Any atheists here who were once believers?

Note the overwhelming dishonesty here. Jan must resort to labeling evolution as "an atheist worldview - atheist ideologies", this due in part to the fact that Jan has never taken the time to understand anything about evolution coupled with indoctrinated religious beliefs. Since, Christianity does not teach morals and ethics, Jan has never learned to be honest about anything that would contradict or jeopardize Christianity.

All hail Christianity!!! :)

Just because the heart has stopped doesn't mean the brain has quit functioning. I suspect many near death experiences are simply the result of the brain in the process of shutting down. Probably due to a lack of oxygen (due to lack of bloodflow).

The fact that so many NDEs have common characteristics implies to me that the brain shuts down in a fairly predictable and orderly fashion.
Have you actually discussed the experience with someone who had one? How does the memory seem to continue working long after everything else stops is the question that gets me.
I don't think so.
I think you're afraid of what might be revealed to you.
You may have to rethink your concept of God, and like any other explicit atheist: That's not an option.

Well you'd better ask the question again then please. For not often someone calls me afraid!
"If you are observing your body and consciousness, who/what is the observer?"

Well I used to think this is proof we have consciousness that survives death,but recently they have been experimenting and giving different results.
Look I'm still looking into it.
Have you actually discussed the experience with someone who had one? How does the memory seem to continue working long after everything else stops is the question that gets me.
That too is easily understood with information /POV given in links of post 1035.

Consciousness can and does continue after sensory depredation, but mainly using invented / created activity that is replacing the normal sensory input. ( The awareness is much like that in dreams as then too, sensory input is nearly absent.) Memory never depends on sensory inputs, but can be triggered by them
Nothing is more than a chemical process in the brain since that's where our reality comes from.

God is just a chemical process in the brain as well to those for whom he exists. My point however was that it's not something you can touch.

You seem to try to find arguments where none exist. Did we take our bitter pill today? :) Peace out brother :)

If "God is just a chemical process in the brain as well to those for whom he exists", what happens in an atheist then. Do they just keep this switched off.

Like "love is just a chemical process in the brain as well to those for whom it exists." But we can still hate.

Certainly the knowledge of "God is just a chemical process in the brain as well to those for whom he exists".
Well you'd better ask the question again then please. For not often someone calls me afraid!
"If you are observing your body and consciousness, who/what is the observer?"

Well I used to think this is proof we have consciousness that survives death,but recently they have been experimenting and giving different results.
Look I'm still looking into it.

That's not an answer. You can do the experiement yourself.
Why put your trust in atheist experiments to tell you something about yourself?
And what does that say about you?

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Didn't curiosity give birth to a cat?

Maybe or maybe not, but it certainly gave YOU everything you have today, including your computer, internet connection and this forum in which you are able to express your disdain of it all.
Why put your trust in atheist experiments to tell you something about yourself?
And what does that say something about you?

Saying that speaks volumes about you, Jan. It shows an incredible lack of understanding and appreciation for what experimentation has provided for you. And, if you truly believed what you post on these forums, you would get rid of everything experimentation has provided for you and would go live in a cave. Of course, you would never do that and you will continue to enjoy everything that has been provided for you while hypocritically sitting there spewing your crap.

Why put your trust in atheist experiments to tell you something about yourself?

Saying that speaks volumes about you, Jan. It shows an incredible lack of understanding and appreciation for what experimentation has provided for you.

How so?

And, if you truly believed what you post on these forums, you would get rid of everything experimentation has provided for you and would go live in a cave. Of course, you would never do that and you will continue to enjoy everything that has been provided for you while hypocritically sitting there spewing your crap.

You don't understand what I believe.
You are locked in a programe, in which you think have knowledge.
You have no understanding of who you really are, nor do you understand the programe.
You are merely a reflection of your handler

See, I can play this ''let's attack people who don't think like me'' game.

Don't play dumb, Jan.

You accuse me of something, and you don't even have the strength of character to explain, upon request.
What's the betting your atheist heroes Stalin,Pot, and the others never explained their accusation to their objects of hate?

DIY near death experiences? I've never heard of that!

No. There's a limit to what can be understood and discussed while maintaining a "child-like" mind.

While one can certainly have a strong sense of faith and conviction in God without being able to explain all this in much philosophical language, some philosophical proficiency is necessary if one is to discuss topics about and related to God.

Again, this is not to say that philosophical proficiency is necessary in order to believe in God. But some philosophical proficiency is necessary if one is to have meaningful verbal exchanges with various people on the topic of God.
You don't understand what I believe.

On the contrary, I totally understand what you believe. That is the point entirely. You believe religious garbage and understand very little if anything about the world around you. Your religion has taught you to lie about everything that runs contrary to it.
What's the betting your atheist heroes Stalin,Pot, and the others never explained their accusation to their objects of hate?

Insane despots are insane despots, Jan. Again, that just shows an incredible ignorance to the world around you, taught to by your religion, which has destroyed any possible means for you to use your brain for critical thought. Typical religious indoctrination.
What theists wouldn't say that since love isn't tangible and since God isn't tangible that they both require "faith"?

I've never heard of that line of argument before. It sounds Christian, especially with their whole "God is love" theme. But beyond that, I've never heard of it, so I'm asking for some examples from other religions.

Are there some Gods that are tangible? I guess that would be religions where God is nature or something like that?

Even for mainstream Christians, God is tangible; He might just not be that easy to touch for just anyone. Just like an ordinary commoner cannot touch, say, President Obama.
Even for mainstream Christians, God is tangible; He might just not be that easy to touch for just anyone. Just like an ordinary commoner cannot touch, say, President Obama.

Baloney. Christians are just bold faced liars when they state they have touched God or some other ridiculous claim, it's all pure bs.