All homosexuals should be stoned to death, says Muslim preacher

Yes, but the the global European colonial ravaging of third world nations followed
Followed? You're joking, European colonialism (especially British) was well under way long before Nietzsche.

I can give you several examples. The the late 1700s...
Check Nietzsche's birth date would you?
And the British Empire was done for God, Queen (or king) and St. George.
Atheism indeed.:rolleyes:
Followed? You're joking, European colonialism (especially British) was well under way long before Nietzsche.

The fall in influence of Christianity in the West preceded Nietzsche. Now, I really most go. Try to understand our position. Peace.
Just remember that one day, all people on Earth shall be judged by their Creator. Don't do any injustice to anyone and strive to find God, salvation is assured for those who seek God. Have hope in the Mercy and Forgiveness of God.


If there is some sort of purpose to human existence, or the universe in general, that is a far thing from an angry despotic deity that gets upset about people who wiggle their wienie in the "wrong" orifice. How could an omnipotent, omniscient god find time to worry about how humans get their jollies? It's as ludicrous as maintaining that the creator of the universe gets annoyed that people pick their noses. "Pick your nose, and spend eternity in hell. He is a merciful god, but he will not tolerate sinus spelunking, as it is an affront to human dignity, and he didn't give us fingers and noses for such blasphemous activities!" What you are selling is really no better than that.
If there is some sort of purpose to human existence, or the universe in general, that is a far thing from an angry despotic deity that gets upset about people who wiggle their wienie in the "wrong" orifice. How could an omnipotent, omniscient god find time to worry about how humans get their jollies? It's as ludicrous as maintaining that the creator of the universe gets annoyed that people pick their noses. "Pick your nose, and spend eternity in hell. He is a merciful god, but he will not tolerate sinus spelunking, as it is an affront to human dignity, and he didn't give us fingers and noses for such blasphemous activities!" What you are selling is really no better than that.

Hard to believe isn't it, that everything from wrong human orifice to quantum mechanics is what the universe is all about?
Pokemon, learn to quote on context.

For all the complaints against Christian bigotry against Atheists, Atheists are the most intolerant, illogical, and violent beings on the planet. Who else would encourage the bombing of Muslim holy city Makkah, and of calling Muslims 'men living in caves with ugly women' (this can be found in the thread 'God= Allah is the true one and only God' [I forget the actual name])?

Not all Atheists, but a substantial portion of them.

pokemon? "O ye who believe! Guard your duty to Allah, and speak words straight to the point." find your balls and use a real insult if that's what that's supposed to be.

imo the context is irrelevant, you're always talking about seeking the truth don't be prejudiced etc. etc. and then you said the atheist line.

in light of your revision, i concede a similar point - not all muslims are terrorists, just a substantial portion of them. that's not really my opinion though.
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The Atheist tendency to blame religion for all the faults of the world, perpetuates oppression and occupation of Muslim nations by dehumanizing Muslims.

Where are atheists dehumanising Muslims? Link? Anything aside from your soapbox?

The Christians, indeed, had their oppressive and religious inspired wars in history, the Crusades and Reconquista being the most glaring, but at the moment the Christians are marginalized in the West. The power centers have shifted to Atheism and materialistic doctrines. I couple the two because they are both related. If you notice, the military attacks on Muslim countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq, are coupled with anti-religious propaganda from Atheists, Zionists (Jewish Atheists), and Christians.
I'm sorry, what?

If you had noticed, the attacks in Afghanistan and Iraq were supported by radical and right Christians while Atheists were outside with "no war" posters waving about everywhere.

Christianity died when Nietzsche proclaimed very brilliantly that 'God is Dead,' meaning that for Europeans that God was no longer of paramount importance.

You don't read much about history, do you? Philosophy? Anything?

This ushered in the age of colonialism, slavery, and outright genocide which followed afterwards. The Christians of today are simply shallow puppets of the Western Atheist system, which wishes to create mankind in the image of an animal, devoid of all beauty and wisdom, and to perpetuate the disintegration of morality, piety, and most of all God-consciousness among the people of the world. This leads to outright hypocrisy and the living of double-lives by self-professed Christians in the West. The laws of the Bible and the Torah are thrown aside, which supports the Atheist notion that religion is useless. The society then becomes either blatantly opposed to religion (Atheist) or nominal Christians, Jews, etc.
No petal. Slavery existed long before Nietzsche was even a gleam in his mother's eye. Slavery was deemed rightful under and for God. Christians justified it under the good book. So did Muslims. Don't you get it yet? Exploiting other human beings existed long before religion existed and once it did come to the fore, humans justified their abhorrent actions by whatever religion they happened to belong to at the time.

