Any atheists here who were once believers?

Yes, the faithful cause immense conflict and suffering in the world. That's why atheists reject their ideologies. That is the strong effect.
I just thought this was a funny picture.
I just thought this was a funny picture.

Funny? It shows a couple of believers out in public attempting to cause more conflict in the world, while the atheist sits back and enjoys a drink and a smoke. How is the atheist militant in that picture? Please explain?
Fraggle rocker has no idea where the big bang came from or how the physics constants are enforced. Whatever spit out the bb, whatever enforces the physics constants/laws, is invisible and undetectable (like a lot of things that science does know about). Science can't create universes, and nature wasn't here to create itself, so what created the big bang? Whatever did create the universe, hopefully it won't be anything that takes offense to Fraggle's comments about "laugh at fairytales like Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy".

Nothing enforces them. They describe the nature of reality. No enforcement mechanism is necessary.
The faithful have a very strong effect on the behavior of atheists. That's why atheists complain incessantly that they've religion makes people kill everyone else. That's why atheists whine continually that they've never experienced God so they don't believe in God. That's why atheists attack believers by calling their beliefs fairy tales. All this whining and complaining, "Oh! I don't understand what they mean by the Holy Ghost! They must be making it up.", all of this vitriol is: behavior. Duh!

How would you know god even if you experienced him? To know his nature would require omniscience on your part, which would mean you would need to be a god as well. Many atheists are also former believers, some of them former pastors, so your criticism is unfounded. The different is they are aware they were fooling themselves, and you aren't. Yet.
Atheists are compassionate because the faithful are watching. The faithful are compassionate because God is watching. It sounds like it works.
That means the faithful aren't really compassionate, they are pretending to be so out of fear of punishment or fear of embarrassment. You are you're own worst enemy in this debate.
It's called a blind spot. Atheists have a blind spot. Scientists have a blind spot. It is what it is.

Scientists are making the blind spot less blind with science. You fill it in with unicorns and fairy princesses and call it the same thing. It's sweet, like little girls playing dress-up with their mom's clothes.
Scientists are making the blind spot less blind with science. You fill it in with unicorns and fairy princesses and call it the same thing. It's sweet, like little girls playing dress-up with their mom's clothes.
Quote me where I said that unicorns and fairy princesses implement the laws of physics. Your argument is off the rails and now you will resort to ad hominim attacks.

That means your argument is losing.
Funny? It shows a couple of believers out in public attempting to cause more conflict in the world, while the atheist sits back and enjoys a drink and a smoke. How is the atheist militant in that picture? Please explain?
He's a drunk.
Quote me where I said that unicorns and fairy princesses implement the laws of physics. Your argument is off the rails and now you will resort to ad hominim attacks.

That means your argument is losing.

You said spirits are involved. Same thing. I challenge you to prove a spirit isn't a fairy princess. I submit that the laws of physics are governed by the queen fairy princess herself.
Quote me where I said that unicorns and fairy princesses implement the laws of physics. Your argument is off the rails and now you will resort to ad hominim attacks.

That means your argument is losing.

Your argument is non-existent.