An unusual persepctive on God- or not?

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GOD is :

God is unity - The unification of all things.

Life was not born from the sun alone, water and other vital elements were needed in a process of unification for life to come into being, all life depends on that unification, without it there is no life.

The unification that brought about life enabled nature which embodies harmony and balance. An order of life evolved whereby each life form depends upon another for survival, nothing exists on its own. There is a connectedness that is vital for the continuance of all life. All life forms must be unified to exist in harmony and with balance.

The human population is NOT unified, hence the disharmony and imbalance, ie war, famine, disease.

Religion does not unify people it divides them. Religion is man made not God made.

You won't find God by looking to religion, you will find God by looking to your neighbour and creating unity in your life and your surroundings.

Connectedness is the secret to discovering God.
When the human race is united they will know God.


NOTE this has nothing to DO with the unification church! I just googled and found thats an actual religion. It's a word that is all!

UPDATE: please see latter posts re fractals and double helix page 3
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When the human race is united they will know God.

What does this mean? We abandon all previous notions of intelligent creation and simply call something God?
KennyJC said:
What does this mean? We abandon all previous notions of intelligent creation and simply call something God?

Imagine the world living in harmony...then we will feel God, God will live within us as part of us. Unity is divine.
In other words we simply call something 'God'. I don't see why it's required, but whatever. So long as an idea of God, or interpretations of God exist, there will always be some degree of conflict.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Imagine the world living in harmony...then we will feel God, God will live within us as part of us. Unity is divine.

imagine alllllllllllllllllll the peeeepoooollllleeeee livingg for todaaaaaaaaaayyyyy ahhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh oooooooooooh ooooh.
KennyJC said:
In other words we simply call something 'God'. I don't see why it's required, but whatever. So long as an idea of God, or interpretations of God exist, there will always be some degree of conflict.

Well this is NOT about an idea of God, it's about unity, creating balance between ourselves and the planet we consume in order that we can live in harmony. The harmony that was implicit in the design. ONLY when we have established that harmony will be experience and know what it is to know God.

For the religions who worship and honour prophets. It is not the messenger that is important it is the message. The messages differ and are 'exclusive' meaning they are NOT messages from God. God is not about excluding anyone or anything. God is unification.

Look at life and how it came into being, look at nature and all the wonder of balance that exists within it. You can't find God, study God of know God. God is a reward that we will reap when we have achieved worldwide unity. When unity is achieved God will be felt in our hearts. God will be seen in the results of our actions.

God is unity..not a thing, the result of unity is balance and harmony and peace.

You are correct Kenny, while people discuss God and fail to agree, unification will never be achieved, that is the end goal. The result of that end goal will be knowing God, but knowing God is not the objective, living harmoniously is.
charles cure said:
imagine alllllllllllllllllll the peeeepoooollllleeeee livingg for todaaaaaaaaaayyyyy ahhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh oooooooooooh ooooh.

The worlds leaders may want the world to be unifed (UN) but they cannot achieve it becuase greed and power get in the way. Man is as far away from God as he has ever been.
KennyJC said:
So long as an idea of God, or interpretations of God exist, there will always be some degree of conflict.

The further we try to move towards God, the further we move from each other. God wants us to think about each other and not him.

I encourage my children to spend more time together and love each other more than I encourage them to love me. They will exist longer than me, so their relationhsip between each other is more important than their relationship with me.

Am I suggesting God is finite, no I am not, I am just trying to explain with this analogy why 'unification' is a selfless process.

I am not suggesting we turn our back on God, but turn our front to each other and let that process be the objective.
Theoryofrelativity said:
Well this is NOT about an idea of God, it's about unity, creating balance between ourselves and the planet we consume in order that we can live in harmony.

So, when a lion consumes an antelope, do they live in harmony?

ONLY when we have established that harmony will be experience and know what it is to know God. God is unification.

Aren't you putting the cart before the horse?

