An experiment in Atheism

I believe my previous explanation is adequate to answer these questions.
Clearly it wasn't - or else we wouldn't be arguing it.

When I talk of "everything" it can only be from my perspective, right?
But we both understand that the computer is material, and therefore must contain, at some level, the same components as all other materials.
So now you are saying God IS everything - which then brings me to the other question that you have conveniently overlooked: If God is "everything" then why label it God? What else does your personification offer that separates it from the existing label of "everything"?

I have stated my understanding of the term God more than once, in this discussion, and see no need to keep repeating myself.
Eh? You are being deliberately dishonest, Jan!

You said you reserve judgement to the statement I asked until I answered your question.
My statement was: "I certainly do NOT thus make the assumption that God is impossible. I have never made this assumption, and I challenge you to point out where I have ever said that."

I then made the necessary response to your question and subsequently asked for you to make your answer - WHERE have I ever said that GOD IS IMPOSSIBLE?

You are beginning to get more and more confused as time goes on... defending your position with an answer that bears no reference to the issue.

The NEED precedes the institute. It is purely for that reason prisons are created.
This answers nothing about the tangle you have woven for yourself.
There is a NEED due to an EXISTING LACK. The NEED and LACK arise at the same time.
If there was no LACK - there would be no NEED.
If there was no NEED - it is because there is no LACK.

Creation is through an existing LACK - a NEED.

Then "simplicity" (your understanding) would be the reason.
But how would you know in your conception, that God wouldn't exist?
Because that is how I conceive it to be - devoid of God. Devoid of the need for God.

You can't answer this point can you?
There is nothing to answer until you have the decency to answer my question first.

You won't deny the possibility of God, because you would be seen as irrational, but you assume the impossibility of God by asking for the impossible, physical evidence of a spiritual being.
Not at all. I have never taken the impossibility of God as an assumption. Again - please show me where I have done so?
You can not logically conclude that merely from the asking for evidence - unless you yourself are unable to understand logic.
I have never had evidence for the non-material - so I can not say what the non-material is like - so I can not ask for evidence of something that I have no concept of. This is NOT the same as saying that it is impossible.

And now you also so state that it is impossible for God to produce physical evidence - yet you claim that "everything" is evidence for God.

Jan - you seem so confused in your thinking it really is making me laugh.
The coherency of your arguments, from one post to the next, is unravelling the longer you go on.

So there is no such thing as a "lack of belief" then, all believers just suddenly arrive at "i believe" and stay there until they suddenly become atheist?
Are you taking the piss?
Please explain why you would think that this concept is "taking the piss"?
You either have the belief God exists - or you don't.
What is so very hard for you to understand the digital nature of these positions?
If you think that it is not digital but analogue, with shades of grey - please explain your thinking to me.
P.S. some pictures would be nice though.


Clearly it wasn't - or else we wouldn't be arguing it.

Fair enough, we'll leave it there then.

So now you are saying God IS everything - which then brings me to the other question that you have conveniently overlooked: If God is "everything" then why label it God? What else does your personification offer that separates it from the existing label of "everything"?


Eh? You are being deliberately dishonest, Jan!

You are beginning to get more and more confused as time goes on... defending your position with an answer that bears no reference to the issue.

I've looked at it, and it does bear reference, but we have already covered it.

This answers nothing about the tangle you have woven for yourself.

It is straightforward and simple.

There is a NEED due to an EXISTING LACK. The NEED and LACK arise at the same time.
If there was no LACK - there would be no NEED.
If there was no NEED - it is because there is no LACK.

What exactly is an "existing lack"? :D
There is a demand for prisons, due to certain peoples behaviour.
You're talking nonsence. :)

Creation is through an existing LACK - a NEED.

We'll agree to disagree on this on.

Because that is how I conceive it to be - devoid of God. Devoid of the need for God.

I think that is your position period.

Not at all. I have never taken the impossibility of God as an assumption. Again - please show me where I have done so?

I have explained this before, but i will do so once more.
Asking for physical evidence of God (you know my definition), despite being shown the obvious contradiction. This implies that you are either an idiotic buffoon (which I am 99.999999% sure your not), or are just being stubborn, and holding on to what you believe is a rational position.

