Americans switching or losing faith

What difference does a stupid verse like that make? As 5-11 year olds we were forced to recite this verse.

Just what is your point? You should be embarrassed.

Dude, I didn't make this up okay? It's actually the way Jesus says to pray in the Bible. And it actually does represent my sentiment towards God, and the things I'd like to see accomplished. A stupid verse like that takes care of me and brings His Kingdom to earth. Don't get shitty with me because somebody forced you to recite prayers when you were little. It wasn't my idea. I don't think anyone should be forced to pray. And if you're still angry about it after all these years, then maybe you are the one who should be embarrassed. :bawl:
What difference does a stupid verse like that make? As 5-11 year olds we were forced to recite this verse.

Just what is your point? You should be embarrassed.

damn kenny.
forced? no, its soothing. Kinda like a mantra. We say it after grace at supper.
lol, and I'm an atheist.
Dude, I didn't make this up okay? It's actually the way Jesus says to pray in the Bible.

How is that supposed to impress me when the story of Jesus is nothing but impressive mythology on a par with Zeus and Hercules?

And it actually does represent my sentiment towards God, and the things I'd like to see accomplished. A stupid verse like that takes care of me and brings His Kingdom to earth.

Completely meaningless. I honestly don't understand how you and others can tell people that there is a right and wrong way to pray... this ignoring the fact that prayer is false, god is false, heaven is false, jesus is false. Multiples of impossible things all believed as truth and indoctrinated as such.

Don't get shitty with me because somebody forced you to recite prayers when you were little. It wasn't my idea.

You said it, that's enough to make me get shitty with you and your ridiculously lame beliefs.

I don't think anyone should be forced to pray. And if you're still angry about it after all these years, then maybe you are the one who should be embarrassed. :bawl:

Oh, if only becoming an adult saw an end to people like you and their bold claims of impossibilities as truth. You are the adult and you still believe it. This isn't Santa we're talking about. I should be embarrassed?
there are christians who give other christians a bad rep. Seriously kenny, what do you think you're doing for the image of atheists?
damn kenny.
forced? no, its soothing. Kinda like a mantra. We say it after grace at supper.
lol, and I'm an atheist.

5-11 year olds are unable to decline, so it is forced. You're telling a child to believe bullshit. It's abuse. Simple.
Dude, I didn't make this up okay? It's actually the way Jesus says to pray in the Bible. And it actually does represent my sentiment towards God, and the things I'd like to see accomplished. A stupid verse like that takes care of me and brings His Kingdom to earth. Don't get shitty with me because somebody forced you to recite prayers when you were little. It wasn't my idea. I don't think anyone should be forced to pray. And if you're still angry about it after all these years, then maybe you are the one who should be embarrassed. :bawl:

What makes God, as Christians view him, anymore believable than the existence of Buddha, Allah, Krishna, any other deity from any other religion?
My kids also left Santa a letter. How abusive was that.

To humor a child with fantasies they enjoy is different to enforce your own absurd beliefs on a child. They grow up and realize it was just a bit of childish fun. With religion they grow up and realize it was something sinister that adult beliefs which are false were forced upon them. What would your opinion be of creationists if you were taught creationism as scientific truth in school?

Religion is a no go area with children except to teach that it exists, but not to believe. Get it?
To humor a child with fantasies they enjoy is different to enforce your own absurd beliefs on a child. They grow up and realize it was just a bit of childish fun. With religion they grow up and realize it was something sinister that adult beliefs which are false were forced upon them. What would your opinion be of creationists if you were taught creationism as scientific truth in school?

Religion is a no go area with children except to teach that it exists, but not to believe. Get it?

I'm an atheist. I have a church going daughter. Its why we say grace and the Lord's prayer. Wouldn't it be just as wrong of me to force my beliefs on her? :shrug:
I'm an atheist. I have a church going daughter. Its why we say grace and the Lord's prayer. Wouldn't it be just as wrong of me to force my beliefs on her? :shrug:

Yes it would be. I would never teach atheism to any child I had if only to repair damage religious indoctrination has done to him/her in school out of my control.
I'm an atheist. I have a church going daughter. Its why we say grace and the Lord's prayer. Wouldn't it be just as wrong of me to force my beliefs on her?
It's not "forcing." It's called "teaching" and it's a parent's job!!! It's your responsibility to raise her. If she's been misguided it's up to you to fix it. "Tolerance" applies to society outside the home. It does not mean that parents have to be wimps and let their children do any damnfool thing they want IN THEIR HOME.

If someone else had taught her to smoke a joint before dinner to stimulate her appetite, would you sit quietly through that? It's a far lesser evil than religion!
It's not "forcing." It's called "teaching" and it's a parent's job!!! It's your responsibility to raise her. If she's been misguided it's up to you to fix it. "Tolerance" applies to society outside the home. It does not mean that parents have to be wimps and let their children do any damnfool thing they want IN THEIR HOME.

