Any atheists here who were once believers?

I found a Bible yesterday too. I find with the internet there isn't the same need to have a hard copy. (Sorry, I feel reluctant to ask questions regarding your family, it seems to cause complaints to the moderators but just whatever you can share.) I also found some poems and prayers (and answers) but some of it quite personal so It is going to be challenging to share it on the forum. Put it this way it will be different than what you normally see. But I'm going to check with James R first.

Yeah, my bf (fiancé) thought it would be good to open up about my life a little more to share how and why I feel the way I do. Honestly, I think I stuck with following Christianity all these years to honor the memory of my dad, who was very zealous in the faith. My kids' dad is Christian, but if I had to label him I would say, he doesn't practice it much. What has been the most challenging is moving away from my prior belief system that I, at one time, taught my kids. But, they understand and I've always taught them to be their own people. It's still odd though to answer questions that my daughter has about the Bible, when I don't believe any of it, at this point. How ironic. ha

That kid has faith, though. And if she believes what she believes, out of my love for her, I will honor her choice.

She asked me recently about heaven and which I answered that I never really believed in those concepts, even when I followed Christianity. I explained to her that I personally can't see an almighty God of the universe, if he exists, sending people into eternal damnation simply for being human.

It is hard, I won't lie. She asks questions that I struggle to answer, not because I don't know the answer, but because I don't want to confuse her as she makes her way down her own path. Definitely tough.
I agree that his faith is unshakable (at least in the face of logic and scientific evidence), but I see nothing candid or classy about his interactions here. He belittles people who don't agree with him, ducks questions that are too difficult, and wastes other people's time with thoughtless responses to long, thoughtful posts.

You have commented before about Jan "ducking" questions, but I think he responds to others and feels it might be redundant if he answers virtually the same questions again, just asked by a different poster.

I'm guessing.

But, classy...yeah, I think Jan keeps it classy.
Yeah, my bf (fiancé) thought it would be good to open up about my life a little more to share how and why I feel the way I do. Honestly, I think I stuck with following Christianity all these years to honor the memory of my dad, who was very zealous in the faith. My kids' dad is Christian, but if I had to label him I would say, he doesn't practice it much. What has been the most challenging is moving away from my prior belief system that I, at one time, taught my kids. But, they understand and I've always taught them to be their own people. It's still odd though to answer questions that my daughter has about the Bible, when I don't believe any of it, at this point. How ironic. ha

That kid has faith, though. And if she believes what she believes, out of my love for her, I will honor her choice.

She asked me recently about heaven and which I answered that I never really believed in those concepts, even when I followed Christianity. I explained to her that I personally can't see an almighty God of the universe, if he exists, sending people into eternal damnation simply for being human.

It is hard, I won't lie. She asks questions that I struggle to answer, not because I don't know the answer, but because I don't want to confuse her as she makes her way down her own path. Definitely tough.
A boy and a girl?
Do you where the rules on "Preaching" are discussed? Please could you inform me of their whereabouts?
I found them via a Google search

Still not that easy to understand.

Preaching in my view anyway, is when a poster cones across as evangelizing as opposed to having a healthy debate or exchange. Threatening to "bring down hellfire" would be a prime example of "preaching." lol

If you wish to share your beliefs, no worries. But if you wish to make others feel uncomfortable because they don't believe as you do, that could be construed as "preaching."

Hope that helps.
No I didn't;


That's how it appears.

Jan Ardena said:
Concepts don't matter. You just feel it. That is how and why it maifests. The feeling is instaneous, and complete, not constructed and thought about.

Are you not referring to your belief in God? And if not, why don't you explain it to me, and explain how you came about that belief, so I don't ever have to ask you again?
You have commented before about Jan "ducking" questions, but I think he responds to others and feels it might be redundant if he answers virtually the same questions again, just asked by a different poster.