And now you also so state that it is impossible for God to produce physical evidence - yet you claim that "everything" is evidence for God.

I've already explained this to you.

Jan - you seem so confused in your thinking it really is making me laugh.
The coherency of your arguments, from one post to the next, is unravelling the longer you go on.

Oh no, not more cheap psycology!

Jan said:
So there is no such thing as a "lack of belief" then, all believers just suddenly arrive at "i believe" and stay there until they suddenly become atheist?

Please explain why you would think that this concept is "taking the piss"?

It seems in-human.

You either have the belief God exists - or you don't.

When you come to that point, yes.
But not everybody arrives at that point, sometimes we think we believe (or not), then our actions show something else.
I don't think you fully understand what believing in God entails, that's why I find your concepts amusing.
You need to start thinking outside the box.

If you think that it is not digital but analogue, with shades of grey - please explain your thinking to me.

I don't think I can, Sarkus, and I don't think it would help if i could.

You claim God is everything. So...
Why personify "everything" as God?
What does your God, whom you have now stated IS everything, offer more than merely "everything" does?

Is this simple enough for you to understand?

I've looked at it, and it does bear reference, but we have already covered it.
If you say so, Jan. If you say so.

It is straightforward and simple.
People who are lost never seem to admit it, do they.:rolleyes:

What exactly is an "existing lack"?
There is a demand for prisons, due to certain peoples behaviour.
You're talking nonsence.
And the "demand" is due to an "existing lack". What of this do you not understand.
It is not me talking nonsense - it is you seemingly unable to grasp simple English.

I think that is your position period.
Feel free to think what you want. :rolleyes:

I have explained this before, but i will do so once more.
Asking for physical evidence of God (you know my definition), despite being shown the obvious contradiction. This implies that you are either an idiotic buffoon (which I am 99.999999% sure your not), or are just being stubborn, and holding on to what you believe is a rational position.
And it remains quite simple that if you can NOT be shown evidence then to have the belief that it exists is irrational.
To not understand this implies that it is YOU who are either the idiotic buffoon or it is YOU who are just being stubborn, and holding on to what YOU believe is an irrational position.

At no point - and I repeat NO POINT - do I claim that God is impossible purely 'cos I can't be shown evidence.
If I can't be shown God exists or not then it would be as irrational for me to say that it is impossible as it would possible.

To resolve this, Jan, please have the decency to answer these few questions...
1. If I do not have evidence of something (e.g. the Snargul) - is it rational or irrational for me to believe in its existence?
2. Do you think that the only evidence we can observe is material?
3. If the Snargul is non-material, can we have evidence of it?
4. Does the lack of evidence obtainable for the Snargul mean that it is impossible?

It seems in-human.
So you are arguing from incredulity?!
Way to go, Jan.
One logical fallacy after another.

When you come to that point, yes.
But not everybody arrives at that point, sometimes we think we believe (or not), then our actions show something else.
Irrelevant. It is quite simple - at any point in time you either have a belief in god/God etc - or you don't. If actions show something else to what they think then it might remain unclear whether they have the belief or not - but they still either have it or not. It is inescapable.

I don't think you fully understand what believing in God entails, that's why I find your concepts amusing.
And I don't think you fully understand what not believing in God entails - that's why I find your concepts often quite bizarre.

You need to start thinking outside the box.
I think you'll find that that is a requirement to break free of Theism.

I don't think I can, Sarkus, and I don't think it would help if i could.
And yet again you avoid answering. You are nothing if not surprising, Jan.

You claim God is everything. So...
Why personify "everything" as God?
What does your God, whom you have now stated IS everything, offer more than merely "everything" does?

Where have I stated that God IS everything?
And while you're searching, can you find where I state that God ISN'T everything. Thanks in advance.

People who are lost never seem to admit it, do they.:rolleyes:

Er...I think you'll find that most do.

And the "demand" is due to an "existing lack". What of this do you not understand.

Are you losing it Sarkus? I've already asked what is meant by an "existing lack".

It is not me talking nonsense - it is you seemingly unable to grasp simple English.

It sounds like nonesense to me. Maybe it will make sense when/if you can explain it.