"Wishes to create mankind in the image of an animal"? Let me guess, you have issues with evolution as well now? Guess what, mankind did evolve from animals. Suck it up and move on. You do realise that there are religions in the world who do worship the image of an animal or more, don't you? How insulting can you be?:mad:

Tell me something, oh pious one. Is this how you show religious tolerance by denying Christians their identity and their religion by saying they are puppets of atheists?

Furthermore, the Atheists have completely destroyed and discredited in the Western mind the Christian doctrine, that being a religious Christian is mocked and ridiculed. A Christian scientist, biologist, or chemist is deemed as unfit to teach. The new phenoma which emerges is the complete subjugation of Christianity to Atheism, and its Western elite, whom are its chief propagators. Now, somehow, drinking alcohol, fornication, watching dirty movies, and being absorbed in material excesses is more popular than God and going to His church. Suddenly, you have a society which calls itself Christian but does not act Christian, and which perpetuates this perversion into other cultures. Like a virus taking root in host societies, it transforms these societies until it infects them with the avid materialism which is the chief export of the West. Traditional, God-fearing societies crumble, and in their place rise hollow, brainwashed materialistic greedy and lustful generations.
Yes and next time a Muslim country arrests a school teacher for teaching the bible, we'll remind you of this, shall we?:rolleyes:

This is what we have now. Majority of the traditional societies of the world are being transformed into God-less societies as we speak. The family structures of these nations are disintegrating before our very eyes. Crime, rapes, murders, abductions, STDs, perversions, adultery, alcoholism, drug use. An infection which is spreading like cancer over the whole world. Societies being indoctrinated into the Atheistic, materialistic lifestyle. All in the name of 'freedom.' Freedom to indulge the human appetite, freedom to exploit the impoverished, freedom to create a world in which wealth and not honor matter. Freedom which is simply the slavery of the self. Egotism, greed, gluttony, perversion, hedonism.
And freedom to spout crap on the internet it seems. And yet, here you are complaining of the world you freely enjoy. So next time you use your ipod, mobile phone, computer, microwave, sigh at a big screen TV, remind yourself of this.

Freedom is not something you will ever understand or wish to understand but you freely partake in it. You are free in your society to believe as you wish and I am free in my society to believe as I wish. What you are unable to recognise is that were I to come to your society and wish to believe as I do, I would not be allowed to or accepted. In some societies, I would probably be stoned to death. That is not freedom, but you would view that as being completely acceptable and maybe even moral. I would view it as hateful and as being discriminatory. That is the difference between you and I. Crimes, rapes, murders, etc, existed well before religion did. Wars fought in the name of God caused more damage to society than atheists have done. So again, I say bollocks to your spiel.

Atheism is, and forever shall be, the main obstacle to the aspiration of freedom for the oppressed people of the world.
Of course. We'll also come and steal children's toothfairy money.:rolleyes:

Tell me something DH. How free are the protesters in Iran to protest against their religious and political system? How free are they to question their political rule that has failed them so badly? Talk about hypocrisy on your behalf.

As long as there is no fear of God among the people or the elite of the West, there is no room for justice and equality in the West.
And as long as God rules the hearts and minds of the elite of many other countries, we shall forever be plagued with retards demanding that homosexuals be stoned to death. Do you support that view? Do you think people should be stoned to death for being homosexual?

Muslims will die, they will bleed, and it will be justified. People whose destinies are genocide, whose homes are destroyed, whose women are captured and kept as slaves for soldiers, whose children are blown to pieces. The heart of the third world nations yearns for freedom, and that freedom shall come only when morality and equality is restored.
Muslims will die and bleed and so will millions of other people around the world. The heart of the 3rd world nation does scream for help and it is some of your "brothers" who are keeping some people in at least one country oppressed and are currently waging a genocide.. Don't hear you denounce the Islamic slaughterers in Sudan, do we? Tell me, how often do you give to charities that deal specifically with trying to help and free child soldiers in African countries, for example? How about to women's and child charities in Africa that help deal with rape and murder, often by mercinaries brought in from the ME? Yes? No?

