Animal souls

So a soul can survive on it's own ? And even create life somehow ?
a soul is symptomatic of life

And how exactly does killing things determine whether or not life is a symptom of the soul ?
death catalyzes that interesting duality between life and lifeless - because god isn't affected by issues of duality, it doesn't work to extend the premise to him
@ Enmos' questions: think of it like an AC vent in a room. If you shut the vent (end a living being), air (spirit) is still flowing, just behind it and in the air ducts (immaterial reality). If you open the vent (generate a living being), it manifest into the room (physical reality).
Uhh Excuse me, Humans ARE Animals. And also, I dont believe there to be a god, and everyone has there own seperate little soul. It seems more realistic to me,that, if anything at all, A force binds us all and we are all connected, somehhow. Like the internet. And maybe a persons memories and thoughts acts like data does on the World Wide Web? I dont know..Just some ideas.
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Which means "Animals" (Even though we are animals) would have souls because they also have memories and thoughts, they dream to. Well, Humans are just animals, but with bigger brains XD.
Uhh Excuse me, Humans ARE Animals. And also, I dont believe there to be a god, and everyone has there own seperate little soul. It seems more realistic to me,that, if anything at all, A force binds us all and we are all connected, somehhow. Like the internet. And maybe a persons memories and thoughts acts like data does on the World Wide Web? I dont know..Just some ideas.
even the internet requires individuals
I took this response as saying that animals do not have souls, but humans do.

my reponse to this was:

and I received this in response:

So, having a soul is related to intellectual prowess. Does IQ determine if one has a soul or not? What is the cut off point?

How did you bond with something soulless?

Soul is a word of Hebrew/Christian relevance.
What many don't know is that word has no metaphysical meaning at all.
To the ancient Hebrews this world meant person, animal, "anything which breathes" (according to some scholars), the blood.

This is substaniated by the bibles repeated refrence to souls concerning birds, beast of the field and human beings.

Gen. 1:20,*21,*24,*25:
And also, there is no real way of knowing, until you eventually die, then you will know the's not worth dwelling over this stuff.
How does that help anyone know whether there is a life after death?
it was more a response to your

"you eventually die, then you will know the's not worth dwelling over this stuff. "

the idea being that life always has issues of consequences

How do we know we even have options after death? We don't.
How do you know that we don't have options?
Can anyone put forward any credible evidence for humans having a soul before we make the leap to animals?
Yes, the biological functions have changed status. That's it. :shrug:

Good sir. Please do me a favor and warn me before you quote LG in the future. Not doing so completely defeats the effectiveness of my Ignore List to guard me against his idiocy.