Any atheists here who were once believers?

No it was you who said "Actually no. I'd be thinking about where to take shelter and what things I must prepare in order to survive an "asteroid winter."
To get an asteroid winter I think that implied a type of direct hit not just a skim past the Earth.
When I was looking into what one would have to do to survive an asteroid winter I came to the conclusion it would be impossible to prepare for it.
"planet killing asteroid skipped across the earth's atmosphere" Well if we did get a real close shave like that I think we would be very relieved. Whether that would then cause a asteroid winter, I'm not sure, but it would definitely be scary.
Are you preparing for the end of the world? Even if you had 1000 years to start building your shelter and food stores you wouldn't have enough time.
What about reality, do you believe in that?
Yes. In fact I have a job, I work out, I'm in a relationship that I'm happy with, I pay taxes, I pay bills, I do lots of things that are necessary in my immediate reality.

What about you?
Yes. In fact I have a job, I work out, I'm in a relationship that I'm happy with, I pay taxes, I pay bills, I do lots of things that are necessary in my immediate reality.

What about you?

Sounds like reality to me. The other stuff about spirits and reincarnation is all fantasy, yes?
Sounds like reality to me. The other stuff about spirits and reincarnation is all fantasy, yes?
Harry Potter, JRR Tolkein, those are examples of fantasy. Experience with God, spirit entities is different. It is suggestive of a coexisting plane of existence, an adjacent universe with different laws of physics. Maybe instead of a space-time continuum, it's a spirit-time continuum.
Harry Potter, JRR Tolkein, those are examples of fantasy. Experience with God, spirit entities is different. It is suggestive of a coexisting plane of existence, an adjacent universe with different laws of physics. Maybe instead of a space-time continuum, it's a spirit-time continuum.
But we know our brains can be fooled. We have dreams, daydreams, delusions and hallucinations, optical illusions, brain tumors, sleep deprivation, mass hysteria, etc. Why aren't these satisfactory explanations?
The answer is a bit more scientific than that, I've read. We as human beings, feel that everything "must" have a cause and effect. It is almost a conditioned way of thinking. I too don't like the explanation of "uncaused" when thinking in pre Big Bang terms, and to wonder if there is a Creator behind it, is natural to a degree.

But, science just can't explain what that "nothing" is right now in current scientific terms, with current laws and theories. That doesn't mean it never will just right now, it can't. Science can guess and so can a spiritual person. Both schools of thought just "guessing."

But, Mazulu...I spent a good part of my life defending my faith.
It became who I was. Sometimes, that is what we get lost in...the fact that we don't know who we are without this belief system that may or may not come to fruition.

If God exists, and he very well may exist, he won't need anyone to prove him.
That's where I'm at I guess. I don't believe or disbelieve. I honestly don't spend my time wondering about it like I used to.
I have to admit, that feels good. So many hours praying, and asking God for help with this and that...I lost the ability to reason as often as I should. Not entirely, but somewhat. You can't live in two worlds. I came down from the fence and I'm living in one now. :) (oh, the real one lol)

I have no desire to convince you of how I think though.
Just be open as you wish others to be.

On another note...a friend of mine told me off today in an email.
Over how I've "changed," etc...
Is it bad that I deleted her email without replying to her?

Harry Potter, JRR Tolkein, those are examples of fantasy. Experience with God, spirit entities is different.

Actually, Harry Potter and JRR Tolkien are far more believable than God.

It is suggestive of a coexisting plane of existence, an adjacent universe with different laws of physics. Maybe instead of a space-time continuum, it's a spirit-time continuum.

The answer is a bit more scientific than that, I've read. We as human beings, feel that everything "must" have a cause and effect. It is almost a conditioned way of thinking. I too don't like the explanation of "uncaused" when thinking in pre Big Bang terms, and to wonder if there is a Creator behind it, is natural to a degree.
I wonder if you have considered the inflationary bi-verse model. In this, the universe didn't come from nothing, but rather the cause quantum tunneled from another universe, in which time moves backwards in relation to our own universe. So, in this case, the universe as a whole is both eternal (in our reference frame), and had a beginning. Here is a diagram:
But we know our brains can be fooled. We have dreams, daydreams, delusions and hallucinations, optical illusions, brain tumors, sleep deprivation, mass hysteria, etc. Why aren't these satisfactory explanations?

It's my understanding that the big bang did not bump into a pre-existing universe debris/galaxies/stars/stuff. For example, it's not the case that a universe like ours, with matching physics and galaxies existed before the big bang, and that the big bang was just a renewal of the same existing laws of physics. That's my understanding. There was nothing before this universe, not even a universe just like it. Instead, our big bang occurred in the middle of nothingness. We can't even assume that quantum mechanics was operational because photons cannot exist because they require a constant, the speed of light, which is a characteristic of space-time geometry.