And it remains quite simple that if you can NOT be shown evidence then to have the belief that it exists is irrational.

It is irrational to ask for physical evidence of God, knowing the definition we are working with. Wrapped up within this dogged question is a belief that it is impossible for God, or God does not exist, or I deny the authority of God. You may not say it directly, but that can be the only reason.
The only rational position you can hold it to not believe it, go home, and live your life.

If I can't be shown God exists or not then it would be as irrational for me to say that it is impossible as it would possible.

I don't think you actually believe God is impossible, but by doggedly asking for physical evidence, the implication is there. I think you come under the "God does not exist" camp, but playing the silent impossibility card helps in your argument (you believe).

To resolve this, Jan, please have the decency to answer these few questions...
1. If I do not have evidence of something (e.g. the Snargul) - is it rational or irrational for me to believe in its existence?

That would depend on the nature of your belief, if it is the Snargul, I have no idea, if it is God, then it is rational, as long as you adhere to the exemplary actions of a bona-devotee.

Do you think that the only evidence we can observe is material?

That we can observe through our senses? Yes. That we can observe utilising the senses and sober intelligence? No.

3. If the Snargul is non-material, can we have evidence of it?

I know nothing of Snargul. If nothing is known of Snargul, and Snargul is not composed of any nature ie, matter/spirit, then we cannot have evidence of it.
If something is known and Snargul has a nature, then we can have evidence of it.

4. Does the lack of evidence obtainable for the Snargul mean that it is impossible?

You know more about Snargul than I do, and if you say there is a lack of evidence, I will more likely believe you, than base my judgement upon my ignorance.

So you are arguing from incredulity?!
Way to go, Jan.
One logical fallacy after another.

Er... you asked me to explain why I THOUGHT the statement was a piss-take.

If actions show something else to what they think then it might remain unclear whether they have the belief or not - but they still either have it or not. It is inescapable.

How is it possible to have a definate belief or non-belief, one is unclear whether or not they have a belief?

And I don't think you fully understand what not believing in God entails - that's why I find your concepts often quite bizarre.

From your perspective, lack of experience, knowledge, and understanding.

I think you'll find that that is a requirement to break free of Theism.

Theism can be progressive, atheism IS retardation, from how you and SnakeLord explain it.

And yet again you avoid answering. You are nothing if not surprising, Jan.

Did it cross your mind that is an answer?

Where have I stated that God IS everything?
And while you're searching, can you find where I state that God ISN'T everything. Thanks in advance.
Originally you said that God is the source of everything - surely meaning that God was distinct from his creation...?
Post 377:
Jan Ardena: "God is NOT distinct from his creation..."

If you care to look up what "distinct" means, I think you'll find that, regardless of your intended claims, you were actually saying that God IS everything.

At no point have you said that God ISN'T everything.

So now - please have the decency to answer the questions I asked of you.

Er...I think you'll find that most do.
Then you could probably do a lot worse than become one of the majority.

Are you losing it Sarkus? I've already asked what is meant by an "existing lack".
Er... there exists a lack (an "existing lack") wherever there is a need. The two can not exist without the other. Where there is one there is the other. One implies the other.

It is irrational to ask for physical evidence of God, knowing the definition we are working with. Wrapped up within this dogged question is a belief that it is impossible for God, or God does not exist, or I deny the authority of God. You may not say it directly, but that can be the only reason.
Again - for the umpteenth time - you fail to understand simple logic.

You continually equate the impossibility of providing evidence of a thing with the claim of impossibility of existence of that thing.
Yet previously you have said that you can comprehend of something existing outside our Universe that can have no means of providing us with evidence of its existence (see post 377). Does the lack of evidence rationally mean that the something is impossible? No.

You baffle me, Jan, with the way you accept things in one post and are unable to take those thoughts through to another. Is it deliberate on your part?

The only rational position you can hold it to not believe it, go home, and live your life.
eh? I don't follow you.

I don't think you actually believe God is impossible, but by doggedly asking for physical evidence, the implication is there.
For (hopefully) the last time - THE IMPLICATION IS NOT THERE unless you continue to ignore simple logic.
By continually making these statements, are you admitting that you can not grasp simple logic? If not - please run through your thought process to get from A to B - from my statements to this implication.

