American CONTRACTOR beheaded today.....+3

"I don't love the media but they are a product of us, it's not the other way around."

It's both: A shrill feedback loop.
fair point. I guess I'm saying you can't only blame the media, we're as much of the problem as they are.
Watcher said:
SouthStar, Sadaam most assuredly had WMD; at least chemical weapons, which as everyone knows, were used on the Kurds. Mustard gas, nerve agent and possibly cyanide were used to kill an estimated 5,000. Very unlikely that he had any nuclear capability - they would have found manufacturing facilities by now.

WMD could be chemical, biological or nuclear. Of course a chemical weapon might kill dozens or tens of thousands, so I suppose it is a semantic game to determine whether it is a "WMD".

Who first introduced the term "WMD" in the Iraq conflict? The pentagon, or the press? Either way, from what you are telling me, people must be incorrectly scorning the US for trying to find nonexistent weapons of mass destruction.
I don't love the media but they are a product of us, it's not the other way around.


No doubt about it. There's a demand for sensationalism, and the media is perfectly happy to supply it - there's an enormous amount of money to be made catering to our need for titillation.
Seriously.. may I ask if he's jewish?

Daniel Pearl.. now this guys last name is Berg.

I wish this whole mess would just end with US-Israel vs Muslim world..

These terrorists are not people I wanan fuck with.. ones that are out for the blood of defending their people.
buffys said:
I don't love the media but they are a product of us, it's not the other way around.

I disagree. They are shaping "us" and "we" don't even realize it. You never asked to see pictures of mutilated bodies and they put that out there over and over. There is something very wrong about us "wanting" to see gruesome images (just like people in the Coliseum watching humans being fed to the lions). These inner dark desires MUST be repressed. The media is exploiting this in us and even worse making it OK. “News” is not news anymore and it’s no longer for the thinking man.
if tommorrow, everyone demanded that cnn start playing Mr.Ed reruns 24hrs a day or we'd switch to fox news they'd do it without even pausing to think. We control them in the end, it's just like politics. We bitch and moan but ultimately we make the choices.

I think though hypewaders was closest to the truth, it is a feedback loop. But that loop is powered by us. We're hardly the victims here.
SouthStar - not really following your question.

Saddam HAD WMD, at least chemical, at one time. He didn't appear to have any left when Iraq was invaded. So, one of the reasons the US used to invade Iraq was erroneous, as I pointed out near the top of this thread.

However, that does not mean that WMD in the hands of (any) terrorist is NOT a continuous and ever-lasting threat to the West. It's just a matter of time before they obtain one; of course a well-funded established organization like Al Qaeda is far more likely to be able to buy one from a rogue state, which was probably one of the behind the scenes Pentagon rationalizations for the invasion of Iraq last year.

The problem of course is that there's no way to ever put a lid back on this Pandora's box. Proliferation is going to occur despite anyone's efforts.
It is also interesting to note that many 'contractors' in Iraq are armed, or travel in armed parties.
Watcher said:

Here's a different perspective, on information pollution.

I'm not saying that we aren't being "polluted" by media of all kinds, just that unlike air pollution this is something we can choose to be polluted by. I got rid of my tv last year, I made that choice. Air pollution attacks you wether you like it or not.

We have total control over how much and what kind of media we ingest.
Subtle fact in the horror

As I was going over the news of the horror imposed on the innocent American today, I came across something only mentioned once:

He was falsely imprisoned (was it the notorious prison?) Did the murderers set him up to go through this? His family sued the Sec of Defense prior to his murder for false imprisonmnent.

Therefore, if he did get falsely imprisoned, who does the blame go to? As far as I know, he was scheduled to go home, but was interrupted by an arrest. He called his family every day to talk and wait to catch the plane home. Then, everything fell into play for the terrorists?

The US is denying at the moment that they inprisoned him, but his family feels otherwise.

Here is a link:
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I need to get the video located on the following location:

I cant cause i dont have the money to pay and the trial isnt working. Can someone help me out? Give me a direct link or message me over ICQ OR MSN?

ICQ = 291-189-941

Thank you SOOO much!

Also: Where was the video found online? I heard an al-qaeda linked website hosted it.
if i had the choice, i'd cancel CNN and subscribe to FOX NEWS instead
at least they're more honest and less yellow
I love it how the moral relativists jump to the defense of these sick fucks.

The naked prisoner photos were disgusting and a blemish on the US. Fine, I agree.

The beheading is equal reciprocity in the eyes of a few zealots. Um, no.

Unless you're willing to concede that these extremists are less-human than the west, and thus cannot be relied upon to behave as anything more than animals swept up in blind rage.
orestes said:
The manner in which he was killed was dispicable, truly showing the worst of human nature. How bad is it when people are beheading others in the name of God? Absolute maddness.
Just as bad as when people are torturing and killing others in the name of their country. As you said. The manner in which he was killed was disgusting. But what we are seeing now is the revenge coming full circle. Goofy was right, they could have taken the moral high ground and not killed, shown that they were better than the US soldiers whose pictures have been plastered across our newspapers these last few weeks. Instead they took the same road as they and the US soldiers working in the prisons were and are on.