Yet those others posters also say that he avoids the question, or fails to answer it in full. You just read Seattle asking why it takes a dozen posts to drag something out of him, did you not? I've asked Jan the very same question several times. He's not forthright in the slightest, and my guess is because he can't actually articulate his beliefs. It would be fine if he'd simply admit it.

I'm guessing.

You're guessing wrong. Do me a favor and reserve judgment until you've seen enough to know.

But, classy...yeah, I think Jan keeps it classy.

Then you don't know what the word means, I'm afraid.
Yet those others posters also say that he avoids the question, or fails to answer it in full. You just read Seattle asking why it takes a dozen posts to drag something out of him, did you not? I've asked Jan the very same question several times. He's not forthright in the slightest, and my guess is because he can't actually articulate his beliefs. It would be fine if he'd simply admit it.
what is it that you wish Jan to prove to you though? I have had exchanges with Jan in his "Darwinist" thread and there were times that he circumvented questions, but eventually always answered them. My guess to that is that sometimes when you are alone in an opinion, others' barrage of questions can seem overwhelming. I'm just guessing.

You're guessing wrong. Do me a favor and reserve judgment until you've seen enough to know.
see my comment above

Then you don't know what the word means, I'm afraid.

Ah, ok. ;)
The world according to ...Balerion.
Where does the sense of right or wrong come from, and why do you apply it?
Do you believe yourself so weak and incapable that you cannot know right from wrong if it does not come from a religious text?
If there was no God as the atheist religion preaches I would have become the most Evil Beast one would have ever known.
Why do you have a pathological need to see atheism as a religion? This isn't the first time you have tried to do this and it was explained to you in detail that atheism is not a religion. So your attempt to label it as such appears to be an attempt to flame a response. Please stop.

Secondly, again, why are you incapable of knowing right from wrong? Why do you need your God to tell you what is right from wrong?
Could the Devil, Satan, himself never convert to become a follower of God?
Well according to religious teachings, Satan/Devil/etc only exists because God allows it to exist. It, supposedly like everything else, was created by God. And allowed to exist as the Devil/Satan by God. God can make the Devil/Satan be good again if God so chooses or wishes it, just as you claim God made you apparently good and not turn into an evil beast.

That is what I set out to find out, and God showed up. I'm telling the forum about it on the Christian Song thread but I have to take care to not preach, but I'm just telling my life story, so is that preaching? I need to define preaching.
I was doing some gardening in my garden the other week, and I thought to myself, 'I can't wait until the gardening fairies to arrive and make my flowers bloom'. As I look out at my now flowering garden, I can think to myself 'yay, the fairies made my flowers grow'.

I will of course ignore the hours of care, pruning, fertilising, aerating of the soil, mulching that led to this point in time.

I would think it would be hard to kill in cold blood if you believed in Hell. If you can rationalize that there is no God, then there is no Hell, so kill the bastards that annoy you. It is just a matter of not getting caught. Set out to be the perfect criminal. That is the way I was thinking my life could lead down such a road.
You haven't read much about the Crusades, witch trials and other religious mass murders, have you?

On a side note, people who react that way, are deemed psychopaths.

And that is what I did, but it isn't easy. There are moments when your restraint is tested. I don't know if you have had to deal with these situations.
You tell them to pack their bags and get out. Then you sell the house, divide the proceeds and get on with your life.

The only people who go out and kill in those moments are usually mentally ill.

Well if I was going to think God didn't exist - crime was going to be my life. I wasn't going to be Mr Nice Guy.
I had no family to guide me. my brother and his friends were already out of control. LSD, burglaries, arson, violent beatings, rape, guns, and other drugs were the things happening, going on, around me. But I could see it was badly organized, it needed an intelligent crime boss to make it work.
What you are basically saying is that you are not strong willed and do not have the willpower to do the right thing without being told to do the right thing.