God is a reward that we will reap when we have achieved worldwide unity. When unity is achieved God will be felt in our hearts. God will be seen in the results of our actions.

God is not the objective, living harmoniously is.

First of all, you just contradicted yourself and secondly, if living harmoniously is the objective, then we can simply discard any silly notions of gods.
(Q) said:
So, when a lion consumes an antelope, do they live in harmony?

Aren't you putting the cart before the horse?

First of all, you just contradicted yourself and secondly, if living harmoniously is the objective, then we can simply discard any silly notions of gods.

(Q) said:
So, when a lion consumes an antelope, do they live in harmony?

Prey and predator in the animal kingdom, where it is a matter of food is an intricate relationship, one based on harmony and balance. Every living thing consumes something living. Thus unity. If we could exist without the existance of any other form of life, where would be the unity that is the very fabric of our universe?

(Q) said:
if living harmoniously is the objective, then we can simply discard any silly notions of gods.

Unity will bring its own reward

meanwhile Q there was no contradiction.
I said God was the reward and then I said God was not the objective

I want my kids to tidy their room, a tidy room is the objective, I reward them with sweets.

Sweets are the reward, but not the objective, where is the contradiction?
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Theoryofrelativity said:
Prey and predator in the animal kingdom, where it is a matter of food is an intricate relationship, one based on harmony and balance. Every living thing consumes something living. Thus unity.

If it could, the antelope would disagree with you. Would you be willing to be eaten by the lion in order to achieve unity?

If we could exist without the existance of any other form of life, where would be the unity that is the very fabric of our universe?

I have no idea what you asked?

I want my kids to tidy their room, a tidy room is the objective, I reward them with sweets.

That is not the objective for the kids.

Sweets are the reward, but not the objective, where is the contradiction?

Sweets ARE the objective, for the kids, hence the contradiction.

God is unity - The unification of all things.
For what purpose?

Life was not born from the sun alone, water and other vital elements were needed in a process of unification for life to come into being, all life depends on that unification, without it there is no life.
Not sure that renaming abiogenesis to unification helps here. All you appear to be saying is that a God created life.

The unification that brought about life enabled nature which embodies harmony and balance.
I think you have an unrealistic and romantic notion of nature. Nature embodies death, decay, destruction, disease (for all life not just human), injustice, starvation, pain, species extinctions, etc.

An order of life evolved whereby each life form depends upon another for survival, nothing exists on its own. There is a connectedness that is vital for the continuance of all life. All life forms must be unified to exist in harmony and with balance.
Take a closer look – nature is essentially kill or be killed. It is a vicious competitive quagmire where only the strongest survive and the weak often perish in agony. I see no harmony in nature. Balance? Perhaps, many smaller creatures are devoured and eaten by fewer larger creatures.

The human population is NOT unified, hence the disharmony and imbalance, ie war, famine, disease.
Disease is a feature of nature, not man, and famine is also largely caused by nature. Of course without our science many millions more people would have died without antibiotics, i.e. would be victims of the cruel nature of nature.

Religion does not unify people it divides them.
Not really true. Religion is an extremely powerful mechanism for bringing like minded people together and giving them a common aim, goals and culture. Whether such goals and cultures are worthwhile and useful is another matter.

Religion is man made not God made.
But god concepts are created within the framework of religious concepts. Both are man made.

You won't find God by looking to religion, you will find God by looking to your neighbour and creating unity in your life and your surroundings.
If you think more carefully you will see that you have rendered your god redundant. If we were capable of creating our own unity then what need of your unifying god?

Connectedness is the secret to discovering God.
Wisdom and education is the key to human unity, gods are redundant concepts.

When the human race is united they will know God.
More likely the reverse. When we learn to dismiss these meaningless and irrational religious concepts we can focus more on creating a unified world.
Cris said:

For what purpose?

