Any atheists here who were once believers?

Which theists? Some mainstream Christians? Provide examples from other theistic religions.

Lol. This demands a comment!

Since the point wasn't related to nuances of one religion vs another it could be believers in Zeus or Thor. :)

Of course, most of those arguing here are Christian "Apologists" with their tiring terminology designed to obfuscate and otherwise wear out anyone questioning their religion.

You'll recognize them by the use of "worldview,Cosmological Argument, Epistemology, Ontological Argument, Teleological Argument, arguing about Category mistakes".

No one talks like that in their everyday life. You read something and it doesn't make sense on the face of it. They are just arguing from some Apologetics book. It's a debating trick where one can argue any side of the subject and where one "wins" by shaping the argument to their terms and then obscuring through logic terminology.

The whole "Apologetics" thing is just a sign that plain talk isn't going to convince anyone. I would imagine a cult would need to use similar techniques to keep the flock together.
Since the point wasn't related to nuances of one religion vs another it could be believers in Zeus or Thor. :)

Of course, most of those arguing here are Christian "Apologists" with their tiring terminology designed to obfuscate and otherwise wear out anyone questioning their religion.

You'll recognize them by the use of "worldview,Cosmological Argument, Epistemology, Ontological Argument, Teleological Argument, arguing about Category mistakes".

No one talks like that in their everyday life. You read something and it doesn't make sense on the face of it. They are just arguing from some Apologetics book. It's a debating trick where one can argue any side of the subject and where one "wins" by shaping the argument to their terms and then obscuring through logic terminology.

The whole "Apologetics" thing is just a sign that plain talk isn't going to convince anyone. I would imagine a cult would need to use similar techniques to keep the flock together.

You were talking about theists:

The idea was that love is intangible as is God. Theists try to equate the two as the same in kind.

as if you would be referring to all theists, regardless of their denomination.

And what you are saying simply isn't true for all theists/religionists.

Moreover, there are only about two "Christian apologists" participating in this thread, no more; one of whom doesn't say much, and the other has been banned.
So it's not clear whom you're talking about.
You were talking about theists:

as if you would be referring to all theists, regardless of their denomination.

And what you are saying simply isn't true for all theists/religionists.

Moreover, there are only about two "Christian apologists" participating in this thread, no more; one of whom doesn't say much, and the other has been banned.
So it's not clear whom you're talking about.

OK, I'll play. :) What theists wouldn't say that since love isn't tangible and since God isn't tangible that they both require "faith"? Are there some Gods that are tangible? I guess that would be religions where God is nature or something like that?
Since the point wasn't related to nuances of one religion vs another it could be believers in Zeus or Thor. :)

Of course, most of those arguing here are Christian "Apologists" with their tiring terminology designed to obfuscate and otherwise wear out anyone questioning their religion.

You'll recognize them by the use of "worldview,Cosmological Argument, Epistemology, Ontological Argument, Teleological Argument, arguing about Category mistakes".

No one talks like that in their everyday life. You read something and it doesn't make sense on the face of it. They are just arguing from some Apologetics book. It's a debating trick where one can argue any side of the subject and where one "wins" by shaping the argument to their terms and then obscuring through logic terminology.

The whole "Apologetics" thing is just a sign that plain talk isn't going to convince anyone. I would imagine a cult would need to use similar techniques to keep the flock together.

You have a good way of expressing my own thoughts on this. It seems that nearly all Apologists today are just Fundies, probably mostly entrenched in the propaganda of Creation Science. I have so many of them on 'ignore' it fills my screen with grayed-out boxes in a thread like this, but it makes posts like yours stand out all the more.

The reason for ignoring them is that they just won't drop the act and own up to their Creation Science roots. But with a sane voice like yours (welcome BTW) it adds a nice counterpoint to the tired hackneyed apologetics. I simply see no purpose for a person to sign up to this board just to use it as place to vent about the world that pisses them off since it won't take evolution out of the classrooms or outlaw abortion and maybe even reinstate the sodomy laws.

As far as I can tell all of the hoopla here can be rolled up into those main political agendas. All the rest is styrofoam.

So hello! :wave:
No, pretending that science can currently pin point "love" is ridiculous.

