An unusual persepctive on God- or not?

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Double helix only commonly found in living organsims, so universe is a living organism then?

No. Much like a cloud that has the shape of a man's face doesn't make the cloud human.
SnakeLord said:
No. Much like a cloud that has the shape of a man's face doesn't make the cloud human.

:rolleyes: ..........Aside from the fact it's not a cloud

I have never seen a cloud with a mans face , have you?
I have seen puffy white things though, some people like to 'construct' images much like they do with ink blots, but the images are not actaully there. They are in the persons head and are individual to the onlooker. However, a double helix under a microscope is a double helix, a double helix through a telescope is a double helix. Unless those double helix's under the microscope are also akin to fluffy white clouds?
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Theoryofrelativity said:
:rolleyes: ..........Aside from the fact it's not a cloud

However, a double helix under a microscope is a double helix, a double helix through a telescope is a double helix. Unless those double helix's under the microscope are also akin to fluffy white clouds?

If you'd read the article and understood it, you'd realize the double helix throught the telescope IS a cloud, of gas and dust.

(Q) said:
If you'd read the article and understood it, you'd realize the double helix throught the telescope IS a cloud, of gas and dust.


They know what the composition is of the double helix found in space is do they? Put DNA helix in space and what will it look like?

and what is the composition of the DNA helix?

"The DNA-Helix

Each rung is composed of two base pairs. Either an adenine-thymine pair that form a two-hydrogen bond together, or a cytosine-guanine pair that form a three-hydrogen bond. "

hydrogen ay?

Hydrogen for the benefit of Q

"Hydrogen (Latin: hydrogenium, from Ancient Greek: hydro: "water" and genes: "forming") is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol H and atomic number 1. At standard temperature and pressure it is a colorless, odorless, nonmetallic, univalent, tasteless, highly flammable diatomic gas (H2). With an atomic mass of just 1.00794 g/mol, hydrogen is the lightest element of the universe. It is also the most abundant, constituting roughly 75% of all the universe's elemental matter."
I have never seen a cloud with a mans face , have you?

Actually yes, every now and then.

I have seen puffy white things though, some people like to 'construct' images much like they do with ink blots, but the images are not actaully there.

And what you're doing is "constructing" an image of a "living organism" universe because you've seen a particular 'cloud' that is reminiscent of DNA.

That was the point.
SnakeLord said:
Actually yes, every now and then.

And what you're doing is "constructing" an image of a "living organism" universe because you've seen a particular 'cloud' that is reminiscent of DNA.

That was the point.

I haven't seen anything dear boy, scientists have and they are the ones who reported it as a double helix. You have issue with your God, (science incase it went over your head) take it up with them.

Oh and when I look at sky all I see is sky and fluffy white clouds, I do not manifest things I hope to see. You clearly have a desire to see a divine being hence you often do? Interesting...........
I haven't seen anything dear boy, scientists have and they are the ones who reported it as a double helix. You have issue with your God, (science incase it went over your head) take it up with them.

Well, to my knowledge they weren't the ones saying {pp} "it must be a living organism because it looks like DNA". As a result, I'm taking it up with you.

Oh and when I look at sky all I see is sky and fluffy white clouds, I do not manifest things I hope to see. You clearly have a desire to see a divine being hence you often do?

Just the other day I saw a banana shaped cloud. It doesn't mean I have this desire to see a divine banana. Please, stop being a twonk.

However, I did take a picture the other week that sort of had the look of a hand of fire reaching to a hand of darkness. Was gonna print loads and sell them to religious fools, and I probably would have done if it had have been a cheese toastie instead, but hey.. there ya go.


Btw the pic is copyright to me. I know Woody will want a copy so msg me and I'll sell it to you. And remember, using that pic is still theft and god wouldn't be very please about that now would he?
I wouldn't think anyone would buy that pic so good choice not to try to sell it, saves disappointment.

Well that's just too harsh. {/end sarcasm} Admittedly the picture doesn't work so well at a few hundred pixels, but at 20" it's not so bad.

Meanwhile, why are you quoting me with something I never said? Are you now seeing things in my posts as well as in fluffy clouds?

"Double helix only commonly found in living organsims, so universe is a living organism then"

From the actual site you linked to, you missed the one important word: "shape", even though you actually quoted it.

maybe you should seek medical advice.

I'm a doctor. Perhaps you should just pay attention to what you type? Then again it's no surprise considering you edited it from your original statement.

Also what is a twonk?

That's open to debate. Was used a bit in Red Dwarf.

One thing I am glad of Snake, I did think you had zero imagination, at least with all this 'cloud' fascination, I see you do have a little

Yet clearly not as much as you. I'm envious, no really.
the structure of a form in our universe is largely due to both the composition of the structure and the forces that resulted in it. DNA by itself does not hold and active consciousness (as far as we know) like what we experience everyday--it is more like the carrier for a potential. the active consciousness we experience is simply due to the of energy through the product of DNA.

