Any atheists here who were once believers?

Yes, I have read about a mirror universe, same properties as ours. Interesting to be sure. So, is time moving forward as we know it, only a perception?
It seems entirely plausible to me that there could have been a previous collapse of energy that brought it all to one point. (causing the Big Bang)

My thought to the spiritual side of things is...if someone can make the leap to faith...a leap to believing that a 'higher power' could have caused the Big Bang...why not make that same leap, but scientifically? Moving beyond thinking in spiritual terms, I can see how I had limited my own scientific view point.

What do you think of that, Mazulu? Are you open to alternative scientific theories, or do you absolutely believe there is a spiritual 'connection' that answers the Big Bang conundrum?
Unfortunately, now that I think about it, a backwards running universe might be unstable when it hits our universe, and that would collapse it. Because, if not, it could cause paradoxes in the time line. Actually, I don't know. At least with my idea of a spiritual realm, if your universe collapses and you die, you go to heaven. Except for Q. Q is mean, so he'll just get dumped in limbo...until God and a bunch of Christians show up...and evangelize to him for the next 10 trillion years.:p
Unfortunately, now that I think about it, a backwards running universe might be unstable when it hits our universe, and that would collapse it. Because, if not, it could cause paradoxes in the time line. Actually, I don't know. At least with my idea of a spiritual realm, if your universe collapses and you die, you go to heaven. Except for Q. Q is mean, so he'll just get dumped in limbo...until God and a bunch of Christians show up...and evangelize to him for the next 10 trillion years.:p

Is this supposed to be scientific "proof" of heaven? :D
If there exists a heaven, it isn't the bible's "version," that's for sure. Have you read that? Ugh

Regarding Q: Q is just trying to get you to see things for as they really are, not how you are wondering them to be. I think spirituality can be ok if people strike a healthy balance, but often the spiritual "world" becomes more important than the tangible world. Wonderment is a beautiful thing but there's so much beauty and wonder right in the here and now. :)

I can't speak for Q, but just my guess.
Wegs, I'm inclined to think you were never a theist.

Agreed. But not because of belief in Darwinian evolution, but more because of the culturally-specific efforting that this person has put into her "belief in God."

Have you noticed that many American Christians have the same kind of thinking as the first settlers in America - that optimism, proactiveness, self-reliance, willingness to use force. The way land and natural resources have become mere expendables in the eyes and hands of the settlers, so God Himself becomes a mere thing, an expendable, a subject in the approach of those American Christians!

And then later, when they can't go on with this kind of "belief in God" anymore, they have a lot at stake in believing that they really were religious, that they really believed in God. Because for them to admit that they were and still are operating from an inferior notion of God would even now when they don't believe in God anymore, still induce a tremendous doubt in themselves/their actions/their abilities. So given this, it becomes a choice between dismissing religion altogether, or admitting they may have made some serious mistakes along the way and indulged in inferior ways of thinking and acting.
Agreed. But not because of belief in Darwinian evolution, but more because of the culturally-specific efforting that this person has put into her "belief in God."

Have you noticed that many American Christians have the same kind of thinking as the first settlers in America - that optimism, proactiveness, self-reliance, willingness to use force. The way land and natural resources have become mere expendables in the eyes and hands of the settlers, so God Himself becomes a mere thing, an expendable, a subject in the approach of those American Christians!

And then later, when they can't go on with this kind of "belief in God" anymore, they have a lot at stake in believing that they really were religious, that they really believed in God. Because for them to admit that they were and still are operating from an inferior notion of God would even now when they don't believe in God anymore, still induce a tremendous doubt in themselves/their actions/their abilities. So given this, it becomes a choice between dismissing religion altogether, or admitting they may have made some serious mistakes along the way and indulged in inferior ways of thinking and acting.
Can wegs gain a true belief in God? What would she have to do?
I haven't abandoned my belief that God may exist, and I don't disagree with some of your assessment, wynn. In fact, it is pretty insightful. I will post more later. I'm at work ...
Like "Lord I renounce all my past beliefs, now Lord teach me afresh."

Maybe your past beliefs were not all wrong ...

And this - "Lord I renounce all my past beliefs, now Lord teach me afresh." - isn't someone who would say such a thing, in an effort to be humble, actually being preposterously proud?
At the very least, my opinion is that the Bible offers a very limited, and potentially inaccurate 'notion' of what God is/was/could be.

I was well educated in my faith, I wasn't blindly following. My journey has been a long and winding one, like most people. If you wish to post your thoughts wynn, that's fine...but, don't assume to know how people arrive at what they do, for you don't know. Even for those who follow a is a personal decision, and not one I judge them on.
Maybe your past beliefs were not all wrong ...

