An experiment in Atheism

If you go to the middle of the jungle and find some ancient tribe that is completely isolated from the outside world, do they beleive that there is no such thing as a TV? or do they just lack a belief in TVs?

Do they have the concept TV? You could explain it to them, and then ask them what they believe.
No before that he lacked cognitive thinking skills or the concept of Santa.

See, a concept demands a stand, even an abstract one.

Exactly, he lacks the concept of santa. That is how atheists live their lives, as if they had never heard of god and lack a concept of it.
Well I see theism as the door to my freedom in thought, expression and education. :p

Ok Sam, but do you live in fear of going to hell, or in anticipation of going to heaven?
Do non human animals go to heaven or hell?
Liek I said it's an issue of freedom, freedom from an irrational fear perhaps.
Ok Sam, but do you live in fear of going to hell, or in anticipation of going to heaven?
Do non human animals go to heaven or hell?
Liek I said it's an issue of freedom, freedom from an irrational fear perhaps.

I'd say the number of people who fear hell are equal to the number of people who will do no wrong .:p

Perhaps its just differences in thinking?
Anyway, I don't believe you. Is that a stand or not?

Well, a few short minutes ago you were even denying the existence of a 'lack of belief' now at least you recognise what it is. I'm just running up the road to buy some wine but when I return I shall go the extra few minutes until you finally understand that I 'lack a belief' in gods as opposed to any positive or negative belief.
Well, a few short minutes ago you were even denying the existence of a 'lack of belief' now at least you recognise what it is. I'm just running up the road to buy some wine but when I return I shall go the extra few minutes until you finally understand that I 'lack a belief' in gods as opposed to any positive or negative belief.

There is no such thing as lack of belief. Its like saying don't think about elephants.

The frame contains the concept. That was what I did there

I don't believe you. Is that a stand or not?

Its a frame that contains the concept.

When you say I lack belief in God or I believe there is no God, you already possess the concept God.
There is no such thing as lack of belief. Its like saying don't think about elephants.

"Aristotle said the mark of an educated mind is that it can entertain an idea without accepting it."
Perhaps some day you might understand definitions of words. When you do, perhaps then you'll have an argument.
Perhaps some day you might understand definitions of words. When you do, perhaps then you'll have an argument.

Oh I'm very clear about the meanings of words; that is why I dislike it when they are misused. Its obviously a lack of philosophical training these days. :(