Alpha and Beta Males?


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
I've noticed several younger sciforums users boasting in almost every thread in which they participate about how incredibly great they are, and declaring themselves to be "alpha males". Of course, such adolescent chest-puffing does not make it so.

A certain young woman of sciforums told me that females are indeed attracted to confident males, "alpha males" as she also said.

Now, I have never in my life, as far as I can remember, been interested in such group-dominance games. Boasting has always seemed to me a sign of weakness, a desperate plea for attention. When kids shout about how good in the sack they are, how incredibly intelligent they are, how handsome they are, et cetera, it simply seems weak to me. A request for attention to alleviate insecurity.

I have observed such behaviour among my friends, my various social groups. Some definitely take the lead and some definitely follow. I do not take part in such games. I don't care who gets the good seat in the car, I don't care who talks the loudest, I don't care who runs the fastest. I know what I can do, and for the most part I don't wish to do what I can do for philosophical reasons. I will not puff up my chest like some little birdy to impress women. If a woman is serious, she will get to know who I am, rather than be impressed by the bright little shiny things I lay about. (Okay, enough with the bird-behaviour metaphors.)

So, my question: Does anyone past puberty actually give a damn about such basic behaviour patterns?


Actually, I recall a good example. A BBQ at a friend's place. After a few drinks, many of the lads decided to play wrestling in the back yard. Typical show-off-for-the-girls stuff, such as you might see in primary school. Amazingly basic behaviour, very primitive.

I did not take part in the wrestling, for several reasons:

1) I do not know how to fight without hurting people. I did not wish to hurt anyone.

2) I saw how the girls looked upon this activity, thinking it was really quite pathetic.

3) I simply don't have the need to "prove myself" like that.

When I see other guys trying to act tough at each other, threatening to beat each other up and such, I do not have the urge to join in. When someone threatens me in such a manner, I don't really care, and I don't try to show them how tough I am in return. I know what I can do, and I really don't want to hurt people.
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That maybe true but not every chicks dig alpha male.

Personally I am a Zeta male. I disappear in a group. I am invisible. I sit in the back of the class. I don't ask for answer questions. At work I never talk during a meeting.

Alpha males are usually well known athletes in school or executives at work. My attitude is maybe those men can get chicks but they can't get them all. There are always some for me. :)
being a zeta male rocks.. you get all the smart chicks and the ones who do things like play computer games or are active artists..

originality is what i look for. thank god for zeta females!
I think it's a rather generalizing statement to say everyone who knows their abilities is weak.

I can safely say I'm intelligent for my age because I walk around my shcool and the majority of students can't comprehend basic politics let alone philosophy. Tell my peers about advanced sciences and they'll brush you off because they didn't understand a word. There's maybe 4 or 5 students in my advanced class who can grasp advanced maths beyond high school, and I can honestly say that each of these 4 or 5 is significantly better than myself at math. I had a 99 average (not allowed to give 100 in my school) in computer programming because I understood the concepts within a second and was making a stock market simulator while my classmates were working on 'Enter your name.....Your name is Mark'. I play above my level in hockey, I'm a distance runner and am in general a good athlete. I play guitar and have played an instrument as long as I can remember.

The fact is, I'm a well-rounded individual with things I'm good at in every area. I'm man enough to be able to state my pros as well as my cons and any time I say something about my intellect or such on sciforums I can gaurantee it's in a joking matter. I'm very reserved about talking on my pros. I always thought it sounded rude and so I try not to tell unless asked.

Remember, knowing what you are capable of is far from a weakness.

I personally feel there are very few women who are attracted to the types of things you are describing. If they are looking for a relationship anyway (if they are looking for sex, money, or something else, they may take these kinds of things into account differently).

In general, pride and boasting is something REALLY tends to draw out my anger. It depends on who the individual is showing off to, and for what purpose. On another note, in specifically, when someone attacks someone else, or puts someone else down in the process of doing it (as in either 2 examples, physically attacking someone else, or claiming you are superior to someone else, rather than pointing out a particularly good piece of your efforts, or just saying you are good without comparing yourself to someone else).

Also, especially when there is lying involved.
Originally posted by Tyler
I think it's a rather generalizing statement to say everyone who knows their abilities is weak.

Remember, knowing what you are capable of is far from a weakness.
I know what I can do. The weakness is in boasting, in being desperate to prove yourself to other people.
I always felt it was better not to boast. Many is the time you suprise someone and open their eyes simply by doing when the time comes. When the others have finished whatever it is they want to boast about and look up and find that it is already done it kind of takes the wind out of their sails without you ever having to say a word. Honestly, I much prefer that way of doing things. Saves a lot of bs, if you know what I mean.