Not sure that renaming abiogenesis to unification helps here. All you appear to be saying is that a God created life.

abiogenesis most deffinately not.

Unity is a very simple concept, no need for words that point to something more complex and not related.

I did not say a God created life, I said that all nature is about unity, one thing cannot exist without another thing. Nothing exists on it's own for it's own sake.

Cris said:
I think you have an unrealistic and romantic notion of nature. Nature embodies death, decay, destruction, disease (for all life not just human), injustice, starvation, pain, species extinctions, etc.

Take a closer look – nature is essentially kill or be killed. It is a vicious competitive quagmire where only the strongest survive and the weak often perish in agony. I see no harmony in nature. Balance? Perhaps, many smaller creatures are devoured and eaten by fewer larger creatures.

Disease is a feature of nature, not man, and famine is also largely caused by nature. Of course without our science many millions more people would have died without antibiotics, i.e. would be victims of the cruel nature of nature.

You say I have a 'romantic view' of nature, actually it is the opposite.
In the animal kingdom I do not see the things you mention as negatives, they are necessary and thus not bad, it is part of nature, part of the balance and that which enables living things to live in harmony. I do not intend the word 'harmony' to represent enjoying tea and scones together, I mean 'harmony' as in the relationship that exists between all living things that is required for any living thing to exist. Harmony as is neccessary in music. Notes don't take tea together but it does take more than one note to make music, and those notes need to be different and sometimes the same.

Cris said:
Not really true. Religion is an extremely powerful mechanism for bringing like minded people together and giving them a common aim, goals and culture. Whether such goals and cultures are worthwhile and useful is another matter.

But god concepts are created within the framework of religious concepts. Both are man made.

Religion was about bringing people together, but in the modern world it is creating division and it is exclusive. Religion is entirely man made.

You say God concepts are created within religion concepts, not all of them apparantly.

The first religion did not arise and create 'God' to represent it, The concept of God arose and the religion followed. What happened after that is anyones guess, but concept of God came first.

Is the concept of God man made, of course. But God itself is not man made. God is unity, oneness, equality, respect, love. These things are not concepts, they are real.

Cris said:
If you think more carefully you will see that you have rendered your god redundant. If we were capable of creating our own unity then what need of your unifying god?


I never said we need God to unify us. I said God is the result of unity.
We are different to rest of the animal kindom in that we have stepped outside of nature and created an unnatural world to exist in, called civilisation. Now we must find our own path back to nature or at least back to each other, and thus back to God.

Cris said:
Wisdom and education is the key to human unity, gods are redundant concepts.

More likely the reverse. When we learn to dismiss these meaningless and irrational religious concepts we can focus more on creating a unified world.

My representation is NOT a religious one. It is about nature and the accurate observation of how everything in it contributes to the survival of something else. If we cannot contribute to our own survival and to the survival of the planet around us, we will destroy ourselves. We are close to doing so now.
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Theoryofrelativity said:
I want my kids to tidy their room, a tidy room is the objective, I reward them with sweets.

oh my god you have kids!
Theoryofrelativity said:
I did not say a God created life, I said that all nature is about unity, one thing cannot exist without another thing. Nothing exists on it's own for it's own sake.

while i agree that one thing cannot exist by itself, it seems completely obvious that as far as mentality is concerned, everything exists only for its own sake, although placed in a complex framework of interrelation with the rest of existence. the key to unity is not so much an environmental or ecosystematic balance, but a mindset manifest in living things of intelligence that values compassion and respect for all life while still recognizing the necessary environmental factors that cause us to exhibit hostility towards and kill one another in the name of survival. that is not a god concept, merely a change in perspective. the problem with it is that, as much as natural systems may appear to desire balance and harmony, the proliferation of organisms, especially those with freedom of choice and action ensures that there can never be such a thing as 100% balance or harmony as long as one thinks or acts differently from the norm. the laws of probability alone can demonstrate why this would never happen.
Theoryofrelativity said:
I want my kids to tidy their room... I reward them with sweets.