Oh please. Feel free to explain how any emotion is more than a chemical process in the brain, or how you could even fathom it being anything else. And if you resort to "but it feels so ____" you lose.

Oh, and LOL at Mazulu's tantrum. Way to humiliate yourself in public, dude.
Oh please. Feel free to explain how any emotion is more than a chemical process in the brain, or how you could even fathom it being anything else. And if you resort to "but it feels so ____" you lose.

Oh, and LOL at Mazulu's tantrum. Way to humiliate yourself in public, dude.

Nothing is more than a chemical process in the brain since that's where our reality comes from.

God is just a chemical process in the brain as well to those for whom he exists. My point however was that it's not something you can touch.

You seem to try to find arguments where none exist. Did we take our bitter pill today? :) Peace out brother :)
bells!!! I tell someone something very personal and special, and you call it shit?

Fuck you asshole!!! Fuck you and die you mother fucker!!!!


Okay, no matter how much someone has an issue with Bells or any other mod, there is really no reason to do this kind of thing, Mazulu. It goes well beyond saying something is idiotic or delusional. Seriously, dude, Bells does not deserve this kind of behavior at all.

But, notice how it does indeed show Christian behavior at its finest. :)
Mazulu has been banned for 24 hours for abusive posts and for sending equally abusive and insulting and somewhat threatening PM.

Wow, Bells, I must say you are indeed extremely patient, I have a whole lot more respect for you.

Answer the question, Jan. What sources do you get your information from? So far, you've only linked to Creationist videos and websites, and I've only ever seen you scoff at scientific sources.

Frack that! I've given you my answer, deal with it.
If it is true, then disclose the truth of it in a way that I can understand, if you can't, then maybe it's not the truth you thought it was.

Of course not, but do you think it would be possible to debunk physics without knowing how an airplane flies?

I'm not trying to debunk evolution. In fact, I accept evolution, and every single scientist that I've heard talk on the subject, accepts it wholeheartedly.

Just like everyone has evolved, even if they don't know it. You're missing the point. For all you know, it's magnetism that keeps your feet on the ground. The only way you could possibly make an informed statement as to what's actually holding you down is to know the science. The layman (it's layman, not leyman) has no basis by which to determine what's going on.

It doesn't matter what it is, or what it is called. The fact is my feet are on the ground, and if the ground or platform gives way, I will fall to next available level.
That IS the knowledge. Unless I'm going to make things that float or fly, I don't need any more information.

In other words, the layman gets an education. :rolleyes:

Yes, based on what he can experience.
Darwinian evolution is not based on anything that we currently observe in our life, in fact it contradicts current reality.
It asks us to accept something that is totally unrelated to reality as the realistic basis of our existence, by mere explanations fuelled by an atheist worldview.
It's strength is in it's philosophical application, giving much needed character and strength to explicit atheist ideologies. But even then, it's weak.

I don't know what you're referring to here.

No problem.

And stop signing your posts.


How about when someone's heart flatlines in a hospital ...what do you think happens to the person's consciousness? (I'm speaking of people who flatline and then "come back.") you're saying this has a solid physical/scientific explanation.

I only ask because there's a lot of conflicting information circulating about "consciousness."
Just because the heart has stopped doesn't mean the brain has quit functioning. I suspect many near death experiences are simply the result of the brain in the process of shutting down. Probably due to a lack of oxygen (due to lack of bloodflow).

The fact that so many NDEs have common characteristics implies to me that the brain shuts down in a fairly predictable and orderly fashion.
Just because the heart has stopped doesn't mean the brain has quit functioning. I suspect many near death experiences are simply the result of the brain in the process of shutting down. Probably due to a lack of oxygen (due to lack of bloodflow). The fact that so many NDEs have common characteristics implies to me that the brain shuts down in a fairly predictable and orderly fashion.
I think you are basically correct but would tell it differently than "orderly shut down" as I think sensory depredation experiments show.
I.e. after 30 minutes or so of floating (very lightly resting on a support actually) in slightly less than body temperature water in dark with no sounds etc. all start to hallucinate.

