any gifted people with strange abilities around here?

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slivered roots

Registered Senior Member
i've been really interested in the strange abilities that some people possess lately. i know a few people that have mild abilities (most of them have energy-related voluntary acts).

there are some really interesting children (indigo children, i guess) that i've read about online that have special abilities. here's a link to one girl that has an interesting ability: click here

if you have any links to other online sites of indigo children with special abilities, i'd love to check them out.

do any of you have any special abilities? telepathy? energy-related? psycic? it's just that the number of people with special abilities seems to be increasing, and i'd LOVE to hear about anything you may want to share!
Are you kidding? Everyone here is some sort of psyonic master, being from a higher plane of existance, transendant consiousness, or was fucking jesus christ in a past life.
haha i know that many of the people here have higher level thinking tendencies and such, but are there any examples of your abilities? i've just been interested in this for a while now--indigo children.

but don't get me wrong: people like many of you WITH higher level thinking abilities and wonderful in itself...i know that i have a strong sense of existence and i have a love of nature, questioning/doubting, the universe, spiritual stuff, compassion for humanity, etc. that's why i just registered to this forum--to talk with people like me.

any examples? anything at all! it could even be a very strong sense of intuition (which i do have myself).
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There's no reliable evidence that anybody, anywhere, actually has any kind of psychic, telepathic or other paranormal special abilities. In fact, there is a $1 million prize on offer for anybody who can demonstrate such abilities under scientifically controlled testing conditions. The prize has been available for a number of years now, and nobody has yet successfully claimed it. I'm sure that most people could use $1 million.

There are, of course, many many people who have outstanding special abilities which are non-paranormal. For example, Olympic atheletes all have special abilities in their sports, compared to the average person. However, somehow I don't think you were asking about those kinds of abilities.
I've had many prophetic dreams. I can't control them really so I don't think you'd consider it anything out of the ordinary. I also have the ability to experience my senses through thought. If I think about my dog I can feel his coat even though he crossed the river a year ago. If I think of food I can smell it. It has negative points as well as positive ones aas well.
Mystech said:
or was fucking jesus christ in a past life.
Mary Magdalene is a member here? :eek:

Get it? "fucking Jesus" :D *elbows Mystech in the ribs*
Nevermind :mad:
i know that i have a strong sense of existence and i have a love of nature, questioning/doubting, the universe, spiritual stuff, compassion for humanity, etc.

That has nothing to do with psychic abilities or the kind of special traits you are talking about. Its how u view things, the way your mind thinks. For example a person who likes pizza being compared to a person who does not like pizza. Doesn't exactly mean they have a psychic tendecies.

And Raven, that is called your imagination if anything.

I agree with James R. Even though I've never heard of this $1 million dollar prize, I know that no one has been able to truthfully display their "powers" without some scam behind it. So far there are no provable psychic abilities in existence at this moment.
votorx: if you'd actually read what i wrote, then you wouldn't have assumed that i said that 'having a strong sense of existence' was a 'psychic ability'. to clarify, i was describing the way my mind thinks...these factors make up the way i view the earth around me...and i came to this forum because i thought that other people would have similar values. thus, it's a higher level thinking ability because we are more inclined to question things. this is not anything special.

and i do not have an ability. i was only asking people here if they had one or know of any people with them on the internet. if i ever said that i had an ability, what would be the point of me freely sharing that with you anyway?

i shouldn't have to justify myself to just picked this problem when you read something that you didn't care to read fully.

do you not believe that people with abilities exist?

but anyway, to the rest of the people: psychic abilities or special abilities (like the girl on the internet) count. do you know any people who have them?

raven, that's interesting. do you have OBE as well? i'm still questioning about OBE. could you elaborate on your prophetic dreams?

mary magdalene was great...i'm reading a book on her at the moment
Yes I did assume that u were talking about psychic abilities since that is the main purpose of this thread is it not? I even gave you the benefit of the doubt and re-looked over your post to check to see if I missed anything and the results show that I have not. Correct me if I’m wrong but this is what you said
but don't get me wrong: people like many of you WITH higher level thinking abilities and wonderful in itself...I know that I have a strong sense of existence and I have a love of nature, questioning/doubting, the universe, spiritual stuff, compassion for humanity, etc. that's why I just registered to this forum--to talk with people like me.
Not once did you ever mention that you were referring to something other than paranormal activities. While you may have mentioned higher level thinking you never implied that you yourself have this ability and when you explained that you have a strong sense of existence, love of nature etc, I simply assumed that you were keeping this discussion within the perimeters of the thread rather than resulting in a topic change. While this may surprise you, there are people who believe that spirituality and other such practices are a result of some psychotic sensitivity. While I am not one of these people there is the possibility that you are.

