An unusual persepctive on God- or not?

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But you know their lingo
kerb crawler? never heard that before! =)
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Theoryofrelativity said:
They know what the composition is of the double helix found in space is do they?

Uh, yeah, it's in the article. Try reading it.

Put DNA helix in space and what will it look like?

It may have a similar shape but not really. The strands in the nebulae are turning round a center, the dna strand does not.

You are once again letting your silly imagination run amok.
(Q) said:
Wow, I've never seen anyone post their picture on the net as much as you do. .

And again clearly you are blind, I don't know about the net, but you only have to check the picture thread here to see who has posted pics of themeselves to see who has posted more and it's not me. In the lead are


The reason you are aware of my pic more Q is due to your obsession. It's like when women are pregnant, suddenly they notice other pregnant women whereas before they did not and it seems every woman is pregnant.

Thus you read all my posts, follow all my threads, keep looking at me in picture thread, probably saved all my pics to your hard drive, wallpapered your walls with them, have them stuck to your fluffy dice in the car and thus to YOU it seems I am everywhere. I am nowhere anywhere else on the net and 'myspace' is private not public.

So as usual your stalker obsessive ways are visible for all the world to see.

Why do you follow all my posts Q?
Why do you dig up my old threads?
Why do you go into my old threads and copy and paste ancient quotes of mine?
Why did you stray from your little niche to follow me around the forum?

Unrequited love


I have exhausted my views on this topic so shall continue my thoughts elesewhere, sorry you won't be privvy to them Q, I know how you hang on my every word. Maybe I'll throw you a crumb now and again but for the most part you'll be ignored.

Plaigiarists earn no respect from me.
Theoryofrelativity said:
As are you, and i agree, you should be ashamed, plagiarist and ToR obsessive

Hilarious, you've been caught plagarising yourself and you're accusing others of the same thing!

We can add hypocrite to your extensive woo-woo resume.
Theoryofrelativity said:
I have never plagiarised anything
so every thought you ever had was an original?
every deed you ever did was an original?
every phrase you ever said was an original?

i find it impossible to believe that you would give credit to the originator of everything that was not your own.
especially since you are a supposed businesswoman.
why on eath would you pm me if i was on your ignore list hmmm?

i was going to post the pm you sent me but i feel pm's are private.
but for your information i am up nobodys ass okay?
instead of telling me my remarks are snidy and sarcastisc why don't you answer the questions that i posed to you?
I was about to start another thread. However the name of this thread fits well with this other perspective on god.

The Borg of Heaven

excuse the thread jack :p

Theoryofrelativity said:

I have never plagiarised anything

Love me all you want Q, this is the last word, LIE all you want, plagiarise all you want, invent quotes from me it's not hard.

Yes, you have plagarised and you've been called on it only to lie about it. So, it appears you are the one who is a plagarist and liar.

And no, my post wasn't deleted for lies.
From my perspective, and I dont know who is plagiarizing or not, but seeing how defensive your getting Q would lead me to believe you got something to hide. Or you have some weird motivations driving your posts.
BSFilter said:
From my perspective, and I dont know who is plagiarizing or not, but seeing how defensive your getting Q would lead me to believe you got something to hide. Or you have some weird motivations driving your posts.
i can understand (Q)'s motivations.
this person TOR claims that they have never stolen anything but if you notice they are at this moment carrying on a conversation in a advice column thread created by TOR. now i ask you how original is that? isn't that in a sense stealing? or better plagiarizing?
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