Up in your peaceful sanctuary, built on the bones and skulls of toiling people, how can you understand? If you have never been the victim of oppression and war, how can you understand what its like to live in fear? How can you understand what its like to live like a refugee in your own lands?
Please, enlighten us of your own personal experiences..

I await with baited breath.

Then I'll tell you of my experiences from childhood.. We'll compare notes..

There is only one solace, and that is that God shall judge between the oppressors and the oppressed. We shall all be judged for how we spent our lives, and then we will all know the truth. For those who rejected their Creator, and spread mischief in the land, what a horrible destination awaits.
I think that soapbox is starting to crack from your ridiculously huge ego. 'She just canna take anymore..'

If there is a creator, I have no fear about how I spent my life. Can you say the same? Frankly, after reading your posts on this forum and reading your opinions on so many things, I'd be afraid if I were in your shoes.
mabuse said:
The most common finding in studies is the major cause appears to be familial. Especially the role of the mother in male homosexuality.
You can't find a coherent, respectable, genuinely scientific study that has "found" anything like that.
mabuse said:
There has never been a study that showed a genetic or other biological cause of homosexuality that stood up under peer review.
The psychosocial explanations remain more comedy than insight, nevertheless. Too many jokes about the mothering styles of gay penguins, sheep, chimps, etc.
mabuse said:
Anyone who has even a basic grasp of the functioning of evolution would realize that a genetic traits that caused no/much less reproduction would have eliminated itself millennia ago.
And nevertheless it is found in all human cultures and every known higher mammal. So apparently the reproductive hit is either not as great as supposed, or countered by some great benefit
SAM said:
Homosexuality as sexual orientation is an invention of western Christian societies. Sexual orientation as a homosexual has not existed culturally in any other society.
More jokes about Western Christian gay horses and flamingos and geese, setting up housekeeping together and building nests and stealing babies from fertile couples, coming right up.
SAM said:
Feel free to support that with evidence. There is plenty of evidence for my conclusions, based on historical information from societies where homosexuality was not defined nor considered lifelong.
Your very own quote there describes some Chinese emperors with harems of boys - that was not so of all Chinese emperors, nor was such orientiation a passing phase. It may not have been labeled - I rather think it probably was - but it did nto fail to exist for lack of a name.

What your quotes and links support is the unusual nature of Abrahamic culture's blanket rejection of homosexual orientation as so much a flaw that even hints or tendencies towrad it are pejoratively labeled and ghettoized; and the contrast with other societies - such as the American Reds of the northern tribes, where some men of some tribes took on female identity generally, or adopted other roles commonly adopted by men with their sexual orientiation.
SAM said:
The origin of such orientation is generally ascribed to orientalism and its proponents
That's because the Middle East and Orient was where Western Christian gay men could easily find sexual partners and live less secluded and sordid lives - Lawrence of Arabia being maybe the most famous, but thousands made the same journey.
diamond said:
The discussions in this thread have really dawned on me the amount of psychological warfare perpetuated on Muslims by Atheists.
Apparently, when someone objects to your labeling the Catholic Portuguese colonialists of the 18th century as "atheists"; or points out that there are brothels and honor killings in Pakistan contrary to your assertioin; or insists that you pay attention to the atrocities committed by Pakistani Muslims in Bangladesh, Kashmir, India, etc; or otherwise points out the degree to which you seem to be living in a fantasy world; they are engaging in "psychological warfare" on "Muslims".

Your delusions don't get a free pass from the facts. The evils now being perpetrated in the ME are primarily the doings of Abrahamic theists - on all sides. The overt oppression of homosexuality in the Islamic world, coupled with the ubiquity of said orientation, sets up a poisonous state of affairs.
Good post iceaura. I would add that there are papers demonstrating a biological link to the origin of homosexual behaviour. If I can locate some of these I shall post them, but it's not really a subject that is up for debate as an absolute. All that is realistically being argued about is the relative importance of nature over nurture. No suprise there.
This same Western power struggle has caused immeasurable grief and oppression to the third world nations of the world.

Not exactly true now is it? The western powers are only exploiting what is already there. You guys have been killing and hating each other since before recorded history. "Religion of peace" Ha! You wouldn't know peace if it bit you in the ass.
GI would add that there are papers demonstrating a biological link to the origin of homosexual behaviour. If I can locate some of these I shall post them

That would be something since that link has failed to be shown for going on 50+ years.