My family are very religious. My parents are strict Catholics, and my other relatives are also very religious, with quite a few now born again Christians. Several years ago, in a bid to draw me back to believing as they do, they dragged me to a born again revival mass. We were in this giant hall and the music was exceptionally loud and this guy was screaming gospel into the microphone. All were on their feet, really getting into it. And I noticed it was starting to get warmer and warmer. This was a modern church, with airconditioning vents all around the room, so I couldn't understand why it was suddenly getting so warm, since it was very comfortable and cool when we first came in. And then I realised the guy at the front was saying how the heat everyone was feeling deep inside, that heat we were all feeling, was apparently the Holy Spirit descending on us.

By this point, we were all sweating, because it was really hot. And the crowd went wild. A large majority had their eyes roll back into their heads and waved their hands in the air and started speaking in tongues. The band eased off and then it was just the preacher at the front telling them to feel the holy spirit enter them, to feel the heat of the holy spirit. And I have to say, it was damned hot. I felt like I was boiling. So I got up from my chair and walked to the back of the room, and lifted my hand up to the airconditioning vent at the back. And it was blowing hot air into the room. It was in summer, so very hot outside. And they turned on the heater. All those deluded fools, my relatives included, thought it was the holy spirit. It was just the heater turned on high.

Then the laying on hands started. So people queued up, to feel the 'lord Jesus descend into them'.. And with the heat, not drinking for a couple of hours, mass hysteria, dehydration.. And just doing what was expected of them. Many collapsed when the dumbarse preacher put his hand on their heads. Apparently this was Jesus descending into them through the holy spirit.

The night culminated in their finding someone possessed by the Devil apparently. They had gone out, and found someone 'possessed'. That someone ended up being a drunk homeless guy who was so drunk, he could barely stand up. So the crowd hushed and sweating profusely. The poor guy was taken to the front, supported between two other people who had gone out to apparently find him. They literally had to carry him, he was so drunk and passed out, he could not walk. And the preacher did the whole lay on hands.. And the drunk by that stage passed out cold and was fast asleep when they let him go to the ground..

And all the deluded fools in there believed it. No one questioned why it was so hot, because they were told it was the holy spirit. No one questioned the drunk passed out guy passing out cold. They thought it was Satan leaving his body that they did not question or realise the waft of alcohol haze around this guy.

It is easy to believe Robittybob1, and it is easier to believe that you need someone to tell you what the right thing to do is.. It is harder to look around you and analyse the reality of what goes on around you and see your own strengths in yourself. That reality, that clarity is what atheism is. It is believing in yourself.
It isn't what you've "said,"as much as how you act towards others opposing you that demonstrates how you value your faith.

(Plus, I've never seen you waver in your viewpoint. You are always consistently steadfast.)

I may disagree with you Jan, but you really believe what you believe. :)

Not wavering a viewpoint does not amount to unshakable faith, if anything it shows an ''unshakable viewpoint''.
Of all the people I discuss with, do any of their viewpoints change?
For example, they say that I said that my belief in God is based on a feeling, I've shown them where they have misunderstood my points by detailing the whole
of that section of dialouge with Sarkus, and did Balerion waver on his previous misunderstanding? No. :)
Watch and see if they wavour. I'll be very surprised if any of them do.

Doesn't all atheists on here ''really believe what they believe'' when it comes to discussing these issues with theists? Isn't the stage alredy set?
Can you cite any such discussion wherethe atheist change their opinions or mind about something?

These guys are so used to being aggressive toward God, religion, and people who express a faith or belief, they don't even recognise it anymore. Being aggressive, obnoxious,
elitist, insulting, demeaning, and forceful toward God, religion, and theists is written into their worldview. They don't have to account for their behavior.

In their heads, theists aren't supposed to argue back, and if they muster up the courage to, they should do it in a way that doesn't upset their sensibilities.
Persistence is out of the question, because from the get go, you are wrong.

How many theist are on here?
How many of them state their case with confidence (with the exception of LG)?
People who express a belief in God on here tend to; end up not bothering to discuss, or become a football (like Robbitybob1).

