Aliens among us



I believe there are aliens that are here on earth possibly mixing in the general public or the government is containg them in an unknown area on secret military facilities.

everything is not what it
appears to be
Very true, from what I've read. They used to be working in an underground lab at area 51, and had a strict rule about not allowing firearms in their area, as the story goes. One security guy came in with his, possibly to test their resolve, and they made it clear that he should stop. He kept on going, and died of a head wound. A group of MPs then came in, and they all died of head wounds. They probably decided to break off relations after that. So, I doubt we could contain them against their will.
YOU GUYS watch too much tv and movies. Like the same under ground bunker in Independent Day.
I for one have not doubt that there are "persons" from other worlds living with us in this reality, on our world...
And why not ?....
This point of view has nothing to do with watching to much t.v. and the like, all you have to do is pick up any decent books on the subject(s), read ancient history etc..
Its there for the taking !

You are exactly right, Bottica!!!
I am so glad you have not left the forum
Tell me !
For once I can discuss subjects that are close to my heart, with fellow human beings that have knowledge on the matter...for sure I will follow this site !

The Problem with History is that its all up to debate as to what actually happened..

Is a Cave drawing of a man with a big head a "Gray"? or was the artist 4 years old playing with daddy Ughgug's paint?

Probelm is we will never know..

Ok, maybe for say, fun... do a research on will find there is more to it
than drawings of aliens.
Thats just cold..

I have done research, In fact I was once a true beliver in UFO's, Aliens, Most things actually. It was doing the research that changed my opinion.

Let me say two things off the *.bat here.

1. There is a strong chance that the earth has been visited by Aliens.
2. There is a strong chance that most information regarding these visits are, in a nutshell, bunk.

I see web sites dedicated to "How the Grays will save the Human Race". I see web sites dedicated to "How the Grays will enslave the Human race". I read books saying "I was abducted" I read other books saying "I was abducted and it was nothing like whats in that other guys book". I read old UFO books and there is no mention of the "Grays" I read new books on UFO's and Nothing is said of Some of the Old style Aliens.

Its time people stop beliving everything and start from sqare one.

Sorry, did not mean to be cold. Thing
is you will believe what you want..just
as I. Yours based on research ect...
I know what I know. Nothing can change
Believe or not believe in "Gray's" presence on Earth. Exciting the numbers of the window in UFO's craft or the sexual harassement on the UFO's board.
I am not exited by such aproach to the Aliens problem.
The numbers of documented contacts for the last 50 years, allow me to say: YES, THEY ARE EXIST AMONG US. WE ARE NOT ALONE IN THE UNIVERSE. And then, what can I do with such knowledge? I think, that the best thing is to watch the world from new point of view - We are not the best creatures in the universe, someone much more clever is watching us and probably there are a quite big number of our potential new friends waiting among the stars. I am sure that the Aliens will remain hidden till we change our approach to ourself, other people, the nature, etc.
The first step to this change is to start fill the member of the universe comunity.
ALIENS DO NOT LIVE ON OUR PLANET.Get real. The main characteristic of a rumour is that it spreads quickly and it grows to unbelievable proportions.If i spread the word that ,for example, I've seen a strange bug in my cup of tea and I couldn't recognize it, in a couple of years it would grow into a debate 'Were bug spies actualy
SENT wrom planet Wossname, or was it a project of our government that was being tested on us before sending to deep space'.
Don't get me wrong, I believe in existance of extraterrestrials, I believe that they have visited us long ago (but have seen that we're a walking disaster and left in a hurry :) ), but enough is enough.Anyway, if anyone wishes to discuss it post a reply or e-mail me at jivan@EUnet.yu
Just because an alien has introduced themselves to you doesn't mean they are
not visiting others today. You have a
right to your opinion just as others do.
As you know, an opinion does not mean
it is fact.
meant to say, Just because an alien
has not introduced theirself to you...

You claim that aliens do not live here? You must be careful not to make such general conclusions.

As Dr. Riley points out, we are all weakened by our own ability to distory reality, and I would caution you and ask you to consider the fact that the aliens have distorted your reality.

Oh, and if you continue to find bugs in your tea, then you must take care to do the dishes more often
gentlemen, I have registered with this page out of interest and much to my dismay I find that your topics are quite boring and your arguments repetetive.
Hello !

I think this is the point of having a site where you can discuss and express yourself.

Sometimes if may it be boring or out of wack to others reading your post...but it is a place where you can EXPRESS yourself freely...

I think that this place is repetive also..

But since this group just started under a week ago Its customary to break the ice with the dull repetive stuff and get it out of the way..

Only then we can move on to discussing Important things like my cool party trick that freaks out X-files fans.. but we are not at that point yet..

Would be interested in learning one of those "cool" party tricks....

That is once we get to that point...!

Hi All,

I wish I could find a picture of a lady that works for NASA, and headed up the last mission that John Glenn was part of. She attended a press conference with John, and I saw her on TV. I tell you what, if this lady isn't at LEAST a hybrid, I'll eat my shorts. She was small, thin, stringy blond hair, no boobs to speak of, and her face looked exactly like a grey. She looked like a grey with a blond wig on. I probably wouldn't have even noticed, except for the fact that she was working for the space program. Irony? I think not. I also would bet good money that NASA is not the only place that we will see these alien hybrids; also look in the govt, church, schools, and other areas of science. They WILL (their sole purpose is to) usher in the Antichrist, and support his rise to power. Time is short people, so keep those peepers open to what is happening. There is a definate connection between aliens and the Antichrist. I know that most of you think I'm full of shit, but just humor me enough to keep an open mind. And remember that God loves you, and so do I!