I think you come under the "God does not exist" camp, but playing the silent impossibility card helps in your argument (you believe).
Your thoughts in this regard are shown to be flawed through your inability to follow logic. Thus your conclusions are irrelevant.

That would depend on the nature of your belief, if it is the Snargul, I have no idea, if it is God, then it is rational, as long as you adhere to the exemplary actions of a bona-devotee.
It is irrational. Period. To think as you do is an APPEAL TO AUTHORITY. Period.

That we can observe through our senses? Yes. That we can observe utilising the senses and sober intelligence? No.

"Observation through" and "utilising" are synonymous when discussing senses (if you disagree - please explain your terminology).
The only difference, therefore, you claim is in "utilising... sober intelligence". So you're admitting to a complete and utter lack of evidence?
And you're relying purely on philosophy and sophistry to reach your conclusions?

You are continually saying that my request for evidence is "impossible" - and yet here you are saying that actually it is possible.
Again - you change your position.
Which is it, Jan?
If it is possible to obtain evidence then provide it.

I know nothing of Snargul. If nothing is known of Snargul, and Snargul is not composed of any nature ie, matter/spirit, then we cannot have evidence of it.
If something is known and Snargul has a nature, then we can have evidence of it.
Nothing is known of the Snargul (other than its name) - not even whether it is composed of matter or spirit.
So you admit that we can not have evidence of it? Thanks.

You know more about Snargul than I do, and if you say there is a lack of evidence, I will more likely believe you, than base my judgement upon my ignorance.
This doesn't answer the question:
4. Does the lack of evidence obtainable for the Snargul mean that it is impossible?

Er... you asked me to explain why I THOUGHT the statement was a piss-take.
Yes - an argument from incredulity.
You can't believe that it is possibly a "human" thought - so you claim it to be "in-human". This is an argument from incredulity.
Or are you now going to provide support for the claim of "in-human".

How is it possible to have a definate belief or non-belief, one is unclear whether or not they have a belief?
Imagine one has a numb hand, and it is pitch black. The person is either holding an apple in their hand or not.
They might remain unsure until they turn the lights on and have a look - but they are still either holding an apple in their hand or not.

Theism can be progressive, atheism IS retardation, from how you and SnakeLord explain it.
Only from your elitist and blinkered view of atheism, Jan.
I dare you to consider that Atheism is actually a progression from theism:
We start of as atheist... we fall back to theism as we try to find ourselves in this wide, wonderful and scary world, using theism as a crutch to help us on our journey. Then we start to learn more and more and either want to try and rationalise our need for the crutch, or we try and finally walk on our own, progressing beyond the need for such things.

Did it cross your mind that is an answer?
Of course it is an answer, Jan. Just not an answer to the question asked.:rolleyes:

Originally you said that God is the source of everything -


surely meaning that God was distinct from his creation...?
Post 377:
Jan Ardena: "God is NOT distinct from his creation..."

I explained what I meant by this by use of analogy.

If you care to look up what "distinct" means, I think you'll find that, regardless of your intended claims, you were actually saying that God IS everything.

It means "clearly different". You are "clearly different" to your responses, but your responses are a reflection of your mind, so they contain a part of you. To deny it, is irrational. We often say things like Hendrix lives on through his music.

At no point have you said that God ISN'T everything.

If you care to read into my meaning (like you attempted above), you will understand that I mean God isn't everything, but is the source of everything.
I apreciate the complexity of this equation, for a preset mind, and will only be too happy to help you unravel it all.
My door is open. :D

Er... there exists a lack (an "existing lack") wherever there is a need. The two can not exist without the other. Where there is one there is the other. One implies the other.

The creation of a prision, is an intelligent solution to a problem that can stop the flow of civilisation. The "lack" is a lack of intelligence of persons who cannot live by the rules of a civilised society, therefore prisions are created to act as a form of punishment and rehabilitation.

You continually equate the impossibility of providing evidence of a thing with the claim of impossibility of existence of that thing.