As opposed to rationalizing the concept of being responsible?

So, what happens when the sweets run out?
Well this is NOT about an idea of God, it's about unity, creating balance between ourselves and the planet we consume in order that we can live in harmony. The harmony that was implicit in the design. ONLY when we have established that harmony will be experience and know what it is to know God.

What you're doing is arguing for everyone on the planet to be identical. When people differ - even slightly - you will never get harmony. Your whole "harmony that was implicit in the design" is utter horse turd and nothing more.

I did not say a God created life, I said that all nature is about unity,
But you began by defining God as unity and a unifying entity. If nature is also about unity then it follows that nature and god are the same thing. All I did was remove all the redundant waffle words and see that all you said was that god created life.
Theoryofrelativity said:
God is unity - The unification of all things.
yes, though many religions forget that this is what their prophets teach them.

Theoryofrelativity said:
Life was not born from the sun alone, water and other vital elements were needed in a process of unification for life to come into being, all life depends on that unification, without it there is no life.
remember that this unification is no more directed than any action you take. you are the way you are--you make the choices you do--because of the effects leading to the combination of chemicals composing your genes and their effect and adaption in the specific environment you've lived in. but this does not contradict free-will, rather it defines it; that is what makes you.

Theoryofrelativity said:
The unification that brought about life enabled nature which embodies harmony and balance. An order of life evolved whereby each life form depends upon another for survival, nothing exists on its own. There is a connectedness that is vital for the continuance of all life. All life forms must be unified to exist in harmony and with balance.
yes, and this harmony and balance are dictated by universal relations--what we call these constants like pi or h but that are all merely interactions relative to each other but not bound to an absolute--so that all events are ultimately in balance, though there are different paths, or longer equations to getting there.

and not only is life dependant upon other life for survival, but life is dependant upon everything around it, especially non-life. because, ultimately, we are non-life and our presence is merely a function of chemical and physical reactions. but the specific pattern and structure of those reactions causes a unique interaction in the universe which we label 'life'. life cannot live without the environment around it. we can go into space, but we must take oxygen and water and food with us.

we have gone through a specific process of evolution--each individual having a unique history causing them to be the way they are--which is in balance with the environment we live in. evolution is nature's method of creating balance between the living the living and the non-living. technology, industry, tools, and shelter are all man's methods of creating a balance between themselves and the non-living. but our methods will always be less-effective than nature's because we tend to favor what we are familiar with while nature only favors what happens. i view every action of nature to be like the spilling of a cup--there is water being poured into it and once it reaches a point it just fills up and spills over the top.

Theoryofrelativity said:
The human population is NOT unified, hence the disharmony and imbalance, ie war, famine, disease.

Religion does not unify people it divides them. Religion is man made not God made.

You won't find God by looking to religion, you will find God by looking to your neighbour and creating unity in your life and your surroundings.

Connectedness is the secret to discovering God.
When the human race is united they will know God.
i would have to agree with you. but i think our physiology as humans limits us from attaining complete unity. but we can always get closer. and all religions are based on reality, but through the passing down of these ideas--especially from the person who first thought them to the next--the intended message gets distorted. and also, it should be apparent that we all have some kind of bias based on the environment of our past. unity starts when we realize that all we say in language and all our religions and philosophies and science and math and even our senses are merely metaphors for what really exists around us. but through context and awareness of relation we are able to percieve that reality--not through any sense, but through a collective being.
Cris said:

But you began by defining God as unity and a unifying entity. If nature is also about unity then it follows that nature and god are the same thing. All I did was remove all the redundant waffle words and see that all you said was that god created life.

Show me where I said 'God is a unifying entity', I never said any such thing, I said God is unity, there is a HUGE difference, I could have said God is love but that is too twee.

Thus your removal of 'waffle words' left you with an inaccurate deduction about something I never said.
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