Anyways, I do not believe that people with “paranormal” abilities exists. As shown in another thread no reliable source has arisen to support such psychic existence. I admit I know nothing of these Indigo children, but I will look into it when I get the chance.

i shouldn't have to justify myself to just picked this problem when you read something that you didn't care to read fully.
While you may not believe that you need to justify yourself to me your gonna have to start sooner or later, so why not start now? Everyone makes mistakes, so don’t hold yourself higher than everyone else. Perfection is impossible and right now you aren’t a person to do the impossible are you? Oh yes and I don’t mind picking the problem :) I’ve done that purposely many times in this branch of this forums, therefore you aren’t going to make me regret or feel shame for what I’ve said. The only question is, “how long are YOU going to take before you result to profanity and vulgar expressions?”
Well, for my own reasons, I decided to take a look at these indigo children and made a search on metacrawler for these “special” children and my first observation was that all of the of the information on this crystal children come from unreliable paranormal fanatics. Such sites that I am referring too include,,,, etc etc. Even so I decided to enter one of the threads to read on the information they claimed was real. As usual I read about people I’ve never heard of, in places that don’t exist being interviewed from non existent companies like “IOCP” or something similar to that. Such medical phenomenons would make any person famous and well known, yet these people have never been mentioned to me or anyone I know. Maybe this is because there’s proof that such ideas are invalid?
While you may not believe that you need to justify yourself to me your gonna have to start sooner or later, so why not start now? Everyone makes mistakes, so don’t hold yourself higher than everyone else. Perfection is impossible and right now you aren’t a person to do the impossible are you? Oh yes and I don’t mind picking the problem I’ve done that purposely many times in this branch of this forums, therefore you aren’t going to make me regret or feel shame for what I’ve said. The only question is, “how long are YOU going to take before you result to profanity and vulgar expressions?”
okay then, that puts me at really does. if you're so used to this, i'll just get used to it as well--i see that you do pick problems quite frequently. maybe i can learn from you in some strange way.

when i said this:
haha i know that many of the people here have higher level thinking tendencies and such, but are there any examples of your abilities? i've just been interested in this for a while now--indigo children.
what does it explain?

my retreating doesn't mean that you win--it doesn't make me win either. no one wins this because we got nowhere, which is why i believe that people rarely win...winning is not important, anyway. so if you intended to win, that says something about you.

you'll discover that i'm really debate, i don't act too bad. :)

now that we've got that cleared away: did you check out that website i posted? it is quite interesting. whether or not the girl is an indigo child, she still has an ability. it must be real if doctors are using her to do her, she's extremely accurate. how could this be a scam unless it was planned? it could be a scam, but it didn't appear that way at first when i read the article.

i know that this isn't a very popular ability, as other great abilities aren't popular (nor i've never personally seen it). it takes a lot of evidence for me to accept something when it comes to this. (the reason that i turned some interest to this was because i've had some OBEs, with which i had no clue of its existence until i searched the internet for some information after experiencing this.) i wasn't expecting a large portion of people to post in here saying that they have ability A and ability B, etc. it's a rare thing.

i've never seen anyone with a telepathy ability, so i don't believe it. same goes with most psychic abilities. i have at least "some" logic left. i've never seen that girl in action either, but there's a lot of accurate support as a result of her using her powers medically. let's just say that i believe in HEALERS.
I have had an "ability" to know that someone close to me is going to die a fews days before it happens. Shitty thing is, I can't control it.

I have a dream, a certain type of dream, with a certain emotional connection to it, and within a week, poof someone's dead. I've been dead on for about 17 years, with one exception.

I have at this point, come to trust it. While I don't understand it, and it doesn't tell who, or how or when, I know someone, somehow, in the next 10 days or so.

Best friend blowing his brains out? check. Freak car accident? check. Freak brain hemmorage in wisdom teeth surgery? check. Even the more obvious, Step-dad in the ICU for months with a brain bleed - that one had more fore-warning.

A month ago, I had a slightly different type of dream. I wrote it up, and emailed it to my dad with the following line at the bottom: "I don't know what to make of this dream. it's like one of my death dreams, but not. It kind of like a 'loss' dream. I don't know."

Six days later, my sister had her baby, 9 weeks early. hanah, at 3lbs, 11 oz, was tiny, and things were risky. She has, however, done quite well over the past weeks, and is at 4lbs 5oz.