You understand the definition of God we're working with. Right?
I understand your request for evidence, i.e. physical, something which can be scrutinized by the current standard of the scientific method. Right?
If God IS the source of everything you, I, or anyone percieves, including the percievers, then everything is evidence. That stands to reason, regardless of whether you believe it or not. Agreed?To keep asking for evidence (something) of God's existence, despite knowing the description we are working with, is either, gross ignorance of the fact of the matter, or deliberate obtuseness, as you know that any physical evidence put forward can by explained away, thus making it impossible to deliver conclusive evidence of existence, which is what you request.

Yet previously you have said that you can comprehend of something existing outside our Universe that can have no means of providing us with evidence of its existence (see post 377). Does the lack of evidence rationally mean that the something is impossible? No.

Your points do not follow. You asked me to comprehend "something", as opposed to one, or the only thing. If you had asked to provide something that has the means, my answer would have been he same. A better question would have been, can you comprehend God (the source of everything) not having the means of providing us with evidence of his existence. To which the answer would have yes, if he so decides.

You baffle me, Jan, with the way you accept things in one post and are unable to take those thoughts through to another. Is it deliberate on your part?

Have you stopped beating your mum? :)

eh? I don't follow you.

Either you believe, or not.
To try a put your position into pole position, is an irrational, and illogical move, and no amount of fancy word-play, or academic education can alter that. You will always be found out, as you have been.

For (hopefully) the last time - THE IMPLICATION IS NOT THERE unless you continue to ignore simple logic.

Your logic is below the standard of this discussion, you have reached a point where honesty is king. I am recieving the implication, regardless of whether you think it is there or not. It is constantly being demonstrated, as is your dishonesty. I have given you examples of this.

By continually making these statements, are you admitting that you can not grasp simple logic?

Is this your only line of defence. Of course I can understand logic, don't be a putz. Do you think logic belongs to atheists? The problem you have is that you cannot think outside of certain perimiters, and your pride will not allow you to accept anyone who can.

It is irrational. Period. To think as you do is an APPEAL TO AUTHORITY. Period.

My response is totally rational, you're the one who is irrational. Most probably because I didn't answer the question the way your preset mind
would have liked.
Yes. I am appealing to authority, but not in order to WIN an argument. I appeal to authorities because that is the best way to understand things you are not versed in, but need to be.


"Observation through" and "utilising" are synonymous when discussing senses (if you disagree - please explain your terminology).

One can utilise the senses to try and observe something specific, ie, trying to hear the triangle in an orchestra. Observation through the senses is a general habit.

The only difference, therefore, you claim is in "utilising... sober intelligence". So you're admitting to a complete and utter lack of evidence?

Nonsense. Sober intelligence is necessary to discriminate correctly.

You are continually saying that my request for evidence is "impossible" - and yet here you are saying that actually it is possible.

What you are requesting, i.e, physical evidence that conclusevly proves existence, is impossible, and you know it. Which is why you keep requesting it.

Nothing is known of the Snargul (other than its name) - not even whether it is composed of matter or spirit.
So you admit that we can not have evidence of it? Thanks.


4. Does the lack of evidence obtainable for the Snargul mean that it is impossible?

You created the Snargul, you tell me.

Yes - an argument from incredulity.

You asked my "WHAT I THINK", another way of requesting ONE'S OPINION.

You can't believe that it is possibly a "human" thought - so you claim it to be "in-human". This is an argument from incredulity.

Please explaing to the world how you LOGICALLY came to the conclusion that the statement "it SEEMS in-human" is a state of NON-BELIEF?

Or are you now going to provide support for the claim of "in-human".

It is an opinion, my dear sir.

Jan said:
How is it
is it possible to have a definate belief or non-belief, when
one is unclear whether or not they have a belief?

Imagine one has a numb hand, and it is pitch black. The person is either holding an apple in their hand or not.
They might remain unsure until they turn the lights on and have a look - but they are still either holding an apple in their hand or not.

This explanation is of a very poor standard, I suggest you try again, and this time actually read the question.

Only from your elitist and blinkered view of atheism, Jan.

Nope. From yours and SnakeLords defiant view.
I actually disagree with it.

I dare you to consider that Atheism is actually a progression from theism:

It can't be, it implies "a lack", by your own definition.

We start of as atheist... we fall back to theism as we try to find ourselves in this wide, wonderful and scary world, using theism as a crutch to help us on our journey.