Unless the have been some new papers, the only predictor of homosexuality is there is a statistically significant in crease in the chance of being gay as the number of older brothers a man has increases. This is thought to account for about 1 in 7 gay men.

However even this is not without criticism:
Peter Bearman (2002) questions the sampling method of Blanchard and other scientists who report a link between fraternal birth order and sexual orientation. He says that the studies work with nonrepresentative samples, and/or indirect reports on siblings’ sexual orientation. After repeating the experiment done by Blanchard he found "no association between same-sex attraction and number of older siblings, older brothers, or older sisters".[16]
Jacob S. Coxey as a young man, ca. 1894. Coxey was known as "General Coxey" and received national recognition when he led an "Industrial Army" of unemployed workers to Washington, D. C. to protest the federal government's response to the economic depression of the 1890s.

If there is no Divine accountability, what stops Atheist elite of the West from exploiting their own populations and from oppressing and subjugating other free people throughout the world?

The embarrassing development of a social conscious.
That would be something since that link has failed to be shown for going on 50+ years.
Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2005;29(7):1057-66.
The neurodevelopment of human sexual orientation.
Rahman Q.
One of the most enduring and controversial questions in the neuroscience of sexual behaviour surrounds the mechanisms which produce sexual attraction to either males or females. Here, evidence is reviewed which supports the proposal that sexual orientation in humans may be laid down in neural circuitry during early foetal development. Behaviour genetic investigations provide strong evidence for a heritable component to male and female sexual orientation. Linkage studies are partly suggestive of X-linked loci although candidate gene studies have produced null findings. Further evidence demonstrates a role for prenatal sex hormones which may influence the development of a putative network of sexual-orientation-related neural substrates. However, hormonal effects are often inconsistent and investigations rely heavily on 'proxy markers'. A consistent fraternal birth order effect in male sexual orientation also provides support for a model of maternal immunization processes affecting prenatal sexual differentiation. The notion that non-heterosexual preferences may reflect generalized neurodevelopmental perturbations is not supported by available data. These current theories have left little room for learning models of sexual orientation. Future investigations, across the neurosciences, should focus to elucidate the fundamental neural architecture underlying the target-specific direction of human sexual orientation, and their antecedents in developmental neurobiology.
In your dreams.

Silly person. I'll translate for you.

One of the most enduring and controversial questions in the neuroscience of sexual behaviour surrounds the mechanisms which produce sexual attraction to either males or females.

We don't know why some people are gay despite all the research on the topic.

Here, evidence is reviewed which supports the proposal that sexual orientation in humans may be laid down in neural circuitry during early foetal development.

There is some statistical evidence that while in the womb sexual preference is influenced.

Behaviour genetic investigations provide strong evidence for a heritable component to male and female sexual orientation. Linkage studies are partly suggestive of X-linked loci although candidate gene studies have produced null findings.

We really want to say its genetic, but we can't find a gene.

Further evidence demonstrates a role for prenatal sex hormones which may influence the development of a putative network of sexual-orientation-related neural substrates. However, hormonal effects are often inconsistent and investigations rely heavily on 'proxy markers'.

Despite the statistical evidence we haven't nail down that womb thing yet either.

A consistent fraternal birth order effect in male sexual orientation also provides support for a model of maternal immunization processes affecting prenatal sexual differentiation.

All we really have is that the more older brothers, the more likely you are gay and its probably a reaction by your mom to all that testosterone.

The notion that non-heterosexual preferences may reflect generalized neurodevelopmental perturbations is not supported by available data. These current theories have left little room for learning models of sexual orientation.

Can we all please get past the notion that you choose to be gay yet?

Future investigations, across the neurosciences, should focus to elucidate the fundamental neural architecture underlying the target-specific direction of human sexual orientation, and their antecedents in developmental neurobiology.

Please fund me, thank you.
If it's in the theology, then there need not be any hate accompanied with it. Can religious people pick and choose which tenets of theology to follow according to modern ideas about which are hateful?

If a atheist can hate a theist can hate.
Hate is a product of humanity.

Muslim laws
Christian laws...

they require the hate of what is bad not of people.
They require hate of what is good.

Maybe they don't think it's "good"?

There's nothing wrong with good ol' fashioned hate's what makes the human world go 'round and 'round. Just think how boring life would be if everyone loved everyone else ...oops, maybe not if everyone was loving on your wife or girlfriend, huh? ...LOL! See why hate is important? ;=)

Baron Max