Aliens among us

Humans on this planet are like children playing in a sandbox which has suddenly become too small due to growth. Until people learn to "chill out", learn tolerance for differant belief systems, we are doomed to be stuck in that sandbox. I believe aliens are like the older siblings watching from across the yard, waiting for the little ones to mature. Hoping that they don't wreck the sandcastle on the way out of the sandbox.
I believe they are watching us and to some extent "involved" with us here in our own backyard. I worry that the bullies and the brats amoung us humans will ruin it all for us. Yet I often am reminded of the good in all of us and the yearning we all have for that "something more".
I think the aliens are hoping that we can win our game in the ninth inning. They are just waiting to see if we hit a home run before they congratulate us and I feel they will be there to pickup the pieces if we strike out.
I happen to be an alien.
And, contrary to what's been said here, we do actually like it here.
And yes, we are watching you.
But don't worry.

There's nothing you can do about it.
So why worry?
You said it man. That's pretty good speculating.
If chuckles is an alien then this sites been rumbled, but aliens don't live among us they just come here for entertainment, like the romans and their arenas. Anyone wish to fight a lion today?
That's a nice story, Clark. All you have to do is add a couple of cute kids, and you'd have a movie. You could call it "E.T.", and sell t-shirts and action figures. Sorry, couldn't resist. LOL

I am very new to this group and new to the UFO visitation/abduction/etc. dialogue. It seems to me to make very much sense that we are not alone in the universe, especially considering its size and the number of possible planets. The question I would like to see addressed is this. If aliens have visited or are visiting how have they gotten here.

The distances between galaxies are tremendous. Now I am not proposing that traveling great distances very quickly is not possible (just not with existing human science right now). I would just like to listen to some theories on how Alien technologies accomplish this.

I am familiar with the Bob Lazar Area 51 back engineering story. His concepts of "gravity wave" propolsion systems and the use of the theoretical element 115 are interesting. Are there any other propolsion theories?
(what is your thac0 by the way? ;-) )
Go to the Astroscience->General Space thread and look in the 'With regard to space access tech' and 'interstellar travel' subthreads.

One thing is certain if one travels through normal space from one galaxy to an other and want to do this in a year time (this is possible due to relativistic effects), this would take about the energy that the sun produces in a minute. How this immense power is harnassed is beyond me. On the other hand if, somehow one doesn't travel along the normal paths of space things could go a lot easier... (don't ask me how you do it though)

I noticed that you admit to being an alien. If this is true please visit the "Thread" that discusses interstellar travel. We are all wrapped up in black holes, slip streams, and the like. I think you could "lighten" the conversation (just a bit)

By the way, next time your out "gala-venting" (happily escaping)the cosmos, can you give me a lift to the system surrounding the star "Sirius B"
I could give you a little money for gas. (LoL,LoL,tee-hee,tee-hee)
I don't know if you believe in telepathy, but when I was thinking about the answer for generalhurrss's notice, I found the very similar example to your one. Maybe this is the proof, that our idea is correct.

To DragonMage,
Let ask Chuckles, he should know every details about the travels from one galaxy to an other .
Yes, I believe in telepathy. Although I feel most of us on the planet have telepathic potential, only some of us are gifted with the ability to exercise it.
I believe the aliens snooping around our
little blue ball certainly have the ability
to some extent and are maybe attracted to those of us who are "in tune" with ourselves
and where we fit in with nature.
If we "think" really hard maybe a "real alien" will stop by with a few words of wisdom for us...or if not...maybe Chuckles can give us a few good intersteller one liners ! lol.
Travelling around the galaxy is indeed possible, even if one's lifetime per body is measured only in the hundreds of years.

It involves the transfer of energy from the future in order to modulate local inertia. At about this moment in your history, you already possess all the pieces of this puzzle. It's just that nobody has, as yet, put them together in a convincingly demonstrable way.

It's just a matter of time, if you'll excuse the terrible pun.

You mean to say you 're draining the energy away from the future ? As if the universe isn't winding down enough by itself ! Talking about investing in the future, this looks more as environmental vampirism on a kosmological scale to me !
No thank you for that kind of engine !


[This message has been edited by Plato (edited May 28, 1999).]

Thank you very much for the information about where to discuss propolsion systems. It seems like you and few others have some very scholarly information on the subject.

As for Chuckles, your ideas are interesting my dear alien but can you answer a couple of questions.

First, referencing the "stealing of energy" from the future, how do you deal with the imbalance of the remaining energy in the future (since thermodynamics tells us that the amount of energy in the universe tends to remain constant) and what about the concept of quantum tunneling?

Second, what are these components which are needed?

I look forward to your response.

Oh and Plato, by the way, can you give some good didactic websites on field theory, and M-theory?
"First, referencing the "stealing of energy" from the future, how do you deal with the imbalance of the remaining energy in the future (since thermodynamics tells us that the amount of energy in the universe tends to remain constant)".

Precisely. Energy is indeed conserved. But this statement refers to any instant in time. Your thermodynamics makes no sum over all instants, so we are both correct.

"and what about the concept of quantum tunneling?"

Well, I like them on toast with a piece of cheese. Yummy. Or did you have something more specific in mind?

"Second, what are these components which are needed?"

Ah, now, we don't go in for extreme hand-holding, I'm afraid..

I can tell you that the successful M-theory will not be discovered by Witten himself, but by someone who is presently a teenager. It will involve an optimisation on a function comprising both the number of dimensions required to describe the brane (M), and the resultant dimensionality of the natural space emergent from this brane, consistent with your local spacetime.

You theory seems to me unlogically for some certain aspects:
1. Why to travel from one star to another on traditional way (acording to light way) if you can bend the spacetime enought to get the connection with the future? If you possess such possibilities, let make the connection directly with destination of the travel!
2. What for do you need the energy from future? To get the bended spacetime, the hudge quantities of energy are required. If you already have got such bended spacetime, the traveling become much easier .
3. I think, that our (west) civilization is impending to its end. Every events are talking to me that after the next 30 years, some miserable scraps of our civilization will only remain and no one will have the possibilities to create and check the new theories of the spacetime.
But don't worry 30 years is a plenty of time.
Plato remarks:
"You mean to say you 're draining the energy away from the future ? As if the universe isn't winding down enough by itself !
Talking about investing in the future, this looks more as environmental vampirism on a kosmological scale to me ! No thank you for that kind of engine !"

My dear Plato: has it occurred to you that the reason that the universe is "winding down" may be related to my description of the engine?

This is a long path to tread. One must confront head-on concepts such as anthropy and causality. The effect on one's mind will not, it is to be hoped, be akin to that which befell poor Mr. Cantor when he went insane partly as a result of playing around with infinite sets of infinite sets. That way may lie madness.

It's best to take baby steps.
I've been to the Vortex in Wanaque, and I can testify that I not only got pictures of the Orbs at the Vortex, but I also have been visited at home and on the job by them. They "stick to you" observing you ongoing, if you visit. People who use drugs or alcohol should not go there, as there is a side effect that effects those who are not clean and dry...

To Don Bosco:

This vortex -- could you please tell us all where it is? Exactly?

I'd kinda like to get a webcam set up there.