If we start of as atheist, how is it possible to fall "back" on theism?

Then we start to learn more and more and either want to try and rationalise our need for the crutch, or we try and finally walk on our own, progressing beyond the need for such things.

You're confused my dear sir.

se it is an answer, Jan. Just not an answer to the question asked.:rolleyes:


Round and round and round we go
Where we stop, no-one will know.

It means "clearly different". You are "clearly different" to your responses, but your responses are a reflection of your mind, so they contain a part of you.
Thus they are DISTINCT. Things can be distinct - yet still a reflection.
To deny it, is irrational.
No - it isn't.
We often say things like Hendrix lives on through his music.
Welcome to the world of METAPHOR!

You are using nothing but sophistry to try to worm your way out of your mess - and not doing a very good job at it.

If you care to read into my meaning (like you attempted above), you will understand that I mean God isn't everything, but is the source of everything.
Sophistry. Please explain how God can be the source of everything, remain non-Distinct from everything, and still not BE everything?

I apreciate the complexity of this equation, for a preset mind, and will only be too happy to help you unravel it all.
There is no complexity, Jan - just confusion on your part.

The creation of a prision, is an intelligent solution to a problem that can stop the flow of civilisation. The "lack" is a lack of intelligence of persons who cannot live by the rules of a civilised society, therefore prisions are created to act as a form of punishment and rehabilitation.
Why is there a NEED for a solution?
Because they lacked it originally.
Every need has a lack.
Every creation implies a need implies a lack.

You understand the definition of God we're working with. Right?
I understand your request for evidence, i.e. physical, something which can be scrutinized by the current standard of the scientific method. Right?
If God IS the source of everything you, I, or anyone percieves, including the percievers, then everything is evidence.
You don't get it do you?
I may understand the definition that you are trying to convince me of - but YOU need to provide evidence that can ONLY be attributed to God - and to nothing else.
YOU need to explain why "everything" is evidence of God - and all you have so far is "through definition".
In which case I ask you YET AGAIN...
What does your GOD do or offer that "everything" doesn't offer?
What does your personification of "everything" gain from the label of "God"?

That stands to reason, regardless of whether you believe it or not. Agreed?
No. I don't.
YOU need to conclusively show that it can ONLY be rationally shown to be evidence of God - and not evidence for anything else.

You can't.

Thus all "everything" can ever be is evidence for "everything" - nothing else.
Definition is NOT evidence - it is NOT proof - it is nothing but a concept.

To keep asking for evidence (something) of God's existence, despite knowing the description we are working with, is either, gross ignorance of the fact of the matter, or deliberate obtuseness, as you know that any physical evidence put forward can by explained away, thus making it impossible to deliver conclusive evidence of existence, which is what you request.
In other words you can't provide any. Which makes it irrational to believe in it. Thanks for the clarification.

The only gross ignorance (or it may be deliberate obtuseness) is on your part.
You have merely provided a definition and said "by definition this is evidence of God" - but all you have done is provided a new label for "God". Well done.

If there are two competing theories - mutually exclusive (i.e. only one can be held true) - and there is "evidence" that fits both - then that "evidence" can rationally NOT be held as evidence for anything but itself. To think that it is evidence for both is irrational and ignorant.

Your points do not follow.
Yes - they do. You just can not see the logic due, presumably, to your preset thinking.

You asked me to comprehend "something", as opposed to one, or the only thing.
Correct. And you could - yet you still fail to see how this applies to the argument. Blinkered.

A better question would have been, can you comprehend God (the source of everything) not having the means of providing us with evidence of his existence. To which the answer would have yes, if he so decides.
Not a better question - as this is introducing the concept of God - which I specifically was avoiding in order to highlight the specific point.

Have you stopped beating your mum?
Yes thanks, the coffin tends to get in the way.

Either you believe, or not.
:eek: Yet you argue below that belief is not digital! How bizarre. You are confirming your confused status.

To try a put your position into pole position, is an irrational, and illogical move, and no amount of fancy word-play, or academic education can alter that. You will always be found out, as you have been.
I still don't follow you.