I have also, about a month and a half ago had my first OBE-sort of thing. I was meditating, and found myself in a dream-sort of. It was like the clearest dream I'd ever had. I was fully aware of both my body in my room, and me, in a buddhist temple. A teacher there gave me a book, and told me to read. I double checked that I could actually read it (given previous attempts to test the idea that you can't read in your dreams, I wanted to verify that I wasn't dreaming), and I could see each letter, and each word. I read some of it before I "woke up", which was a different expirience in of itself. I talked to a Ch'an Buddhist monk about the book - He mentioned that he had seen it before, and I should look for it at the bookstore. No luck. no luck. Library? no luck. finally turns out that *his* teacher, whos been dead since the 70's, had a hand-written book with the same title as what I had "dreampt" or OBE'd about.

So I can say, yes, I think that I am somehow able to pick up on subtle causal threads in the world, and my brain displays them to me in my dreams. Or there is something else about this universe that we have not yet explained in science. I don't know much about it, if the later is the case.

Can I move shit with my mind? I thought I did it once, but after taking the situation apart, and study my body position, etc, I discovered that my breath was travelling down my body and forming a vortex which was causing the effect I was seeing. After I covered my face with a scarf, I couldn't reproduce the effect.

I have a burning desire, though, something like I don't know in any other area of my life. I WANT there to be something more there. its kind of odd, considering all its brought me so far is useless pre-knowledge of dead freinds.


PS: I do fully beleive in chi energy, though I don't see it in the classical sense, simply due to my scientific background. I can warm my extremities 30 degrees F within a few mintues just by thinking about it. This is recorded at the U of Penn in philly- fully controled data. I have seen people break 1" boards with a single finger, knock a group of people over from across the room, and knock someone out by hitting them lightly in three places on their body (in sequence).
there is most certainly something more int he realm of chi which western science is only starting to open up to - evidence: insurance companies paying for accupunture treatments.

However, I've seen more thin faiths, frauds and lunatic beleifs in the world than I have actual "cool stuff."

PPS: I think as we learn more about the underlying physics of the universe that we live in; radiation, matter, strings, etc, we will come to understand alot more about the world we live in and the "subtleties" that psycics and such talk about. How do the metephorical strings in string theory vibrate to bring about different forms of matter/energy? Might it be possible for the vibration of a string, before it is enough to evidence in the 3 dimentions that we can easily perceive with sight/sound/hearing/touch/taste, to have an effect on the world? might it be possible for us to detect that vibration, even if it's on a subconscious level?

Given that matter effects thought, and thought can effect matter, how might thought effect the stuff that creates matter, and vise versa?
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you don't seem to understand the power of proof (i don't mean mathematically). Unless you can come up with reliable evidence then only the gullible fools will ever believe you.
who, me? I have no Proof, I have a heaping pile of anecdotal evidence, which is enough to make me question what I have been taught - nothing more. IMO, anyone who claims proof of anything (including science) is a fool.

Biofeedback research data is available from many health care institutions around the world.
Find me a method to directly record my dreams for external viewing, and I'll provide you with the same evidence that I have. Until then, I'm just relating a story to whomever cares to listen.
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very interesting river-wind! my friend has the same thing as far as the energy thing goes. it's pretty weird, but very real.

speaking of real:
yes, some things turn to proof when they happen to you personally. however, most of these (if not all) things are impossible to prove to others who have not experienced them. it is then TOTALLY impossible to explain something to a person that never experienced something like it. it is easier for me to believe an ability related to dreams/prophetic dreams because i know it exists through some of my own experiences. it doesn't take as much proof when it comes to dreaming (in this specific way) for me--i know it's real. i like to think of it as "reflexive" proof because it happened to you, but nobody would believe you. it's a form of self-proof, let's say.
it's like near death experiences, in a way. a person can see god or whatever, but nobody believes them because it hasn't happened to them personally. (this is, of course, only if you believe in near death experiences. these are real because they've happened to many people in the hospital)

proof is a strange thing like that.

for "stranger" abilities (aka things i haven't witnessed/experienced), it naturally takes more proof to understand what's going on.
slivered roots said:
i've been really interested in the strange abilities that some people possess lately. i know a few people that have mild abilities (most of them have energy-related voluntary acts).

there are some really interesting children (indigo children, i guess) that i've read about online that have special abilities. here's a link to one girl that has an interesting ability: click here

if you have any links to other online sites of indigo children with special abilities, i'd love to check them out.

do any of you have any special abilities? telepathy? energy-related? psycic? it's just that the number of people with special abilities seems to be increasing, and i'd LOVE to hear about anything you may want to share!

I can do this:
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