America is becoming more secular

Sorry I had to go out. The opening said do not discuss before 1600, At that time Catholic religion was king, I don't want to go into more detail.
Why not respect the Creator of nature . If you don't respect nature , so someone's life means to you Noting and for these mass murders life for them means nothing.
Nature and your imaginary friend are too entirely different things.
Really? then how do you explain that The US, with a churchgoing percentage of 47%, has 42.01 murders per 100,000 people, while Canada, our neighbor to the North with a churchgoing percentage of 29% has 16.23 murders per 100,000, and The UK, wiht a churchgoing percentage of 20% has only 11.68 murders per 100,000?
I won't go as far as assigning a causation to these numbers, but even the correlation goes contrary to your assertion. A lot of things have changed since 1960. It is specious to pick one out of the bunch to lay the blame on just because it fits your notions.

Let me start this way: Church going does not mean much, If you don't follow or intent to follow the teaching of Jesus . The teaching is to help us on how to get alone with our fellow man.
1 ) The mass murder we have is mainly in areas of high density population. Canada and UK does not have the crazy law that we have ( 2nd amendment the right to bear arms )
2 ) I would separate murder from mass murder , a) emotional reaction , b ) premeditated reaction in the case of USA many murders are emotional reaction in a particular segment of the population . ( I live in a suburb for over 30 years , there have not been any murder in our area. )
So please let be a little more careful in using statistics.
In regard to your last paragraph : Sorry I picked up one of them.
Let me start this way: Church going does not mean much, If you don't follow or intent to follow the teaching of Jesus . The teaching is to help us on how to get alone with our fellow man.
So it doesn't matter if the country was a theocracy (in opposition to the Constitution), it only matters if you accept that murder is wrong. So you are saying that if people believed murder was wrong, they wouldn't murder. So I have two responses, one is that people murder even when they know it's wrong (Jim Jones's cult, abortion clinic bombers, lynchings), secondly that there are plenty of secular reasons not to murder.
Secularism goes hand in hand with removing God from our society

Removing God, in our daily , goes in line with less respect for life ( please don't bring muslim into the this discussion nor bring history beyond 1500 )
I can see mass murder have increased since 1960 in this country
It would be just as easy to say how much worse things have gotten since they put the phrase "under God" into the Pledge of Allegiance.
Religion hijacked things like morals because they're intangibles and don't cost anything to "produce". They sell an intangible product, "salvation" that has not passed any peer-reviewed trials and is completely unfalsifiable. If they weren't a religion they'd be done for being scam artists.
Let me start this way: Church going does not mean much, If you don't follow or intent to follow the teaching of Jesus . The teaching is to help us on how to get alone with our fellow man.
Sounds like the "True Scotsman" fallacy. "Sure these people go to church, but they are not "true" Christians. " But even if a given percentage of "Churchgoers" fall into this category, What evidence do you have that this percentage is higher in the US than in other countries?
1 ) The mass murder we have is mainly in areas of high density population.
Well, that only stands to reason because where you have a high population density, you have a higher chance of pretty much any occurrence dealing with humans. That being said, The UK has 3 times the population density of The US and still has a lower murder rate.
Canada and UK does not have the crazy law that we have ( 2nd amendment the right to bear arms )
Then let's just consider the US. Louisiana has the highest murder rate in the US per capita, yet ranks 24th in population density and ranks number 4 in terms of how religious it population is, based on the percentage that identify as Christian, say that they definitely believe in God and pray daily.
2 ) I would separate murder from mass murder , a) emotional reaction , b ) premeditated reaction in the case of USA many murders are emotional reaction in a particular segment of the population . ( I live in a suburb for over 30 years , there have not been any murder in our area. )
Why? Your whole premise is that secularism leads to less reverence for life, why distinguish between one type of murder from another. If your argument holds, then it should hold equally for both. In fact,
So please let be a little more careful in using statistics.
Says the kettle to the pot. Your whole argument is based on Cherry-picking. Above you mention high population density, but neglect to consider that it is one of the factors that increased since 1960 in the US. You bring up the 2nd amendment, but ignore that it makes guns more available and thus makes mass murder easier to perpetrate in the US than in other countries. Instead, you want to blame it on an increase of secularism; a connection you don't have evidence for.
In regard to your last paragraph : Sorry I picked up one of them.
But you did so without any real evidence that it was even a factor in increased mass murders, other than this is what you want others to believe.
Earlier in this thread you brought up the Ten Commandments. You should be more mindful of the one against bearing false witness, which is exactly what you are doing when claiming that secularists have less regard for life than "True Christians".
Sounds like the "True Scotsman" fallacy. "Sure these people go to church, but they are not "true" Christians. " But even if a given percentage of "Churchgoers" fall into this category, What evidence do you have that this percentage is higher in the US than in other countries?
Well, that only stands to reason because where you have a high population density, you have a higher chance of pretty much any occurrence dealing with humans. That being said, The UK has 3 times the population density of The US and still has a lower murder rate. Then let's just consider the US. Louisiana has the highest murder rate in the US per capita, yet ranks 24th in population density and ranks number 4 in terms of how religious it population is, based on the percentage that identify as Christian, say that they definitely believe in God and pray daily. Why? Your whole premise is that secularism leads to less reverence for life, why distinguish between one type of murder from another. If your argument holds, then it should hold equally for both. In fact, Says the kettle to the pot. Your whole argument is based on Cherry-picking. Above you mention high population density, but neglect to consider that it is one of the factors that increased since 1960 in the US. You bring up the 2nd amendment, but ignore that it makes guns more available and thus makes mass murder easier to perpetrate in the US than in other countries. Instead, you want to blame it on an increase of secularism; a connection you don't have evidence for.
But you did so without any real evidence that it was even a factor in increased mass murders, other than this is what you want others to believe.
Earlier in this thread you brought up the Ten Commandments. You should be more mindful of the one against bearing false witness, which is exactly what you are doing when claiming that secularists have less regard for life than "True Christians".

Grant you, you tore my argument apart, but, you last paragraph . In the 10 commandments it say thou shalt not murder. That is saying to me if the individual believes in God and is a God obeying individual he will not kill or commit murder.
A secular individual he does not recognize God so he will not obey God he will do things at his will and when necessary in his reasoning he will kill and commit murder. Do I need evidence , I don't need numbers, the point here , to do murder is the individual will and not God's will.
Now this perhaps will clear your accusation on me to be a false witness.
God believers kill too, they just get forgiveness afterward. If a non-religious person believes they shouldn't kill, they also won't kill. Religion doesn't prevent killing. Most of the world is religious, and killing happens all the time.