Your logic is below the standard of this discussion, you have reached a point where honesty is king. I am recieving the implication, regardless of whether you think it is there or not. It is constantly being demonstrated, as is your dishonesty. I have given you examples of this.
No - you have given no examples that hold up to scrutiny. It is also not the logic that is below the standard of this discussion but your understanding and grasp of that logic. The very fact you receive the implication is evidence of this.

Of course I can understand logic.
Then please demonstrate it.

Do you think logic belongs to atheists?
No - merely to people with a certain level of intelligence.

The problem you have is that you cannot think outside of certain perimiters, and your pride will not allow you to accept anyone who can.
Lol! I can think outside of certain perimeters - I just know when they are not logical / rational.

My response is totally rational
strike up another piece of evidence to support the case for your lack of understanding.

One can utilise the senses to try and observe something specific, ie, trying to hear the triangle in an orchestra. Observation through the senses is a general habit.
Pure sophistry.

What you are requesting, i.e, physical evidence that conclusevly proves existence, is impossible, and you know it. Which is why you keep requesting it.
I don't know it is impossible. You are the one claiming it is - not me.

You created the Snargul, you tell me.
I have told you all there is to know. Now please answer the question.

You asked my "WHAT I THINK", another way of requesting ONE'S OPINION.
Yes - and an opinion borne out of logical fallacies. Or do you contend, bizarrely, that opinions are immune from such scutiny?

It is an opinion, my dear sir.
And thus not subject to the scrutiny of logic?

Round and round and round we go
Where we stop, no-one will know.

I stopped a while back.
The rest is just experimentation.

Thus they are DISTINCT. Things can be distinct - yet still a reflection.

Now you're getting it. Well done.

1. reflected image: the image of somebody or something that appears in a mirror or other reflecting surface

You are using nothing but sophistry to try to worm your way out of your mess - and not doing a very good job at it.

And you are trying desparately to claw back some cred.

Please explain how God can be the source of everything, remain non-Distinct from everything, and still not BE everything?

Been there done that.

Why is there a NEED for a solution?
Because they lacked it originally.

Actually, if you think about it, there isn't a need for a solution, but a solution is an intelligent option to keep civilisation on track. The idea of NEED, is subjective.

Every need has a lack.
Every creation implies a need implies a lack.

See above.

I may understand the definition that you are trying to convince me of - but YOU need to provide evidence that can ONLY be attributed to God - and to nothing else.

I've already provided evidence... "everything". Who or what else could that be attributed to?

YOU need to explain why "everything" is evidence of God - and all you have so far is "through definition".

That is not the need, otherwise I could ask why isn't "everything" evidence of God. The point is, nobody knows.

In which case I ask you YET AGAIN...
What does your GOD do or offer that "everything" doesn't offer?
What does your personification of "everything" gain from the label of "God"?

a) your question is pointless, as to have a correct answer would take our positions out of the realm theism and atheism. These positions exist because we do not have the answer.

b) you can always read the scripture to understand why it is believed that God is the ultimate source. If you read it and come to conclusion that it is nonsense then your status is atheist (non-belief). But that is as far as you can take (rationally).

YOU need to conclusively show that it can ONLY be rationally shown to be evidence of God - and not evidence for anything else.

If I could, I wouldn't be labelled "theist", you wouldn't be "atheist".
What you are asking of me, is, from a human perspective, is impossible to do, which is why you are irrational, illogical, and dis-honest.

Thus all "everything" can ever be is evidence for "everything" - nothing else.

From your perspective. You don't have to believe anything other than your computer is evidence of your computer, with nothing else attached, i.e. manufactorer, designer. You would be correct on a very basic level.

Definition is NOT evidence - it is NOT proof - it is nothing but a concept.

I didn't say it was. But the definition forms the basis of intelligent analasys i.e. we gain more understand of what a compter is because of its definition, instead of calling it by its individual components.

In other words you can't provide any. Which makes it irrational to believe in it. Thanks for the clarification.

What you're asking me to do is impossible, and you know it.
You are everything you claim I am.

The only gross ignorance (or it may be deliberate obtuseness) is on your part.
You have merely provided a definition and said "by definition this is evidence of God" - but all you have done is provided a new label for "God". Well done.

