Aliens among us

OPEN MINDS AND SERIOUS INVESTIGATORS now everybody is "serious" (yeah right) people who doesn't have knowledge of what implies a real and professional investigations use to say that. Any resarch can be scientific but not professional. Generalizations of these findings could be manipulate seems as "vality and confiability". We need to know about descriptive and inferencial statistics to determine the validity and confibiability of the reasearch. Please, don't beleive in every thing you read just because the author has a PHD or are a "professional dr". A real research it's a real hard work not many persons can execute without experimental errors.
An open mind implies the analysis of new and different ideas USING THE PARAMETERS. Everybody has the right to have their own ideas(civil rights) but the main difference it's the criteria. Remember the hypothetical ideas or conclusion must explain the real phenomena. In these days these sense of logic and be in reality seems very confuse with all these wacky "intelectual statements". Honestly now I'm more confuse than ever about "extraterretial life among us". In one hand, some believe in the greys,etc they don't look like us. Others talk about "have a grey inside you" and others talk about aliens who looks like humans. I don't see any sense in the first two (maybe in the ones looks like us ).
About abductions, etc must be careful with this. Our mind has the ability to create and recreate "histories" (confabulation). Maybe it's starting to develop a new (or at least never identifiying before) mental disorder. It's not true that any person can see an ufo or have a contact with aliens. These persons has a "psychological profile in comon".
I kinda like this forum. Although you do have a tendency to go wide from the topic. Aliens among us- remember? IF aliens are here now what would they want? FROM US? Now suppose that they are friendly- they could approach us, and watch our society crumble. Now some say that we are big kids now and that we can handle it. But which ones of you will go to work tomorrow, knowing that everything you KNOW has been turned upside down.? In just a matter of a year- ALL of our technology would be gone. No more OIL industry, STEEL industry,... do you really want to but that car- knowing that in a year or so we will be into something so much better? The changes that we would go through would be everything. Not to mention all the numbnuts who would take advantage of the situation and riot and loot. Now if they were bad guys- why would they screw around? Except that maybe we are easier to control this way. How many people disappeared last year. Where are they? It is so much easier to control people who don't know they are being controlled. Either way- does it really matter? Me I'm just in it for the search.
Peace ramonth
ok this is a long posting and i have several areas i would like to bring up.Some of you know where im coming from once again but for you newbies i have several years of experience with contacts. My wife is a medium and aliens have used her as a conduit but they told me nothing of major importance and are actually very deceptive.
my points are in order from posts:
1. As for agenda....let me ask...which species? Youve got the Grey..Reptilian..Light Being(Wanaque Reservoir,NJ..Subterraneans..Nordics..and there are many others as 2 others i met have no name. Greys are here to protect us from the Reptilian faction.. Ia also believe light beings are here for good as well though they only observe..Nordics are also good..and not much is known about Subterraneans. My 2nd point goes back to deception....aliens are very deceptive I was given a date of July 26 2000 for alien invasion by a species but that date came and went with no event lol so there you go.Aliens can come and go and appear in any form they so desire if an animal lover they can appear as a deer..if a child they may appear as a child etc etc.
2. As for someones comment that theres no such thing as no underground complexes you are gravely mistaken and better wake up and pull your head out of the sand. One is FEMA HQ an underground bunker {similar to Independence Day) outside Wa DC FEMA has authority to override the president in martial law but thats another forum...Then theres NORAD an underground complex inside a mountain in WY Area 51 also has inside mountain compounds as seen from satellite photos so wake up!!!! the concept of underground or inside mountain compounds is not unfathomable. Let me tell say theory had it the Reptilians lived in an underground compound in Dulce,NM. Wanaque Reservoir is another one, Weed,Ca inside Mt Shasta is also another proposed spot as well as location in Australia, and the mountains in NM.
3. As for planetary mysteries and cave paintings thats not all like Flash said, look at the pyramids,Sphinx,Easter Island, Stonehenge, Cydonia, Nazca Plains, Colombus also had logs on his ship where he reported lights in the sky moving rapidly and crossing the ocean, Look at the original Mona Lisa, The disappearing tribes IE...Annasazi and the Mayan civilizations. There have also been paintings found throughout France,Egypt,Iraq and others of cave paintings. then theres other areas such as cryptozoology,crop circles,cattle mutilations,abductions which are my specialty. If you tie these all together you will see the big picture which iam still tying together.
4. Then you ask why are they here? There are many species and many ideas.
A. If aliens created mna wouldnt they want to check on their species to see how they are getting on especially if they were becoming a threat to the bomb,planetary destruction which could throw the planet out of alignment through polar shift which could endanger the other planets which if i was living on another planet i would be concerned. Also, statistics have shown that ufo sightings and abductions picked up after the atomic bomb testings started and the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
B. Another thought what if a species saw humans as a rogue slave species which they could manipulate to their desire. Far-fetched yes but just a thought.
C. What if they need resources, Earth has plenty...many sightings have included soil and water testings and power drawing or resources drawing into the ships.
D.Then comes my favorite....A species is dying off and is using the humans in a hybrid program to help there species thrive through genetic manipulation and abduction. Many women are being used in this project as my wife is also an abductee, with much missing time(3 days amnesia) missing fetus' and alien dream activity, also explain awaking with unidentified scars and bruises appearing overnight.
5. About the bible, I for one dont condone it as iam a witch but i wont bash on any other religion being in the army we fight for freedom of religion and speech for all, everyone has there right to opinion and speech and thats what we are fighting for...supposedly though i get discriminated against constantly for being a iwtch, anyway, about the bible..look in Ezekiel..Ezekiels Wheel, look at Moses and burning bush and many other chapters.
6. As for someones comment on telepethy, yes anyone has power to use it though small number know how, Telepethy,Telekinesis,healing etc is all left-brain ability accessed by anyone through meditation the normal human is right-brained but some--those with high iq's are left brained as Einstein. This is not a new concept.

Well ive spoken enough lol any questions can be posted to me or emailed iam back and will not be leaving. Take care all and where are you Flash..H-kon..DaveW...Lori...Oxygen...BigC...Dexter

Love and Light,
Eric and Michelle

Eric Cooper