An athiest world = a better world.

Japan is a dying nation. Children have suicide pacts on the Internet and their population is mostly old. Atheism = dead society
Japan is not an Atheist nation where several religions are practiced .
An Atheist world is not a better world because so many Atheists are very dangerous .
Japan is not an Atheist nation where several religions are practiced .
An Atheist world is not a better world because so many Atheists are very dangerous .

That's bullshit. There are just as many dangerous theists...:rolleyes:
The same thing that atheists live for in a theist society, I guess?
How about living for the sake of living, of experiencing.
Or for the benefit of the society in which they live.
Or for their family, or friends?

If theists in any society feel they have no reason to live if not for their belief in God then I would strongly suggest they seek psychiatric help.

Everything that theists don't live for now, like the betterment of mankind, the unification of mankind, reason and rationale, solving local and world problems, etc. Theists are only interested in worshiping their god, praying for things to happen and treating everyone who doesn't share their god delusions like crap.

Their families? Their friends? Their work? Their lives? Themselves? Other than that, nothing that I can imagine, I suppose.

Well...charitable works. Art. Experience. Love. The act of creation. Literature. Repairing the planet. Music. Perpetuation of the species. Even greed. But that's all.

...rainbows. Animals. The welfare of the human state. Cheerios. Sex. Their nation. Humanitarian values. Reason. Science.

What have the Romans ever done for us? Eh?

chuh chuh chuh chuh:roflmao:
Why bother?
if anyone thinks an atheist world would be a better world they are kidding themselves. We would start fighting over IQ scores, eye colour, vehicle mph, vegetarianism, etc.

Humans have an us vs them mentality and always will.
Okay so basically no one has said anything that detracts from the main point that has been made, that some countries have demonstrated that without belief in god they are able to function as well or better than thiest countries.

If this is the case then why do thiests still say that without belief in god society would fall apart, when there is actually evidence to the contrary?

And if what has made the athiest countries mentioned better than the thiest countries, is actually their wealth, then why is there a need for religion at all? This points to a need for money, not god.

Would people be better off investing 10% of their income rather than giving it to god?

Should there be missionaries that go around creating economic stability rather than religious unrest?
There are a number of theories about the evolution of religion. Certain aspects of it, such as dietary laws have been shown to be the result of practical problems within society. One could argue that religion has been a unifying force for nations, and that personal belief could be beneficial in a society that requires it's males to engage in extremely risky behavior, like war. I don't think that's a very compelling argument in favor of religion.
There are a number of theories about the evolution of religion. Certain aspects of it, such as dietary laws have been shown to be the result of practical problems within society. One could argue that religion has been a unifying force for nations, and that personal belief could be beneficial in a society that requires it's males to engage in extremely risky behavior, like war. I don't think that's a very compelling argument in favor of religion.
in case you haven't noticed, people have died in the name of practically everything - democracy, homosexuality, fascism, apartheid, equal rights, etc etc.

Frankly, your attempt to reduce humanity to some sort of bacteria that simply concerns itself with issues of feeding and reproduction is a poor caricature.
Actually an Atheist world would be a much much better world. But, not due to Atheism. Atheism is the byproduct of such a world. In prosperous, stable, tolerant and peaceful societies people become atheist - pretty much by default.

IMO theism is a double edged sword, it's a by product of insecurity, because it offers people hope of a better existence. Even if this hope is in another galaxy with Xenu or another spin of the Karma Cycle or floating around on clouds with hymen regenerating virgins.

The problem is some forms of theism perpetuate insecurity and themselves. Like viral memes. One of the worse is monotheism because it teaches it's members to be bigoted and intolerant of all other belief systems. This then leads to war. Which of course leads to more members in the theism. If you notice your religion's expansion going hand in hand with war, then, you may want to pull your head out and realize it's expanding in influence due to insecurity perpetuated by war.
Okay so basically no one has said anything that detracts from the main point that has been made, that some countries have demonstrated that without belief in god they are able to function as well or better than thiest countries.
I don't think its tenable to discuss countries as theist or atheist -perhaps one can take the view of the ideologies of dominant political interests (secularism, capitalist, communist, etc), but it stretches it a bit to tar the entire population into theistic or atheistic camps.
Actually an Atheist world would be a much much better world. But, not due to Atheism. Atheism is the byproduct of such a world. In a prosperous, stable, tolerant and peaceful world would people become atheist.
a similar idea (ie ideal atheism) was prominent circa 18th/19th century.
Events of the 20th century give cause for recourse however .....
IMO theism is a double edged sword, it's a by product of insecurity, because it offers people hope of a better existence. Even if this hope is in another gallaxy with Xenu or another spin of the Karma Cycle or floating around on clouds with hymen regenerating virgins.
You already opened up with a magnificent hope for the future.

The problem is some forms of theism perpetuate insecurity. One of the worse it monotheism because it teaches it's members to be bigoted and intolerant of all other belief systems. This then leads to war. Which of course leads to more members in the theism. If you notice your religion's expansion going hand in hand with war, then, you may want to pull your head out and realize it's expanding in influence due to said war.
actually what perpetuates insecurity is a sort of attitude to dominate in politics (such as to open with the assertion that the world should be atheist). You find classic examples of such going off the rails in leaders who have established ideologies in both atheism and theism. Trying to suggest otherwise is akin to calling upon brothers grim to establish historical incidence.
Actually an Atheist world would be a much much better world. But, not due to Atheism. Atheism is the byproduct of such a world. In prosperous, stable, tolerant and peaceful societies people become atheist - pretty much by default.
Why are these two prosperous nations so radically different in terms of atheism?

Perhaps it is socialism that brings peace and tolerance to prosperous societies?
if anyone thinks an atheist world would be a better world they are kidding themselves. We would start fighting over IQ scores, eye colour, vehicle mph, vegetarianism, etc.

Humans have an us vs them mentality and always will.
Although I am a pessimist by nature; I still believe that with good education based on humanism and pacifism; humans can bury this nasty mentality of us vs them .
Frankly, your attempt to reduce humanity to some sort of bacteria that simply concerns itself with issues of feeding and reproduction is a poor caricature.
I agree. Virus is probably a better analogy than bacteria.
But otherwise I think it's a good caricature - exaggerating but clearly identifiable.
in case you haven't noticed, people have died in the name of practically everything - democracy, homosexuality, fascism, apartheid, equal rights, etc etc.

Frankly, your attempt to reduce humanity to some sort of bacteria that simply concerns itself with issues of feeding and reproduction is a poor caricature.

They also say there are no atheists in foxholes. Sounds like an argument in favor of atheism to me.