Americans switching or losing faith

I have many Christian friends in India. I go to mass with them, pray together (same God what luck!), have fun with all the paraphernalia of christenings, first holy communions, weddings, Christmas. I love the carolling and the church music (organ music), the hymns and services. I enjoy meeting the priests who faithfully visit the parish members and look out for the less advantaged. As a Muslim, I have never felt anything evangelical or odd or fundamentalist about Christians. To me, Christians are fun loving people.
What churches did you go to in U.S?

EDIT: hey SAM you deleted that part...

I just found them all interesting. I enjoyed the churched, the mosques, the temples i visited. I especially liked the Indian (cant think of the name, mental blockage) ones with the burning popcorn and the symbols. But i didnt like the food too much.
Since I have both Catholic and Protestant friends, I went to either Catholic or Protestant churches.
One was a Thomas Aquinas Church, I totally forget the name of other, but it was a Protestant Church where my Korean friend went.

I went to the National Cathedral too, but that was mostly for the stained glass. :)

I stayed for the service, since it was time for evening service by the time we finished roaming the place.
I knew only one black girl very well and she always went home on weekends. I know other blacks but most are Africans, so we rarely discuss religion, let alone reach the point of going to church together.
Thomas Aquinas was 2 parts philosopher and 1 part christian(hedging his bets or "pretending" really).

Religion = power. Pure and simple.
African Christians are great. There's a Somalian guy I took calculus with some time back who told me that Christians (where he came from) didn't eat pork, and were very much in tune with Islamic ideals. Thought that was pretty cool.
Thomas Aquinas was 2 parts philosopher and 1 part christian(hedging his bets or "pretending" really).

Religion = power. Pure and simple.

I find the best and most genuine practitioners of religion are often times the people with least power in society.
Well Adstar, it happens to be a perfect represtentation of my seniment, so as long as I mean it when I say it, I don't see what the problem is. You know, there are times when I pray more specific prayers, regarding different things. I've had conversations with God too about various things. But in general, the Lord's prayer perfectly states my intention towards Him and my life and this world at all times, and regardless of any circumstances.

So be it. Let each ones conscience be clear towards God. He knows the intents of all. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
So be it. Let each ones conscience be clear towards God. He knows the intents of all. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

i know what you mean though. i've been a waitress for a long time and seen many people pray before meals which i've always thought is so meaningless, and ritualistic. like they're just puting on a show. i mean, was it really such a harrowing experience to drive your fat ass to an applebee's restaurant for lunch? i don't know...just seems like a global, "thanks for sustaining me and keeping me" sentiment while alone with him would cover it. i'm not a big fan of praying in public. i think it's something to be done in private. in a closet.
The best churches are the Black churches. Those are the ones you wanna visit.

Black Gospel Choir Makes Man Wish He Believed In All That God Bullshit

COLUMBUS, OH—The gloriously jubilant gospel singing that pours forth each Sunday from Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church is enough to make local resident Doug Kamin wish he believed in all that God bullshit.

The Bethel AME Church choir, which has given Doug Kamin reason to regret his atheism.

Kamin, who lives two blocks from Bethel AME Church, passes the church most Sundays en route to his local Starbucks. Though he has rejected the existence of God ever since discovering Marx and Nietzsche in the 10th grade, Kamin admitted that the exuberant singing of the church choir often produces in him a feeling of longing.

"It must be so life-affirming to be in there, connecting with fellow human beings and celebrating your faith while making that joyful noise," said Kamin, a doctoral candidate in political science at Ohio State University. "I still say it's a big, delusional fairy tale, this whole religion thing, but what's the harm in believing in a 2,000-year-old carpenter and some 'holy ghost' if it makes you happy?"

....Despite his attraction to the Bethel AME Church, Kamin still can't bring himself to believe in the existence of a supreme being.

"There's simply too much evolutionary and cosmological evidence against it," Kamin said. "No offense to anybody, but I just can't buy into the parting of the Red Sea and the Immaculate Conception and all those other Biblical tall tales any more than I can The Odyssey."
I bet you curse in public. Talking to those same folks' deity, just got a different kind of request. :)

No, i'm not a big fan of "damning", and when i do curse AT God, I do that in private too. If I had the temper tantrums that I lay loose on God in public, I'd get locked up.
Lori_7 said:
You know what our problem is people? This is how we're supposed to pray...

Heavenly Father, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever, amen.

Now where in there does OUR will come into play? If we pray this way, then our will is in alignment with His. And how many so-called Christians do you think really pray this way?

What difference does a stupid verse like that make? As 5-11 year olds we were forced to recite this verse.

Just what is your point? You should be embarrassed.