In my POV, their consciousness is much like that in a dream state where sensory inputs are also greatly suppressed, so the RTS is "free running" or creative. More on the RTS in quote below.
... I believe that human brains (and other higher animals) do run an adequate, but not precise, simulation of the physical world their bodies have sensors following. - For example the retinal cells sense or can following a portion of the EM spectrum we call visible, but not the portion we call micro waves etc. I. e. my model of perception is quite different from that accepted by main stream cognitive scientists. They think perception "emerges" after many stages of neural transforms of the input sensory signals. That is nothing more than hand waving non-sense with zero explanatory power as says nothing about the neural mechanisms creating the perceptions that emerge. Also it strongly conflicts with well established neurological facts.

For example, the information in the sensory input signals is deconstructed into different characteristics that are further process by other neurons in widely separated parts of the brain and never again reassembled in any part of the brain, yet we perceive a unified world. To give a specific example, consider this very simple visual stimulation field:

A yellow tennis ball rolling towards a red cube of about the same size on a large green table (so large no other light is coming to the retina). After the continuous visual field has been parsed into these three objects* mainly in the visual area called V1, the three colors are set to V4 and their movement (speed and direction) to V5. In V1 and V2 their shapes are determined. So the three characteristics (shape, color & motion) are separated decomposed characteristic that never come together again in the brain; yet we correctly perceive them - as they are in the physical world. Not the seven other ways these three could be perceived. I. e. not as a stationary red table, a rolling (or sliding) yellow cube and a stationary green tennis ball.

My parietal tissue, Real Time Simulation, explains this unified perception AND why the visual field objects were decomposed into their "characteristic" (more than eight are known, things like surface texture, etc. and all processed separately in different neural tissue, never to come back to any common brain tissue.) It is supported by dozens of known facts that the accepted "perception emerges" can not explain, or even contradicts. One quick example: How does a visual experience / perception "emerge" in dreams with eyes closed in a dark room?

For more but still very partial evidence and some brief discussion read this post:

There you will see a link to about eight pages (if printed) of discussion and much more supporting evidence from many different fields of knowledge, but the focus of that link is to show how the RTS makes it possible than Genuine Free Will , GFW, to NOT be in conflict with the physical laws that control the firing of every nerve in your body, especially those in the brain. (Not a proof that GFW exists, only that it could. I tend to think GFW is the most universal of all illusions.)

* In the published paper the longer link on GFW is derived from, I also explained how the parsing in V1 is done using known properties of how neurons in V1 interact with near by neurons .- I. e. that they reinforce (have mutual stimulation) for like oriented "line detectors" (which Hubel & Wiesel discovered and got a 1962 Nobel Prize for their work)** but a mutually inhibitory influence on the near by line detectors with the orthogonal orientation and several of the Gestalt laws by using know properties of neurons, not hand waving.

** Footnote at link explains why H&W did not correctly understand their observations. The cells they took data from are not "line detectors" but part of a quasi-Fourier like transform (Gabor function transform actually). It seems that the visual system, perhaps all the brain, works in a transform space not the original space after the "retinotoptic" work is done. This may be why so little of the Brain's processes are understood. - The basic assumption of what space they are done in may be wrong. One advantage of working in the transform space is that the terms of the transform do not change as the objects location changes. That makes object identification / recognition independent of where the object is.
Darwinian evolution is not based on anything that we currently observe in our life, in fact it contradicts current reality.
It asks us to accept something that is totally unrelated to reality as the realistic basis of our existence, by mere explanations fuelled by an atheist worldview.
It's strength is in it's philosophical application, giving much needed character and strength to explicit atheist ideologies. But even then, it's weak.

Note the overwhelming dishonesty here. Jan must resort to labeling evolution as "an atheist worldview - atheist ideologies", this due in part to the fact that Jan has never taken the time to understand anything about evolution coupled with indoctrinated religious beliefs. Since, Christianity does not teach morals and ethics, Jan has never learned to be honest about anything that would contradict or jeopardize Christianity.
.... If you are observing yout body and consciousness, who/what is the observer? jan.
That question is also answered in the longer GFW link given in the click-on link of post 1035.

By edit later: I see you have no interest in learning more about how the brain may work as well as about the strong EVIDENCE supporting evolution.