All homosexuals should be stoned to death, says Muslim preacher

Furthermore, I did some research about your queries.

"One of things which will cause an animal to be Haram [meat is forbidden], although it was originally Halal [lawful], is a human having sex with it... because of this (sodomizing the animal) its meat and the meat of its lamb which will be born after sodomizing will all be Haram [unlawful], along with its milk, wool, and hair.

If the animal which someone had sex with is an edible animal like a sheep, cow, or camel it should be killed (Zebh) and burned. If it is one of the animals which is not usually eaten but is used for riding and transportation, like a horse or donkey, it should be taken out of the city and sold in another city."

Furthermore, the punishment for a human sodomizing an animal is death for the human. This is an established judgment from Islamic law, there is no doubt in it.

Also the book which is cited for both your sources regarding alleged approval of fornication with animal or child, is in fact a forgery. The cited book Tahir ul Vasyleh does indeed exist, but there is no fourth edition.

There is no excuse for playing on ignorance of Westerners to further erroneous concepts about Islam or Muslims. It is deceit and lies in its most blatant form. You should be ashamed of yourself.

There is no excuse for this absurdity :

["One of things which will cause an animal to be Haram [meat is forbidden], although it was originally Halal [lawful], is a human having sex with it... because of this (sodomizing the animal) its meat and the meat of its lamb which will be born after sodomizing will all be Haram [unlawful], along with its milk, wool, and hair.

If the animal which someone had sex with is an edible animal like a sheep, cow, or camel it should be killed (Zebh) and burned. If it is one of the animals which is not usually eaten but is used for riding and transportation, like a horse or donkey, it should be taken out of the city and sold in another city."

Furthermore, the punishment for a human sodomizing an animal is death for the human. This is an established judgment from Islamic law, there is no doubt in it.]

It is deceit & lies & plays on people's ignorance.
Anyone who thinks that death is a suitable (or justified) punishment for bestiality has serious problems.

Much more serious problems than the 1 who practices bestiality.
But were you responding to the punishment of the person or the animal?
Originally Posted by Adstar
I find it more interesting that the press has decided to react to what is standard islamic doctrine, muslims have stoned sexual deviants for centuries. Why all the shock and horror now? It looks like false shock and horror to me.

If this was law in your country would you personally turn gays in to the authorities? Why?

Sorry been away for a week, had an avalanche of visitors, very busy.

No i would not hand them in. I would tell them of the salvation that comes through the Messiah Jesus, hopefully they would accept His gift and be saved.

If they where caught i would not seek to hinder the authority in carrying out their executions either.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No i would not hand them in. I would tell them of the salvation that comes through the Messiah Jesus, hopefully they would accept His gift and be saved.

If they where caught i would not seek to hinder the authority in carrying out their executions either.

And on both accounts you would have proven yourself to be a moron and a coward.
The issue isn't limited to just that website. This is a text that's been argued far beyond the site linked above. It has nothing at all to do with "edition" but it is truly an argued "Fourth volume" of a two-volume set.

No one has ever produced an actual book with the words in it. Ever.

You appear to be correct. In fact, the book is being shown to be a forgery despite the fact those quotes are all over the internet.

There is The Little Green Book "a translation done by Harold Salemson, whose source was a French translation of the Ayatollah's fatawah compiled by a Persian named Jean-Marie Xaviere."
makes the religion so forward and advanced, yet it is so moronic that it throws a woman in jail for sitting with a unrelated man at a coffee house.

Are you willing to prove this accusation with actual citations from Islamic scripture? Obviously, you have never been to any Muslim nation.

The point illustrated in this thread is that many people whose interest it is to vilify Islam often engage so with manipulation of facts, playing on ignorance and racism in some segments of the Western populations.

To give you an example,Hindu extremist organizations in India furthered the fabrication that if a Muslim's body is burned that he would not go to Paradise. Thereafter, Muslims were burned by radical Hindu mobs starting from the 1940s Partition violence, and even as recent as 2002 Gujurat massacre (in which 3,000 Muslim women and children were burned alive).

There is much propaganda and disinformation, therefore if one makes a claim regarding a particular issue, he should back it up with facts. In the face of truth, falsehood disintegrates.

“ Originally Posted by jpappl
makes the religion so forward and advanced, yet it is so moronic that it throws a woman in jail for sitting with a unrelated man at a coffee house. ”

Are you willing to prove this accusation with actual citations from Islamic scripture? Obviously, you have never been to any Muslim nation.

Scripture ?

How about reality.

I have no desire whatsoever to go to any Muslim nation.

I am sure that most of the people in those nations are good and decent people who would give the shirts of their backs to help someone in need, just like in non-muslim nations.

But I won't support in anyway theocracies or dictatorships and I don't feel like going to jail for breaking some ridiculous religious law which is just the latest meathead interpretation of an interpretation in the Koran.

You are attacking people here for doing the same thing and you are correct to point out their errors. You should start at home however.

I was merely responding to what appeared to be legitimate and you even quoted it again in your response. I felt you were quoting that which you felt was genuine.

I mis-understood where the quotes originated from, that is all.

There is much propaganda and disinformation, therefore if one makes a claim regarding a particular issue, he should back it up with facts. In the face of truth, falsehood disintegrates.

I agree and it works in both directions.
don't talk like that about jesus man. that's not cool.

Jesus isn't cool. He commands you to preach to animals. He cursed a fig tree because it didn't have fruit out of season. He approved slavery. He approved a man having several wives. He told prospective disciples to hate their parents. He told his disciples that he spoke in parables so that most people wouldn't understand.
Need I go on?
don't talk like that about jesus man. that's not cool.

anyone who sends people to hell for eternity is easily the most evil person in the universe. jesus and god being one. if you think they're separate, i'd argue that jesus' support of the most evil person in the universe makes me question his compassion. if i was omnipotent, i'd make people happy and i wouldn't create evil. i wouldn't let my most beloved creations suffer just cos i like to work in mysterious ways. pretty fukn simple.
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Even if he sends evil people to hell for eternity?

god made everything, therefore he created evil. if they were born evil he made them that way. if you think they chose to become evil, he gave them the desire or way of thinking that led them to choose their evil ways.