Everything you said, almost everything, is completely garbage after women mature. It works for 15 years old but not for educated 25 years old. When you are 25, who is alpha male? What percentage are there?
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~

There we go again, the age problem. Fuck this bullshit! This isn't my advice I "invented." It's advice from real people, Allen Thompson, Rose Geoffries, David DeAngelo, etc.

I am right. They are wrong.

Garbage? *yawn* yea "just be yourself guys", let see how far you get. :D

Yeah I can't get very far except I always have a steady girlfriend. I want to be myself because I am very happy with myself. I have a very good self.
Bragging and boasting are just 2 other ways to tell the world that you have a little pecker:D
"There we go again, the age problem. Fuck this bullshit! This isn't my advice I "invented." It's advice from real people, Allen Thompson, Rose Geoffries, David DeAngelo, etc."

And htem being 'real people' makes them right...:rolleyes:

And yes, the age thing is fucking important. Women are far different than the girls you and I experience now. I actually dated a 27 year old woman for a while. Frighteningly different.

"If you don't know these people, you are very unaware of great potential.
It's a good thing I found out so early in my life, when I grow up I will master the ways of the DJ."

And enjoy it. You have to realize that most of us are more content with being ourselves. We don't feel we have to 'better' ourselves to get women. You seem quite pleased to act in a different matter in order to get a woman. Enjoy it. Eventually you'll meet women, and this won't be the same.

"Garbage? *yawn* yea "just be yourself guys", let see how far you get."

Never failed me.
Actually, I recall a good example. A BBQ at a friend's place. After a few drinks, many of the lads decided to play wrestling in the back yard. Typical show-off-for-the-girls stuff, such as you might see in primary school. Amazingly basic behaviour, very primitive.

I did not take part in the wrestling, for several reasons:

1) I do not know how to fight without hurting people. I did not wish to hurt anyone.

2) I saw how the girls looked upon this activity, thinking it was really quite pathetic.

3) I simply don't have the need to "prove myself" like that.

When I see other guys trying to act tough at each other, threatening to beat each other up and such, I do not have the urge to join in. When someone threatens me in such a manner, I don't really care, and I don't try to show them how tough I am in return. I know what I can do, and I really don't want to hurt people.

That's what I'm talking about by "alpha male". The ability to be confident enough of your posession of power that you can just walk away.

There's an old Zen proverb about two samuari. Both masters of their schools, the best in the land. They eventually came together to duel.

Yet if they duelled, one would of necessity be killed. Since it would be a loss for one to die, they decided on a non-violent duel.

A Buddhist priest suggested that they both put their swords in a stream.

They do. The first samuri places his sword in the stream and the blade cuts a leaf neatly in half, without even being manipulated.

This was seen as a sign of true swordsmanship, that he was able to cut a leaf so neatly in half without putting any effort into it. The crowd esteems the first samuri to be the winner, and waits to see what the second samuri will do.

The second samuari places his sword in the stream, and another leaf floats right above his sword without being harmed.

The preist judging the match declares the second samuri the winner.

And yes, the "certain young woman" was me. I ask - who was the true posesser of power? Who really controlled that situation?
You know, Xev is fine for calling you a kid......

"Their crap works, the people on that site and WOMEN on the site agree. Live in ignorance, I don't give a damn, go ahead and rolleyes at me."

So if I told you that some women agree something else works would you instantly switch? You're argueing from authority, an obvious sign of immaturity.

"I know, but most advice works on all types of women, go to the site for crying out loud"

Been there. And I'm telling you, it works on girls.

"yea you're saying this now, wait until you meet another like me. You both are going for the girl, let's see who gets her, don't come crying to me. That's the reason that I am bettering myself instead of doing nothing. There is always competition out there."

A ha ha! Hilarious as they come, you are Chosen! Pure hilarity!
Fact is, I don't treat women as something to be competed for. That's your view.

"that's great, so if it never failed you, you think it wouldn't fail others?"

Never said that. What you insinuated in your initial posts on the subject were that these things are for everyone and that 'Just being yourself' never works. All I'm trying to show you is that for a real man, there is no need to 'better' yourself because you're already good enough for any woman.

"I do what works, if you don't believe, try it out for your damn self, but meanwhile don't talk like you know better if you tried what I tried, criticize me all you want, I'm the one winning the game - not you"

I did. For two years I acted like that. It got me women (not as many as I do now) but I always had to fake a few things. And I didn't like that. You are altering your personality to get women. To me, that is as low as they come.

Also, you're the one winning the game eh? For starters, about when you reach adulthood you'll stop calling it a game. Second, you will learn not to assume things. You say you're winning the game. You don't even know how far the board goes.
Originally posted by Tyler
I think it's a rather generalizing statement to say everyone who knows their abilities is weak.

