Animal cruelty

Stalin wasn't a communist.
From what I understand, Soviet Russia was in the phase of the 'rule of the proletariat'. Pretty much an authoritarian communistic society.

Hail Communism! Glory to the Reds! :D

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No, as a mattar of fact I do not support stalins purges or murder of those innocents, and i apologise for the compairson of James R to animal rights terrorists.
spuriousmonkey said:
Apparently it tastes like pork.
Huh. Well, that's interesting. Then, why isn't it eaten commonly? There are too many people, and it could partially solve the world hunger problems.
Hapsburg said:
Huh. Well, that's interesting. Then, why isn't it eaten commonly? There are too many people, and it could partially solve the world hunger problems.

There is enough food for everybody. It is merely a matter of distribution.
Then some motherfucker needs to distributize properly, else our species gets fucked up.

spurious said:
Apparently it tastes like pork.

Hapsburg said:
Huh. Well, that's interesting. Then, why isn't it eaten commonly? There are too many people, and it could partially solve the world hunger problems.

The reason is that most people, like you, regard human beings as "special" and different from other animals. Just read this thread for examples of people who say they think all human life is "sacred", but that other animals are basically not worthy of any moral consideration at all. If them makes humans happy, that's all that matters to those people.
But surely James, animals are lower than humans, if only by a little? If not, are you suggesting that we treat the death of a chicken the same as a death of a blue-collar worker?
James R said:
The reason is that most people, like you, regard human beings as "special" and different from other animals. Just read this thread for examples of people who say they think all human life is "sacred", but that other animals are basically not worthy of any moral consideration at all. If them makes humans happy, that's all that matters to those people.
Sacred? What makes you think I have any religious beliefs?
The point is, I am a human, and I am damn proud of that fact! Our species must endure, we must survive, and if that means that other animals become our food, the so-fucking-be it.
Communist Hamster:

But surely James, animals are lower than humans, if only by a little?

"Lower" in what sense? You're setting a scale by which you automatically place humans at the top and animals at the bottom, probably by singling out things that humans are good at. What makes animals "lower" according to you? Our ability to control them? Our supposed "high intelligence"? The fact that the bible tells us that we can use animals as we wish?

If not, are you suggesting that we treat the death of a chicken the same as a death of a blue-collar worker?

No. I am suggesting that we do not eat the chicken if we do not need to, and if to do so would be to deprive the chicken of its life for no reason other than our momentary pleasure.

Do you still not understand the simple point that we do not have to say that chickens are equal to human beings in order to recognise that it is cruel to kill and eat them?

Sacred? What makes you think I have any religious beliefs?

You seem religious in your beliefs that you ought to be able to do anything you please without regard for morality, as long as you enjoy yourself.

The point is, I am a human, and I am damn proud of that fact! Our species must endure, we must survive, and if that means that other animals become our food, the so-fucking-be it.

You missed the point again. Humans do not need to eat animals to survive! Simple.
James R said:
You seem religious in your beliefs that you ought to be able to do anything you please without regard for morality, as long as you enjoy yourself.
Oh, no, I'm just a terran nationalist.

You missed the point again. Humans do not need to eat animals to survive! Simple.
We may not need it to survive, but the protein certainly helps. Ever seen a vegan person? They're bone-thin, pale, and sickly.

Besides, other animals kill and eat to survive, to feed. Why should we not? If you are so animal-rights and whatever, why don't you go tell that tiger to stop eating sheep because "it's wrong"? I'm sure he'll get a kick outta that and bite outta yer leg. :D
We may not need it to survive, but the protein certainly helps. Ever seen a vegan person? They're bone-thin, pale, and sickly.

Wrong. I know many vegans, and they are all healthy.

Besides, other animals kill and eat to survive, to feed. Why should we not?

Because we don't need to, and because we have the moral reasoning skills to recognise cruelty when we see it. Some of us do, anyway.

If you are so animal-rights and whatever, why don't you go tell that tiger to stop eating sheep because "it's wrong"?

Tigers are carnivorous. I don't think they can survive on a vegetarian diet. Humans can.
James R said:
Wrong. I know many vegans, and they are all healthy.
None that I know are healthy-lookin'.

Because we don't need to, and because we have the moral reasoning skills to recognise cruelty when we see it. Some of us do, anyway.
Tigers are carnivorous. I don't think they can survive on a vegetarian diet. Humans can.
Merely because we don't have to doesn't mean we can't. Just because we can surive off vegetables alone doesn't mean we cannot benefit from the protein meat can provide.
Because we don't need to, and because we have the moral reasoning skills to recognise cruelty when we see it. Some of us do, anyway.
Why do you need a moral reason to eat meat, slaugthering animals for food and animal cruelty is not the same.
None that I know are healthy-lookin'.
I know a lot of meat-eaters which aren't healthy looking.
My point? Well, I have none, because what I've just provided is anecdotal evidence.

Now, can you provide actual conclusive research that vegetarians/vegans aren't healthier than meat-eaters?