Americans switching or losing faith

I didnt know that god had a secret passcode mandated for answering the prayers of those in need.:shrug:
Well now you know. So now you can thank ME when they come true. KIDDING!!!
I'm glad to see denominationalism going to hell. It's not logical. There's one God, one law, one Christ, and one bride for Him. And that equals one church, not 87 different denominations that focus on how they're DIFFERENT from other denominations. Yeah we where our hair different from you so we're just going to segregate, and pretend God loves us more because of our hairdos. Why not appreciate each other's differences and what we have in common? That being the love of God and our salvation through Christ.
I'm glad to see denominationalism going to hell. It's not logical. There's one God, one law, one Christ, and one bride for Him. And that equals one church, not 87 different denominations that focus on how they're DIFFERENT from other denominations. Yeah we where our hair different from you so we're just going to segregate, and pretend God loves us more because of our hairdos. Why not appreciate each other's differences and what we have in common? That being the love of God and our salvation through Christ.

But just that kind of thinking is a just denominationalism of a different type:

Okay so now we are all united one god one christ, so obviously we are better then the other people who dont believe in christ, and man we are way better then the ones who have more than one god. Its really no different ;)
But just that kind of thinking is a just denominationalism of a different type:

Okay so now we are all united one god one christ, so obviously we are better then the other people who dont believe in christ, and man we are way better then the ones who have more than one god. Its really no different ;)

Dude...that's why I don't GO to church. Instead I just live my life surrounded by all kinds of people that I love. I love how we're all different and so I don't expect everyone else to be like me or vice versa. God made us all different...
Well you know, except for serial killers and stuff. Hanging with them could be dangerous.


I shouldn't really say that. People witness all the time in prisons, and on death row. I'm glad someone does.
Dude...that's why I don't GO to church. Instead I just live my life surrounded by all kinds of people that I love. I love how we're all different and so I don't expect everyone else to be like me or vice versa. God made us all different...

Well I expect everyone to be like me...or at least like me :D
No surprise. I would not call American Christianity very Christian.
I see a lot of small churches around here dying. Just a lot of old people and no new young families. People want entertainment with their religion, so the huge super churches are growing like crazy.
No surprise. I would not call American Christianity very Christian.
When the Religious Redneck Retard Revival was in full swing in the early 1980s and the hippies were becoming "born again" en masse to atone for all the fun they'd had, a friend who'd been raised as a "Christian" Christian said to me: "The only part of the religion these people came for is the forgiveness."
I forgot about the jelly! f*&k!

You know what our problem is people? This is how we're supposed to pray...

Heavenly Father, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever, amen.

Now where in there does OUR will come into play? If we pray this way, then our will is in alignment with His. And how many so-called Christians do you think really pray this way?

Not exactly. That is the manner in which we should pray. But we should never pray that prayer word for word. If you do that then it is just another structured prayer, a mindless chant without personal meaning.

I guess the first prayer one prays would be to ask for the wisdom to know what to pray for. The next best prayer is to pray a prayer of acceptance that Gods will shall be done.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well Adstar, it happens to be a perfect represtentation of my seniment, so as long as I mean it when I say it, I don't see what the problem is. You know, there are times when I pray more specific prayers, regarding different things. I've had conversations with God too about various things. But in general, the Lord's prayer perfectly states my intention towards Him and my life and this world at all times, and regardless of any circumstances.
Well Adstar, it happens to be a perfect represtentation of my seniment, so as long as I mean it when I say it, I don't see what the problem is. You know, there are times when I pray more specific prayers, regarding different things. I've had conversations with God too about various things. But in general, the Lord's prayer perfectly states my intention towards Him and my life and this world at all times, and regardless of any circumstances.

Adstar has questioned your doctrine. You should declare holy war upon him.
Religious adherence is vastly over rated. Many folks have either shed the mythology or, more commonly, don't give a darn.

As my 16-year-old visiting nephew declared loudly last week: "How can people believe in that crap!" I asked him if any of his firiends were Jesus believers and I might as well asked if any still believe in Sant Clause.

There's hope for this world
When the Religious Redneck Retard Revival was in full swing in the early 1980s and the hippies were becoming "born again" en masse to atone for all the fun they'd had, a friend who'd been raised as a "Christian" Christian said to me: "The only part of the religion these people came for is the forgiveness."

Your friend was wrong. As most Christian whackos are usually out of touch with reality and are wrong. They 'come' to the religion to belong and buy into something. If it was on Borneo the same individuals would join the Cannibal sect. It has nothing to do with 'forgiveness'.
Dude...that's why I don't GO to church. Instead I just live my life surrounded by all kinds of people that I love. I love how we're all different and so I don't expect everyone else to be like me or vice versa. God made us all different...
M*W: That's exactly how I feel as an atheist... being around the people that I love. I just don't think a god had anything to do with it. Mostly it happened because of me and what I wanted in my life and in the lives of those whom I love. Love works.

M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote (FAQ) of the Day:

"Whatever we cannot easily understand we call God; this saves much wear and tear on the brain tissues." ~ Edward Abbey

M*W's Anti-Bitterness Comments (ABCs) of the Day:

"The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is to live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof." ~ Barbara Kingsolver, b. 1955 American Novelist
I see a lot of small churches around here dying. Just a lot of old people and no new young families. People want entertainment with their religion, so the huge super churches are growing like crazy.
M*W: I see that, too, in a city upwards of 4.5 million people. Small churches are being torn down due to lack of congregations. There are a couple of big ones like Lakewood Church and First and Second Baptist Churches. The whole shebang seems so fakey to me. I've actually attended Second Baptist with a good friend who tried to save my soul, and I just sat there the whole time listening to the pastor thinking in my head, "what a liar you are!" I told my friend I just couldn't go there anymore, and you know what? He quit going there or anywhere else! Maybe I made some sense to him. Maybe he figured it out on his own, but I tell you what, today he respects what I tell him, and he's told me he's learned a lot from me. We're still the best of friends!

As far as I'm concerned, every last church could crumble to the ground and the lies would stop.