Aliens among us


Humm... maybe she was just anorexic, with a bad hair day, and loosy makeup ???
Nah, If you say she looked like a Grey...I sure then would like to see what she looked liked on t.v. !..You know, you just may have a point there..It would be worth looking into it further...

Like you all, I believe. I am still skeptical about people who absolutely know that greys are among us, or that some ugly lady from NASA must be an alien. We do not know anything.

We are dealing with little to no fact, and discussions like the one that is happening here only serve to fuel the rumors. What we must do is sit back and look at the hard evidence. When we look at new information, do not look for signs of alien life. Look at it to find the truth, not your truth.

Want to discuss further? I am available at
As a serious researcher who investigates local UFO sightings I have plenty of eyewitness testimonies to unusual craft(especially near the local military base). Unfortunately the only evidence for alien contact has been from people whose credibility I would have to question. Having said that I keep an open mind but I've yet to be totally convinced. Until someone can give me undeniable proof I'll concentrate on UFO sightings.
Ask yourselves what is the meaning of life.
You talk of aliens and weird stuff and fail to recognise where we appeared from. Think about man's quest to find the answer to humanity, so far it is all speculation as to where we evolved, or did we evolve. Speculate on this - as all life is only speculation, like god - what if we did not evolve but was created. Aliens look upon us as an experiment. We are the hybrids of the ape families, we did not evolve. Aliens visit earth to keep a watchful eye on a failed experiment, all they are waiting for is for mankind to wipe itself out, then they are no longer responsible for us, after all what are we becoming, a greedy, selfish race who cares more for money than human life, you have only to look at the news for that. We are murderers in one sense or another, that is what I call a failed experiment, of course it is only speculation like everything else - are there aliens? is their a god?
You talk about fruits..and turning away
from God...BUT... Some of these "fruits"
produced by aliens are peace and love...
If someone offered to help you..they protected you..would you question that???
I know, you feel as if someone being too
nice is something to be questioned...but
I do not see it that way. If God was real..
and he thought this was a bad thing..then
why would he not protect us?? Why would he
not warn the ones being abducted???? I am
sorry to say..and it may sound like I am
being a bitc* (probably due to lack of
coffee :) ) but, there is more protection
from aliens than there is god..they have
chosen to make theirselves real to others
...and in that they are helping others.
It is only logical to listen to them and
learn from them. Keep an open mind, ok?
I thought you had an open mind.
There is more proof on the existance of extraterrestrial life than there is on some sole creator, so religion loses.
I spent two years listening to a Jehova's witness to realise that the bible contradicts itself too many times and guess what, he gave up in the end, and I thought they were persistant.
I do try to keep an open mind. No evidence of God? Maybe you're not looking in the right places? I have evidence...touchy, feely and unsharable, but in my heart and my life none the less. The Bible is full of contradictions unless you're reading it with the right intent in your heart. I can't stand saying this stuff to you because I know you're laughing, right? It's the truth, though. And really, the Bible's contradictions can be thoroughly explained, and have been. Maybe your Jehovah's witness didn't try hard enough?
The Bible's contradictions can be fully

How so????????

[This message has been edited by DaveW (edited May 24, 1999).]
As Lori speaketh/writeth:

The Bible is full of contradictions unless you're reading it with the right intent in your heart

That is a nice evasion. That is like saying that cartoons are educational if you know how to extract the morals from each of them.

No, what I can't understand about religion is how we are supposed to accept the teachings of the bible because people say "trust the word" without evidence, and change your life because of that.

Maybe we should all sign up for the psychic friends network, and follow the bliss that they prescribe for us there too.
Lori, and the others,

How do you account for pre-biblical civilizations on Earth? Where is the framework for an explanation.