So where did the universe come from? How do I know what exists or doesn't exist beyond our space-time? We don't know. What does it mean when my mom, her friend, her aunt, the doctor downstairs all saw the same entity? What does it mean when this same entity has appeared historically to other people? What does it mean when i was skeptical about it, but then I saw this entity? Can we all have brain tumors?
On another note...a friend of mine told me off today in an email.
Over how I've "changed," etc...
Is it bad that I deleted her email without replying to her?:/

I am sorry your friend told you off. But we like you, at this forum.

People will fight to the very end for what they believe in, whether it's atheism, scientism, deism, spiritualism, or whatever has been the firm foundation of their lives. It's what humans do.
I wonder if you have considered the inflationary bi-verse model. In this, the universe didn't come from nothing, but rather the cause quantum tunneled from another universe, in which time moves backwards in relation to our own universe. So, in this case, the universe as a whole is both eternal (in our reference frame), and had a beginning. Here is a diagram:

Backwards running timelines remind me of that scene in harry potter when dumbldorf cast a magic wand, and the destroyed room reassembled itself. I like magic too.
I wonder if you have considered the inflationary bi-verse model. In this, the universe didn't come from nothing, but rather the cause quantum tunneled from another universe, in which time moves backwards in relation to our own universe. So, in this case, the universe as a whole is both eternal (in our reference frame), and had a beginning. Here is a diagram:

Yes, I have read about a mirror universe, same properties as ours. Interesting to be sure. So, is time moving forward as we know it, only a perception?
It seems entirely plausible to me that there could have been a previous collapse of energy that brought it all to one point. (causing the Big Bang)

My thought to the spiritual side of things is...if someone can make the leap to faith...a leap to believing that a 'higher power' could have caused the Big Bang...why not make that same leap, but scientifically? Moving beyond thinking in spiritual terms, I can see how I had limited my own scientific view point.

What do you think of that, Mazulu? Are you open to alternative scientific theories, or do you absolutely believe there is a spiritual 'connection' that answers the Big Bang conundrum?
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I am sorry your friend told you off. But we like you, at this forum.
aw, thanks.I haven't replied to her, I don't handle 'conflict' very well. :eek:

People will fight to the very end for what they believe in, whether it's atheism, scientism, deism, spiritualism, or whatever has been the firm foundation of their lives. It's what humans do.

Maybe. But, honestly? I have no desire to get people to leave Christianity, or question their faith/belief in God, because this is where my pathway led me. My path took a few years, of self reflection and such...and if someone stays with their faith, or leaves it...all I wish for them is that they know why.

Staying or turning away from it...people should understand why they believe what they believe...proving or disproving it to everyone else is irrelevant.
"planet killing asteroid skipped across the earth's atmosphere" Well if we did get a real close shave like that I think we would be very relieved. Whether that would then cause a asteroid winter, I'm not sure, but it would definitely be scary.
Are you preparing for the end of the world? Even if you had 1000 years to start building your shelter and food stores you wouldn't have enough time.

I'm not preparing for anything because no asteroids are heading towards us now. If they do then I will prepare then. Why is trying to survive a catastrophe such an outlandish concept to you?
Atheism, Grief, and Loss

This is a fascinating read; so glad I ran across this article tonight.
Dealing with death and grieving a loss a HUMAN process.

(I found the title of the article to be misleading, however; shouldn't have been titled this.)

The article discusses how one doesn't need to believe in the after life, or heaven, find a way to 'cope' with loss and tragedy. Humanity is resiliant! Humanity can find a meaning behind loss, and a purpose to grieving.
I am sorry your friend told you off. But we like you, at this forum.

People will fight to the very end for what they believe in, whether it's atheism, scientism, deism, spiritualism, or whatever has been the firm foundation of their lives. It's what humans do.

No, it's only you believers that fight for what you believe, and fight and fight and fight and... No, it's not what humans do, it's what bad ideologies make people do.
What does it mean when my mom, her friend, her aunt, the doctor downstairs all saw the same entity? What does it mean when this same entity has appeared historically to other people? What does it mean when i was skeptical about it, but then I saw this entity? Can we all have brain tumors?

No, but you should all seek professional help.
I wonder if you have considered the inflationary bi-verse model. In this, the universe didn't come from nothing, but rather the cause quantum tunneled from another universe, in which time moves backwards in relation to our own universe. So, in this case, the universe as a whole is both eternal (in our reference frame), and had a beginning. Here is a diagram:

All that is a crap to impress on how smart you are , If you don't label what these the letters are.