And this - "Lord I renounce all my past beliefs, now Lord teach me afresh." - isn't someone who would say such a thing, in an effort to be humble, actually being preposterously proud?
No, it's just saying "let me start again". Start with a clean slate. "Teach me again". OK it feels vulnerable for a moment, for you are emptied of past beliefs, and maybe that is what she has done in saying she is now an atheist (empty of beliefs). She has done that by renouncing all past beliefs, "but now Lord show her your reality and reveal your truth to her".

That is my prayer on her behalf for she can't pray that from a state of unbelief.
At the very least, my opinion is that the Bible offers a very limited, and potentially inaccurate 'notion' of what God is/was/could be.

I was well educated in my faith, I wasn't blindly following. My journey has been a long and winding one, like most people. If you wish to post your thoughts wynn, that's fine...but, don't assume to know how people arrive at what they do, for you don't know. Even for those who follow a is a personal decision, and not one I judge them on.

You started off by saying you have fallen away from organized religion:

Over the past couple of years, I've fallen away from organized "religion."

But unless we are to believe that your particular brand of Christianity is the alpha and omega of organized religion, then you haven't fallen away from organized religion, but instead have just fallen away from your particular brand of Christianity.

There are several people here, some of them theists, who will even have their doubts as to whether your particular brand of Christianity is to count as a religion at all, and in what way.

Islam, Buddhism and Hindusim are organized religion as well, but you haven't fallen away from those.

You said:
Just looking for some thoughtful input and guidance from those who were once believers and now, are not.
As if it would make no difference in what particular religious tradition a person used to be.

I was well educated in my faith, I wasn't blindly following. My journey has been a long and winding one, like most people. If you wish to post your thoughts wynn, that's fine...but, don't assume to know how people arrive at what they do, for you don't know. Even for those who follow a is a personal decision, and not one I judge them on.

If you want a PC chit-chat, post in the Members section, not in the Religion forum.

Agreed. But not because of belief in Darwinian evolution, but more because of the culturally-specific efforting that this person has put into her "belief in God."

Darwinian evoultion acts as a barrier to theism.

Have you noticed that many American Christians have the same kind of thinking as the first settlers in America - that optimism, proactiveness, self-reliance, willingness to use force. The way land and natural resources have become mere expendables in the eyes and hands of the settlers, so God Himself becomes a mere thing, an expendable, a subject in the approach of those American Christians!

I've never looked at it like that, but yes I can see your point.

And then later, when they can't go on with this kind of "belief in God" anymore, they have a lot at stake in believing that they really were religious, that they really believed in God. Because for them to admit that they were and still are operating from an inferior notion of God would even now when they don't believe in God anymore, still induce a tremendous doubt in themselves/their actions/their abilities. So given this, it becomes a choice between dismissing religion altogether, or admitting they may have made some serious mistakes along the way and indulged in inferior ways of thinking and acting.

Same as above.

wynn, you say early in the have 'never been a believer...' so, why do you care one way or the other as to my stance on faith or lack thereof?
wynn, you say early in the have 'never been a believer...' so, why do you care one way or the other as to my stance on faith or lack thereof?

Because this is not the Members section, and I post a lot in the Religion forum, being interested in religious topics and such.

...don't feel like I'm judging you. I respect your decision because I detect an honesty within it. You are now free to be yourself instead of hiding behind some cultural notion.
But now that you are free, it doesn't mean you have to bash the Bible or religion, because doing so only puts you back in the same position of hiding behind another culteral notion.
The Bible isn't a nonsensical book when looked at critically, it is a rather brilliant book of knowledge, filled with the capacity to open our eyes and see the world as it really is. Use this opportunity to learn from it.

This isn’t a competition…and all too often, religion creates this division with people. Perhaps I never noticed it quite like I do now…I see it with my own friends as well…over the past year, my Christian friends sparring with my atheist friends…over who knows ‘better.’ If I wish to not follow what I once did, so be it. If you feel the need to judge my decision wynn, so be it as well.

I'm not looking for a 'PC chit chat.' I'm just sharing where I'm at with my own experiences with faith.
So you know Jan…I’ve grown to greatly respect you, from ‘chatting’ with you in your evolution thread. You posted your above comment at the same time I posted my response to wynn. :D Thanks for saying that, and I appreciate your candor. I don’t wish to talk anyone out of their faith…and you’re right. I will be mindful as to not ‘bash’ religion.
Because this is not the Members section, and I post a lot in the Religion forum, being interested in religious topics and such.
Is that the sub forum called "About the Members" "pictures, names, motivations, new members' introduction" ? Religion - sub forum?
Is that section not viewable by guest readers?