I have provided the definition as a platform for us to work from. I did not say "everything is evidence of God", I said, "it stands to reason that if God is the ultimate source, then everything is evidence of God". I also stated that this has to be realised in order to know, which is the point of belief, and religion is its pure form.

If there are two competing theories - mutually exclusive (i.e. only one can be held true) - and there is "evidence" that fits both - then that "evidence" can rationally NOT be held as evidence for anything but itself. To think that it is evidence for both is irrational and ignorant.

But not in the case of God. Because, by definition, God is the source of everything. If you don't believe in God, then fine, but to try and beat down people who do, is a step too far imo.

Yes - they do. You just can not see the logic due, presumably, to your preset thinking.

The truth is, I can see the logic.

Correct. And you could - yet you still fail to see how this applies to the argument. Blinkered.

I concieved of a tin of pilchards in a place I deemed outside of the universe.
How does that apply to your argument?

Not a better question - as this is introducing the concept of God - which I specifically was avoiding in order to highlight the specific point.

That is your problem, you want to avoid the concept of God, while at the same time convince yourself he does not exist. And you call yourself rational and logical. :rolleyes:

Yet you argue below that belief is not digital! How bizarre. You are confirming your confused status.

You're a self-confessed atheist, and I, a theist. Presumably, we have arrived at this position, not instantly, or not forced, but thoughtfully and purposefully. I am merely following from that presumption. Niether of us know if our position is absolutely correct, although we have reason which strengthens our decisions. My point is, at this stage, there is no use in saying i'm wrong or you're wrong, we either believe or not.

I still don't follow you.

What are you trying to acheive by claiming I am irrational and delusional?
What are you trying to acheive by asking me to provide physical evidence of God?
Why can't you accept that I believe in God, and you don't?

No - you have given no examples that hold up to scrutiny.

What do you mean by "scrutiny", as in what type?

It is also not the logic that is below the standard of this discussion but your understanding and grasp of that logic. The very fact you receive the implication is evidence of this.

Logic can only go so far in this discussion, because we a dealing a principle, which is defined as the source of everything including logic. This source cannot be totally understood through logical argument. But, logical argument can put things (that we can know) into perspective ensuring that we don't go out on a limb. Your logic attempts to go out on a limb, by demanding something that cannot be acheived conclusevlely.

Jan said:
Do you think logic belongs to atheists?

No - merely to people with a certain level of intelligence.

Okay. I get your point. :rolleyes:

Lol! I can think outside of certain perimeters - I just know when they are not logical / rational.

Please demonstrate this ability?

Jan said:
One can utilise the senses to try and observe something specific, ie, trying to hear the triangle in an orchestra. Observation through the senses is a general habit.

Pure sophistry.

Please explain the flaw and dishonesty in that response?

I don't know it is impossible. You are the one claiming it is - not me.

Of course you know its impossible, which is the reason why you stick with it.
If it was possible it would have held up already. The fact that this is one of the most debated arguments is testiment to the complexity of the issue.
If you want to play silly-beggars, then be my guest.

I have told you all there is to know. Now please answer the question.

no definition
no nature
no experience
no information (outside one persons mind)
no other persons making any claims
My conclusion is that you have made the Snargul up.

Yes - and an opinion borne out of logical fallacies. Or do you contend, bizarrely, that opinions are immune from such scutiny?

Please state the fallacy, as, "it SEEMS in-human" appears to not have enough information to draw such a conclusion, but by it's very words would suggest not enough information was given in the statement, that it was in response to?

And thus not subject to the scrutiny of logic?

Why would such a response need to come under the scrutiny of logic, bearing in mind the dialougue is obviously incomplete? Would it not be better to scrutinise my conclusion?

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I suggest you re-review this comment of yours in light of your original quip and my response - and then apologise.

You don't think I'm being serious do you?
It was a light-hearted exercise in begging the question.
However, as you seem to have taken it seriously, I sincerely apologise for the mis-understanding, and will try and remove it from responce.

You don't think I'm being serious do you?
It was a light-hearted exercise in begging the question.
I was not referring to the first comment. Or maybe you find it humourous to imply that someone is an incestuous necrophiliac? I personally don't.