think that we are the ONLY intelligent life in the ENTIRE universe. Still, there is not much evidence for other worldly UFO's besides eye witness accounts and experiences, which are really unreliable. An interesting book to check out would be Communion by Whitley Strieber. Her offers a compelling account of his "visitor" experience, but whether or not it is true is unprovable. I do think something is at play, but whether it is of this world or another is hard to say. Many people who claim to have been abducted all share similar characteristics in their experiences, but it could be that they are ultimately affected, subconsciously, by cultural views on the subject.
You see, I do not believe that you and many other's like yourself give this subject the respect that it deserves.
Beleive what you like, I give the subject exactly the respect it deserves. The association with this subject of the gullible, the insane, the dishonest, the self-deceived, the prankster, the attention seeker, the ill-informed,have so utterly muddied the waters as to render a proper scientific study almost impossible. Individuals and groups who, whatever there motivation, argue for the reality of UFOs as alien vehicles (or time travellers, or craft of a hidden Earth civilisation) have made the subject so unrespectable by there pseudoscientific approach that they have inhibited the proper study of these phenomena.
That is a crime against science, against the acquisition of knowledge and against humanity. I utterly condemn their irresponsible behaviour.
The truth is that MANY other scientists.... do BELIEVE that ET or extra dimensional beings are coming here.
Please provide me with citations to peer reviewed papers by established scientists that demonstrate this.
I BELIEVE that you and others like yourself are predisposed to mundane explanations for this phenomenon.
Then you don't know diddely-shit. I was presdisposed to believe in almost anything. Here is a list of some of the things I used to believe in:
  • Poltergeist
  • Telekinesis
  • ESP
  • Clairvoyance
  • Astral projection
  • The prophecies of Edgar Cayce
  • The hypotheses of Velikovsky
  • The Loch Ness monster
  • UFOs
  • Ghosts
  • The Bermuda Triangle
So you are mistaken. I had a predisposition to reject mundane explanations. An automatic reaction against the simple explanation and a strong bias towards accepting the bizarre, while cherry picking the evidence to support the resultant beliefs.
Yet, the truth is, you have no more evidence supporting these mundane explanations than those do that choose to explain them via different hypothesis.
I have vastly more evidence supporting my current views. (And that is quite setting aside the observation that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.)
Beleive what you like, I give the subject exactly the respect it deserves. The association with this subject of the gullible, the insane, the dishonest, the self-deceived, the prankster, the attention seeker, the ill-informed,have so utterly muddied the waters as to render a proper scientific study almost impossible. Individuals and groups who, whatever there motivation, argue for the reality of UFOs as alien vehicles (or time travellers, or craft of a hidden Earth civilisation) have made the subject so unrespectable by there pseudoscientific approach that they have inhibited the proper study of these phenomena.
That is a crime against science, against the acquisition of knowledge and against humanity. I utterly condemn their irresponsible behaviour.

I agree in many apsects with what you are saying; that as far as the PUBLIC knows, there is no viable evidence for the existence of UFO's; as far as WE know, there has been no aircraft or bodies recovered, we all know that cameras and video-recorders lie and can be tampered with, and that eye witness acounts are, unfortunately, unreliable, because they give us no physical proof and people can not only lie, but also be mistaken on what they THOUGHT they saw. BUT...I do have to say several things.

ONE) I do not believe that science has given this phenomenon a fair study. I say this because whether or not there is actual physical evidence, the truth is, despsite UFO sightings, people from all over the world, from all different cultures, and from all different eras in history, have reported experiences with what they call "other worldly visitors" or "abduction scenarios".

TWO) Not only do people from all over the world, from all different backgrounds, share similar characteristics in their "abduction" experiences, but many wish to remain anonymous. They do not want fame, or glory, or fact many people are afraid to come forward because of the ridicule that is dealt out when it comes to the subject. Whether or not "abductions" are actually happening, I do not think it is fair for science to completely dismiss the phenomena as something that is 'deluded' or 'ignorant'. Many people feel that something terrifying has happened to them and whether or not it is something anchored in reality or something that is taking place in the mind, it still deserves fair attention. There has been a plethora of people from all over the world who have reported 'abduction' or 'visitor' experiences that there is a quite a melting pot of people to choose from to study. Acknowledging that the phenomena exists does not mean acknowledging that it is TRUE or only means that we recognize something is happening to people and whether it is mental or physical is something a fair and unbiased study could attempt to find out.

THREE) We have to realize that visitations from 'otherworldly' beings has been anchored in history since the dawn of time. Fairies, Goblins, Sylphs, Demons, Incubi, Succubi, Ghosts, Aliens, ect. I do not believe that it is sane or sound to say that every person who reports an "abduction" experience or "UFO encounter" is mentally deluded and/or insane. There is no proof that people who believe something 'paranormal' has happened to them are any less intelligent, on average, then those who don't believe in anything 'paranormal' at all. SOMETHING is happening to many people all over the world and many people who have these experiences share the same characteristics.

I believe it is damaging to the people who experience such phenomena when the scientific community completely fails to recognize them. Enough people are reporting such similar experiences that it should be recognized as an existing phenomena that is yet unexplained, but one that is truly real. There is no benefit for absoloutly 'normal' people such as scientists, priests, hairdressers, stay-at-home mothers, actors, etc. to all report similar experiences of 'abduction' encounters or 'visitor' experiences. Why should they lie when they don't want fame?

It doesn't mean that what happened to them has taken place in the physcial world, but it does mean that they believe STRONGLY that something frightening HAS happened to them and not only do they want help...but they want ANSWERS. Whether it is physical or mental, no one knows, but these people who are victims of these experiences deserve to be recognized by the scientific community and given a fair study to help them put to rest the experiences that have, for many, terrified them all their lives.
Such studies have been conducted. The 'abduction victims' generally do not wish to accept the results.