An experiment in Atheism

It does, it means choosing one belief (with no evidence) over another (with no evidence).

Horse manure.

The best way I can think of to help you figure it out is to ask if you have children. Now, after being born they do not assert that gods do not exist, they simply lack a belief in the existence of gods, or mermaids, or coffee flavoured ice cream. They 'lack a belief' they do not assert non-belief.

It's actually quite simple to work out if you put some thought into it. I would kindly ask you to do so.
agreed. But as sam makes impossible rules she gloats as we can't answer

No I want to hear an argument for atheism that does not involve debasing theists. For anything to be successful in the evolutionary context, it must offer survival advantages.

Btw, I don't gloat, I merely chortle.
So only atheists have their own ideas and opinions. Unlike me, a theist? :D

Yes, that is correct. Maybe I just had a bad experience, but whenever I expressed my own opinions in sunday school that opposed what the teacher and the church said, I was punished for doubting.
Horse manure.

The best way I can think of to help you figure it out is to ask if you have children. Now, after being born they do not assert that gods do not exist, they simply lack a belief in the existence of gods, or mermaids, or coffee flavoured ice cream. They 'lack a belief' they do not assert non-belief.

It's actually quite simple to work out if you put some thought into it. I would kindly ask you to do so.

If they are born in the woods and they grow up there, they also have no language or structured thought. i.e. they believe nothing.
If they are born in the woods and they grow up there, they also have no language or structured thought. i.e. they believe nothing

O...k so they have no language blah de blah. Did you understand what was stated on my post, do you now realise the vast difference between a lack of belief and a belief?
No I want to hear an argument for atheism that does not involve debasing theists. For anything to be successful in the evolutionary context, it must offer survival advantages.

Btw, I don't gloat, I merely chortle.

why can't the problems in theism be an argument for atheism. If i open door number 1 and don't like what i see, isnt that a good enough argument for picking door number 2?
O...k so they have no language blah de blah. Did you understand what was stated on my post, do you now realise the vast difference between a lack of belief and a belief?

I know a belief is a tenet that is held to be true, even in the absence of evidence. I fail to see how atheism does not fall into this. Atheists believe there is no God.

It doesn't matter if you say I believe there is no God or I disbelieve in God, just as it does not matter if I say I believe you lie or I disbelieve you.
Atheists believe there is no God.

No, no, no, no, NO!. (some do, sure)

Most lack a belief in gods, like your child does not have a belief there are no gods but merely lacks belief in gods.
why can't the problems in theism be an argument for atheism. If i open door number 1 and don't like what i see, isnt that a good enough argument for picking door number 2?

Thats bivalent thinking. I do believe atheism is a result of bivalent thinking.
No, no, no, no, NO!. (some do, sure)

Most lack a belief in gods, like your child does not have a belief there are no gods but merely lacks belief in gods.

My child also believes in Santa, until he believes there is no Santa.

You guys need training in thinking.
For me atheism is not a choice, I can't help being an atheist because there is nothing I have experienced that lends to believe in a God or many Gods.
As an atheist I have no reason to believe in heaven or hell, so my life does not revolve around what I think my personal God does or does not want me to do. It's freedom of thought, expression and education, I suppose.
The only thing I get so far is that atheism is about being cool and self-centered; I'd say a lot of theists are already cool and self-centered.

What else? What makes atheism the better belief?

From I believe there is God to I believe there is no God?

Complete nonsense. This thread is pointless based on the lack of understanding from it's author of the subject matter.

Send to Cesspool.
For me atheism is not a choice, I can't help being an atheist because there is nothing I have experienced that lends to believe in a God or many Gods.
As an atheist I have no reason to believe in heaven or hell, so my life does not revolve around what I think my personal God does or does not want me to do. It's freedom of thought, expression and education, I suppose.

Well I see theism as the door to my freedom in thought, expression and education. :p
Complete nonsense. This thread is pointless based on the lack of understanding from it's author of the subject matter.

Send to Cesspool.

Humph. This thread is pointless due to the subject matter which is also pointless.
If you go to the middle of the jungle and find some ancient tribe that is completely isolated from the outside world, do they beleive that there is no such thing as a TV? or do they just lack a belief in TVs?
Why is atheism the better option?
Who said it is the better option?
It really depends on what type of person you are...
Some NEED religion like they need a drug.
Some can not find the comfort in anything else that they find in religion.

It all depends how you view "better".

But being a "better" option does not make one more correct in this instance.

One thing atheism does do is remove an irrelevancy for those that can function just as well without it.
And before he had that original belief? He lacked a belief.. right?

No before that he lacked cognitive thinking skills or the concept of Santa.

See, a concept demands a stand, even an abstract one.