Animal souls

Hmm I would say a soul is that which makes you a separate individual from your clone. Its also that invisible energy, which is not capable of being captured by reducing life to its components.
Hmm I would say a soul is that which makes you a separate individual from your clone. Its also that invisible energy, which is not capable of being captured by reducing life to its components.

All forms of energy are well defined, none have anything to do with your delusions.
Why would a clone not have a soul? It produces bioelectric energy; it is a living creature no different than a regular human being.
it was more a response to your

"you eventually die, then you will know the's not worth dwelling over this stuff. "

the idea being that life always has issues of consequences

How do you know that we don't have options?

I didn't Say I knew, infact I was implying myself, and anyone else, doesn't know. And yes life does have consequences. Whether that extends beyond death we may never know. Truth is, there is no evidence for a soul at all.
Has your god ever restored the biological functions of a human after they are lost?
unlike you, I am not arguing that life is intrinsic to the body it inhabits.
Once again, material reductionism is your forte, not mine.

Now hand over the $10

I didn't Say I knew, infact I was implying myself, and anyone else, doesn't know.
Its one thing to say that you don't know

Its quite another to say that neither you nor anyone else can ever know.

Thats why my question to you is, how do you know that no one can ever know?
Its one thing to say that you don't know

Its quite another to say that neither you nor anyone else can ever know.

Thats why my question to you is, how do you know that no one can ever know?

Tell me how anyone can know? How can anyone know if there is life after death, or even know if we all have souls. Tell me one good argument. I'm pretty sure no one here is dead so you can't exactly take their word for it can you. There is no scientific evidence for souls and there is no scientific evidence of an afterlife.
Tell me how anyone can know? How can anyone know if there is life after death, or even know if we all have souls. Tell me one good argument. I'm pretty sure no one here is dead so you can't exactly take their word for it can you. There is no scientific evidence for souls and there is no scientific evidence of an afterlife.

One of LG's tactic's is to focus in on the use of detractor's language. For instance, never say never. Life after death, God and all things supernatural cannot be dispelled in its entirety. All things religious hang by a thread, the slightest of probability. That's all it takes. The only thing going for LG and company is that no one can prove God doesn't exist. To someone like LG, that's all he needs to assert his beliefs.

So in his thinking there is always a chance that we will learn about life after death. The trouble is he already knows. Not from anything evident but because of his remarkable intellect and philosophizing, both beyond reproach:rolleyes:.
That's all it takes. The only thing going for LG and company is that no one can prove God doesn't exist. To someone like LG, that's all he needs to assert his beliefs.

Even there they are wrong. I have disproved their god within these very forums.
He does not know, he believes. And also I believe in the fact that God cannot be disproven. And also the existence of an afterlife. But they both cannot be proven either. Try and see both sides of the coin here.

And, I never said never :) I said there was no evidence to prove it in this life.

My Philosophy is there may never be a way of truly knowing, only in death we can truly know.

Believe me, I do hope there is life after death. But why not just enjoy life, and we can cross that bridge when we get there. Considering that there will even be a bridge.

But 1 other thing I do believe, is that god isn't some old dude in a robe, looking down on us. I think a more spiritualistic aproach is more logical. Maybe we are all connected by some mystical force. And that may be a "God". But who knows? Again, no one.
He does not know, he believes. And also I believe in the fact that God cannot be disproven. And also the existence of an afterlife. But they both cannot be proven either. Try and see both sides of the coin here.

And, I never said never :) I said there was no evidence to prove it in this life.

My Philosophy is there may never be a way of truly knowing, only in death we can truly know.

Believe me, I do hope there is life after death. But why not just enjoy life, and we can cross that bridge when we get there. Considering that there will even be a bridge.

But 1 other thing I do believe, is that god isn't some old dude in a robe, looking down on us. I think a more spiritualistic aproach is more logical. Maybe we are all connected by some mystical force. And that may be a "God". But who knows? Again, no one.

Why do philosophers like LG push for their thoughts to become mainstream? How about self-indoctrination. That answer may be related to a lifetime devotion to a specific discipline that includes meditation and analysis of consciousness. The conclusions reached during such an arrangement are the result of some serious thinking. This is where the ego comes in. No room for being wishy-washy, you have to go with your convictions and be able to back them up or be made a fool of when compared to what's actually known.

Self-indoctrinated and saddled with what I'll call self-induced pseudo-schizophrenia fraught with delusion and alternate realities. Wouldn't it be something if the schizophrenic gene(s) is present in everybody and religious devoteeism is all it takes to activate it? Just threw that in there because I know LG wouldn't be happy unless I reduced religious philosophy somewhat.:D
What? If your saying im schizophrenic, I have often thought I am :). Still, no way of knowing. Though theres nothing wrong with having your own beliefs. Everyone else is sharing theirs, I might as well to.

And I also never said anything about LG's thoughts becoming manstream..What are you talking about..?