
Do 'aliens' exist?

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The Webber

Registered Member
Are there aliens in this universe, an unknown life form? I think there is, don't you?

My thought behind that is:
Why would there only be life on Earth, why not on other planets. It's almost impossible that if we live in a universe - that never ends according to most theories - that has no other planet with organisms, or inhabitants.

Why do you think there are lifeforms in this universe who are not (yet) known by us, the human race. Or why do you think there are no aliens at all? Please give some arguments... :) I'd like to see them :D
i also think there MUST be. though thank Goddess they are seemingly too far away. cause these warring fkers here would be planning to nuke em! and i aint jokin

THe most convincing film fottage i have evr seen was shown on out TV several times.
It was film from various sources, cause it all happened on the eclipse in Brazil in 1990......what i saw was a crafts...MANY of them. and one seemed to be playing hide and seek behind a cloud

i have read reports from contactees that say many of these beings look with despair at the immaturity of our species--some of them, regarding warfare and use of nuclear
Now I feel like that, and i am a member of this speciies, so ican empathize with such feelings

iaLSO feel that there are interdomensional entities too. our ancinet ancestors also believed this. 'we' wont, because we distrust and dismiss 'subjectivity and deify 'objectivity'. that's the mindset of these times for some. but the paraphenelia of is affects all species l;ives
Nobody knows if aliens exist. It's quite probable they do. Although I think that alien bacteria is more common than starship civilizations.
I see no reason to believe that alien life doesn't exist elsewhere in the universe (other than Earth).

It's unlikely that it has chosen to visit our little planet, and, like Avatar, I have to agree that simple lifeforms are probably far more common than complex lifeforms. Certainly more common than the kinds of lifeforms that have technology, though I think these are very possible throughout the universe.

You might want to visit the Drake Equation thread and offer some input there. Threads of this type have been done to death in this forum....
Aliens do exist, I have no doubt about it. I've met them.

It happened on an isolated country road, at the time I had no idea what had happened, only that I woke up in my car with my clothes put on differently and leaves on my shirt, and it was a couple hours later than I thought it should be.

Later on through hypnosis, the details came out and my memory was restored. They put implants in me. They don't show up on the x-rays but I know they're there.
I am sorry bob, but I think firstly that there must be life out there, (maybe even on mars or titan) however I don't think they (humanoid in look) have come to earth. I think people see something that may be a legitimate space being but when they go to hypnotists they get false memories made (either by the doctor or by their own subconscious). I have a small theory that what people are seeing (UFOs) are a spaced based life form made mostly of energy, that would explain the mind boggling acceleration that would kill any humanoid space traveler.
The Webber said:
My thought behind that is:
Why would there only be life on Earth, why not on other planets. It's almost impossible that if we live in a universe - that never ends according to most theories - that has no other planet with organisms, or inhabitants.
I think most people will agree with you there. Quite simply, if it happened on earth there's a chance it has happened somewhere else. It's a big universe...
-Bob- said:
Aliens do exist, I have no doubt about it. I've met them.

It happened on an isolated country road, at the time I had no idea what had happened, only that I woke up in my car with my clothes put on differently and leaves on my shirt, and it was a couple hours later than I thought it should be.

Later on through hypnosis, the details came out and my memory was restored. They put implants in me. They don't show up on the x-rays but I know they're there.

HI Bob, I would be very interested to hear a detailed account of what happened. even about how you got up in the morning be fore you set off for this fateful journey, what you were thinking about.....etc?
I think that it's quite possible that people are 'implanted' for real, though I do not always believe people. Some people are just crazy y'know :)

@Bob: I really wonder what happened exactly, tell me more :D

By the way :) kind of funny that there's nobody who says aliens don't exist. I know some people who actually believe that we are the only lifeform in the universe...

But I wonder, would Bush really try to start a war...? I think so when there's oil or another moneysource involved :p
I actually ment the don't knows for the people that don't really believe that aliens exist, but also don't really believe that they do... so just people who doubt both the facts, there's not always a reason for that... :) At least, not for me... so that's why I don't ask them to tell why :) Maybe I couldn't have told it myself if I had that opionion, it would be something like: "Hmm, yea, don't really know, it's both possible y'know." So... I think you know what I mean :)
Doesnt the United States Governments officially claim, "Aliens do not exist"?

If so, then the first question would be, how the hell do they know?? :)
Could you cite an official government source that makes that statement? I'm not saying that isn't the US Gov's position, I just don't know where it was stated.
SkinWalker said:
Could you cite an official government source that makes that statement? I'm not saying that isn't the US Gov's position, I just don't know where it was stated.

Maybe this is it:

"The official position of the United States government has always been that there are no "true" UFOs".

Which is a rather strange thing to say. But, not I can't cite an official government official, but this site seems to know a lot about the history involved with this:

Actually, a pretty interesting little read. There seem's to be a lot of what that author calls, "double speak". Where the military say's there are no true UFO'S, but that reports of unidentified objects entering United States air space are of interest to the military as a regular part of defense surveillance. Beyond that, the U.S. Air Force no longer investigates reports of UFO sightings. Huh? What? lol..
That's not what I was asking. I read the link, but the author also doesn't cite an official source that states, "there are no aliens." He only says, as you paraphrased that, "The official position of the United States government has always been that there are no "true" UFOs," without citing a reference. This seems to be more of an opinion that he has based on his perception that the government doesn't investigate UFOs to the extent that he would like.

This, by the way, would be like me saying that its the government's official opinion that Bufus marinus don't exist since the government doesn't study frogs (they may, indeed, study frogs. I don't know, I'm just using this as an example).