Animal souls

So does BSE have a soul?
By BSE, I presume you mean Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, and by that I assume you mean prions, one of the smallest and simplest infectious agents.

I'd guess no, as they are merely incorrectly folded proteins, not a complete living organism. Same with viruses, which are considered to be non-living organisms But, as the status of those as non-living is debatable, thus the possibility of them having a spirit or not is debatable. It's an interesting question.
What part of the organism is the soul?

Can't you just look and see if a soul is there or not?
As I said, I think the soul manifests itself physically as bioelectric energy. Thus, whatever organ or organelle that generates that energy is the point from which their immortal spirit manifests physically. At least in my opinion. I'm not saying you have to agree; we all have freedom of thought.
Does God have a soul ?
the thing about corporeal life is that there is a distinction between the body and the self/soul - IOW whether the body perishes or flourishes, the individual soul remains constitutionally unchanged. So even the living entity in unconditioned life is non different from the soul .... what to speak of god.
the thing about corporeal life is that there is a distinction between the body and the self/soul - IOW whether the body perishes or flourishes, the individual soul remains constitutionally unchanged. So even the living entity in unconditioned life is non different from the soul .... what to speak of god.

You implied that only things that can die have a soul..
Obviously, God can't die.. so by that logic he must be soulless.
You implied that only things that can die have a soul..
Obviously, God can't die.. so by that logic he must be soulless.
actually I was implying that the symptom of a soul is life - One way to determine this is to go around killing things I guess .....
I thought bioelectric energy manifests itself physically as bioelectric energy.
I'm not disputing that. I just believe (operative word here) that said energy is the physical manifestation of an immortal spirit that itself reincarnates.
actually I was implying that the symptom of a soul is life - One way to determine this is to go around killing things I guess .....

So a soul can survive on it's own ? And even create life somehow ?
And how exactly does killing things determine whether or not life is a symptom of the soul ?
I think you're going at this backwards..