I'm not surprised that a double-helix has been found on the scale of a galaxy. the universe reuses her shapes quite often--its very efficient. whether or not it plays into a large-scale consciousness, i cannot say. if it were a conscious entity, then i would be inclined to include all galaxies as some sort of living thing. but we might be jumping the gun on this kind of assumption. to understand something like that we would have to understand quite a number of other things first, such as the nature of our own consciousness with its respect to our DNA.

in my opinion, at a certain scale, we cannot differentiate between living and non-living. and the term 'living' is just another human defined concept which has no actual distinction. yes, we have characteristics of all living things, but only on the large scale. we must remember that we are all made of different cells working together. it would be as if all humanity had a consciousness and each individual human were a cell. and even past that, all cells are made of molecules--all molecules made of atoms and then quarks and then energy. we are not living anymore than everything else in the universe is living.
If anything the double helix shaped cloud supports that similar processes govern the large(10 light years across helix), and the small (DNA helix). I dont know why you guys are getting into this personal sidecrap.
SnakeLord said:
Admittedly the picture doesn't work so well at a few hundred pixels, but at 20" it's not so bad.

I'm a doctor. Perhaps you should just pay attention to what you type? Then again it's no surprise considering you edited it from your original statement.

Yet clearly not as much as you. I'm envious, no really.

Snake you are still misquoting me, you missed a very important question mark, thus I asked a question I did not make a statement, HUGE difference.

Meanwhile your picture is crap, deal with it :)

AND AGREED I do have more imagination than you, I am an original thinker, right out the box, thus I am likely to have an original thought, Something you can only dream of.
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BSFilter said:
If anything the double helix shaped cloud supports that similar processes govern the large(10 light years across helix), and the small (DNA helix). I dont know why you guys are getting into this personal sidecrap.

Thank you BS and Roy for getting back to the point.

Meanwhile BS, google 'double helix fractal' and see what you get :)

I personally am finding this very interesting.
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Biophysicist of Information Geometry of Nature. For Neural Geometry, developed Tensor Network Theory of the Cerebellum, experimentally verified and F15 Fighter plane was controlled at NASA by artificial cerebellum. For this work, received the Humboldt Prize from Germany. In DNA Geometry, he established Helixometry Company (2001) and submitted FractoGene Patent (2002, pending), which is the only mathematical (fractal geometrical) interpretation of the Full Genome, including the 98.7% of "junk DNA" (in the human). As a result of Geometrization of Neuro- and Genome biology, the Cerebellum is the only part of the CNS that is mathematically explained both in its structuro-functional properties (sensorimotor metric tensor of the spacetime manifold) and in its physiological and pathological growth of its brain cells (the Purkinje neuron): the genetic code is mathematically explained from the DNA repetitive sequences in terms of fractal geometry; FractoGene."
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Snake you are still misquoting me, you missed a very important question mark, thus I asked a question I did not make a statement, HUGE difference.

Certainly, and my response to you was an answer to that question.

"No, much like a face in a cloud isn't a real face".

Wakey wakey.

Meanwhile your picture is crap, deal with it

Well perhaps, but that was hardly the issue. We were discussing clouds and how they can look like other things. I posted that because it kinda looked like a firey hand reaching out to a dark hand, (although at that size you might have to brighten your monitor to see the dark hand).

Oh and 4th yr student of anthropology is not quite the same as 'Doctor' is it Carl?

Seems you've got me confused with Skinwalker. Nevermind.

AND AGREED I do have more imagination than you

Clearly, (by your choice of makeup). Wanna play 'hooker' anyone?

Anyway, we done with the funny remarks?

You asked is the universe is a "living organism" because of a shaped cloud. I answered. K?
it won't happen.
Not on our own accord.
Because of our inherent selfish nature and the compulsion to please self first before pleasing other. Even the pleasing of other is for self's benefit.

The only way to harmony is when everyone chooses to please other first.

This concept of GOD in unity is not a new concept.
It is an old one.

But I won't discuss GOD here as I think TOR, in her original post, if I'm not mistaken, wanted to discuss the possibility of such unity and harmony existing.

For unity to happen we must change the world one person at a time and convince the world that it is in its best interest to seek the other's good first.

That will require an enormous amount of trust from a world full of deceit and lack of trust.
Only perfect love can overcome and endure that.
finewine said:
it won't happen.
Not on our own accord.
Because of our inherent selfish nature and the compulsion to please self first before pleasing other. Even the pleasing of other is for self's benefit.

The only way to harmony is when everyone chooses to please other first.

This concept of GOD in unity is not a new concept.
It is an old one.

But I won't discuss GOD here as I think TOR, in her original post, if I'm not mistaken, wanted to discuss the possibility of such unity and harmony existing.

For unity to happen we must change the world one person at a time and convince the world that it is in its best interest to seek the other's good first.

That will require an enormous amount of trust from a world full of deceit and lack of trust.
Only perfect love can overcome and endure that.

we are onto fractals and double helix's now finewine, you have some catching up to do :)

Meanwhile do post a link re the 'old' concept of god being unity in the context I have outlined as oppose to the Christian or other religious context as I'd be interested to read it.
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So the cerebellum, the part of our brain that, "processes input from other areas of the brain, spinal cord and sensory receptors to provide precise timing for coordinated, smooth movements of the skeletal muscular system. A stroke affecting the cerebellum may cause dizziness, nausea, balance and coordination problems.", has been mapped accurately via a fractal program.
Essentially this is the "networking" part of our brain that connects together all of our movement.
I wouldnt be surprised if we found all of the connections forming everyday (mostly by internet) which links a collective human population followed the same rules. We are still at the dawn of the information era, and many more "connections" will come. Its a giant CNS! and we are cells!
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