Given that the Bible is not the first book written on this planet, how can we be expected to act on the teachings of that book? Maybe the earlier peoples had a better way of understanding the universe than scaring and intimidating followers?
Hey, can you see what are you talking about? Someone can say that the God's subject is "little bid" far from Alien's one. But in the other hand these two themes have some common aspects.
- In both cases we often (in media) hear: "I saw UFO/Angel/God", but we never had such experience.
- In both cases we treat the people who "saw" very suspiciously.
- In both cases we fill that behind the answer of the questions: Do God/Ufo really exist? stays the foundations of the sense of our live.
Nobody can get the sence of his live as a gift, so you will never get the material proof of God/Ufo existence. Even if you met with Grey's, you would never be sure in 100%. The Greys will clean your memory, your friends will make an effords to bring you back to normal people, and goverment will tell: "you are crazy". Every these group has its own busines to do such a thing. The Goverment for example will do every thing to make the Alien's problem less serious. Why I concern that? People who don't afraid to disscuss with other about fundamental matters, ask to themselves and trying find out the explanations, can become more independent from media, politics and etc. It's more easy to control the bahaviour of the "consumption community" then the group of people who can think independently.
Coming back to my subject - Lets imagine: Your neighbour claim "Yestarday I met with Grey's" - can you believe him? And the last question - what will you do with your open but empty mind if you will not see any flash of UFO on the sky to the rest of your live?
Ivan Kruk,
I apologise for drifting off the track with religion as I see no real connection between a god and aliens. Unfortunately none of my neighbours have seen any greys to date, but I would find it of interest if they had, you see an open is a mind that is not empty it allows you to absorb information so that you can reflect upon it and try to come to some sort of conclusion, a closed mind is empty because it refuses to accept any information offered.
Greys walk the earth, but only in military confines, allegedly.

[This message has been edited by Double Overdrive (edited May 27, 1999).]
Dear Generalhurrss,
I used the "open mind" expression for the special case when someone collecting data (for example connected with Aliens) and no event is enought (in his opinion) to evoke the true reflection and conclusions about the whole matter. In some cases such conclusions may crush his prevaling philosophy of live. It appear dangerously, so he decide to further search the more real data. - I think it's never will happend.
Reffering to Aliens in military bases - I concern that they haven't any connections with military power on earth.
Ivan Kruk,
The only aliens in military bases are those that are captured and dissected by our primitive race, I didn't mean in the concept of having an influence on our military forces or supplying them with the data for military technology, after all don't these extraterrestrials come in peace - wrong planet if they won't peace -.
On the subject of 'aliens amongst us' I would have to agree with 'double overdrive'. What alien in their right mind would want to live amongst a disgusting race like humans? I can understand the fact that they would visit the earth and offer a message of some kind, even though it is only to chosen people like 'Billy Meier', but to actually be in the crowd, so to speak, why!?
Oh and while your here, 'double overdrive' I have heard the theory of greys being our future, a concept worth thinking about, nothing is impossible.
Jeffery Goines,

Check out the post called Biblical evidence of a pre-Adam civilization. I forget what topic it's listed under, but it's out there. This is a very intruiging point of view. Also, keep in mind that WE assume that the Bible is saying that we were first here, and no one came before. That may not be the case, and probably isn't, based upon what we know about archeology. See there, close-mindedness. I try to take a different approach to this topic than the same blah, blah religious dogma. Humans have interpreted the Bible, not God. That's why I said that it's best when you have the help of His Holy Spirit. Otherwise your ego will get in the way and ruin it all, just like it has for soooooo many so called Christians in the past. You know, those you can not stand because they're so self-righteous and judgemental, and go around praying to God for Mercedes Benz? And may I point out that some of you out here don't seem to be "thrilled" with the world around you today. Why is that? What went wrong? Do you ever stop to think about that? I'll ask you guys once there an absolute right and wrong? Or is everything just relative, and according to what is most convenient for us? Are there spiritual laws that govern our lives, just as there are natural laws that govern the world we live in? Did we make up these laws, did the aliens (ha!), or are we the ones who are always pushing the envelope in the name of money, lust, greed, sloth, and all of those other sins (yea, I said sins; don't you just hate that!).