If someone else had taught her to smoke a joint before dinner to stimulate her appetite, would you sit quietly through that? It's a far lesser evil than religion!

I don't see religion as bad. I don't care if other people believe in god and an afterlife. Why would anyone care if someone believed that? If its misguided to believe that, so what. Who gets harmed for having a god belief? It all ends the same.

I care about how people treat other people while they are here. Whether they are a believer in whatever religion or an atheist, being mean or nice to people is what counts. And either one gettin gon their high-horse saying they are right solves nothing.
Orleander, why would YOU say the prayer too, if you are an atheist? I would tell my children what I think and why, and let them make up their own mind, but I wouldn't follow a religious ritual if I didn't believe it.
because I'm the only one who knows it and she wants to learn it.

So, you are teaching her religion by example. Why not explain your atheism too? Children are gullible, they might find a caring God more appealing than reality.
So, you are teaching her religion by example. Why not explain your atheism too? Children are gullible, they might find a caring God more appealing than reality.

I'll explain it when she asks. My son did when he was in his early teens.
i know what you mean though. i've been a waitress for a long time and seen many people pray before meals which i've always thought is so meaningless, and ritualistic. like they're just puting on a show. i mean, was it really such a harrowing experience to drive your fat ass to an applebee's restaurant for lunch? i don't know...just seems like a global, "thanks for sustaining me and keeping me" sentiment while alone with him would cover it. i'm not a big fan of praying in public. i think it's something to be done in private. in a closet.
M*W: Well, finally, there is something we agree on. I've had lunch/dinner with friends of different religions (Muslims, Christians, Hindis, Sikhs, etc.), but the only ones who prayed before a meal were certain specific Christians.

Now let me tell you about a very close friend who is Christian. She doesn't go to church. She curses like a sailor, but she preaches to me for the sake of my soul. Had lunch with her one day, and although she's very self-conscious about herself in public, she made such a scene in the restaurant about praying over her food. Now, this girl is no Twiggy, so she's hard to miss. She rears back, raises her arms as if over her food (fatty fried stuff), and she prayed for what seemed like hours! Then when she was apparently finished with her ritual, she looked around to see if anybody was looking at her. I had already blessed my food by eating it. I just wonder what was up with her obvious praying at the table. It seemed so insincere.

I think if people want to pray over their food, fine, I don't care, but do it discreetly. I don't think it's meant to be a dramatic occurance. Any comments?

M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote (FAQ) of the Day:

"Examine the religius principles which have, in fact, prevailed in the world. You will scarcely be persuaded that they are any thing but sick men's dreams." ~ David Hume

M*W's Anti-Bitterness Comments (ABCs) of the Day:

"Never bend your head, always hold it high. Look the world in the face." ~ Helen Keller, 1880-1968 American Writer and Lecturer
How is that supposed to impress me when the story of Jesus is nothing but impressive mythology on a par with Zeus and Hercules?

Who said I was trying to impress you???? WTF?

Completely meaningless. I honestly don't understand how you and others can tell people that there is a right and wrong way to pray... this ignoring the fact that prayer is false, god is false, heaven is false, jesus is false. Multiples of impossible things all believed as truth and indoctrinated as such.

To reiterate, I did not make this up, I am simply pointing out to those people who want to pray, how it says to do it in the Bible, and this way makes a lot of sense to me. If you don't want to pray, then don't pray! And if you don't even believe in God, then why in the world are you discussing prayer anyway?

You said it, that's enough to make me get shitty with you and your ridiculously lame beliefs.

You're just shitty. So you're an angry and insulting person, so what? That's really nothing to write about. Especially here, you're supposed to contribute.

Oh, if only becoming an adult saw an end to people like you and their bold claims of impossibilities as truth. You are the adult and you still believe it. This isn't Santa we're talking about. I should be embarrassed?

Why are so hostile? Why do you feel the need to attack me just because my beliefs are different from yours? What is wrong with you? I'm not bothered a bit by it. What a boring world it would be if everyone was exactly the same.
i know what you mean though. i've been a waitress for a long time and seen many people pray before meals which i've always thought is so meaningless, and ritualistic. like they're just puting on a show. i mean, was it really such a harrowing experience to drive your fat ass to an applebee's restaurant for lunch? i don't know...just seems like a global, "thanks for sustaining me and keeping me" sentiment while alone with him would cover it. i'm not a big fan of praying in public. i think it's something to be done in private. in a closet.

Well Jesus did say that prayer should be done in secret.

But i don't necessarily think that people are being showy all the time when they do. Some just do it because their parents did it, they do it out of respect for their parents. Some do it because they feel it is a bonding experience with others that do it with them. Some people do it as a kind of evangelical tool, to let others in the area know they are religious and to spur their curiosity. And yes there are people who pray in public to impress others.

But praying to have ones food blessed is established in the NT as the right thing for Christians to do. Of course people can pray in a public area and no one need know they are praying. There is the silent prayer. One that keeps to the spirit of the guidance Jesus gave.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days