Absolute madness indeed. The Red Cross report has stated that 70 to 90% of those detained by the US are in fact innocent or were detained by mistake. Did those individuals deserve to be treated as they were in those jails? Certainly not. We are seeing both sides pointing the finger, both sides thinking they are on the higher ground. When infact, each side is as guilty as the other. Each side practices the same brand of prisoner treatment tactics and questioning tactics. We are seeing reports today that the tortures happened due to the lack of supervision and training. What we must take into account is that there were many soldiers who were stationed at the jails who refused to take part in the torturing and killing of prisoners. We should also take into account that one should not have to be trained for the practice of human decency. We expect the Iraqi's to treat our people well when we fail to do the same. It's becoming a tit for tat battle now. Shame it's the innocents who are paying for it.
It's becoming a tit for tat battle now
Thats what it has been for the last thousand years.
But its all in good fun.

"Beheaded" makes light of what happened. Being beheaded would be a picnic, this guy sat there tied up thinking it was a normal 'hostage talk to america and wait for rescue squad' situation but then the guy behind him holds him down and saws off his head slowly with a knife while he screams.
While he was essentially beheaded, the term beheaded usually refers to having your head sliced off in a motion. I'd say his head was cut, or sawn, off.
Semantics I know, but...

Does anyone remember when I said those pictures of iraqi humiliation were a strategic move by the us? I'm really feeling confident with that assessment now. And this comes back to tit for tat at its finest. I think the allies want iraqis to saw peoples heads off and so on and so forth. The 'humiliating photos' were too perfect. Try as they might liberal westerners can't get that upset over them, and liberal westerners are who the allied forces are really trying to get on their side. I think they knew this would cause the iraqis to go nuts, and if they can continue over years to do little things that outrage iraqis but seem minor to westerners they'll slowly sway opinion on their side, at least thats their goal.
I realise some liberals are as firmly anti-american as a living organism could possibly be but as long as they can sway a convincing majority against muslims they'll be happy.
I expect to see more subtle baiting of iraqis and more over the top iraqi retaliation untill eventually blasting the shit out of iraq will seem like the only reasonable option.
Civilian contractor: The new American Orwellian newspeak term replacing the more accurate term: mercenary.
You know like ‘collateral damage’, ‘free press’, ‘open markets’, ‘democratization’, interogation.
Language in the service of national propaganda and “news shows” in the service of indoctrination and mind control.
1984 is now. The height of human mass hypnosis being utilized by the most sophisticate propaganda machine in the history of the world.
Notice that all US military missions are dubbed “coalition” missions, just like during Vietnam and the Bosnian affair. A couple of hundred foreign troops, put there by governments under duress or succumbing to US bribery, promises and threats, just so the US can go on pretending to the world and to its own citizens that this is not a war on behalf of US elites and ‘pax Americana’ interests.

I remember those 4 “security contractors” that were killed and hung on a bridge a while back, they too were not “mercenaries” . Oh no, they were "contractors" just like those "freedom fighters" fighting for American interests in Nicaragua, were not terrorists and those Cubans invading the Bay of Pigs were also not terrorists but, again, "freedom fighters".
And of course the American benevolent motivations show clearly through their “interrogation techniques”. No, not torture, that’s what we call it when the enemy does it.
I bet they also call their own feces, manure, rather than shit.
This in a country with a president that believes in the “Rapture” , along with another 70 million other morons, and questions Evolution Theory as less likely than Creationism.
Whoever wants to see a fundamentalist Christian nation at work, visit the US.
No different than Islamic fundamentalist states but only in practices and techniques.
Through all this the statistics showing an upcoming election campaign that will be, again, a ‘close call’ just like the last one.
It seems like, in a nation of retards and self-centered dumb-asses, having a moron for President that reflects the intellectual level of the nation he leads is a natural consequence of years of TV and pop culture influences, where freedom is defined by consumer choices, in true American capitalistic fashion, and owning a gun has become the defining symbol of maleness. Yet, there they are this nation of imbeciles, still 40 million of them with no medical coverage repeating the propaganda of their elites concerning Canadian Medicare deficiencies to excuse themselves for still living in the 19th century and blaming high crime rates on a myriad of things except the actual ones.
There they sit now huddled around community centers, and computer screens outraged and angry at a war they were duped into by the most simplistic of rhetoric, sending their boys and girls, inebriated with self-righteousness and half truths and raised on Hollywood violence and videogame ‘reality’, to kill and be killed in the middle of a desert that only matters because it has oil under its barren landscapes and wondering why they are hated.
“Why do they hate us so?” they ask, these products of US educational systems and spring-break mentalities.
“Well it must be because they envy our ‘freedoms’” they are told to believe and they do.

Human beings are funny and there’s no funnier human being than an American trying to save himself from the image of his own face in the mirror.
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