I treat people how they treat me in these scenarios.
Most atheists on here think theism is unfounded, and/or idiotic.
This suits me becoz I think athiesm is unfounded, and some of the points they raise, idiotic.
Unfortunately they don't think that is a level playing field, so the toys start flying out of the pram. :eek:

what is it that you wish Jan to prove to you though? I have had exchanges with Jan in his "Darwinist" thread and there were times that he circumvented questions, but eventually always answered them. My guess to that is that sometimes when you are alone in an opinion, others' barrage of questions can seem overwhelming. I'm just guessing.

see my comment above

I've been here for almost ten years, and have seen everything Jan has to offer. Never once have I seen him answer a question directly. Even when he does acquiesce after a dozen or so posts, it's never in full. He's unfailingly vague.

Ah, ok. ;)
The world according to ...Balerion.

More like "The word according to the dictionary."

Feel free to share what makes Jan's behavior so classy.
I've been here for almost ten years, and have seen everything Jan has to offer. Never once have I seen him answer a question directly. Even when he does acquiesce after a dozen or so posts, it's never in full. He's unfailingly vague.
Okay, fair enough, but did you ever read through a bit of his Darwinist thread?

Feel free to share what makes Jan's behavior so classy.

He doesn't "mud sling," nor does he resort to insults and name calling, even when others here have railed at him.
To me, that shows an element of class.
Okay, fair enough, but did you ever read through a bit of his Darwinist thread?

Probably. Nothing jumps out at me, but I'm sure I browsed it.

He doesn't "mud sling," nor does he resort to insults and name calling, even when others here have railed at him.
To me, that shows an element of class.

Of course he does. He does all of that. Maybe you just need to read more of his posts.
Hi Wegs, so here's a bit more of my story about giving up theist views.

A few years ago, I wondered why the amount of time spent trying to find out about God takes away from doing good things. A similar conundrum seems the case with prayer. This type of diametry shouldn't be allowed by God, in my opinion.

Anyway, the good atheists should get into heaven before good believers if a god exists. That was another idea that made more sense to me than the conventional view.
Do you believe yourself so weak and incapable that you cannot know right from wrong if it does not come from a religious text?
It is easy to believe Robittybob1, and it is easier to believe that you need someone to tell you what the right thing to do is.. It is harder to look around you and analyse the reality of what goes on around you and see your own strengths in yourself. That reality, that clarity is what atheism is. It is believing in yourself.

Bells - firstly apologies for my past stupidity (I'll say no more).

Bells - When you set out to be a master criminal normal concepts of right and wrong are out the window. I know what is right and wrong now but then it was different. No one tells me what is right, I have to figure it out.
I am very astute too, like you I'd notice when they are trying to deceive me; anyone caught deceiving me would be liable for the chop, but now I leave that up to the moderators.
I'll reply in more detail but I'll get one more job done today and catch up later.
Anyway, the good atheists should get into heaven before good believers if a god exists. That was another idea that made more sense to me than the conventional view.

Hey elte :wave:

Please explain this a bit more if you wouldn't mind? It sounds interesting.
Wegs, I think you are usually pretty fair in your comments and there are some on here who aren't so "classy" but Jan's record is mixed and I think you are a little off base regarding that.

I wrote in response to one of Jan's less than clear passages:

"A theist believes in God. An atheist doesn't but God exists because both the theist and the atheist are part of nature including the actions of the theist. The theist acts as it God exists so God exists?

How contorted does one's logic have to become to allow them to believe in God? The answer, apparently is...pretty contorted."

I wrote that after Jan's many posts attempting to explain his views that no one (including me) seemed to be able to decipher.

His response:

"Why don't you try reading what I've written and stop trying to be a smart arse?

If you're as confident and cocky as you're making out, then respond to what I'm saying.

Personally I think you're a coward. But let's see."

Later he called me an asshole.

You won't find anywhere on this forum where I've used that kind of language towards him.

Everyone on this forum has tried to understand what his "concept" "feeling" or whatever is regarding God. It's like chasing a greased pig :)

The illusion of "classy" is paper thin in his case.
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