I can safely say I'm intelligent for my age because I walk around my shcool and the majority of students can't comprehend basic politics let alone philosophy. Tell my peers about advanced sciences and they'll brush you off because they didn't understand a word. There's maybe 4 or 5 students in my advanced class who can grasp advanced maths beyond high school, and I can honestly say that each of these 4 or 5 is significantly better than myself at math. I had a 99 average (not allowed to give 100 in my school) in computer programming because I understood the concepts within a second and was making a stock market simulator while my classmates were working on 'Enter your name.....Your name is Mark'. I play above my level in hockey, I'm a distance runner and am in general a good athlete. I play guitar and have played an instrument as long as I can remember.

The fact is, I'm a well-rounded individual with things I'm good at in every area. I'm man enough to be able to state my pros as well as my cons and any time I say something about my intellect or such on sciforums I can gaurantee it's in a joking matter. I'm very reserved about talking on my pros. I always thought it sounded rude and so I try not to tell unless asked.

Remember, knowing what you are capable of is far from a weakness.

So are you joking about your qualities? If not, every one of the sentences you have said is completely for the sake of feeling great about yourself. You're intelligent for your age, but do you have to say it to us? You would fit most right in the "alpha" male category.

Unfortunately and ironically, the only way to get out of the "alpha" male category is to fail and fail miserably in something...then...failure doesn't feel so bad and you become prepared for it, and are not afraid to fail and suffer from jealousy or inferiority.

Personally, in my mind, I may now and then feel jealous or weaker than others because of their achievements...but that's natural in every person. But I don't really care if I'm not Nummer Eins or Star Athlete or Honour Roll Student or Distinction Swimmer or Class President. I've been an Alpha male before and after failure, one realizes how pathetic one is trying to be this and that, when everyone is capable of failure.

I'm a "gamma" male if you go by Greek letters. Still trying to get my name out there, but not going out of the way to be the best...
More to Chosen's youth.

"For some it's painful getting pounded at the cervix, that's if you had any experience with sex hon."

I'd like to declare Chosen as one our most offensive members. You assume without a single bit of knowledge. As I recall, Star has been married and has a child and is significantly older than you. So shut up and stop proving how stupid you are.

"How am I braggin though? I am saying out of my mouth what works damnit, I never said "I was the best" or any crap like that. I'm being frank here."

Did she say you were bragging? Can you quote her saying that? Or are you just continuing to be an idiot?
"So are you joking about your qualities? If not, every one of the sentences you have said is completely for the sake of feeling great about yourself. You're intelligent for your age, but do you have to say it to us? You would fit most right in the "alpha" male category. "

I am an alpha male. I tend to take it upon myself to lead any group I'm a part of which I am capable of leading. Why is this bad?

Anyway, no, saying those things was not to feel better about myself. That's no alpha male, that's just plain arrogant. I stated those things to prove a point. Knowing who you are is not arrogance or a bad thing.

"Unfortunately and ironically, the only way to get out of the "alpha" male category is to fail and fail miserably in something...then...failure doesn't feel so bad and you become prepared for it, and are not afraid to fail and suffer from jealousy or inferiority."

God, what is with people and assumptions? Anyway, I have failed miserably. Quite a few times.
Sincere apologies to *stRgrL*

Did she say you were bragging? Can you quote her saying that? Or are you just continuing to be an idiot?

This is getting out of hand, sorry *stRgrL*, if you didn't mean any negativity towards me, I did so in ignorance.
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"So who else is Adam talking about damnit? How many teenagers we have on this forum Tyler? Who is he talking about boasting?"

1) He could be talking about me, or GB-Gil..... There are a few others

2) You quoted star, not adam. She simply stated a fact. Guys who brag show they have a small dick. In that sentance can you find where star said your name or insinuated you?? I sure as hell can't. Now, if Adam had said it, it would be a different story. But he didn't. And you quoted Star.
I'd like to declare Chosen as one our most offensive members. You assume without a single bit of knowledge. As I recall, Star has been married and has a child and is significantly older than you. So shut up and stop proving how stupid you are.


All: Re: Size:

Size matters. Not so much length as width.

Okay, reproductive anatomy 101:

Orgasm, for women, is triggered by stimulation of the clitoris. (This is part of why the missionary position finds such acceptance worldwide, btw.). More width, more, er, rubbing occurs when the male withdraws incompletely. Hence more stimulation, hence orgasm is easier to achieve.

There are also a fair number of sensitive nerve endings in the vaginal cavity. To stimulate these nerves takes a combination of width and thrusting.

Of course, this anlysis assumes orgasm to be the peak of female sexual experience.

Unfortunatly, orgasm is difficult to achieve for younger women. Only about 53% of females will have achieved orgasm by the time they reach 20.

The ease at which - oh god, I can't type this anymore, it's all too horrible. Basically, women's sexual receptiveness peaks as men's begins to wane.

This is not even personal opinion, this is well documented scientific fact.